
Impact Quotes

There are 77561 quotes

"Learning how to play a musical instrument at any age, as well as singing, and singing especially with others in a group, has been shown to enhance learning and the acquisition of new skills separate from musical learning and singing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"At the end of the day, the truth actually matters. If it's real, right? If the idea is real, if it's a legitimately good scientific discovery about how nature works, if it's a new invention, if it's a new work of art, and if it's real, then you do, at the end of the day, you have that on your side."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I feel like what I'm doing is actually having a positive impact in the world."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's so cool when you can entertain and do good at the same time."
"There's nothing more life-affirming and courageous than the choice to create. It's the choice to make the world a little bit better, even if it's just for one person."
"It's my firm belief that the better you understand the situation, even if it's hard to understand, the more equipped you're going to be to actually make a positive impact in your life."
"It's the little changes that often make the biggest difference."
"The concept of always doing one more: putting yourself out there one more time, making one more phone call, making one more offer on a house, could just spark change not only in your life but could affect millions of people."
"If you make more content that genuinely impacts people, you'll get more followers."
"The choices that we make today are far bigger than just the choices we make today."
"Words matter. They are more destructive at times than bullets."
"I don't value money as more important than impact... Sharing my ideas, that feels like currency to me."
"It's not how many people have I reached, it's of the people that I reached, how many of those did I move."
"The best, most impactful way that you can make a difference for the world, is to focus on being the best version of yourself."
"At the end of our lives, we all ask: Did I live fully and vibrantly and powerfully as myself? Did I love openly and honestly and completely, or did I hold back because I got hurt one time? And did I matter? Did I make a difference?"
"If you create a million millionaires to give away a million dollars, you're talking about a trillion dollars in philanthropy in the world."
"Art can have a powerful transformative effect on people."
"I am glad to see someone in the space who understands that when they say something, it has a very big impact on someone's life. Could be positive, could be negative."
"What we believe in our mind changes the way we behave, and the way we behave in the world changes the world."
"Focus on doing something beautiful and something wonderful."
"One of the best things that you can do is to have a self-transcending purpose."
"Change things in positive for as many people as possible."
"Books can have a major impact on people. It can be negative for some, but it can also be very positive if you have an open mind."
"The most power that we have is becoming the best versions of ourselves, is improving, is being more impactful and truthful with your voice, and having a closer connection to God."
"You can make a positive difference in your life."
"This is a lifestyle where you're always progressing; it's never going to stop. Very simple changes can make the biggest impact."
"Your life is not about you. Rather, your life is about the lives of everyone you touch."
"Impact equals writing words so powerful that they live in their head rent-free."
"It's that sense of spiritual satisfaction from changing a person's life, especially a child's, that you'll never get from restaurant meals or boats or holidays."
"One of my goals is to inspire and touch the lives of a billion people."
"They say you remember people for the way they make you feel, and I will simply never forget that kindness."
"If you don't have haters, you're not doing something right."
"People always remember how you make them feel."
"Self-actualization is found in doing high-value stuff like pursuing beauty, excellence, truth, justice, contribution to others, helping others in some way, making a meaningful impact."
"If you were fully 100% self-honest with yourself right now... you would actually faint and collapse to the floor with a panic attack."
"Unemployment has a strong but well-defined negative effect on life satisfaction."
"Your words are like seeds that go into the mind of millions of people. If you say words of hatred, you are planting seeds of hatred in the minds of millions of people." - Mr. Yuval Harari
"It's about the foundation of what will be left behind and what you're building towards. It's bigger than me."
"Each one of us can actually change the world a tiny little bit in the next 24 hours by doing exactly that... model the behavior that we want to see."
"You guys are in an unbelievable position to try to create a more compassionate world for all of us."
"Just put in the effort for those five seconds. The payoff is so monumental for the other person that there's no ethical argument to not do it."
"Instead of just moping around about the footprint, think about how you can keep building your handprint."
"When you have one person that tries to buck this trend...it has a huge impact."
"This video right here will probably be one of the most impactful videos when it comes to the relationship that you have with yourself."
"You have to give them something to remember you by."
"I'd rather have a thousand people that give a crap than a million people who don't."
"Anime is capable of beautiful visuals, complex characters, and stories that have changed my life."
