
AI Technology Quotes

There are 523 quotes

"Your body itself is an instrument playing that music from within."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Indeed, it is very likely that all of us will soon have AI assistants that govern most, if not all, of our daily decisions." - Andrew Huberman
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you're not using AI to speed up and improve the quality of your work, well, your competitors probably are."
"Devon has successfully passed practical engineering interviews from leading AI companies and has even completed real jobs on Upwork."
"Just imagine a humanoid walking up to you with humanlike swagger and shaking your hand, all while remembering a conversation you had with it, say, a year ago."
"Unlike previous eras that were fueled by rampant speculation and cheap money, today the leaders in the generative AI boom are large, mostly profitable companies."
"The ethics of AI and the social impacts of AI are areas that need more focus, especially as we bring AI onto the blockchain."
"The upscaling power of this new AI-driven algorithm is extremely impressive and gives Nvidia a real weapon for improving performance with virtually no impact on visuals."
"We're on the path for AI to be the powerful tool that can bring us closer to 100% realism with incredible ease, making content creation possible to everyone."
"Using its AI technology to learn how to create the most addictive user interface possible."
"The Transformer can do all of the computation for each word in the input at the same time."
"By 2050? We might not only have drones delivering out packages, we might be looking up at the sky and seeing drones flying all over with incredible speeds and accuracy, and they potentially could all be run by AI!"
"I'm excited to see those community races the AI drivers at the fastest speeds because that sounds terrifying."
"Creating e-commerce stores, you know, doing Etsy, Amazon, Shopify, doing print on demand, any of this type of thing and then you can use AI to create the website and create the merchandise."
"Google unveiled Lambda as a conversational neural language model..."
"By the time the public learns about an AI product, the companies who built it have vetted their PR story, they've consulted with their lawyers, they've potentially lobbied Regulators."
"Can AI actually start auto-generating websites for clients, lowering the demand for web designers?"
"They're successfully entering the AI market."
"The future of cyber security is going to be powered by AI and anyone that thinks otherwise is not going to have an effective platform for security."
"Using AI for translations removes busy work and ensures accuracy."
"Transformers are the key in GPT, and they're a special type of neural network."
"AI integration with crypto has immense potential, but choose projects carefully."
"Chat GPT: the Revolutionary AI chat bot that can write poetry, pass the bar exam, and fabricate celebrities like Machine Gun Kelly."
"Generative AI's greatest threat is that it's capable of creating a certain kind of bland generic content very quickly and cheaply."
"I think AI and m/l are overhyped relative to how far I think they're gonna go."
"Chat GPT4 is better at creating website code, a lot better than before."
"Chat GPT4 is such a good business model because it's text-based input and output."
"Generative AI really becoming a whole new application space, a whole new way of doing Computing, a whole new industry is being formed."
"The autofocus in this camera is very much just set it and forget it. It's actually AI-based eye tracking and face tracking."
"AI encompasses many fields including machine learning, which processes large amounts of data to derive a pattern and predict outcomes."
"Your smartphone is packed full of AI-powered apps."
"Time is money, and this AI tool can actually save you up to 40% of your time, making you appear more intelligent. And it's free!"
"AI for ray tracing is also going to revolutionize the possibilities."
"AI surveillance isn't just collecting pretty pictures of license plates and jaundiced vehicles, they also have data on your likeness from every possible angle."
"Pairing innovation with responsible innovation will ensure that AI ultimately becomes a transformative and true benefit to our society."
"AI copywriting is probably at the top of my list of futuristic stuff."
"AI could help unlock the contents of old scrolls that previously couldn't be opened."
"We wanted to develop a platform that would allow us to harness the power of artificial intelligence to usher in a new age of antibiotic drug discovery."
"We know that the AI hype and the AI buzz ain't going to go away so you gotta have exposure to AI."
"Akinator is basically this online mind reader AI where it asks you 20 questions and then it has to guess a person, place, or thing that the user is thinking of."
"AI can be used to generate holy novel faces. AI can generate images, videos, text right at this point now."
"Bixby will be ubiquitous, personal, and open. It adapts to your behavior and anticipates your needs, making your phone experience truly connected."
"If you think about everybody on Earth getting the resources of AI and what that would do, we're all going to get a lot of great stuff."
"Nvidia's DGX A100 server board has eight Ampere GPUs that work together to enable things like the insanely fast and uncannily humanlike responses of ChatGPT."
"Intelligent people like Jordan Peterson and Elon Musk seem to be very very worried about the rapid advancement of AI."
