
Ambition Quotes

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"When children, especially those younger than eight, learn to play an instrument, it leads to greatly enhanced connectivity within their brain that persists into adulthood and facilitates other forms of neuroplasticity and learning."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The world is a very malleable place. If you know what you want and you go for it with maximum energy and drive and passion, the world will often reconfigure itself around you much more quickly and easily than you would think."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Anything is possible if you put your hard work, dedication, and dream into it."
"This desire to up level yourself and to rise higher, I really see you doing that."
"The story is not over yet, and I'm still doing a lot of work and trying to get as much done as I can."
"You can't make your dreams come true relying on other people; rely on yourself."
"I want to change the world. That's real for me."
"Young generation Millennials and Gen Z, they all want to change the world."
"If these people can make 50,000 a day, 50,000 a week, whatever it is, so can I."
"You work your way up, hustle, initiative, intelligence, go-getter, creativity."
"All motivation begins with the desire or hunger and ambition for more."
"You must get back into a first 30 minute morning routine in which you connect with your ambitions."
"Define what going forward in life is... because a lot of the reason that we stay stuck in life is because we set ourselves up with a goal that's impossible to achieve."
"To chase this dragon almost always results in either your ascension to a select few whose names will be invoked long after your passing or, usually, your downfall into the long night of mediocrity with the rest of us."
"Would you be willing to give up everything for that one shot at glory, for your name to be inscribed in the annals of history as a somebody amongst nobodies?"
"The number one way to not have paper is to chase it."
"If I had a really super powerful nucleus accumbens, I'd be the person out there who is charismatic, fighting for every dream and hope, and I'd inspire other people to join me."
"Desire for more, dissatisfaction, can actually be a beautiful thing."
"Never lose that striving towards something; it's what keeps you moving forward."
"Don't be in awe of Cambridge, let Cambridge be in awe of you."
"Feeling inferior is sometimes, I would say most of the time, a better driver and motivator in ambition."
"This session is titled 'Creating an Extraordinary Quality of Life.' And don't we all want that, an extraordinary quality of life?"
"We are here to make mankind an interplanetary species."
"Normal ain't great, normal is just pretty mediocre. You want to get to optimal."
"I'm not a business man. I'm a business, man!" - Jay Z.
"You have to learn to own your ambition, speak of the ambition, chase the ambition, drive the ambition, and lead the ambition."
"I'm trying to change the world. I'm trying to make the world better."
"Everything you want is on the other side of fear."
"I'm trying to build a world in which 90% of people go home at the end of the day feeling fulfilled by the work that they do."
"You can do anything you want in your life, not everything, but you can do anything."
"We still have lots of work to do. Let's make this city even bigger."
"When you dream big, your problems become small."
"I think you gotta have a dream. The School of Greatness, really."
"My greatest wish for you is that you can continue doing epic shit while being happy right now and knowing that, you know, even if you failed, it doesn't affect your happiness, but you'll continue aiming big even though you know you can feel, because that's just how you roll."
"Success that does instigate envy within them, but it's also this fire, this passion."
"Understanding is the key to every great thing you could dream of."
"The world has the habit of making room for the man or woman whose words and actions show they know where they're going."
"If I dedicate time every day to personal development, I will gradually become the person that I need to be."
"Do you want to win on your terms, or do you really want to win?"
"Strive for greatness and be great; don't let anything distract you."
"Don't be afraid to dream bigger. Go after the dreams that you've always wanted."
"The only true way for you, me, and everyone around us to actually lift ourselves out of this average-ness infested mud we call normalcy is by changing not only our own situation but everyone's."
"A lot of guys don't handle success well. They cash out, get their Bentley, their second home... But the defining characteristics of most great anything—Tiger, MJ—is resiliency."
"Ambition is tying your well-being to what other people say and do, but sanity is tying it to your own action."
"I think my...either my college or medical school application...essay title was 'Why Am I Always Hungry?' and it was hungry for knowledge."
"I want world happiness for all. That's quite the ambition."
"I'm starting by solving world hunger and then I will end poverty."
"Remember this: you have admitted that you are ambitious, so do not stop your ambitious goal at the same level as mediocre people."
"Real success for ambitious men should be up here; we want huge success, huge money, but we want it whilst improving our health."
"I've always just had something in me to do well."
