
Planning Quotes

There are 34367 quotes

"Learning how to play a musical instrument at any age, as well as singing, and singing especially with others in a group, has been shown to enhance learning and the acquisition of new skills separate from musical learning and singing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I love the idea of a macro-structure. And I love the idea of de-loads in anticipation of being able to go further in the long-run in terms of results."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You set it an ambitious goal where you want to end up and you make your plan... and you know that if the car breaks down or something happens, you'll navigate your way."
"Your dreams are important, but your plan is what will allow you to achieve your goals and live out your dreams."
"Whenever you have a sense of where you are now and where you want to be, that is what creates what we call goals."
"In each of the salient areas of your life, ask yourself what would I like to be celebrating 12 months from now."
"Creating a study schedule is something that I used to do...you take a big thing you have to do and you break it down into smaller manageable pieces."
"Chart your course, figuring out where you're going next, what direction you're going to go in."
"Give me five hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four hours sharpening the axe."
"A dream written down becomes a goal. A goal broken down becomes a plan. A plan backed by action becomes reality."
"Life is what happens to you when you're making other plans."
"The secret of success is determined by your daily agenda."
"A genius without a roadmap will get lost in any country, but an average person with a roadmap will find their way to every single destination."
"One minute in planning is worth 10 minutes of execution."
"I love my reset days. I'll usually do like a weekly reset on Sundays just to kind of get back into my routine, do all the things I've put off during the week, and then also prepare for a new week ahead."
"I find it massively helpful to write out my list of things that I want to get done for the day and check them off as I go."
"You should spend an enormous amount of time thinking about what you want from life. You need a very clear vision, a powerful compelling vision."
"Think long-term when it comes to self-improvement."
"The biggest lie any creator will ever tell you is that everything was planned from the start. Nothing ever is."
"Knowing how much money you need in order to live financially free is one of the most important financial questions you can ask yourself."
"The time to have the map is before you enter the woods."
"Any plan that can't be adjusted is a bad plan."
"Prosperity can be assured if you care well for tomorrow."
"You want the tactic to get into the top 20% of men? Write up the timetable."
"A minute of planning saves 10 minutes of execution."
"Everything else that you hear about sounds more directly related to your productivity... but the thing like setting up your calendar and knowing exactly what time you're gonna eat, that's huge for your productivity."
"Productivity equals output divided by time, multiplied by focus, multiplied by forethought, and multiplied by fun."
"Everything so far in this mission has gone even better than planned."
"You can never count your chickens before they hatch."
"Spending half an hour to do a thought experiment about what a standard day in your life looks like in five years can have tangible implications on your life."
"Every day, fast forward to the end of the day in your head and ask yourself: by the time the day is done, what three main things will I want to have accomplished?"
"Every single day, ask yourself what is the actual most important thing you want to get done that day and then make time for that thing in your calendar."
"Call's somewhat insane plan is to somehow travel to this world through temporal manipulation, a tunnel through time and space."
"This really is a plan that could potentially change everything."
"Your person is wanting to expand this connection and they're trying to think of the best way to do that."
"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans."
"In order to restore anything to rebuild it, you have to get the original blueprint."
"What if we took advantage of that time to create a memory bank that might be helpful later?"
"A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow."
"Pick a go/no-go point and abort if you're not going fast enough to do the takeoff."
"Lift your spirits a little bit by planning next year's vacation."
"If you don't have your own plan, then you're the tool of someone else's plan."
"Tomorrow at 8:00 at the west gate, I'll be waiting for you."
"Successful building starts with concept and design."
"Writing the vision and making it plain is a good way to practically begin to become someone who loves who they are and is able to accept their identity."
"Once you start taking steps, the next step becomes illuminated. Trying to think a hundred steps into the future when you have no context is irrelevant because chaos is going to break your plan."
"Hopefully, this helps you out in making the camp of your dreams."
"A bad plan is a lot better than no plan at all."
"It's not magic—it's Google Cloud Spanner, and some planning."
"I already have a babysitter on the way; reservations are made."
"The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty."
"Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisors they succeed."
"So many new revelations come every single week, and we get to see the benefit of all of the incredible foresight in planning done by creator Hajime Isayama."