"HealWell's focus on AI and data science for preventative healthcare is a game changer."
"Thank you all so much for coming. So about a week ago, we circulated a Google form, and by like 11:52 a.m, we had 100 RSVPs which I think is sort of a testament to just how much interest there is in this world of AI and open Ai and GPT chat GPT."
"So what is GPT? It's really difficult to explain in 15 minutes and there are even a lot of things that we don't know. But a good way to approach that is to first consider all the things that people call GPT by or descriptors."
"Dialogflow understands conversational language."
"It takes literally minutes to prototype a conversation."
"Very famous brands from Fox to Yahoo to The Associated Press all use AI to generate content. And that's just one of the ways that AI can be used in both marketing advertising and the entire marketing funnel."
"AI is enabling us to do this in new ways, solving problems for our users around the world."
"Photoshop uses artificial intelligence known as the Adobe Sensei to remove the background from the photo."
"OpenAI is the most advanced and the most widely used AI platform in the world now."
"The role of artificial intelligence is a new concern for Hollywood writers and actors."
"We're here to show you how you can utilize AI for personal development."
"Generative AI models are replacing human-produced content, affecting journalism's economic viability."
"The AI has been reworked in this and they are aggressive as hell."
"The AI 2.0 wealth window is opening now but it's going to close soon. Don't let the opportunity pass you by."
"Disney's Peter Pan and Wendy praised for casting first black Tinkerbell in new remake."
"Adding AI to NPCs instantly makes the whole VR world way more immersive."
"Every company everywhere that has anything to do with knowledge work will implement this at scale."
"Russia produces propaganda videos with AI, using fake voices of famous Ukrainian TV presenters and sharing distorted context with deep fakes and bright headlines."
"The Open AI story is a bit of a crazy one where Microsoft and a number of other sophisticated investors agreed to put billions of dollars in."
"It's not hard to raise the capital, but those use cases, it's those kinds of use cases that are really the edge of AI, that like tip of the spear has to be light and fast."
"2023 saw basically all of the world's biggest companies open their eyes to the power of AI."
"Nvidia CEO Jensen Hong has attributed all of Nvidia's growth to 'broad industry transition to accelerated Computing and generative AI.'"
"The rate of AI, how disaggregated it is, will prevent that from happening."
"Google Maps is now going to be able to give you routes based off of specific information, powered by AI."
"AI has been one of the hottest narratives of the year."
"AI is designed to take over the human mind and therefore replace it."
"AI could have helped during the pandemic for learning."
"Personal assistant AI has the potential to generate life-changing money."
"Palantir's AIP adds an easy to use interface like chat GPTs on top of an Enterprises complex ontology."
"AI holds the promise of making organizations 40% more efficient by 2035."
"AI is advancing at warp speed, outstripping our ability to work out the ethical issues."
"There are so many different improvement vectors right now in AI."
"Concern about AI outweighs excitement across all major demographic groups."
"Conversion intelligence enhances your marketing intuition with AI insights."
"OpenAI has been particularly good at getting them in front of people's eyes like Dolly being available to regular people is one of the fastest accelerators of people in the real world just talking about AI that I've ever seen."
"GPT-4 is the clear winner as far as I can tell."
"Tesla is years ahead in AI scale... so much further ahead."
"One of the best uses of GPT3 that I've found is to ask it to give you ideas for things."
"Is there a complicated topic that you've really been wanting to understand? Well, you can tell GPT3 to explain it to you like you're a six-year-old."
"Chat GPT itself was officially launched in November of last year and has already become widely regarded as the most advanced AI chatbot in the world."
"These are my three picks for the best ways to really invest in chat GPT and for its future potential."
"We’re effectively creating the most advanced, practical AI."
"AI script writing will aid people with ideas to generate the first draft, and then people will improve it."
"It's scary for sure, but exploring ChatGPT3 and seeing what its possibilities are, it also gives me a lot of excitement. It's almost like seeing magic."
"Picture this: a K-pop Idol that never ages, always does what they're told, looks perfect 24/7, never gets sick, and can perform with 100% accuracy with no mistakes."
"Researchers asked ChatGPT to impersonate supporters of various political parties and positions."
"The health breakthroughs that are going to come from you know AGI type systems."
"Deepmind has come out with a new AI that can play video games better than basically everybody."
"GPT-3.5, a more fine-tuned version of GPT-3 with guardrails that can be released to the public."
"It's able to dissect my argument here... very very impressive."
"It's definitely good at some creative writing while also keeping it professional for sure."