"I need you to put in a thousand percent every single day. Get hungry, stay hungry."
"Be yourself, be honest, do your best, take care of your family, treat people with respect, be a good citizen, and follow your dreams."
"It's about winning championships. If you don't win a championship, it does affect your legacy."
"Acquiring Twitter and rebranding it to X is a classic Musk move: ambitious, unexpected, and a little bit out there."
"Welcome to the dojo, baby. Dojo to the moon, to Saturn, and we're leaving the solar system. The limbs won't even know we exist. I love y'all, man."
"I started my company in February of 2015 with a dream of delivering economic identity to those who don't have it."
"The path that leadeth on is lighted by one fire, the light of daring burning in the heart. The more one dares the more he shall obtain."
"We push boundaries, we solve problems, we do what can't be done."
"I take a little pride in just being a little bit delusional with my success."
"You have to be really serious about what you want in life."
"It's never too late to chase your dreams no matter what age you are."
"Ambition and expectancy are the two things that spark motivation."
"I've always thought, 'How can I evolve from what I'm doing today?'"
"I am not throwing away my shot! Hey yo, I'm just like my country, I'm young, scrappy, and hungry, and I'm not throwing away my shot!"
"The essential endeavor of all the great work that has been done in the world is the desire for freedom."
"How much are you willing to invest in your life? What are you willing to settle for, or are you not going to settle for anything short of superhuman?"
"This marks the completion of the transaction but just the beginning of our journey to take Manchester United back to the top of English, European, and World football."
"We must recapture the energy, scope, and complexity of our first moon shots."
"If you had the wisdom you have now back then, how many championships do you feel like you guys could have won? 'Seven. Seven,' Co said. At least 10, we asked him. He said, 'At least 10.' Yeah, said seven and ten. 'If it wasn't for the Spurs,' that's true. No, that's true."
"Our time will come, we'll do something else, it'll be bigger, it'll be better."
"The devs love games, and they want to make more of them, and all we dream about is having a hit game that lots of people love so we can make more dope [__] for it."
"There is nothing wrong with aspiring to greatness."
"If you have a dream that has accompanied you your whole life, go ahead and try it."
"Just keep your head up, keep pounding, keep dreaming because the damnest thing is I've almost reached all my dreams. I got a few more that I'm really, really searching for, but I don't stop till I get it."
"Don't be afraid to be uncomfortable because being uncomfortable is what's going to change your life and get you to your dreams and your goals."
"Focus on you, building your wealth. You can step out of average."
"I didn't want to just accept being comfortable; I wanted to do something, to make something of my life."
"The universe is like, 'Hey, dream big baby, because like I'm here with you. I want you to dream big.'"
"I don't really look into me having a ceiling for real. I just try to... get better every day, on and off the court."
"Your dream life sounds pretty awesome, and there's nothing limiting you from being able to have the dream life, nothing. It's just up to you if you want to pursue it."
"Think bigger, and the reason why I say that is because a lot of times we hear that think big, but when you're thinking big, you're, 99% of the time, not thinking big enough."
"I act as if I just need to keep acquiring skills and I have yet to reach a point of diminishing returns. I still am learning so much so quickly that I'm encouraged that I could accomplish enough to be remembered."
"My goals must always be exciting and honorable."
"You have to stay fucking hungry. Don't get complacent."
"You've got to always have prospects. This is what gives you that confident arrogance swag."
"I'm not satisfied with where I've been, and I want more."
"There's no reason why you can't get into the top 20, other than your mindset."
"Being young and already making that amount is insane. I'm still hustling so hard for the coin."
"We chose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard."
"People want the appearance of success but they don't actually want to be successful and work for it."
"You have to somehow believe that you can do it, or else you never try to put a car on the surface of Mars, right? It's crazy."
"Stay hungry. The lion is king because the lion is hungry."
"Embrace your inexperience and keep taking leaps forward."
"Anybody can toss their hat in the air. We see it at every graduation, but few have dared to make it actually fly."
"To be great at something, you have to be willing to take huge risks. You have to be willing to fail terrifically on grand scales."
"Man's proper stature is not one of mediocrity, failure, frustration, or defeat, but one of achievement, strength, and nobility. In short, man can and ought to be a hero."
