
Realism Quotes

There are 13524 quotes

"Learning how to play a musical instrument at any age, as well as singing, and singing especially with others in a group, has been shown to enhance learning and the acquisition of new skills separate from musical learning and singing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It is clear to me now that you are hyper realistic about the landscape, but you are also intensely optimistic about the existence of wild ducks and those around them that support them."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Have no fear of perfection—you will never reach it."
"Realism is just a socially acceptable form of pessimism."
"Depressed people are better at actually judging the accuracy of the world... this cognitive distortion that the world is a better place than it actually is, is required for the maintenance of a healthy mind."
"This is kind of like a real-life simulator in so many ways."
"It's like a pretty, I'll say, realistic take on the RPG genre."
"You can't have it all... you can have a lot, and you can have a great time doing it, but you can't have it all, all of the time."
"In Israel, in order to be a realist, you must believe in miracles."
"It's probably good to feel your feelings and not just try to be positive 24/7."
"Delusional optimism is always believing in the best outcome, even if it's sometimes delusional."
"There is suffering in the world, yes. There is malevolence in the world, yes. But we should also be open to the fact that there is pleasure, there is beauty, there is romance, there is adventure, there is genuine love in the world."
"Romantic movies should be considered as sci-fi because none of this happens in real life."
"The most unrealistic thing I've ever seen in a movie is when an entire family sits down to eat breakfast together on a weekday."
"Leave the World Behind could it happen in real life? The three steps to disaster are so real: isolation, synchronized chaos, and Civil War."
"Everybody knows international law is a joke, but you at least have to present the argument from the framework of international law."
"Games have featured realistic weapons with accurate names, but firearms are a product, and their manufacturers are companies that have their own branding and trademarks they want to protect."
"Captain America's transformation is about being a little more realistic and trusting the world instead of only defending it."
"It understands that neither realism nor even competition is at the heart of the automotive fantasy; it's self-expression."
"If you hear somebody saying like you can get rich overnight, it's probably a scam."
"Red Dead Redemption 2 is a world like no other... the exploration is worthwhile in this game just because of how lived in it feels."
"Even the greatest love in the world, we have to be realistic. People do divorce, or someone dies, and then they find love again."
"When we view heroes realistically as fallible human beings with accessible qualities, ideas, and skills, we can appreciate them and learn from them without diminishing ourselves."
"Life is not a Disney movie. You cannot do anything you set your mind to."
"You will be lucky if you can count your friends on one hand."
"So our chances of actually getting things mostly right are probably pretty slim. But that’s never stopped me before."
"If you're looking for justice, you've come to the wrong place."
"Only recognizing negatives and only perceiving things as a negative is just as bad as only perceiving things as a positive because neither one of them are rooted in reality."
"A job is a job—that is what we have to remember."
"Every single thing in this world has benefits and costs, bar none."
"Realistic means make sure your goal is actually useful in some way for you."
"People want to say that love is an electric blanket, when actually it's the cross."
"Set goals that are realistic and that you can accomplish."
"The marketplace cares about one thing: it cares about value. It doesn't care about our sobbing stories, our victim mentality, or how hard we work."
"Every question in life does not have an easy answer, every story will not have a happy ending."
"Gran Turismo is more realistic with its representation of water on tarmac surface. It's extremely realistic and impressive to behold."
"Many might romanticize train hopping, but in reality, it's a dirty, rugged way to travel and is incredibly dangerous, no matter how careful you are."
"The takeaway seems to be that we as content creators, and you as audience members, need to have realistic expectations of the other."
"You have to take the world for what it is, not what you want it to be."
"Being realistic with yourself, from a mental health perspective, is important."
"It's a hard, hard job, and anyone that tells you otherwise is either having an exceptional experience or they're not being honest."
"The world isn't fair. The sooner you learn that lesson, the better."
"You've never seen before with the way that the screen in the background, which is extremely realistic, and the characters on stage interact with that screen."
"Because of the pixel density, because of the 90 hertz refresh rate, and because of the impressive dynamic range of the cameras and the correctly adjusting shutter speed, you just almost don't, you almost just feel like you're looking at the real world, not through a headset."
"There is no such thing as a perfect partner."
"It's just so awesome what iRacing has created here; it's incredibly realistic."
"Life is supposed to be fun. That does not mean that you're supposed to be happy every day."
"It really annoys me when people say you can have it all because, quite frankly, you can't."