"Every day you can choose to do something that is going to make things worse and bad and evil for you or those around you, or you can choose to do things that are good for you and your family and those around you, and that brings value."
"What we say on the internet really does affect people... negative comments... I don't care how strong you are, that's going to affect you in some way."
"Quitting never feels like an option, it doesn't even cross my mind."
"It exists like in this ineffable place that everyone kind of perceives and no one ever sees, except for in this sort of virtual world, which then impacts the way that you show up."
"What you do in the world matters, what you say matters... you matter."
"Good things tend to happen when you impact people in that way long term."
"My biggest thing comes down to how I impact the people around me. I hope I give everybody around me something positive that they can take with them for the rest of their life."
"The pandemic did more harm than good to intimate relationships."
"We could be creating the kind of afterlife we experience right now, every interaction you have and the impact you have on the people around you, you will feel it."
"Light one candle, but that one candle can also light a million other candles."
"It's not always about money, it becomes more about purpose and impact."
"Your one purpose is to make sure that heaven touches the hazardous."
"Redefining [a billionaire] is someone who impacted the lives of a billion people."
"Don't underestimate your impact...especially with mental illness, if you're doing something and they don't seem to be changing at all, you could actually be what's keeping them afloat."
"Charlie expressing herself via song, and it working... the song's never miss in this show."
"I feel like my life has changed forever in so many ways from this experience."
"Never apologize for being a blessing to someone."
"You are cultivating a mindset where you believe in your bones your soul every part of your being that no matter what you're facing you can have a positive impact."
"You can change the world in three hours a day."
"One candle can light one room, but one candle can also light a million other candles, and those can light a million other rooms."
"Changing the perspective of one person is the same exact thing as changing the perspective of many."
"Making meaning means that you change the world."
"The smallest influence can make a difference."
"You are a very powerful force and those of you who truly come in to your highest potential, you will make major changes in this world."
"Inspiration 4, on behalf of SpaceX, welcome home to planet Earth. Your mission has shown the world that space is for all of us, and that everyday people can make extraordinary impacts in the world around them."
"Space is for all of us, and that everyday people can make extraordinary impacts in the world around them."
"Words are powerful, man! And the words that you choose to use tell people a lot about the type of person that you are."
"Using powerful and positive and inspiring words will also have a positive impact on you."
"I had the great feeling of giving so much happiness to the people."
"When you don't have a lot of experience, things just hit differently."
"You never know what one act of kindness, even if they don't deserve it, could sow seeds of forgiveness."
"Every individual can make a difference. And that difference ripples out."
"Your kind comments are hugely encouraging...the encouragement that you give other people here is more powerful than you will ever know. It makes a huge difference for people. Sometimes, one kind comment could change the course of someone's life."
"Let's make a [__] avalanche and try to make the world a slightly better place."
"You've been a major inspiration to me and I'm sure billions and gazillions of other people."
"This is going to transform absolutely everything."
"It's very complicated... but if Cole's ultimate plan did come to fruition, it would most certainly be constructive for the Imperium in one respect."
"Living a life where we're impacting people in our own way, working with others, and enjoying the journey along the way."
"I get to make a difference in this person's life. I get to have the privilege of helping them in their hour of need."
"A story is different. It does not expend itself. It preserves and concentrates its strength and is capable of releasing it even after a long time."
"The details can and will disappear As Time stretches on, but what's left after everything is gone is the thing that sticks most with us."
"I like to think that we're making a difference in the world."
"I don't think I realized the extent to which what I would come to see on the ground would really shock me and horrify me."
"No matter what your thoughts are about generative AI, love it or hate it, the genie is out of the bottle."
"This is going to be the technology that comes out of this, is going to be truly, truly stunning."
"Fundamentally, is it good enough? No. But we are making a difference to people."
"This is a massive revolution in technology, and boy, did this one blindside us."
"Flawed scientific theories can have dangerous political fallout."
"Kindness is contagious and it provided the light that reclaimed ground lost to evil and darkness."
"So yeah, every step I take is absolutely with pride because I know that me going out there, simply just to wrestle, is more than simply just wrestling to someone out there."
"It's not necessarily about the experience but the meaning that you make of it that has an impact on you."
"It's gonna deeply touch your heart, it's gonna deeply transform your whole life, your whole mind, everything."