"When my son came, that was my blessing from God to say, 'Khaled, this is your chance to be the greatest ever.'"
"Perseverance is NASA's most ambitious Rover yet."
"The human race is at its best when it is trying to achieve the impossible."
"It's okay to dream big, it's okay to be a bit delusional, and it's okay to go all in on an absolute Hail Mary dream."
"You're crossing this bridge of manifesting your dreams."
"We are up in the air and we're ready to begin moving in the direction we desire."
"Conquering a mountain...creating a very solid foundation in order for us to build a strong dream upon."
"Even if you are powerful, you should never stop working and grinding and trying to be the best person you can be."
"Greatness is upon us. Now you got to make the decision to go get it."
"We're headed to a much, much, much bigger court on a much, much, much bigger scale."
"Whatever you're going to accomplish, it is going to require hard work."
"Saying you are going to build a hypersonic plane is easy, actually doing it is a completely different story."
"I don't think New York is failing, I just want it to be the best it can be."
"Become a better person, be cooler, be better, get richer, and get fit."
"Much of life can be unfair, unjust, even tragic, but this is the country where if I'm clever enough, work hard enough, and just get lucky enough, I have a chance to dream big and make my dream a reality."
"I can definitely window shop. I know where I'm going in my life, but I've also got to say, this is the checkpoint, and if I don't get past this, there is no future."
"I grew up in a place where greatness was expected of you."
"We rise together, back to the Moon and beyond."
"We're gonna do speeches about why Speedy means so much to us."
"Our language is like a cracked tin kettle on which we hammer out tunes to make bears dance when we long to move the stars."
"Many people are driven by ambition. This is what fuels us throughout our lives and what constitutes our happiness."
"We will once again astonish the world as we boldly go to meet our future in the skies and in the stars."
"Turbulence is the price you pay for flying high."
"For this club to move forward, for us to be a serious club, I think what we need is relegation."
"Why can't we just compete? Why is it so difficult to ask for ambition?"
"At least I have a chance at making millions."
"Ultimately, they have improved their squad, they have shown real ambition."
"You don't become number one by buying number three."
"I care about Manchester United. We're a football club with a rich history of winning, and my expectation, like your expectation, is that we should be the number one."
"It is ironic that he desired to stand on top of heaven, reaching heights that not even gods could fathom, but instead he is banished like Lucifer to the lowest realm of reality."
"Wisdom meant power, and it was Alexandria's ultimate ambition to become the most powerful city on earth by capturing all the world's knowledge within its walls."
"The fleeting dark ambition for vengeance he so desired in the moment becomes diluted by remorse."
"The traveler's internal resonance with the elements of Teyvat may have become entangled with conflicting ambition."
"Our futures as young women were limitless. Ambition? Well, that was the whole point."
"Perhaps the reason you do not possess a vision is that such an ambition has yet to be engendered within you."
"A goal is the result of ambition, and ambition is that what drives you to achieving your goal."
"Drive and ambition alone is not enough to build a marriage."
"At my age and having previously been married, I understand ambition and drive will kill a marriage in a woman."
"Ambition is not just about earning money... I would define ambition as the ability and desire to do the things you want to have done."
"Ambition only gets you so far; the execution has to match up with it."
"We have to believe that next year we can win titles."
"Chelsea have an appetite and desire to win titles. They buy players to win titles."
"Success and fulfillment are going to come from your unflagging ability to believe in what other people call impossible."
"Never limit your ambitions based on your current competencies."
"Your ambition is going to drive other people to be more ambitious, which will lead this generation not just the country but also the world to a better place."
"You and me, we're like the main characters in an 80s movie. An underdog with big dreams trying to become the best at like karate or bartending."
"America in the 1980s was all about ambition, and it was also the decade that nostalgia was invented."
"You know, Chloe, you're like Jennifer Beals in Flashdance, a blue-collar heroine with dreams of stardom."
"Therefore we also have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him."
"Your ambition is not to run some circuit or to get invited to a conference, your ambition is to be pleasing to Christ."
"They may have made a song about ambition, but today, maybe Vitality's time to rise."
"Respect your parents, follow your dreams, and you'll get everything you pray for."
"Your hunger is an indication of your future."
"Yuki finally finds some courage and declares that he wants to be a hero in M."
"If you want something in your life you've never had, you have to do something you've never done."
