
Rest Quotes

There are 7859 quotes

"When things are really, really hard, when kids are just like they were like falling apart, it's like you put them to sleep, they wake up and they're like delightful."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Learn how you learn. Learn how to focus. Learn how to rest."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You can get incredible plasticity of positive experiences of things that you want by engaging this high focus regime and then rest, non sleep deep rest, and sleep."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Injecting rest within the learning episode is very important."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"These short periods of rest, these 10-second rest periods, the hippocampus and the cortex are active in ways such that you get a 20 times repeat of the practice. It's a temporal compression."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"So basically, parasympathetic activity, when you're resting, you have time to digest."
"Sometimes the most productive thing that you can do for your mind and for your body is to rest."
"Value deep rest and give yourself permission to take breaks. This is the key tenant of slow productivity."
"Sometimes the most productive thing that you can do is rest."
"Resting when you need to rest is productive and it is something that you should be putting in your normal schedule because that is literally what allows you to continue on working towards whatever it is you're doing."
"Every summer you need to take a break and you need to give specific time to your wife, your kids, to me, the Holy Spirit."
"What meditation does is that it gives your body rest that is arguably somewhere between two to five times deeper than sleep."
"Sometimes we need to take a break from forcing creativity so that we can replenish."
"In Italy and Spain, the midday nap is known as a siesta."
"It's a rest day, you know. You got to have one of those every week."
"You don't have to continue moving and making progress 24/7."
"Rest is productivity. Rest is what really helps us step into this powerful energy like the king of wands."
"You deserve a rest; forgive yourself for not living up to your expectations."
"My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him."
"It's more productive to rest and sometimes it's more productive to do what we can and not force us beyond our physical limits."
"Recognizing that sometimes it's more productive to rest."
"Home is rest. Just a place where my family can come, where I can come and exhale."
"Rest is actually part of productivity; it sort of disengages you and lets you step back and get ideas again."
"You wake up feeling refreshed, more energized, and just like you had rock solid sleep."
"Learn to rest, not quit. Sometimes you just need to rest."
"Creation speaks of a God who rested on the seventh day, and we can rest from that anxiety, worry, and care."
"Make time for rest, don't forget to rest and then enjoy it."
"Taking breaks and resting your eyes... can make you so much more productive."
"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
"Do not underestimate the power of a good day off."
"I love that quote, 'Learn to rest, not quit.'"
"If you're abiding in Christ, you're growing even when you're sleeping."
"If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit."
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
"If parents are better rested and baby is better rested, it makes it that much easier to just enjoy being together and learning together during normal wake time periods."
"It's okay to take a rest, it doesn't mean you're quitting."
"This is the moment that your body starts to integrate all of the work that you've done, so it's important to give yourself this time to just be still and let your body recover."
"This is just a gift; it's a 24-hour period where God says rest, relax, connect, and I love that."
"You're not wrong to obey the Sabbath; let's be honest, guys, we all need rest, and we should rest."
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
"Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
"In China, after lunch, the students will cozy up on their desks for about a 30-minute power nap."
"Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest."
"You can rest, you can recuperate, you can give yourself time to just be a freaking human."
"Come to me all you who are weary and laden, and I will give you rest... My yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
"May we rest in that more than we rest in our desire to avoid disagreement."
"Just having that one day where you're not doing the same things, allowing your body to reset, maybe it's that day where you go with your family out into nature for two or three hours."
"Deep relaxation, deep rest is very essential."
"The Sabbath was an expression, a practice of faith ultimately that it's not me who saves me but it's God who does the sanctifying on my behalf."
"Allow yourself to rest, allow yourself to feel safe and comfortable, and in that space, you come into these major breakthroughs."
"Await your shepherd; he will give you everlasting rest."
"The secret is to withdraw and rest. When you rest, you're not stressed; when you rest, you're blessed."
"When you rest, God works. When you work, God rests."
"When you rest, you're not stressed; when you rest, you're blessed."
"When you work, I rest. When you rest, I work."
"God's response to Elijah wanting to die was food and rest."
"If you simply obeyed the biblical principles of rest, you would be amazed at how much more peace you would have."
"We've got to learn how to rest in the finished works of Jesus Christ."
"In deep sleep even the sickest person on life support in Mount Sinai has absolutely no problem."
"God does not slumber or sleep; he stays with you so that you can sleep."
"We've done our duty, we can go home and sleep well."
"Maybe being tired isn't a sign of weakness or laziness, but we just need more sleep."
"Sometimes you just have to give up for a little bit."
"If you want to seize the day, you first need to sleep the night."
"Rest takes just as much, if not more, work than running full steam ahead."
