
Optimism Quotes

There are 110157 quotes

"Listening to sad music for 13 minutes or more has been shown to be effective in allowing people to process their somber feelings."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"F. Scott Fitzgerald, 'there are no second acts in American lives' turns out was completely wrong. Turns out there are second acts, third acts, fourth acts. Apparently, you can have an unlimited number of acts."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It is clear to me now that you are hyper realistic about the landscape, but you are also intensely optimistic about the existence of wild ducks and those around them that support them."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Everyone can get better at it, and that's a beautiful thing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Change can happen within a framework of a mechanistic neurobiology. You were now more open to being made optimistic by the good news in the world around you."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"How could I not believe that better is possible?"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Creating a sense of hope and opportunity here in Pennsylvania is essential."
Josh Shapiro
"Instead of focusing on what's broken and what doesn't work, maybe take a lesson from neurohacking and use what does still work to get the results you want."
Don Vaughn
"The majority of people are good; we just need to remind each other of that."
"It's really exciting to think about all of the possibilities that are available."
Alie Astrocyte
"Every sip you take could mean a healthier, happier tomorrow."
"Hope and optimism are really what keeps victims alive in these situations."
"The words of John Lennon: In the end, it's gonna be all right. If it ain't all right, it ain't the end."
"The runner's high... is this reliable change in your brain chemistry that happens when you engage in continuous movement for about 20 minutes or so... people feel powerfully optimistic."
"The coolest definition of technology I've ever heard is technology is hope for a better future."
"Humanity does not suck... Humanity is an amazing, amazing, amazing being when it's defined by its top."
"Before motivation, you have to become optimistic."
"Sense of optimism and faith that we'll get through challenging times like today."
"I'm an optimist. I do believe that we will reap the benefits of all this hard work and strain."
"The belief that tomorrow, the next moment, will be better than it is now gets us through the crappy moment that we're having right now."
"We have time. Let's start where we are. We have time."
"You are starting a new life... You are on the right path."
"I think there's a gift in this, like whether there's a gift of what's going on right now. True or false, I choose to believe it because then I'll operate from that point of view."
"The most infinite resource on planet Earth is human potential."
"I think we need more protopian or utopian art... Life really does imitate art."
"It's going to be very transformative in very many beautiful ways."
"This is a time of like a lot of really good energy in the air."
"Jupiter promises that there's going to be even more expansion in the future."
"The best possible case for progress, for striving for more progress in the future, is not to have some kind of foolish hope but to look at the fact that progress has taken place in the past."
"The important point is that you can actively fight to be excited about life rather than pessimistic."
"The world is not going to the devil; it is going to God. It is a wonderful Becoming."
"The more positive you are, the more optimistic you are, the higher your attitude is in terms of positive expectation and joy, the less ill you get."
"Redeem yourself, redeem others, walk that higher path. Some great things are in store for you."
"If there's been a period of stagnation...when you least expect it, when you're least looking, I feel like there is a new energy coming in for you."
"Heal yourself, help your partner heal, and good things are on the horizon."
"We live by all objective standards in the best time period to be alive in history."
"There's an amazing opportunity at the same time."
"Nostalgia increases optimism and motivates actual behavior towards social engagement."
"We are more optimistic about things that we believe we have control over."
"The universe is friendly and is for you. Life is for you."
"Eating healthier is a tremendously kind of optimistic social phenomenon."
"Don't be afraid of the rising tide; it will soon recede."
"Zooming out and taking the longer term view, I've heard real optimism in my conversations with business leaders from around the world."
"Do not be deterred by The Thorn amidst the Roses."
"Work should really be the best, most hopeful, happiest times of our life."
"You are stronger than you think, my friend, and the future still holds good things for you."
"Everything is possible, everything is obtainable, nothing is as hard as it seems."
"Have faith that whatever it is you're launching will be successful; you've got luck on your side."
"The future is bright; all we need to do is see it."