"Europe is only 8% of the earth's land mass but between 1492 and 1914, Europeans conquered or colonized more than 80% of the world."
"Believe in you. I believe you have Michael Jordan level talent at something, and I want you to find it, embrace it, and use it to make a difference."
"Griffith's transformation... still haunts me to this day."
"We’re measured by not how much money we make or how successful we are, but how much we alter other people’s lives in good ways."
"People underestimate how much of an impact the collective effect of people doing small things, but the small right things can have on us as a society."
"It's seed sown into good ground that will produce fruit for other people."
"Influence is the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something."
"Your ten-dollar gift to a person at the gas station could be the confirmation that makes them go back to their marriage. You have no idea what your little obedience can produce."
"One thing to remember about having a good and memorable animation sequence is having solid storytelling. This means you know what's happening, why it's happening, and how it's happening."
"People won't remember what you say, they won't remember what you did, but they'll always remember how you made them feel."
"My vote is not as life and death as it is for some people, so my vote needs to be for the people for whom it is life and death."
"The work you've committed your life to... is going to save many, many, many people's lives."
"It's not always about saving a life, it's about improving the standard of someone's life, which I think can have a generational impact."
"Your love is the most valuable resource that exists and it actually has impact."
"The true test of a hero isn't in the battles they fight, but in the lives they touch."
"I always hope that when we do these sorts of things together that even if we've helped one person hear one thing, that just makes me happy."
"What I figured out is if you solve problems and change the order of things for the better, and produce results, people pay attention."
"We're all selfish creatures in a way; we all want these tools to help us without hurting us."
"You're known as like an Earth angel because of that, because you bring in something that no one else has seen here before."
"We've saved about 60,000 lives taking you off the street."
"You don't know who you may be passing by who needs something that you might say."
"Intercessory prayer makes a powerful difference."
"Every time you reach out in love and smile and do what it is that you only know how to do, you are changing someone else's brain chemistry."
"The concept of 'another one of those' and having principles and knowing how to categorize things and think through them is putting out some of the most life-altering material I have ever come across."
"The more people you serve, the more effective you become."
"We're so grateful for Toria's service and for the lasting mark she's made on this institution and the world."
"What I found was a story that left people broken."
"If our resources are finite, we give our money to causes which are going to help the most amount of people as quickly as possible."
"Shows like Deadliest Catch, Dirty Jobs, they launched an entire world of new programs."
"Being good at a video game doesn't matter and there's no impact or meaning in it at all; it's just a video game so at the end of the day the video game should be fun."
"AI is going to be the most impactful trend in society and technology over the next 10-20 years."
"Negativity is a virus, but so is positivity."
"It was undeniably a strong, compelling, powerful, well-delivered speech."
"His democracy speech was incredibly powerful."
"Their trailblazing triumphs will transform the solar system and forever change life here on Earth."
"Bill Gates did more for the world by creating Microsoft than he has in giving away his billions of dollars to charity."
"Financial advice holds an extra level of responsibility because you're playing with people's lives."
"Bill Gates creates Microsoft and if the standard is helping others and making other people happy and healthy and all that, Microsoft brought the world to a new level of comfort and happiness and access to information."
"Steady progress acknowledges the contribution you're making to the world through your thoughts, feelings, and actions of love."
"There are a thousand choices between you and success, and I cannot promise you that the success you'll get at the end is the one you originally thought it may or may not be, but I can tell you that if you keep aiming for impact in every single choice, cumulatively, you will have an outsized career."
"Discover your gifts and maximize them for impact."
"If you ask most people, they'll say they want to feel like they're having some kind of meaningful impact in the job that they do."
"Humanity has a tendency to not want to address problems until they have a significant impact on people's lives."
"He completely destroyed the lives of his family and everyone who knew and loved Melinda."
"Like Conor McGregor coming into the UFC, drawing all these eyeballs, making one of the greatest fights of all time."
"Unlike the mega donors of the past, today's philanthropists want to see the results in their lifetimes."
"Share the link...you never know whose life you might touch."
"Be kind, It'll help those people, make their day, make their week."
"The smallest action, the least action, matters."
"It represents like a massive exodus of people, like an unbelievable percentage of people."
"Do not believe for a moment these kinds of casual conversations you have with friends, the kind of emails that you send to a few family members, if a million people are doing it every day, the chorus is very, very loud."
