
Power Quotes

There are 42856 quotes

"When children, especially those younger than eight, learn to play an instrument, it leads to greatly enhanced connectivity within their brain that persists into adulthood and facilitates other forms of neuroplasticity and learning."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's nothing more powerful in the world than an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Love is our greatest source of power, it's our greatest source of healing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Creativity and love are the two most powerful forces available to us."
"Knowledge is not power, it's only potential power. It only becomes power when we use it."
"Knowledge today is not only power, knowledge is profit."
"If knowledge is power, then learning is our superpower."
"Devil Fruit users wield profound powers and crazy curses."
"If you want to know who a man is, give him either money or power. He either gonna change the world, or the world is gonna change him."
"If knowledge is power, learning is a superpower."
"Knowledge is not power; it's potential power. It becomes power when we utilize it."
"Gratitude is an innate power of the human soul."
"Love is the greatest power of the universe. We need to embrace it and be able to be proud like a Maasai warrior."
"With great power comes great responsibility."
"Power is the ability to close your eyes, imagine a better world, open your eyes, and then make that world come true."
"The power of the people is always greater than the people in power."
"This is a card of power. This is a card of happiness. This is a card of celebration and family."
"Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love."
"Gratitude is a powerful, powerful thing in the universe."
"Having a bunch of money and power doesn't actually make you happy."
"The real question is, do you think that people like the Ayatollah or Donald Trump or Kim Jong-un are happy? Not that they're powerful, we know they're powerful, but are they happy?"
"Manifestation is most powerful when you're in a good internal state."
"The only way out was incredible kindness, which... is the power which nothing can resist."
"Not needing money gives you this power, this abundance mindset."
"Having knowledge is not power; the execution of knowledge is power."
"The highest level is ownership. The highest level is power. The highest level is sovereignty."
"A great king is one who could destroy but instead gives mercy."
"Decentralization, after all, is a hedge against the corrupting nature of centralized power."
"That which dispels pain is more real than pain because to dispel something you have to be more powerful than that thing."
"There's power in the spoken word, but there is longevity in the written word."
"You're reaching a genuine internal emotional fulfillment that is going to be very powerful for you."
"I hate war, and anybody who doesn't hate war shouldn't have power, in my opinion."
"If you super empower people to come into office to be immune forever, you may find that you're living in a dictatorship someday."
"With great responsibility comes great power."
"With great power comes great responsibility, and the opposite is also true: With great responsibility comes great power."
"It's worth taking responsibility because if you take responsibility, great power will come."
"True power comes not from conflict but from our ability to choose our own path, not the one society dictates."
"Disposable income is power, it's stability, and for many couples, it's security."
"If you're seeking power, I think it's empty unless it's in service of something."
"Love is the most powerful force in the universe."
"The Volvo L 350h large excavator in a Danish Quarry showcases its astonishing power and efficiency."
"You are definitely a person who is meant to be in a position of power, in a leadership role. The head of a family, the owner of a business, somebody with a very strong and powerful voice."
"I have the power to manipulate time, and I demand to be taken seriously."
"Heaven is being so powerful that you can literally construct your own personal paradise of pleasure and it lasts for eternity. Whatever you want, you can have. There's no limits whatsoever."
"Your mind possesses vast reserves of power and knowledge within its domain."
"Whoever builds AGI first gets a lot of power."
"Power does come from God, not from government."
"You control all of that. You are way more powerful here with a microphone on this show than you could ever imagine being in the house."
"Leadership is not about controlling or fighting for power. That's a very antiquated notion of leadership."
"Wisdom meant power, and it was Alexandria's ultimate ambition to become the most powerful city on earth by capturing all the world's knowledge within its walls."
"Political parties do a great disservice to themselves by being willing to speak to power brokers but not willing to speak to each other."
"Power corrupts, and absolute power absolutely corrupts."
"The power of life and death lies in the tongue."
"There is no truth but power because it seems like they're actually, in a sense, correct. Of course, there's objective truth, but they know that people will absolutely give up any notion of truth for comforting lies and/or personal benefit."
"I want to be changed. It's so easy to look powerful in this pulpit. I want to look powerful in the secret places and with the people who are closest to me, not on YouTube, in my home."
"Ancient one, so you're awakening the clock, yes. That clock holds the ancient energy, with it you can use fragments of your race's primal hero powers."
"Yuki channels his energy and unleashes an insanely powerful blast."
"He lets out a powerful roar, and a huge fire blast comes out and annihilates the monsters in an instant."
"Words are like seeds. When you speak something out, you give life to what you're saying."
"Well G explains that light magic is incredibly rare and few people can use it. Light repels evil, so its power is unparalleled against demons."
"She used 0.1% of her strength, which created waves of wind enough to scare her opponent."
"For three decades, the Super Saiyan transformation has been the measuring stick in Dragon Ball for power and a pop culture phenomenon."
"The idea of Gohan having a dormant power...was enough to really push Gohan after 16's incredible speech to finally break his limitations and show the incredible power he really had."