"America is a land of opportunity. Thank you, Joe Biden."
"If you're wondering if you can teach an old dog new tricks, the answer is an aggressive yes."
"Feeling like I'm on the highway 'cause everything's been going my way."
"People have the capacity to be good; it's miraculous, and I love that."
"If you're feeling troubled, think of yourself as sitting in a movie cinema watching your own life story. It's going to get better."
"The economy is doing better; things are positive."
"Big happy changes, your life is going to be drastically different."
"There's a lot to be worried about, but also there's some potential for utopia as well."
"Everything you're achieving and striving for will work out in your favor and it will be so worth it."
"We're not waiting for the situation to straighten out...we're waiting for new glasses, and then we'll be able to see things as if it were a play."
"Dwelling in the idea that all things are possible is the safe place to be, not the dangerous place to be."
"You're transitioning to something brighter and happier."
"I promised I'll be the happiest person you've ever seen in a wheelchair because I'm in a wheelchair either way."
"The US household sector is in as good a shape as it's been for three decades."
"I'm not gonna lose my mind over losing a house because I'm gonna need my mind to decorate the next one."
"The darker things are getting in the world, the brighter the light shines."
"Wipe the slate clean and start again. Tomorrow is the beginning of a new chapter."
"It's going to be a wonderful year, I know it."
"Hope is not optimism, optimism is just a sentiment, hope is a fact. It's actually a theological virtue."
"When you prepare for the worst, you hope for the best."
"Your life will always be a struggle, and you will always have problems, but today you have the chance to see things differently."
"I believe most people are good, and I actually believe if you join Big Pharma, your life trajectory often involves dreaming and wanting and enjoying helping people."
"It's okay; it's going to get better. This period is going to allow you to sort of set goals and move on to a new phase of your life as well."
"Ultimately, life is about making the best of it."
"2023 will be bright, 2024 will be brighter. Let's go."
"Whenever there's a major change in our lives, it's important to realize... we're being set up for something better."
"This positivity now...it's a different world."
"Self-esteem is the psychology that sustains your confidence and optimism about life."
"The positive for me is that... the story's dead. It's now about 'I can't wait for West Ham, let's go with the same starting 11, let's go and beat them'."
"In the midst of hate, I found there was within me an invincible love. In the midst of tears, I found there was within me an invincible smile."
"No matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me there is something stronger, something better, pushing right back."
"Don't give up. There's a rainbow here and those clouds are passing."
"When you bet on optimism, when you're on the offense, when you're playing towards intangibles, you do something super-duper interesting. You start suffocating excuses."
"I've enjoyed it to this point, and hopefully, there's a great second chapter ahead."
"The most optimistic thing about life is that any individual can become better, can have a better life, with effort."
"We couldn't be more optimistic about how these new technologies are evolving and the reason they're evolving more quickly than we anticipated is because we have many more problems than we anticipated."
"The next five to ten years are going to be magnificent and we believe that truth will win out in the stock market."
"The universe has a way of smiling and helping you out if you just write it down and dream big."
"Believe that you can win in relationships no matter where you are. There is a brighter future for you."
"You can't walk in fear and expect all these wonderful things to happen."
"Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."
"Emotional stability and strength, those are the blessings coming your way."
"It's about how you make someone feel, and I think a feeling lasts longer with you than just an admiration."
"I truly believe better days are ahead of us."
"A bad day is still a day and like, above the ground."
"You don't have to be believe in love because of one couple that you really like that broke up. Love exists everywhere."
"Everything will be alright with your court case, with your career, with your love life. You are divinely blessed."
"If everything is possible, then that's possible."
"We're going to be alright. That's the white pill that I want to finish on."
"A battle against cynicism is a battle against the dark arts."
"Through pain, a blessing will soon be revealed."
"Trust and have faith that all will work out."
"Every day is a chance, a blessing. You feel me? [Expletive] is like a dream."