"Taking a break is extremely important to progress and oftentimes, athletes will find that they get their best results after a period of forced rest."
"The key to spiritual warfare is to rest by faith in the finished works of Jesus Christ."
"We know that you're tired, so we made this for you—a plane ticket."
"You're not weak because you have to sleep; you're not weak because you have to, you know, sit back sometimes or your creativity just isn't coming out. You're just like a human."
"Resting in what God has done is often more difficult than receiving what God has done."
"There's no better night's sleep than after an honest day's work."
"Rest is its sweetest after you've done an honest day's work."
"Don't burn yourself out... know when it's time to take a break."
"Taking a little bit of time off just to reset, recharge...is something that we all need to do."
"The prerequisite for real rest is real work."
"I have reaped the benefits of being consistent with the rhythm of rest."
"You will not recreate until you do something recreational."
"If you rest well, you work well, and you play well."
"I lay my head in this bed in peace, and my sleep is sweet."
"If you have the right to work, you have the right to rest. Sunday rest, Pope says."
"On the seventh day, He rested. What the Jews followed and still observe was to consider the Sabbath as holy. On Saturday, you rest one day of the week. That's the least out of gratitude to worship God, to spend time with the family, to play, to do all these things. We are not machines."
"Allow your brain sometimes to rest...maybe the single greatest thing you could do is go for a nap."
"Come unto me, all who are weary and heavy burdened, and I will give you rest."
"Quality work does not exist without quality rest."
"Rest equals regenerating mental energy through non-work related activities."
"Rest is not an escape from work, but an attachment to God and spending time with Him."
"Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him."
"I just need a break from everything at this point."
"It's okay to rest; know when your body needs to rest, it usually tells you."
"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest."
"Our only labor is to enter the rest. Our only fight is to fight the good fight of faith."
"The greatest legend who walked the lands between gently cradles him and puts his son to a well-deserved rest."
"It's important to work your butt off to get out of your lazy era for good, but you also have to prioritize allowing yourself to rest and recover."
"Every significant dimension elevating thing that has happened to me happened when I found a way to rest in God."
"The gift of a mother... they get to say yes, you can rest, even if you have not done your best."
"Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls."
"The only thing that everyone agrees on when it comes to burnout is that rest is the cure."
"I've argued very strongly against us setting up new vertical systems to deal with future pandemics. I would much rather we built the surveillance systems into horizontal ways of working."
"I can lie down and go to sleep, and I'll wake up again because the Lord gives me strength."
"During holidays, everybody's taking a break and you should too."
"Working less leads to higher quality rest, which leads to higher quality work."
"Sleep, rest, and just quoting some scripture."
"Resting in God's promises is an active form of rest."
"The practice of Sabbath is one of the many ways that God helps us experience wholeness."
"The Pope desires Sunday laws so the most influential religious spokesman on the planet is the Pope."
"Keeping Sunday rest heals relationships with God, ourselves, others, and the world."
"One of the most underrated things you can do before your workout: take a nap."
"I pretty much spent the entire next week sleeping."
"Thank God for Sabbath because Sabbath is necessary."
"Finally finding some level of peace, you can rest."
"The Sabbath is a time for corporate worship, physical rest, and a memorial of creation and redemption."
"Sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is take a nap."
"Taking downtime is just as an important part of the creative process because you're not gonna feel your most creative or productive."
"It was the best sleep he'd gotten since arriving in Africa some 11 months ago."
"The Shabbat is for everybody, for employees, for strangers, even animals."
"The Shabbat is a protection against material slavery, striving after success, prestige, and wealth are put aside so the people can meditate on the spiritual side of life."
"Everyone takes a break every now and then. It happens."
"Okay, well, I want to get you to go, you might as well just go sleep in there."
"Let Evan rest. He didn't deserve any of this."
"She's had a long day, she needs to hit the sack."
"You are coming to the end of this journey. You are coming to the period of completion which brings you rest, recuperation, reward."
"Naps are important. Don't let nobody tell you otherwise."
"Rest isn't just about sleep, rest is a larger principle."
"Willpower is a fatigable, finite resource that usually gets replenished when you go to sleep."
"You have been on a very long journey. You've been growing emotionally as well as creating some sort of foundation in the physical world, and now it's time for you to come into a period of rest of recovery and reap the rewards of your efforts."
"Best sleep I've ever gotten, I actually got a full night's sleep last night."
"Every Sabbath is a reminder of the rest we can experience in Jesus."
"The judeo-christian tradition may be the source of advocacy for Sunday closing laws, yet a weekly rest from the economy serves all citizens."
"Allow yourself to dream. Allow yourself to rest. That's when the magic really starts to happen."
"The rest is in Christ and the symbol of that rest is the Sabbath day."