"Watching it back honestly feels like that scene in Interstellar where Matthew McConaughey is banging on the glass and crying."
"Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come."
"Life is very short. All accomplishments are ephemeral. What matters is what you do for the people you care about."
"A life is not important except for its impact on other lives."
"What's important is... it's about your legacy... it's about helping people along the way."
"I've learned... the best way to impact people is through stories."
"The impact I want to have is I want to articulate things in such a way that people actually view a different world than they viewed before they heard what I said about it."
"One simple small act of kindness goes a long way."
"The sense of maturity is knowing that it's okay not to have everything figured out, but still striving to make a positive impact."
"You can express appreciation and make a difference in the lives of the people around you."
"When you feel the truth in any way, shape, or form, it reverberates inside you."
"In a world lacking soul-to-soul connection, small and simple acts are what create the biggest and most lasting impact."
"We're going to look at actually looking at what is in your field, how do we start recoding your field so that you can actually be more in this world and do more in this world."
"The truth is always the loudest thing in the room."
"We together built something that was undeniable at that time and I still feel like kind of has a lasting effect on the space."
"You have so much to offer; you already do, but it is such a fraction of what you're here to do for people."
"The person that you were started to shine through, and you helped her out. I think your altruism is absolutely genuine, and it's part of what makes you amazing."
"The only thing that people actually care about is how you make them feel."
"It also doesn't take a whole lot for you to move someone else's life in the right direction."
"You not only underestimate how much people like you, you underestimate how much it means to somebody when they hear from you."
"War should never excite us because those that fight it are not those that declare it, and war will inevitably spill over to irrevocably harm those that never volunteered to be touched by it."
"This is good ground to sow into. Your gift will make an impact."
"We are responsible for the life we live and its impact on other people."
"There are certain marks in our life, right, that you can manage but you don't get rid of, and that's one of them. So it set me on a path to say if I can help prevent one set of parents or one child from ever going through this, it was a life well served."
"Tonight, we're going to talk about the exploration of the universe and the search for life in that exploration, and what impact that might have on us philosophically, culturally, religiously, on our artwork, and all that we are and define ourselves to be as humans."
"Whenever you tear down a parent in front of a child, it takes a piece of that kid away."
"There are certain moments in history in which the stillness can be deafening; the silence is so loud that it crushes you with its power."
"He's just a guy who tries his best to leave a positive influence wherever he goes."
"It's enough to raise entire cultures and countries out of poverty... Entrepreneurship did that, and it did it with its arms tied behind its back."
"Imagine what will happen as we start to unleash the true power of these entrepreneurs and allow them to do what they're really gifted to do. It's going to be game-changing."
"I don't talk about money to attract people; I talk about what I do with my money."
"I can't help but get lost in the psychological impacts that this is going to have on our youth."
"It must be something that you are passionate about... something that you can really see that this will have an impact, that this will really create value."
"The genocide run caught on because the feeling you get from the word genocide best represents the brutality of it all."
"You can allow yourself to dream, you can allow yourself to...have an impact over the world...It's all about your capability, your creativity and your hard work."
"Even long after the expedition in the dungeon had ended, Tsubaki's words still remained in his head. They haunted his mind as he walked around Orario."
"Art is not meant to coddle you and make you feel good; sometimes the purpose of art is to make you awfully uncomfortable."
"Your life has meaning if you have affected...something beyond yourself."
"The fact that we can't solve every problem for every person in the world does not harden my heart to being able to do what we can."
"People will forget what you say, they'll forget what you did, but they'll never forget how you made them feel."
"One microscopic detail can have a catastrophic impact."
"We have to start understanding what we're good at and putting our energy against that because that's where you can start having an impact."
"Do the good you can do rather than regret the good that you can't."
"You can’t stop putting yourself out into the world, you just can’t, otherwise the world loses two people over their death, not one."
"The best skill is to make people feel good when they interact with you."
"We are the creators. If we stop creating, I think this world would come to a screeching halt."
"This is going to be one of those episodes that's going to change your life and it will change the life of every girl and woman you know."
"This shoe also kind of gave my channel a jumpstart. If it wasn't for this video, I probably would not be where I am today."
"Phones are one of the most impactful tech products in our lives."
"Anonymous is basically a network of online trolls that became a global force to be reckoned with."