"Our time will come, we'll do something else, it'll be bigger, it'll be better."
"In Israel, in order to be a realist, you must believe in miracles."
"Do not be cynical about this hobby. I think its best days are ahead, even if we're not all playing literally the same game."
"Oh man, no, we started off hot man and hopefully we can keep the energy up and keep putting on good shows for these good fans."
"The potential for this to be the real thing is actually pretty high."
"I'm optimistic about what people can become."
"Optimism is not a denial of the current state; it's a belief that the future is bright."
"The best thing about the future is that it hasn't happened yet."
"Everything conspires for your good. Even things you don't like, things that appear funny, embarrassing, disgraceful, everything conspires. It's a matter of time you will realize it."
"Sometimes, all you need is a little adjustment to overcome a challenge."
"An era can come to an end, and I'm looking forward to better."
"This is our year; this is the comeback season."
"I believe this crypto bull run will be the biggest we've ever seen."
"Based on my research, I think it's very likely that Bitcoin is going to break its all-time high soon."
"This year has to be epic because it's the start of a new decade, and just the sound of 2020 has so much weight to it."
"We live in the most interesting of times and probably the best of times."
"April for you is beautiful. I think you're going through somewhat of a personal journey."
"The person with an abundant mindset views all misfortunes as blessings in disguise."
"Optimism, for me, is not a passive expectation that things are going to get better. For me, it's a conviction and a belief that we can make things better."
"Relentless optimism breaks through the cracks of today's dark, pessimistic world."
"Tough times require relentless optimism on screen and off, to show us how to process despair and break down our pessimistic walls."
"Notice how you feel before doing the exercise and how you feel after. You're going to feel so much more optimistic, energized, happier, and alive."
"Optimism is ultimately a hopeful outlook for the future. If you think that your future is going to be better than today, then you're going to be optimistic."
"God loves us and wants us to overflow with hope and Bible-based optimism."
"The greatest source of optimism in the world, which is relentless, rewarding, and the essence of personal revival."
"America has at least managed to maintain a certain sense of cultural optimism."
"Over time, everything works out in the way that it needs to work out."
"Being able to spot those dark lenses, pop them out, and put in something brighter, rosier, more luminous is going to change everything."
"75% of your successes are predicted by your optimism, your social connections, and the way you perceive stress."
"I love to think positively about every situation."
"We literally come wired for optimism; we are wired for love."
"Things always usually feel better in the morning."
"When you have an abundance mindset, you're more optimistic, all of your self-doubt fades away."
"The only time more exciting than today is tomorrow."
"Empathy tears down barriers and it opens up whole new frontiers for optimism."
"You guys would have a pretty awesome relationship."
"Nothing wants to change this perception of tech to bring optimism back so tech can stand for progress again, excitement, a better future."
"Optimism is such a beautiful character, such a beautiful quality. If you have it, it's a quality that turns everything around and makes you always feel empowered and strong."
"The sense of optimism should always grow strong as the problems grow strong as well."
"Even in the most difficult times, he instilled the sense of optimism in the heart of his companions."
"Optimism doesn't just happen like that. It's something you have to achieve, you have to work on."
"Allah Subhanaw Taala will never decree upon you something that the evil in it outweighs the good."
"After each rainstorm, there will be clear skies."
"Recently, I have fallen in love with a new word: 'yet.'"
"The upside of a fourth turning is that we actually solve all the problems that we now have in a way that today absolutely no one thinks we'll ever solve."
"I tend to focus on the positive aspects of the human experience like love, beauty, joy."
"Gratitude for how amazing things are and optimism for how much even better things could be as a kind of superpower."
"Optimism as a political prescription is not something that I have a lot of respect for. True optimism is what leftism is about because it's about thinking that human flourishing can go so much further than what we have right now."
"Scientists believe that the first human being who will live 150 years has already been born. I believe I am that human being."