"This should give you an idea of how ChatGPT, OpenAI, and its models can be used to start any type of business in any type of Industry."
"AI augmentation of human intelligence has already started."
"Every child will have an AI tutor that is infinitely patient."
"AI progress in language has allowed Tesla to dramatically improve the capabilities of difficult self-driving software."
"AI could actually break consensus GDP estimates."
"Chat GPT: Making coding accessible and efficient with its AI capabilities."
"Groundbreaking new material could allow artificial intelligence to merge with the human brain."
"Now we're getting much closer to what we normally have in chat GPT's chat interface."
"We are basically learning to produce bodies and Minds. Minds bodies and minds are going to be the I think the two main products of the next wave of all these AI technology."
"Procedural animation allows us to create a scenario where the AI behavior equals the behavior that you're seeing in the game."
"AI in time is going to replace a huge amount of [white-collar work]."
"AI technology is going to put the power back in the hands of individual creators."
"Samsung launched its AI-powered recipe app called Food in 104 countries."
"The AI in iRacing is, I'm gonna say it, the best offline AI in any racing sim of all time."
"AI is a powerful tool for representing functions in high-dimensional space."
"The new Nascal lines: Four new geoglyphs identified by AI technology... 2,000 years old, etched into the surface of the Southern desert in Peru."
"Perception really works, and there's a huge number of applications that this can be used for."
"The winner take most opportunities in this new AI world."
"This AI doll literally turns freaking evil and goes on a rampage."
"I'm sure you thought that this one was AI, it's not far off to think that."
"AI is going to be able to maximize resolutions, neural link properly, it's going to Brute Force the science needed to accurately plug a brain into a computer."
"The output of this open AI system is basically describing the world we live in today, and that's something to reflect upon."
"Humanizing AI can help build trust and understanding between humans and AI."
"I genuinely, truly from the bottom of my heart, I love what I do. I love AI. I love neural networks. I love being a YouTuber."
"Neural nets perform better across a wide variety of tasks."
"Chat GPT is like being superhuman. It's the ultimate content creation tool."
"AI is becoming the default to build All Tech for all Industries."
"These are powerful models that can extract information in an ad hoc way and from completely unstructured text."
"System Shock 2 solidified the immersive sim as something that's more than just an experiment."
"AI technology is already planning what it is going to do."
"The AI can generate the entire backstory of an NPC, use modern Graphics engines to make them look incredibly amazing, and actually when you engage with them, you can have a real life dialogue with them."
"Researchers at the University of Texas developed an algorithm capable of reading the thoughts of a person."
"The ability to manipulate and generate language is the most important aspect of the ongoing AI Revolution."
"Given my background, I would start an AI company that whose goal would be to teach computers how to read so that they can absorb and understand all the written knowledge of the world."
"AI applies to literally every industry. AI is a new electricity."
"AI could be applied for textures, imagine typing 'I want wood tileable' and having it generated."
"Chat GPT has taken the world by storm. It is pretty stinking impressive."
"I've been using chat GPT myself and I've been pretty blown away with some of the results."
"Chat GPT is a conversational model created by OpenAI."
"It's time to implement a network security platform built for zero trust, powered by AI."
"Supporting the promise of Generative AI, from building world-leading multimodal models to serving them requires harnessing computing and data at a scale never imagined before."
"We're moving towards that sort of a future where you just tell a tank AI shoot that drive there and the AI does it."
"Let's embrace AI to make the world a better place."
"Chat GPT is a game changer you don't want to miss out on."
"AI is not just a trend, it's a much larger opportunity than crypto and NFTs."
"The in-game AI responds to your urgency - shout to hurry up, and they'll fill the bag faster."
"AI is going to be upon us soon and a lot of things are going to change."
"The excitement factor for what artificial intelligence can do for the world through Tesla is incredible, it's fascinating, it's going to be World altering."
"Using your voice could be very lucrative for you."
"The AI in this game seemed to fascinate me almost to like a creepy extent... like they know everything, they're all-seeing man."
"Nvidia almost doubled its stock from the bottom, not just from revenue, but due to being well-positioned in the next generation of AI."
"Learning capabilities and self-awareness, the CPU of the T800 terminator can be switched between a read write mode and a read-only mode."
"AI written dialogue might even be more like actual human interactions."
"Utility AI is a fantastic addition to a game maker's toolkit, and its implementation in The Sims should serve as wonderful inspiration to game designers."
"The perfect use for AI: suddenly, any character you create just makes sense."