"If the weight you're trying to maintain requires some really extreme measures and deprivation in order to be sustained, it's a really good sign that it is not the healthiest, happiest weight for you."
"The nice thing about being a pessimist is you're always right eventually."
"There's no painless recovery from an unsustainable boom."
"You don't get over it. You can address it, you can talk about it, you can take your mushrooms, but there's [__] that just happened to you that it just happened."
"The world owes you nothing. You better work for everything you have."
"I feel like so many people are always like, 'Just don't give up, just don't quit.' But actually, I think that doesn't always apply."
"There's no trouble-free pathway through life; you can just dispense with that idea instantly."
"The real secret to making a game world feel truly alive and tangible is the people."
"The world doesn't need a hero, it needs a professional."
"Give yourself a deadline... Be realistic with your deadline and understand that it works with your life, that it is doable."
"This is Roblox but every game we play gets progressively more realistic. It starts off super simple, but then we play the most realistic game I've ever seen."
"Dang, it's beautiful. Actually, it's super unrealistic, bro. It's opening frame by frame."
"I feel like I'm in the real world. Actually, no, this is more realistic than real life."
"Realism is the highest skill which an artist can obtain."
"Photo realism is the most important goal for CG artists if you're trying to get into the industry or even just get good as an artist."
"You can't go through life not having ups and downs; it's just impossible."
"Miyazaki paints a view of the world that's truer to life: one with bad circumstances, bad choices, bad reasoning, and very few genuinely bad people."
"He has a hard time depicting a purely evil person because, as he works on his projects for years, the characters become more real to him."
"The truly perfect character is only truly perfect when they are not perfect at all."
"The purpose of art is not realism, it's to deliberately distort the image to produce pleasing effects in the viewer's brain."
"There's something interesting that happens...it's not a beginner's thing. Taking realism and simplifying it is actually very advanced."
"Sometimes it's not going to work, and that's just what it is, but I think you have to, if you want to accomplish something, you got to give it your all."
"American realism has rapidly caught up with pre-existing long-standing Chinese realism."
"The greatest Ally that the non-leftists have is reality."
"Even with all the supplements in the world, of course, you can take, you're not going to be a professional bike rider."
"I've experimented with some software in the past that sounds 100% human realistic."
"With it turned on, you can make everything look super realistic and not creepy at all."
"It's very hard to do perfect work; it almost never happens."
"It is physically impossible for locality and realism to happen at the same time."
"It's always the best day ever, but it's definitely not going to be perfect."
"I'm allowed to be excited, people are allowed to be excited, and whether or not it actually lives up to expectations, that's going to be what remains to be seen."
"The fun aspect is more important than ultra-realism."
"We are this country, this society, your generation, you are at the cusp of actually a very big change."
"If they wanted to, they would, but to protect yourself from getting hurt so much, you gotta get a realistic view on this person."
"So in 100 Years of Solitude, García Márquez memorializes the Banana Strike Massacre by combining documentary realism with fiction."
"Those sound effects are so intuitive, so raw, so alien and yet so natural, they are what make the Balrog feel real."
"I want to look at how we as consumers of media decide whether things sound, look, or feel realistic."
"Stories are realistic when they follow their own rules."
"Perfection is an unachievable goal. Nobody can be perfect, not even you."
"I'm sure I don't keep calm all the time, and that's okay."
"You understand the light and the dark of life."
"Follow your passion. That is the most dangerous career advice we could ever give anybody."
"Everyone thinks lowering their standards means settling when it really means dating realistically based on our available options."
"I root for reality because, in the end, reality wins anyway."
"Always looking on the bright side can actually be harmful. Sometimes people wanna be sad."
"Until we acknowledge human nature as it is, or at least try to get some more accurate picture of it, we're not gonna be able to fix things."
"Disillusionment is, I think, by and large, a bloody good thing. Who wants to be illusioned?"
"This is about leveling up, it's about getting real with things."
"Be somewhat realistic. Are you really going to go from like broke to a billionaire in one year? Come on, be for real."
"This mod is the balanced death reactions mod, which means if your sim barely knows someone, they won't have that big of a reaction if they die."
"It's better to work with reality, generally, than to manipulate it cause it tends to hit back."
"The moon energy is also encouraging us to get realistic and look at something from the point of releasing illusions."
"You can only make a good world if you start out with an understanding of your ingredients."
"Believing in paradise...is ruinous for prioritizing what we should be prioritizing in this life."
