
Ideas Quotes

There are 4257 quotes

"Listening to a particular song, 'Weightless' by Marconi Union, experience up to 65 percent reductions in their anxiety."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's nothing more powerful in the world than an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We've entered this new era... where the next great ideas won't just come from the privileged few, from the crazy, from the people with methodology; they will come from each and every one of us and collectively transform the world that we live in."
Gabe Zimmerman
"Every single time you have a new idea, your mind once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions."
"Ideas are worthless unless you actually go and do something with them."
"The more sleep you get, the more creative ideas you're going to get."
"I don't value money as more important than impact... Sharing my ideas, that feels like currency to me."
"The battle should be fought in the open space of ideas."
"Good people can fix bad ideas, but good ideas can't fix bad people."
"Ideas can come from everywhere and from anyone... The customer is a great source for ideas."
"Plant the seeds of a new idea, you must continue to water and nurture them."
"Your brain is for having ideas, not for storing them."
"Clarity is given; this new idea is shared with you."
"We navigate the echo chamber, seeking diverse points of view, for in the clash of ideas, truth might finally break through."
"Ideas can be life-changing. And sometimes all you need is just one more in a series of good ideas."
"If you want to treat people well and be the change you want to see in the world, I want to have conversations where you can actually look at the ideas and at the end of the day, the best ideas would be the ones that influence your policies as an organization."
"May the best idea win. Let's engage in dialogue, let's talk about your idea, let's talk about my idea, and may the best idea win."
"A single acorn can start a wondrous forest. Remember, one idea that you get can become something so much more."
"To my father who showed me the power of ideas and to my mother who taught me the value of common sense."
"The largest problem is we don't allow the person to be separate from the ideas."
"New ideas are coming to you so easily this next month."
"The belief that we're shaped by ideas, individually we're shaped by ideas, has profound significance."
"The secret sauce that humanity's been looking for for thousands of years is the ideas that drive human flourishing and success."
"Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come."
"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. This is the optimum way to discuss relevant issues and not give ammunition to bad actors."
"Every single one of these emails could contain a fantastic theory or a good video idea, so I read every single one of them."
"Education and the proliferation of ideas through various media can elevate the baseline understanding of society, making sophisticated concepts part of conventional wisdom."
"Poor people always think about money... Rich people think about things... But wealthy people think about ideas."
"Your true source of wealth consists of the ideas in your mind."
"Ideas are worthless, you've got to make them happen."
"There is no point having ideas in your head; you've got to make them happen by putting them on paper."
"Thoughts, images, questions, memories, ideas all pop into my head seemingly out of nowhere, and each one holds the promise of something so amazing that I just have to follow up on it right then and there."
"Breakthrough ideas that help people are at the very heart of great entrepreneurship and innovation."
"There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come."
"The right idea at the right time always equals success."
"Good ideas have an advantage in the long run over bad ones."
"The mind is sharper and keener in seclusion and uninterrupted solitude... that is when ideas are born."
"If you need violence to enforce your ideas, your ideas are worthless."
"Tolerance has to go both ways like when it comes to thinking about ideas and criticizing."
"We need to develop spaces of trust where we can engage with ideas."
"Ideas are the most powerful things we've got."
"Any idea should be open to at least discussion."
"Look for the best in people and ideas. Be constantly alert for new ideas you can put to use in your life."
"Ideas can always, in the long run, trump interests and trump economic interests."
"The distributed idea suppression complex...great ideas got buried no matter where they occurred because great ideas were likely to be highly disruptive to an institutional order."
"I believe the best ideas are not ones we come up with ourselves, but ones that are somewhat recycled, like bottles."
"You don't beat an idea by destroying the people who believe it; you beat it with a better idea."
"You can't kill an idea by killing the people who believe it; you have to replace it with a better idea."
"You were somebody who was very ambitious, you had a lot of ideas, you had a lot of zest for life."
"You see these gravel blocks over here? This gives me an idea."
"An idea like a single acorn can start a wondrous forest."
"The most powerful thing on the planet is an idea whose time has come."
"My brain is then for having ideas, not for storing them."
"Ideas are meant to be shared, not to be hoarded."
"I think that a lot the ideas that you promote... makes very little room for the idea that there should be a space in this society for the individual."
"Freedom even applies to people and ideas you don't like."
"At its best, we've always thought that sci-fi was a genre of ideas, of speculation, of dreaming about what's next."
"I've always thought if you look at history, it's usually a small group of people with a passionate set of ideas that get things moving."
"The way to beat a bad idea is with a better idea."
"I try to think deeply about the world, to look for the beautiful ideas in the minds of others and to be inspired by them."
"Hold all your ideas lightly rather than cling to them as though your life depended on it."
"The moment you stop respecting ideas, even and especially the seemingly stupid or dangerous ones, is the moment you cut yourself off from the world."
"Psychedelics would influence the mind and create new ideas, new memes."
"If you think someone has terrible ideas, simply not paying attention to them is a much better option."
"Words are not just words; they're ideas, they're concepts. The definition of a word defines how it moves us."