"The nerdiness of these release notes in and of themselves show the level of detail and capabilities of this AI."
"It would be useful to explore the whole spectrum of possibilities with AI rather than this sort of quite crude and narrow way of exploring it."
"Now the sharpness isn't quite there because of the a IES crop even that's 4k it still is very good and captures so much data there so I wouldn't worry too much about that"
"This [AI] learns from us. There's nothing more human than being asked to do something tedious and replying with a long sigh."
"Meanwhile, AI is taking over more and more. Artificial intelligence is software that writes itself, it writes updates, it renews itself."
"Recognizing the global nature of AI challenges, Italy's G7 presidency positions itself as a catalyst for international unity."
"Even though chat GPT feels like it's taking over the world, it's important to remember that we've really just scratched the surface of what's possible with generative AI."
"There's a lot of ways in which these technologies could make the campaigns more efficient."
"AGI can adapt to new situations, solve complex problems, and exhibit a level of autonomy and versatility that matches or surpasses human capability."
"This legit looks like it could be AI generated."
"There's some pretty big core feature infrastructure that is being put on Chat GPT, which is interesting."
"AI is not going to take your jobs. If anything, AI is more of a reason to get into software right now."
"AI might be able to perform some impressive tasks but it can't replace online creators because it's not capable of imagination creativity and a human perspective it's a tool not a creator."
"He created an anti-AI poison, Nightshade. That was awesome because he's creating literal anti-AI attacks, defense mechanisms that he could only have garnered through learning how AI works."
"Be conscious. If you find out something is using generative AI, maybe don't buy that thing. Don't feed into the corporate pipeline of allowing them to make money off of using this tech."
"We have officially entered the AI Revolution... AI language systems such as ChatGPT being used to order entire essays, complete school assignments, and even prepare Friday khutbahs."
"AI is the most profound technology we are working on yet."
"Society has the most to lose with the embrace... of conversational AI."
"AI art generators are not advanced photo mixers. They learn the intrinsic values of images and their text descriptions."
"The sixth-generation Qualcomm AI Engine is packed with features for superior performance."
"The Godfather of AI decided to resign from Google because he was worried about the harm this technology would bring to mankind."
"AI is not a US phenomenon, AI is a global phenomenon."
"AI being able to convincingly replicate real voice actors is a very new field, and, as with all new fields, it tends to raise a lot of questions and concerns."
"It actually reads all the letters, all the words that we are giving it, it chews and digests them inside of its neural activations."
"I'm bullish on the health aspects in the long term and using AI to find those patterns to actually improve health outcomes and reduce disease."
"Chat GPT specifically is a little bit worse than people make it out to be."
"AI is getting dangerously close to almost mimicking human beings nearly flawlessly now chat GPT is like a chat bot on crack."
"AI and ML on an average pays... more than other regular jobs."
"A lot of people like to say that AI is useless hype, but it's actually helping tons and tons of companies today."
"If you take advantage of AI correctly, you can get rich quick."
"Tesla bot will use AI like the cars do to interpret what's around it, where to go, and how to do it all at once."
"Nvidia is known for providing really powerful graphics cards that are really needed for computing power and data centers which are necessary for any AI projects."
"Chat GPT has illustrated just how advanced AI has become."
"If AI is just prediction... then why is there so much fuss about AI? Because prediction is a key input to decision-making and decision-making is everywhere."
"OpenAI released content moderation tools based on large language models."
"If I were starting out today, this is my advice, learn AI."
"Trudeau and the Liberals will not raise any alarms as long as they are the ones in control and making use of the AI technology."
"The Liberals invest massively in AI technology and then play the blame game to divert attention away from their malicious actions."
"DeepStack AI computer vision analyzes each event."
"Tesla is the best and likely most profitable AI company to exist."
"AI is one of the sectors that has remained consistent, exemplifying relative strength versus the rest of the market."
"It's not a scary thing for people, they say 'oh AI is going to take some jobs,' they're going to be typing it. This is once thousands upon hundreds of thousands of jobs start going this way our economy starts going."
"AI's role in bolstering cybersecurity is super huge and crucial."
"AI understanding fundamental physics and inventing new technologies."
"AI has the potential to be revolutionary change and that means it's going to affect a lot of companies, lives, and work."
"It gives you an idea of where the world of AI is going... and I think it's a kind of cool world."
"Generative AI is revolutionizing every layer of the Computing stack."
"AI managers are now programmed to consider factors like form and reputation more so than ever before, this is huge for me."
"If they manage to successfully get AI powered robots... this is going to change the entire labor market."