"I'm giving people something that's not out there, a kind of realism. A lot of people are inwardly very tired and very sick of all the kind of coddling that goes on with readers and in our culture."
"The system works exactly the way it's designed to work."
"I don't share the culture's mania for hope. I care more about doing what's right."
"Rather than pretending the world is different than it is, maybe we accept the world and we try to deal with it."
"See life as it really is, but not worse than it is."
"Forget about trying to take the short route. Nobody gets fit in five minutes."
"DP was especially popular in Korea because of its story realism."
"It looks like a painting, this long line of real red-coated men instead of CGI effects."
"How are you shooting me through the truck? That makes no [expletive] sense."
"I truly believe movies can actually combine realism and entertainment."
"As soon as you hop into War Thunder, you're going to experience intense combat with realistic graphics and authentic sounds."
"Your vehicle is modeled down to its individual components like its engine, fuel tank, weapons, and crew, and they're all susceptible to damage."
"I love you all. Alright, now that they're gone, they probably won't survive."
"Being over precise in a portrait when it comes to wrinkles and folds, for most artists, is the kiss of death."
"Star Wars has never felt so grounded before."
"You want to be Hand of the King? You want to rule? This is what ruling is: lying on a bed of weeds, ripping them out by the root, one by one, before they strangle you in your sleep."
"AI's gotten pretty good at doing even more sophisticated things, like generating data and images that can fool someone into thinking that it's a real person, but it's all just AI-generated information."
"If trading was impossible, nobody would do it, and if trading was easy, everybody would do it."
"You don't overcome problems in the real world because of the power of friendship. In the real world, you gather the strength to get up and face adversity through identifying your weaknesses so that you can strengthen them."
"Ichigo isn't overly optimistic and cheerful; he is that angsty, misunderstood teenager that we all were at one point in our lives."
"Manchester United is going to be a community football club that is run responsibly... but I'd almost guarantee we won't win anything."
"Chances of earning a living through this company are as good as none."
"Our plan is realistic, ambitious, and doable."
"If it did happen right now, then it is a realistic situation... we got ourselves here, we should learn how to play out of it."
"Being realistic about what government is capable of telling you... is the responsible thing to do."
"I think this is about as big as they're going to get, certainly at this stage."
"The bad mom is human and real, and that's what makes her so compelling to watch."
"Moods are real. You're not going to always feel like doing things."
"Just because you have an NFT doesn't mean you're going to be successful."
"True love, I believe, is magical, but I have a very realistic approach towards just love and romance in general."
"SOCOM's single-player campaign emulates the calculating feel of real-life Navy SEALs, requiring players to issue precise directions using the command interface or headset."
"Authenticity was key; SOCOM collaborated extensively with the United States Naval Special Warfare command to ensure the game accurately portrayed the look and feel of its titular protagonists."
"You wouldn't even need to do CGI on Dwayne Johnson; you can put him in an actual suit."
"So instead of putting them on a pedestal, you just accept the good but you address the bad because if you don't address the bad, then the problem keeps going on and on and on."
"You can literally feel the blast almost as if you were in the game. The realism here is crazy."
"I love when you select the mission, you can walk to the front of the ship here, and you're literally traveling to that point on the planet. You're seeing this happen in real-time."
"The market doesn't care. You're competing with the pros. There's no easy mode."
"The realist argument should be that you want to organize affairs in such a way that all geopolitical interests are accounted for to minimize conflict."
"Once you've kind of climbed to that mountaintop in terms of where your physique can be, leanness-wise, you always even compare yourself to that, and that's not really a realistic comparison."
"Finally, a long-term realistic and sustainable approach to your weight loss."
"Over the centuries, artists occasionally nailed cadavers to crosses to get the right pose."
"Season six made everything about Diane from her surroundings to her conflict much more down-to-earth and relatable."
"Eventually, I think it's going to be possible to generate a video that is indistinguishable from a normal video."
"It captures the realism part in the overall tone of the game, the guns, the map design, and so on, but still has the very crucial arcade element in the form of movement, perk functions, killstreaks, and field upgrades."
"The real spiritual path does not just take a yellow smiley face and put it over everything. The real spiritual outlook recognizes the suffering of the human condition."
"Nothing can go straight up forever - not the stock market, not cryptocurrency, not real estate."
"The second you remove that piece of throat, it feels like the guy's dead... But if you leave that little piece of skin in, you don't have that feeling."
"The most important aspect of any routine is that we make it achievable so that we're not setting ourselves up for failure."