"It's adaptive up to a certain point. It's useful to think about what's going on and to plan ahead. That's what makes humans the most powerful animal on earth."
"Whenever we get stressed, we just write down what we need to do on a to-do list to eliminate that stress."
"The more ill-advised, poorly planned, and horrendously executed the event is, the more viral it will get."
"I think you've got to start looking for the future as well."
"Adults devise a plan and follow it; children do what feels good."
"People put countless hours of thought and planning into things like their children’s education, life insurance, and estate inheritance to make this dream a reality, but overwhelmingly it is still not coming true."
"Once you have devised a rational plan, you'll be able to execute on that with any amount of effort that is required from you."
"It's genuinely very interesting and big brain, it takes some work, it takes a lot of planning."
"We're taking our time. There's no need to rush."
"It was a risky plan; it could have failed at any moment."
"One of the mistakes I see most often is not getting clear about what you truly want."
"Make sure your goal is SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-based."
"You can't coast into a better you, you can't drift into a better future. It takes intention and it takes planning."
"If you're failing to plan, you're planning to fail."
"A dream without a deadline is just an empty wish."
"We may make our plans, but God has the last word."
"A goal without a deadline is simply a dream."
"A good plan violently executed right now is far better than a perfect plan carried out next week."
"The more uncertain the time is, the shorter the plans you make."
"Traveling is fun on occasion, planning is a pain."
"Smart goals: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely."
"Plans are totally pointless, but planning is indispensable."
"The calendar is the most important productivity app you can get. Your whole day should be outlined."
"The only way God can establish our plans is if we first surrender."
"We make our plans, but God determines our steps."
"Everything takes twice as long as you expect, even if you take this into account."
"The best thing that I do is ask myself, 'What do I want to look like next week, what do I want to look like a year from now, what do I want to look like when I'm 80?'"
"You can have the best plan in the world, but you actually have to do what you're supposed to do to get what you're supposed to get done."
"Every single one of us has a different personality, every single one of us has a different strength or weakness, and yet if you follow these simple five steps, you will have better odds of success on every single trade because you will be going into these trades with a plan."
"You've got to tell your brain where you want to go and how you want to get there."
"It seems everything went as planned. Glad to see you're enjoying yourself."
"It's possible for somebody to do well on a plant-based diet, it just has to be well calculated and well planned."
"You could definitely retire with like a million bucks, man."
"A project is a series of tasks that need to be completed to reach a desired outcome, requiring collaboration and careful planning."
"Don't put yourself in a position where one bad day or one bad event can ruin you."
"Success assured with good plans and hard work."
"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans."
"Work backwards for magic. What is the magical outcome and then let's work backwards from that."
"The first thing that I think is really important before you do anything is to first think about your own personal journey."
"Need to figure out what it is that I want to do, where I want to be, and who I want to be by the time I'm this age."
"The first way to enjoy your life more is to plan in memorable moments."
"Stop setting goals. Goals are pure fantasy unless you have a specific plan to achieve them."
"The future log is essentially a spread where you can track any upcoming appointments that you have in the future."
"The monthly log is a place to write your events and appointments for the current month and then log something that happened throughout the day."
"Tomorrow morning if you wake up and you need to survive for 90 days, how are you going to do it?"
"The planning and the preparation because you can have that voice speaking to you... but what I say to women is set yourself up for success, plan it, understand it."
"You need to realize how you are going to win a fight instead of just playing the game."
"Martial challenge: You cannot find a single flaw in my plan. I've learned so much, I've gained the trait military engineer."
"Everything Mr. Beast does is meticulously planned and thought out by him and his team."
"You can help channel the energies of Mars, and Mars will actually help this new moon and help you by making out the plan for the future."
"A vision is how you see everything you've completed; a goal is a stepping stone towards that bigger vision."
"Planning took place at 36 Curzon Street, the home of Rear Admiral John Henry Godfrey, director of Naval Intelligence, where Ian Fleming, later creator of James Bond, worked as the personal assistant."
"Make a damn schedule and stick to it. It's not a bloody prison... Set the damn schedule up so that you have the day you want. That's the trick."