"The show had an argument to make, and the argument was about teamwork and friendship and positivity and being an optimist and not getting cynical."
"Delusional optimism is always believing in the best outcome, even if it's sometimes delusional."
"Optimism is about a belief in better; it may not seem realistic, but that's because it's not real. Yet."
"Positivity, optimism, and practicality... you need all three for the right dynamic."
"I'm very optimistic we'll find signs of ancient life there."
"Our society has gotten better and better with each decade."
"Just anybody who's struggling out there or maybe thinking things don't really look that great, just want to let you know it gets better."
"With hardship comes relief. The tougher it gets, the closer it is to relief."
"You are on the brink of good fortune; be open to situations that may bring about positive transformation. Take care to get your ducks in a row; do some research before taking action to avoid a misstep."
"The universe is really wanting you to be open and optimistic and hopeful."
"I feel good. I feel optimistic. It's a good day."
"New Optimism isn't optimistic at all. If you think that the current system is not far from the ideal one, you have a deeply pessimistic view of what humanity can achieve."
"Your worst days are behind you, your best days are ahead of you."
"See the universe as a friendly place, see people as basically good."
"Wonder and optimism... how it only needs one in ten of us to show up in order to help fuel that energy in the world."
"Better days are coming. Right now, there's still a little bit of volatility, but you got to zoom out. When in doubt, zoom out."
"Stay strong, my friends. Better days are coming, and right now we have history on our side."
"People need to feel the charge of possibility, the charge of optimism, and the charge of new creation."
"Optimism is just fun and also optimism is the thing that creates the change."
"Be optimistic. After each rainstorm, there will be clear skies."
"There is suffering in the world, yes. There is malevolence in the world, yes. But we should also be open to the fact that there is pleasure, there is beauty, there is romance, there is adventure, there is genuine love in the world."
"The future can be almost unimaginably great."
"There's no reason for a counterproductive and anti-human pessimism. We could have a planet where there was enough for everyone, and that's within our grasp if that's what we want."
"So cross your river one rock at a time, but do it with a naive optimism that it's all going to work out."
"Crypto has made me more optimistic about the world as well."
"Optimism is the idea that things get better and pessimism is the idea that things get worse, but both of them presume that nothing we do matters."
"The Ark of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice."
"Giving yourself that self-love and being like, 'You know it's gonna be okay. It is gonna be okay. I can fully put myself fully into this.'"
"You feel confident that things will work out for you. - Middle agree."
"Once you hit rock bottom, this is actually a really good sign because this is a sign that things are going to start looking up for you extremely quickly."
"You guys are entering this new cycle where all of a sudden things are gonna be working out better than you could have ever imagined."
"Your courage and your optimism is really inspiring."
"Life is here to experience, and I feel like you're finally going to be returning to that by the end of the month."
"Your life will get better...and I don't need a body data monitoring device to tell me that."
"The mind is a competitive advantage. You can train optimism, calm, confidence. Where does confidence come from? What you say to yourself, that's it."
"A win is a win is a win, at the end of the day, so we're happy."
"There is a sense of optimism all around in the United States of America."
"We really can improve the world if we set our minds to do it."
"If we manage to channel those with the right institutions, we can mobilize the better angels of our nature."
"I'm so happy, the league, it's open, man, it's open."
"We should have hope in the future; we should be excited about the future."
"Trust yourself and I know that things are going to be okay."
"Keep your head held high and follow the sun."
"We can take a decision right now that we will approach this challenge with a stubborn form of gritty, realistic and determined optimism."
"Choosing to face this moment with stubborn optimism can fill our lives with meaning and purpose."
"I don't believe in miracles, but I do believe in our ability to make the best of our circumstances."
"But now, I see something totally different, a much more optimistic future of what this kind of tech can do for people like you and me."
"Teleportation. I really think that digital teleportation is a possible future here and that is the optimistic future I want to shoot for."
"I'm very optimistic we will find signs of ancient life there."