"I can't stress enough how important it is to rest."
"Feeling pretty good, had a really nice sleep last night."
"It's a powerful time for rest and reflection, not necessarily trying to be in action and change everything all at once."
"Just have a break and don't feel guilty about it."
"You have a good break? I had to, man. You winning championships and walking streets."
"Cast my burdens upon you...and I will give you rest."
"Take time to rest, to gain perspective, and most importantly to really zoom out."
"Rest isn't for the weak, it's for the strong to recover and prepare for the journey ahead."
"Resting is important, the day can be won another day."
"It is actually more productive to rest, sleep, and integrate life changes."
"If you weary, you can rest. If you weary, you can wait."
"Taking a break makes the effects when you go back to it more interesting and powerful."
"Take some time to rest up as well, take care of your health."
"I slept eight hours last night for the first time in like two years."
"God wants you to come into that rest where you fully trust his forgiveness."
"I'm gonna go wash up and then go to bed... good night."
"I would just respectfully ask people outside their home, go home, give it a break, get a good night's sleep, leave the Laundries alone."
"Resting and playing is equally important as working hard."
"A forced break... it's a great way to recharge, reset, and reflect."
"The future holds potential collaboration and rest before the end of the year."
"Let's sleep for a whole year and never wake up."
"God did not create man for a perpetually busy life."
"God established a time where all of creation can rest."
"I'm not your personal alarm clock! I don't give a [__] if Kiki sleeps for the next 48 hours."
"Take time to rest, but also don't overdo it."
"In this moment of rest and replenishment, you're gonna receive a ton of answers."
"I just woke up from a three-hour nap. You're doing marvelous, sweetie. Keep it up."
"What it means to live your life with a rhythm of rest."
"Every new moon is a reminder to prioritize rest."
"Cultivate play and rest and let go of exhaustion as the status symbol."
"We have a bank of credits; we have to rest and put back in."
"Consistency and being deliberate about resting, that's the bulk of everything in life."
"Your brain is a muscle just like the rest of your muscles, like your arm, your biceps and whatnot, and you gotta give it rest."
"Being a part of God's family will place you in a certain position which, I must confess to you, will not always be smooth. Once Jesus called out for all who were tired and heavy-laden to come to him. Why? Because he alone can give true rest."
"I hope you find rest now, what like he had to push one more barrel until he could return to the afterlife?"
"Rest is one of the components of God's character."
"If you already scheduled as a loss, that's when you rest that player."
"Does God have a plan to keep us refreshed? He does. It's called a Sabbath, one day a week."
"Breaks can be good, they give you a new vision of things."
"Life is busy, and that is the point of a Sabbath: to stop the business, to give your body and your mind a day to rest and recharge."
"Non-sleep deep rest: very effective at restoring cognitive and physical vigor."
"One of the most productive things you can do is rest."
"I like the idea of a character who's retired being able to rest."
"You're not weak if you're tired, you're not weak if you rest."
"What if I trust my intuition? What if I trust those moments I need to rest instead of just pushing through forward all the time?"
"The 12th house is dreaming and bringing it to reality, that's why it's your dreams, it's how you rest, how you sleep at night."
"Sleep is one of the most efficient ways... to really come back to that zero point."
"If we can actually have real serious rest, that's when we can have intuition."
"That deep rest state is a place that is beyond the limits of our normal cognition."
"That deep rest state... that altered state of consciousness."
"I wake up feeling so well rested and refreshed every morning."
"I just want to sleep in silence. Is that too much to ask?"
"A good night's sleep leads to a good day's work."
"You put in all the work and now it's time to rest."
"You've done enough today. Thank you, ma'am," I replied.
"Rest, you've been working hard, take a nap and get some rest."
"Got some good sleep last night. It's hard to find those moments with a toddler."
"Definitely helps... right now he needs a break."
"Everybody deserves a rest day to literally sit and rot and do nothing. It helps so much."
"I want to see him take a break, I want to see him breathe, collect himself, and to begin to be the president that we all loved."
"When you rest you recharge you replenish your magnetic energy and it's through that magnetism as the divine feminine that you are actually effortlessly attracting in your desires."
"Some of you've been just working hard, you're ready for a break."
"Rest is so important, you need recovery time, so please, please, please, please take that time."
"Your body deserves rest even if that's a whole week."
"I suggest not to wake them up. Let them sleep it off."
"Yeah, it'd be exhausting sometimes, you just want to take a break."
"Take a hike, ego, it's time for the soul to come in and rest."
"It's good to have rest. That doesn't mean you should be resting all the time or not putting effort into things that you care about."
"Taking breaks is really like the essence of it all."
"There's gonna be an opportunity for you to just kind of take a break."