"It's okay to stir the pot a little bit. That's how civil society should work, people should exchange ideas."
"Crazy stuff can happen if you have an idea and you just show up."
"I seek understanding, not activism. I'm not left nor right; I love ideas, not labels."
"You may not have the stuff that you want right now, but you do have ideas that can create generational wealth."
"A prevailing idea is a prevailing idea, and if that prevailing idea is stupid, it should be challenged."
"I'm here because I want to talk about ideas right and these ideas transcend me and they transcend this time."
"It's funny, like when you're in academia, when you're a PhD student and research and whatever, you come up with all these ideas and, you know, some of the ideas that you work really hard on, no one cares about, and then like an idea you spent 10 minutes on will suddenly take off."
"Your subconscious is churning out those good ideas for you."
"Creativity arises out of scenes, the clash, the collision, the mixing together of disparate ideas."
"Ideas, rather than being universal and objective, are actually quite often historically contingent."
"Full of ideas and typically at the center of attention."
"The whole point of words and ideas is to draw circles and boundaries around things so we can discuss them and compare them."
"Education exposes people to new ideas and new practices."
"We came up with some awesome ideas last night."
"Our central problem is not finding good people. It's finding good ideas."
"People and how they function is more important than ideas."
"I value ideas. I value wrestling with ideas. And what I really especially value is when I come across an idea, it's like a rudder turn, and it shifts the course of my thinking forever."
"The mind is for having ideas, not for holding ideas."
"Ideas are the new currency. Modern success is mental warfare."
"Everything we say, do, or make starts out as an idea."
"It's about time we had a change and got some fresh ideas."
"These little ideas, they can grow into something even bigger."
"Ideas are worth nothing. It's the execution behind the idea that matters."
"We need to reinvigorate our democracies; we need new ideas."
"Ideas have consequences, false ones included. An issue doesn't cease to be relevant just because one side's position on it is based on a lie."
"What we need more than ever in this country, I believe, is a multitude of voices who are trying to get across ideas so that we can have the battle of ideas."
"No force on earth can stop an idea whose time has come."
"The human connection and people getting together and laughter and ideas, and not doing it digitally, doing it in a physical space is great to see."
"Good ideas are so commonly available but they are not worth one broken nickel until they are implemented."
"You have to find and whittle down to those better ideas."
"Freedom of speech means that you can have combat with words... the battleground of ideas."
"Anybody who can't have a conversation about their ideas is not the kind of person who should be wielding power."
"I feel all ideas should be presented on a level playing field; none of them should have predetermined advantages or disadvantages based on what specifically is being said."
"No idea is above scrutiny and no person is beneath dignity."
"Funny enough, the introduction of the word 'meme' in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene... is an exceptionally powerful idea."
"Ideas that at first seem radical, even revolutionary, when implemented often just make sense."
"The world is paper; it's ink; it's ideas. The world is everything you need to decide how your story is going to go."
"The ideas are more important than the people, in my opinion."
"I thought it was extremely compelling. I really like the ideas on display."
"Your mind is always buzzing with unexplored ideas and plans."
"I'm so grateful for each and every one of your ideas."
"You are unwaveringly and fearlessly dedicated to ideas, to following those ideas to their logical conclusions."
"Diversity is a good thing, especially diversity of ideas."
"You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea."
"Ideas have to start with a few people somewhere."
"I think that we've had an aristocracy of ideas and what happened is that the internet has unleashed the flame of the Enlightenment a second time."
"Heavy exposure to certain ideas will create an illusory perception of reality."
"Bad ideas need to be fought with good ideas."
"In a post-Enlightenment world, any idea itself should be subject to criticism."
"There's so much stuff out there, I'll never run out of ideas."
"If you can destroy a man, you can destroy an idea, and you can get all sorts of other people to shut up."
"We're gonna talk about where he got his ideas, how he impacted the way a lot of us still think about loads of stuff today, and some of the people who took his ideas and did interesting, sometimes horrible things with them."
"The only currency I answer to is ideas and humanity."
"People aren't just born with an allotment of ideas and after you've used them, no more ideas. Ideas are fluid and constant."
"Ideas are the beginning of all achievements."
"The way to defeat bad ideas is by exposure, argument, persuasion, not by trying to silence or wish them away."
"Words and ideas don't die; they go into hibernation, and the seasonal change can bring them back to life."
"Free speech covers even bad ideas and false ones."
"Human beings are the producers of ideas, and ideas lead to innovation."
"One with the right idea is power. It is power that is more powerful than a million people with evil intent and hate in their hearts."
"Banning people doesn't stop their ideas; it makes them worse."
"'I think that my ideas are getting more currency among certain young people who value freedom, freedom of speech, and freedom of action above all.'"
"The ideas that I introduced four years ago... today they're kind of mainstream ideas."
"Ideas... can transcend nationality, race, or religion."
"The way to defeat bad ideas is by exposure, argument, and persuasion, not by trying to silence or wish them away."
"If an idea does not stand up to challenge or scrutiny, it's probably garbage."
"I consult a lot of my ideas with him if I have a big idea he's the only person I talk to every single day."