"With great power comes great electricity bill."
"What you speak into existence is very powerful."
"Living death is just an insane card. It's only 5.5 mana and extremely powerful."
"Twilight's Call is so much more powerful than Rise of the Dark Realms."
"Friendship can just be as powerful, or sometimes more so, than romance."
"The ruler of a nation wields tremendous power and influence, lives in comfort, or even splendor, and can command a legion of servants and soldiers to do his bidding. And yet, that same sovereign simultaneously bears a tremendous burden, as the well-being of every man, woman, and child within his realm is entrusted to his care."
"Crises don't necessarily have to be a bad thing... crises actually bring power."
"Democracies are great because they decentralize power across a wide range of interests."
"Reflect upon your past for how it informs the present and then seek the love in this moment. Each additional seeking of love in the moment exponentially increases the power you have in the present."
"Power doesn't change who someone is, it reveals who they always were."
"Dorl stated that weak ones have no right to step into the world he was going to create."
"With his eyes shot blood red, he radiates an immense amount of power."
"And just to flex, my man resets time, loses all of his minions, starts from scratch so he can end the war all alone."
"The Imperium is the largest and most powerful political entity in the galaxy, established for a period of some ten thousand years up to its present date in the age of Warhammer 40k."
"The Emperor of Mankind sits as an extremely powerful figure within the Imperium, the center of humanity in the 41st millennium, so powerful, indeed, he was arguably barely human to begin with."
"Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds."
"Having power isn't nearly as important as what you choose to do with it."
"This beautiful love coming in for you as a result of this, which I think is really powerful and lovely."
"I'm golden Frieza right now, brother. I've exceeded my limits."
"The power of friendship is self-explanatory. It's a power. That's gained from friendship."
"You're looking extraordinarily powerful here, able to manifest whatever the hell that you want."
"Up until now, I've only been using a fraction of my real power."
"The only comparison the scientists who made [the first atom bomb] could make to illuminate its power was with the Hindu God of destruction."
"Pure and radiant, he wields love to shrive clean the hearts of men. There is nothing more terrifying."
"For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control."
"The most powerful people are the ones who have less history; they're not dragging the quintessential baggage around with them."
"The ultimate addiction is the addiction to power as the force rather than surrendering to the love, which is the actual thing that we're looking for."
"Wisdom is power, and power is wisdom, one with each other, perfecting the whole."
"Learn to know the dark side of the force, and you will achieve a power greater than any Jedi."
"It's got the hitbox, it's got the reversal capabilities, it's got the KO power."
"With power comes responsibility, so the scrutiny isn't at all unexpected."
"It's in these places of privacy where the deals are made that shape our world from behind the scenes."
"Knowledge is not only power, knowledge is profit."
"Lord Jesus, you are greater and stronger and higher than any other power in heaven or on earth."
"Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe."
"We're on the sixth day right now and I have all these powerups and all this power."
"It could solely be for power, which to me sounds so much more disturbing."
"The greatest power you have to change the world is to resync it, to change your mind about it."
"Love is the most powerful thing in the universe."
"They defeated everyone with the power of love."
"When you realize words are spells, that's why it's called spelling."
"Men are tested with their loyalty when they're given power; women are tested with their loyalty when they're given freedom."
"When you really have power you don't have to shout."
"They feel like you're so powerful that you could control them."
"Influencers only have as much power as you give them by tuning in."
"Surrender is not about giving up; it's about acknowledging your power and asking, 'What do you want me to do with this power?'"
"Every relationship, when it's good, it has the power to really heal."
"Our love will have more power than a tsunami."
"The power of life and death is found in the tongue."
"We talk a lot about well-being, and we're usually talking about happiness and good physical health, but another component that's really important is this feeling of power."
"If you control the food, you control the people."
"Moonblast is basically special earthquake, right? Zero drawbacks, beautiful power, and it can drop the special attack 30% of the time."
"AI is the most powerful force that anyone has seen in all of our careers."
"By his hand, the universe turned, and by his word, all things trembled."
"The point of language is we can pose that question or any other question; that's the beauty and power of language."
"We even here hold the power and bear the responsibility."
"We must be powerful. You're gonna get power from unity."
"Okay, so this, when charged, can summon the Grim Reaper at will. That's all we needed."
"Absolute power can transform every one of your problems into an opportunity for success."
"The more areas of our lives we can take responsibility for, the more power we have to make changes and thus improve our quality of life."
"Learn to think, learn to speak, learn to read. It makes you a superpower, an individual superpower."
"With a very large audience, with power comes responsibility."
"Power is the ability to close your eyes, imagine a world better than this one, and then open your eyes and be able to make that world come true."
"Your invisible power lies in the key to open up the way to the attainment of your desires."
"With this Stone in your possession, even your most subconscious desires become reality."
"The astral regulator... is Way Beyond the power of the Infinity Stones."
"This is a whole new level of power that's way beyond anything Thanos has ever had before."