"Success can come on its own when you are prepared very well and you plan very well."
"Designing World of Warcraft with an eye towards 15 years of history and many more years to follow, we can't afford to just think about today."
"Weekly planning has been a game changer for me."
"They definitely thought through almost everything."
"Develop a plan... looking at it every day, manifestation."
"Every minute spent in planning saves 10 minutes in execution."
"You must visualize the steps that lead you to the thing that you want, not the end goal."
"Every day, so the night before, can you plan ahead and say, 'What can I do to make sure tomorrow, the way that I'm eating, suits me, makes me feel good, gets me closer to my goals, helps me feel full of energy, and keeps me full?' Whatever the goal is for you."
"In five years, what do you want to have achieved?"
"Please do not beat yourself up. Shake It Off, look at your list and pick something you're going to do tomorrow."
"Knowing where the money is going. It has taken a lot of the emotion out of the entire money equation."
"Shake it off and pick something you're going to do tomorrow."
"The goal is to accomplish to create a system that does long-term planning without the negative effects of a monarch or dictator."
"Make plans for a holiday, you can find your own getaway, a little goes a long way for love."
"We're diving deep into the plans, making it very solid, we're just diving deep into it."
"You're worth more than finding out plans on the day of or in the middle of the night. Your time matters."
"Now is a good time to plant the seeds for all the things that you want to experience in these next few months."
"They plan, but Allah also plans, and indeed, Allah is the best of all planners."
"We need to figure out how to avoid an anarchic society... we need to do all this in a span of a couple decades."
"Just go with the flow; the right plan is going to come to you."
"If you're going to do anything, do it before winter."
"What would our ideal ordinary week look like on our calendar? It's like an ideal week because it's what we would like it to look like. But it's an ordinary week."
"Action without thinking is the cause of every failure."
"You've got to know where you're starting from, you've got to know what's ahead of you, and then you slowly, methodically go around and start doing bodywork."
"Have a plan. It doesn't have to be super rigid, but something that fits into your lifestyle."
"Every business plan should go through updates at least every three months."
"Your emergency fund is the thing that makes sure your financial life does not come to a screeching halt."
"Being able to plan and schedule activities on a predictable Cadence is going to be very important."
"Almost everything takes longer than you think it will."
"There's a lot more work in planning and design than you tend to think there is when you first get into it."
"Make friends with your future self, kind of think about the future in a way that feels real."
"Having an understanding of where somebody is and planning together is important as well."
"Don't overwhelm yourself; take it one thing at a time."
"Avoid paying late fees at all costs. Put it in your calendar, use auto pay, set reminders."
"This person is a dreamer, someone who thinks of wonderful grand plans."
"The most important thing is that you figure out what you want to do, figure out what your goal is, and then reverse engineer it."
"Do your research ahead of time so you know how to get from point A to point B from where you're staying, and be patient."
"But in planning the way ahead, we must keep an eye on the past because if we discard our sense of history, we'll be like people with no memory who don't know who they are."
"Remember your career is not just gonna be one year or two years in length."
"If you can think along those lines, if you can think about okay, this is you're really starting something grand, you have to be able to execute in the short term."
"By planning my day, I also wake up with this clear idea of exactly what I'm going to fill my day with. It's so much easier to get started; there is no decision fatigue involved."
"Investing is what builds wealth through intelligent choices, education, entrepreneurship, savings, and planning ahead."
"Committing to it, it's great because if you just hold it in your head, 'I'm going to go work out, what am I going to do?' You need a structure."
"If you're going to take a dream and turn it into reality, you're going to have to chunk it into bite-sized pieces—not so small that you're overwhelmed and can't remember it, and not so big that you're overwhelmed."
"Thank you for all of the love. When I do this on Instagram, I'm gonna have to take like a week to do it and be super low-key about it."
"Building wealth is a strategy, and you have to have a roadmap and a plan."
"If you completely say it can't happen, then you can't plan for that possibility."
"Think before you act. Make sure you really stick to that plan."
"Preventive healthcare is really important and it should be executed and planned ahead in time, even when illness is absent."
"Pseudocode is when you simply write out longhand how you want the program to function, how you want different operations to happen."