"To leave a mark. That matters. To dare to do something that people will remember, that makes you who you are as a pillar of your being."
"I wanted to change the way people thought about childhood trauma. That's a grandiose objective."
"My life purpose and mission is to find an answer to suffering and one that I can convey. Now, I realize that this is a lofty goal, but I am going to be the person who is an advocate for the idea of daring to dream."
"If we weren't daring to dream, we would never have airplanes today; if we weren't daring to dream, nobody would be in a position as a professional athlete."
"It wasn't quiet enough, but we'll get there, I promise."
"All of my sketchbooks from the second grade all the way through high school... It's been years since I've seen them, and it just made me remember how desperately I wanted to become a great artist growing up."
"Feel into your heart and soul. What is it that you want? What feels brighter to you? What do you really, really desire?"
"The world's a dung heap, but there's a lot of opportunities to be seized right now if you're not afraid to get your hands a bit dirty."
"If we were wise, and faithful, and courageous, and responsible, we could continue to spread that to everyone. We could eradicate absolute poverty. We could bring about a time of abundance and opportunity for everyone."
"You were born to conquer, to play a magnificent part in life's great game."
"You're on the mountain of your dreams; it's happening, but it's about continuing to take action and not giving up."
"I'm prepared for this. I've always felt I could do it, but I just needed somebody to give me the opportunity."
"I'm really a superhero out here, without the AI yet. So watch when I get the AI, it's over. Stay woke."
"It's not even about being good or bad; it's about turning a passion into a profession."
"You have no barriers or walls to really hold you back... The sky's the limit."
"The framework to support the enormity of this moment can't be measured in renovations and rehearsals alone, but in the testing of a mettle found much deeper."
"We were trying to find a way out of the depths, a way out of poverty without resorting to robbing people, selling drugs, going to jail."
"I want to be the best chef on this side of Mississippi."
"There is no easy way from earth to the stars." - Seneca
"I think we're giving up the good for the great because I think there's real major steps we can make here."
"The bigger the goal, the bigger the resistance."
"Elon Musk aims to establish a multi-planet society, expanding human presence beyond Earth."
"It's the start of a dynasty, and we're not done yet."
"Leap towards your dreams, what you actually want."
"In an effort to secure humanity's domination on the galactic front, our species would spread outwards towards the stars, in hopes to become more than just a single planet-faring race."
"You may be greater than your father or your grandfather."
"This is what you play for, you play for these moments."
"I can sit in the corner of the room and dream all day long, but nobody is going to come and serve success on a plate."
"Entrepreneurship... became my passion for a long time. I wanted to make online income to escape the full-time rat race."
"We are going to make this happen, to land the next man and the first woman on the moon by 2024."
"I swear to Sir Alex, when my house is done, you will all be jealous."
"And guess what? She does it. Hedy decides she's going to make a movie called 'The Loves of Three Queens.'"
"We started a historic operation. This is his last will and testament, an overwhelming victory."
"Bethesda's attempts to create fully open and interactable virtual worlds for players to adventure in as they please is ambitious, and it always has been."
"We're trying to build something that tears space-time apart like a toy for our own benefit."
"I remember those humble beginnings as a family of simple peasants, little did we know that we'd soon create our own kingdom."
"Fly too close to the Sun and you get burned."
"It's important to stay hungry, but it's more important to stay humble within that hunger."
"The truth is, I have a 98% in the class and I kind of need a super smart scientist so I can get a 101."
"Ruck decides to prove the power of an amulet crafter."
"Don't be afraid to give up the good and go for the great."
"Dorl stated that weak ones have no right to step into the world he was going to create."
"If you can make it here in New York, selling seafood, you can sell seafood anywhere."
"There is a dream that you feel is too big, is too impossible, it's too out of your reach, but it's something that you want more than anything."
"I'm a young entrepreneur, I'm 22 years old, and I'm looking to expand my brand."
"Imagine you're in high school with a 4.8 GPA, and because of your grades, you can go to UCLA early to pitch and to go to school."
"We have greatness in us, but unfortunately, that's where, for most people, it stays."
"May be spiritually, financially, emotionally, mentally, whatever kind of growth that you are trying to work on this year, rest assured, I'll be there with you manifesting it."
"If you're gonna do something spectacular, you have to take the risk."