"Once you’re exposed to certain ideas, it is impossible to unsee what you have seen."
"These ideas are key, but there's a lot more to explore."
"Freedom is eternal! It can never die because ideas are bulletproof."
"Freedom of speech actually means the freedom to formulate ideas badly and awkwardly in public."
"In terms of risk management, ideas play a massive part as well. Ideas generation and risk management are as equally as important as each other."
"They are the one planting insight and ideas into the minds of those around them who can shape the world into their liking."
"It's kind of sad that this world the history of human civilization is full of good ideas that lost because somebody else came along first with a worse idea."
"We should explore ideas like universal basic income."
"The currency we're working for is not just about dollars and cents; it's the currency of ideas."
"It's one thing to have an idea, but if somebody can't help get you to the next level to make that idea come to reality, it's not really something you should even focus on."
"If your ideas can't bear scrutiny, perhaps you should question why you even hold them."
"You have to leave the fringe ideas in a form they can be expressed because even though most of them are wrong the ones that move us forward are amongst them."
"You can burn books but you can't kill the ideas in those books."
"The bigger danger is that people with great ideas never get heard because we are only willing to speak to our own small Twitter followings."
"Imagine... my brain is talking... could you and I communicate ideas?"
"Free speech and free ideas are what has caused society to progress."
"America must reassert itself in the new global war of ideas."
"It's probably a good time for people to get those ideas ready for mass presentation."
"It's important to debate and challenge your ideas always."
"Correct ideas emerge from struggle with incorrect ideas."
"Anonymity aside... it really is just a quality of their ideas..."
"The solution to bad speech and bad ideas is better speech and better ideas."
"Only a crisis - actual or perceived - produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around."
"We're not here to talk about them as people, we're talking about the ideas that they promoted."
"What we're seeing right here is American democracy at work this is about a competition of ideas."
"Is there a way or you or we get inspired by we get something in the mail like wow that's a good idea maybe we should do that."
"Giving kids the exposure to other ideas is part of what's going to help raise the next generation."
"If enough people are exposing these ideas... bad ideas will be weeded out."
"Aha, I have an idea for my presentation next week."
"The only solution to a bad idea is a better idea."
"A good idea is a good idea regardless of where it comes from."
"Maybe over time, new, better ideas for relaunching Astro Boy were thought up."
"Let all ideas enter the market, then let the best ones win." - CEO of The Astronauts
"There's no such thing as a bad idea, only bad execution."
"I love hearing ideas that are new, ideas that are common, ideas that I agree with, ideas that I disagree with."
"Psychedelics are dangerous not because they're dangerous drugs, it's because they make you have dangerous ideas."
"I think that's actually a hilariously good idea."
"It's wonderful isn't it how sometimes just a simple conversation, a sequence of words can open your mind to new perspectives and ideas."
"What's your favorite idea? Mine is being creative."
"Every voice matters are carved around the orc outside one of those things reflect one of the things that that reflects is that great ideas come from everywhere."
"I just think intellectual honesty is really important and I want to make this about the ideas."
"No ideas are so bad that you can't deconstruct them."
"The mark of a great mind is to entertain an idea without accepting it."
"Inspiration and invitation: two ways ideas strike."
"Ideas have a more lasting effect than money."
"When you burn a book you're trying to hide ideas."
"The best way to beat back a bad idea is with a good idea, the best way to refute something that you think is dangerous is by refuting it by conversing about it by talking about it."
"It could be a great idea, right here, right now."
"Believe in your ideas, especially if you're trying to sell them."
"This is not about relitigating the election, this is about a new struggle that we're in, a global struggle of ideas."
"The most important thing is to actually know how to use these ideas."
"Sometimes your player characters come up with way cooler ideas than you ever had."
"I feel like you should be able to explore ideas in a fictional setting."
"I love that every day I get exposed...to different ideas and opinions. I think there's value in that, whether you or I change our minds or not."
"Nothing is more dangerous than an idea when you only have one."
"Every voice matters. Great ideas can come from anywhere. Blizzard Entertainment is what it is today because of the voices of our players and of each member of the company."
"For everything you can complain about, there's also interesting ideas here worth considering."
"What I want to do is actually talk about the ideas and the issues and the concepts and the policy substance involved."
"What is the most resilient parasite? An idea. Once an idea has taken hold in the brain, it's almost impossible to eradicate."
"Science fiction is a very good form for the exploration of ideas."
"It's important to confront ideas that you're not comfortable with."
"The only thing that matters is execution. Ideas literally are a dime a dozen."
"Elon has always liked constructive criticism and runs his companies in a manner such that the best ideas are the ones that win."
"I think one thing to remember is never be closed off to any ideas."
"You have a really good idea when someone says, 'Hey, that's a good idea.'" - Acknowledging the power of validation and collaboration.
"Let people be wrong and let the best ideas win."
"Every defense system functions perfectly for health when it's in balance."
"But my mind was working a mile a minute, like I just had so many different ideas and I was executing these ideas, okay? And that's what Jupiter in the third house allows you to do."