"If your broke friends are making fun of your financial plan, it means you got a good one."
"If you want to arrive at a given point at a given time, you have to plan your journey very carefully."
"You have to have a plan, and my plan is, I've made a shopping list of exactly what I want to buy, I've set alerts, and as soon as these tokens get there, I'm using this opportunity as a once in a lifetime opportunity to make life-changing money."
"We love dreaming big and being creative, and before we even start talking to architects and engineers, we want to dream with no limitations, no matter how wild and unrealistic our ideas might be."
"We didn't build any cow farms, sheep farms, anything like that. So that's definitely something that we're going to have to really go for in HermitCraft Season 6."
"It's most effective to pre-visualize in your mind the image that you want to take before you take it."
"With every plan that you develop, whether it's a military maneuver or just going down the road to get groceries and then come home, everything has a planning stage, a preparation stage, and an execution stage."
"Murphy's Law is that if it can go wrong, it will go wrong, and no amount of planning will prevent something from going wrong."
"The attack on the Crocus City Hall was meticulously prepared and planned."
"Every goal needs a detailed plan; otherwise, what do you have? Wishes."
"It's acknowledging your shortcomings, having compassion, and then formulating a plan to move forward."
"If a disaster happens, you just don't do the second part, right? The replication is already done."
"You have to have systems in place... even if your children or grandchildren don't want to listen to you, that the wealth will not be wasted."
"Long-term investment strategies involve planning to hold for at least a full year, ideally a two to five-year timeframe or longer."
"If you do not have a solid plan towards building wealth or retirement now, you are going to have to get extremely committed."
"You ought to say, if the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that."
"Always want to be thinking about what is the worst-case scenario."
"Take time to celebrate yourself, plan what you want to do with it, have your goals set."
"Proactivity means thinking ahead of time. What bit of proactivity don't they understand?"
"It seems like they don't want to commit to anything because they don't know what they're going to be doing. They're just basically making it up as they go along."
"A good plan is like a road map; it shows the final destination and usually the best way to get there."
"Plan your time wisely when you're young, you can set into motion an array of passive tools at your disposal when you're old."
"When you have a plan, you create an internal mental representation of the chess position that is in relation to that plan."
"Everyone in this room has a chance to see eternity. Begin to plan for your eternity now because it happened."
"I feel like you shouldn't have a Plan B because if you have a Plan B, you'll always be more focused on, 'If this doesn't work, then I have that to fall back on.'"
"This was my Plan B...my Plan A was to be in a band. It really was my Plan A, but when I saw that wasn't gonna work out for me, I went to Plan B, and look at this."
"It's not saying Plan B means I don't have faith in my Plan A; it's just that I'm a grown person, and I got vision, and I can see breadth and depth and not just straight in front of me."
"I have so many good ideas to make my zoo the best zoo."
"The trilogy was always in mind. It was always going to be a three-part act."
"A man's heart deviseth his way, but the Lord directeth his steps."
"If we are smart and conduct our terrain analysis before it's actually needed, we won't be rushing around in a panic when things go sideways."
"Identifying and writing down your top three priorities for the day can be a really powerful element of your morning routine."
"No plan, however well thought out, survives first contact."
"Most of your plans will have to be adapted on the fly, which is a lot easier than starting the planning process from scratch."
"This really shows that humans at this time were very capable of visualizing their goal, planning for the future form this tool would take."
"I'm not a Plan B kind of guy. It's not how I'm wired."
"That said, we do want to ensure we're building a quality, safe home for many years to come, so we have actually hired an engineer to engineer plans for us."
"Your health is valuable. Develop a health plan, a plan that you will follow because this is the only vehicle that you have to carry you through this experience called life."
"This isn't the end today, but it's very clearly a roadmap that takes us to the end and takes us on a one-way journey."
"I always have strategies. I think I'm a very strategic person."
"I knew exactly what I wanted to do; I had everything in my head."
"I'm planning for all time, and that means eternity."
"So what do we do now? And what we realized we had to do was create a vision for Samuel and let him create a vision for himself."
"It's really fun to be gathering up so many ideas for what we can do for our other series too."