"With power comes responsibility. I still believe the things I say. I do not want to be a negative force for the world."
"With great power comes great responsibility. It was certainly said before the great power came."
"God's presence brings peace, God's presence brings power, God's presence will set you apart."
"This entire process here is very powerful and it's pretty much the essence of what we talk about in personal development."
"Your real power is going to come from authenticity. Your real power is going to come from having boundaries."
"The imagination is so powerful, agent, and that's why it's one of the most important tools that you can use for good and for bad."
"Mind and speech, if used rightly, will make the user of them no different from the immortals."
"Consistency in the right directions is insanely powerful."
"Despite all the amazing feats that Saitama has accomplished, the true extent of his power still can't be accurately measured."
"The conscious use of this great power attracts to you multiplied resources, intensifies your wisdom, and enables you to make use of advantages which you formerly failed to recognize."
"Money is freedom and money is health and money is power."
"Money is power. Money is control. Money is admiration. Money is validation."
"It's like having the one ring. It drives people to madness."
"The government that is big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have."
"Why bother with hand-to-hand combat or gunfights when you have the power of god and anime on your side?"
"People have the power to say what they believe is right, people have the power to do what they believe is right, and we have the power to think what we believe is right."
"The most powerful thing is an extraordinary story well told."
"Ideas are the most powerful things we've got."
"Grey Knights are a highly secretive order, yet rightly feared by many as a force with unrivaled powers and an unbreakable mental will."
"Knowledge is power, but a lack of knowledge is a lack of power."
"There is power in the name of Jesus. There is healing in the name of Jesus. There is deliverance in the name of Jesus."
"Submission is power. If a man can't submit, he can never lead himself."
"Real power can whisper and get its point across."
"If you tend only to your own power, you are a disaster. You end up wildly unhappy and unfulfilled."
"Forgiveness, almost by definition, is never deserved. And that's part of what makes it so powerful."
"With great power comes great responsibility. When people have the means and the opportunity to make a difference and they don't, why have the revolutionary idea at all?"
"He who controls the past controls the future."
"In the last chapter, he was able to grab a lightning bolt and throw it at Kaido's face like a spear."
"Money is freedom, money is the power to build the life you want for yourself."
"He who develops the best artificial intelligence will rule the world."
"Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
"The media has such an amount of power to be able to do this, this is a good demonstration of that."
"With great power must also come great responsibility."
"I am rage incarnate, fury made flesh; I am the Inferno Titan."
"Kindness and generosity are massively underestimated. The power of those things is just incredible."
"Intelligence is very powerful. It is the most powerful force that we are aware of."
"We have to discern between people who are mimicking power, uh, greatness for power, and greatness. That's a great question. By paying careful attention, by listening, and by talking about it."
"We will lead not merely by the example of our power but by the power of our example."
"Money is the ability to command people into action; money is power."
"Without privacy, we have no power because it's privacy that gives us agency."
"God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind."
"Power to me is the ability to close your eyes and imagine the world the way you wish it was, and then open your eyes and make that world come true."
"Jesus demonstrates incredible power in both of these miracles."
"You can tell who's in power by who you're not allowed to criticize."
"Don't ever underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit."
"He who controls the food supply controls the people."
"His enormous Mana was indistinguishable... he told her his Mana was at level 2, and this made her apologize before running away in haste."
"It suggests man has power, but undermines that and suggests well actually no, man doesn't have power, nature has power."
"The biggest problems and biggest threats to the world are centralized corporate and state power."
"Your greatest personal power lies in giving back."
"Throughout all those years, Rain had been deliberately pretending to be useless and had secretly concealed his cheat leveling system."
"He knew that he would never let down his party and swore to unleash all of his powers to trust in them."
"I'm the biggest expansion over here, I think, in terms of just sheer power."
"Technically, I could just end it here. We're the most powerful country in the world."
"Wherever there is influence and power, there are also those looking to abuse it."
"Technology puts some of the greatest power in the history of our civilization into the hands of engineers and computer scientists. This power must not be abused."
"It took three shots of scripture and Satan departed. That's how powerful scripture is."
"The power of consistency compounds over time."
"Visualization is an extraordinarily powerful skill."
"With ultra-realistic graphics, lightning-fast speeds, and the ultimate in handheld gaming, Snapdragon has never been more powerful or fun."
"You're like the whole package, powerful yet comes across in a very humble, delicate way."
"Visualization is one of the most powerful manifestation techniques."
"With great power comes great responsibility, and the battle's just begun."
"This is insanely powerful and it actually makes us money, which is pretty cool."
"Food isn't always used as a tool for good. In fact, it can be used as a powerful weapon that governments use against their people."
"Hard power is how countries get what they want through force or coercion. Whereas soft power is how countries are able to promote themselves through the attractiveness of their culture."
"The only true guarantee of power is that one day you're going to lose it."
"Laughter is such a powerful weapon when you learn how to master it and use it."
"Every age creates its own reality; that's what power does."
"Knowledge is power... A lack of knowledge is a lack of power."