"Trying to keep people playing forever is the wrong mentality; it's not realistic because nothing lasts forever."
"They set out to create a grounded, realistic, believable medieval RPG, complete with narrative, hardcore combat, and also a world that's designed around one simple premise: that it doesn't treat you any differently than anybody else living in the world."
"I'm an optimist and also a realist, and I am optimistic about our world and our future in the long term."
"Everything is possible, but not everything is equally possible."
"A lot of moments in Zelda games are truly heartbreaking and help create the feeling of a real world full of real people."
"Most people don't buy the bottom, most people don't sell the top."
"Spoiler's pregnancy storyline is famous. It occurred in 1998 and was praised for realism and the audacity to tackle such a topic in comics."
"Sue does it all, but with the realism that at times that means making sacrifices and finding a balance."
"I look at things the way they are, not the way I want them to be."
"What's cooler: a car that does absolutely nothing when you crash into a wall or a car whose metal crumbles and bends on impact, exactly how it should if you were to do it in real life?"
"What's important to us over here at Squad Ops is immersion, fun, and realism."
"I love this deep blurring of the line where you make something so accurate it's not only indistinguishable from the original thing, it could actually become the original thing."
"There are few games as obsessed with realism as 'RDR2.' The attention to detail is second to none."
"Whenever things have gone this well for me, usually there's a correction around the bend. I do want to warn investors that, you know, in the investment world, it's not just straight up and to the right."
"This is literally 8192 pixels; that's real grass."
"There is therefore no credible route to a zero COVID Britain or indeed a zero COVID world."
"Okay, Disney, why you got to be so real all of a sudden."
"It's about stability. You're looking at where you will be stable. You're being realistic and logical and you're finding a way to get to where you need to go."
"Everything we do is unrealistic, so don't let people define your goals as unrealistic."
"The honeymoon phase may be over, but now you can get down to real stuff. And honestly, it's the best part."
"The pursuit of realism in characters is endless, creating believable humans and creatures has always been one of the major benchmarks for progress in rendering technologies."
"Atlanta is simultaneously one of the most realistic and one of the most surreal shows on television."
"The game was promised to be a highly immersive and realistic medieval sandbox."
"One without magic and demons and dragons and all of the tired fantasy tropes."
"The cancer ultimately beat him, and it was a very poignant and realistic take on someone fighting cancer but succumbing to it."
"This drone will fly for up to 30 minutes...but let's be honest, 24 to maybe 25 minutes is more accurate."
"You see, the grass does actually shift as you walk through it, which is nice."
"We are used to the way people talk on television, which is actually different from the way people talk in person."
"You want to be confident, you want to believe, you want to chase your dream, but you don't want to be delusional."
"Denial or unrealistic hope is not a strategy."
"Suffering is not avoided simply by believing in God or doing the right thing."
"Normal people's love story between Marianne and Connell feels like an especially convincing portrayal of how young people often make romantic mistakes and hurt each other despite truly loving and wanting to be together."
"The most effective acid test for a martial art is this: does it consistently perform against a completely uncooperative, fully resisting, aggressive opponent?"
"It's a good combo, I think, to deal with the pretty and the dirty side of life both."
"Being realistic with budgeting is crucial... set super realistic goals for yourself."
"It added a sense of immediacy and realness to the film, particularly resonating as images and footage of the Vietnam War brought very real blood and gore into the lives of all Americans."
"Props to you for setting reasonably achievable dreams."
"The Stockdale Paradox: You must retain faith that you will prevail in the end, regardless of the difficulties...while at the same time...confront the most brutal facts of your current reality."
"Gratitude isn't the naive insistence that the world is a perfectly delightful place."
"You're not Rambo, okay? You just want your basic needs fulfilled."
"We need to have a more complicated and realistic view of reality, of human history."
"I think it's important to recognize that sometimes you can be an exceptional story and that you shouldn't necessarily think it's realistic to expect everybody to...rise above their circumstances."
"As a conservative, you deal with the world as it is."
"It's not realistic to think you're going to be happy all the time. It's okay to have meltdowns."
"It's inevitable that not everyone will like you. That's fine."
"Gothic's design is immersive, even by today's standards, and this really helps bring the setting to life."
"There's a fine line between pessimism and realism."
"The Last of Us... it was compelling because it felt real."
"This is Wall Street; this is not Sesame Street."
"Let's keep it real, okay? Let me show you how this works."