
Individual Impact Quotes

There are 622 quotes

"Music can evoke the release of certain neurochemicals, these include dopamine but also norepinephrine and epinephrine, from centers in the brain and body glands."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The only way civilization gets moved forward is when people like this do something new." - Marc Andreessen
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Each person matters, each person makes a difference. You may be one in seven billion, but now it's our opportunity, each and every one of us here, to go out there and be that one."
"I believe that each one of us actually does have the power to do better and that's how we're going to transform culture. We do it person by person."
"Systemic racism is systemic for a reason and that it can't necessarily be solved on the individual level."
"It feels from an individual perspective that I matter a lot, but even if I'm just a little cog in the giant machine, I think it's meaningful. It adds purpose to your life that you are part of something bigger."
"Thinking about and talking about climate change can be very upsetting, and knowing that our individual consumption matters can make us feel empowered."
"We submit to the powers that be and we work to change the culture from the inside, one soul at a time."
"Marx developed the idea that capitalism also does something horrific to individuals."
"We don't need individuals; some individuals are very impressive and they have courage and they protest and they criticize and they organize. We need institutions."
"Now, because of people like Eric Cornell, we do it routinely."
"The redemption of the world is not political; it happens at the level of the individual."
"I hope that you stick through this case with me because, as I said, it is important to Harmony, to so many like her."
"If Allah used you to guide one person, it's better for you than the most expensive of conveyances of the times."
"We change the world one person at a time through love."
"Our civilization and everything in it is a result of our individual and collective consciousness, thought, and action."
"The little guy who knew technology... was going to be so much more important than the big huge companies that basically controlled our life."
"The greatest change I hope that we can create as individuals is creating more, for lack of a better term, empathy and love in the space we have."
"I have enormous trust and faith in the idea that one individual can do an untold amount of good. True, one individual can do an untold amount of evil and harm as well, but one person raising their voice against lies can break through."
"Each of those individual views is a singular person who chose to watch your video. That is an individual person who cared enough to watch you and that's all that matters."
"If you don't think that you have the power as one person, then you've never been to bed with a mosquito."
"It is our responsibility, it's your responsibility, it's my responsibility. As individuals, we need to realize our impact and we need to take care of the earth."
"There are singular individuals who can drive an entire economy forward."
"As a historian, it's easy to talk aerially of divisions and brigades and battalions, but when you're in these cemeteries, you realize it's about individuals."
"Everything starts from zero, and one person can change everything, whether it be for better or for worse."
"Increasingly, people know what's wrong. Today's generation is growing up with considerable knowledge about the environment and how individual decisions can impact it."
"Meaningful reform... how do you get to meaningful change as an individual?"
"It's about changing lives, inspiring people, right, and making everybody's life better one person at a time."
"He was a complicated individual, showing us that the world — and indeed, history — is full of people who do the wrong things for the right reasons."
"He rejects the bombastic heroics of previous war art and shows the effects on individuals."
"I know that every single one of us has an impact and can make a difference."
"This is only consumed by one person. One person."
"The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world."
"When something bad happens to a powerful man, it's not just a statistic. It's happened to a human soul."
"Standing out in civilization is synonymous with making a difference."
"Thank God for people like Katherine Engelbrecht."
"The MAGA hat carries a certain connotation that provokes a conditioned reaction. I blame that kid."
"The real leaders are individuals, folks that are listening that have the capacity to do something miraculous."
"The fate of our world may depend on the effort of a single person."
"I think it takes one person to light up a world. One person."
"At the heart of each of these momentous events were individual men and women."
"If you think you're just a drop in the ocean, what is an ocean but a multitude of drops?"
"Proof that our actions as individuals really do matter and can make a hugely positive impact."
"Our actions affect the livelihood of another individual."
"This is a very big case not only do you have the fates and the fortunes of the individual defendants at play here."
"One good player who knows what they're doing in the direct control could just change everything."
"The fate of the world literally depends on the choice that each individual makes."
"He has a unique talent with the ability to take over a game."
"There is something as an individual that you can absolutely do."
"How many individuals does it take before it's not the individuals who are prejudiced but society itself?" - Mallory Blackman, Noughts and Crosses
"Patrick Mahomes could go to any other team and make them great."
"He wasn't received well in Mason, I was amazed with him."
"All it takes is one person with courage to renew the world."
"There's a reason he picked me. I made trouble, I made drama, and I did it."
"One person can make a huge difference... Putin is making a huge difference."
"Paul Pogba, positivity starts with him again."
"Do for one what you wish you could do for all."
"I genuinely think truth is more important than an individual's happiness."
"You're not a drop in the ocean, you're the ocean in a drop."
"Every one of you out there has the power to change something."
"To have Buu separate himself, placing pieces of him on everyone else..."
"They don't know you're the only one who knows so if you screw it up they don't know you screwed it up."
"He showed that one person with intelligence, fearlessness, integrity can make a difference."
"Every reason to expect that he would be among them."
"Whether you are a superstar or you are somebody who nobody knows, in some small way you can make a contribution."
"Imp is a player that can hard carry a game and can put his team on his back."
"The aura and beauty that Phoebe had would light up a room."
"Joe Rogan has more power as an individual than essentially anyone else in media."
"We all as individuals have an incredible influence on everything around us."
"Your data is used to manipulate the message for you as an individual."
"If you take aside the military genius what is it that we can learn from the life of Robert E Lee well I believe the most important lesson of robbery Lee's life is that Decisions by individuals matter."
"One sincere enlightened soul can change a continent."
"The problem that he represents isn't an individual problem it's a systemic one."
"What he's done is impossible all of it... he's an impossible person."
"Focus on what we can do as individuals to improve ourselves and improve the community."
"Don't underestimate the hole your absence would leave. Each of us is a remarkable creature."
"The destruction of major institutions that he brought about, you know."
"This perpetually online culture war bully (beeps) that's Trump, man. He did this, he broke Ted Cruz."
"We may never know why he did what he did but what we can say for certain is that the small community living in Hungerford refused to be beaten by his cruelty or haunted by the nightmare of Michael Ryan's deranged killing spree."
"That young Republican lawyer... stood up and saved democracy."
"One voice can change the world, one person can change the world."
"I realized how every single person matters and I matter in what I do on this earth matters."
"Together we can change the world one life at a time."
"You are the magician here. You are the one that's making this special, you are the one that believes, and is making this unique to yourself; therefore, it's more powerful."
"One man cannot stop the dust from blowing but one man can start it."
"If you have a team that is not good and you want somebody who could potentially carry, I think you put Jack on the team."
"How can one person change the world? By tearing it down."
"I think individuals have like a change on it can make change that's like what changes is one person at a time deciding to make an impact."
"Organizing just like one Starbucks store that unionized"
"A single thread in the tapestry, though its color brightly shine, can never see its purpose in the pattern of the grand design."
"Sometimes it comes down to one individual pushing with the drive, and everyone coalescing around him or people coalescing around that idea, but it's that one person pushing that really kind of becomes the Catalyst."
"Just one person can shift the needle pretty significantly on certain types of conversations."
"The only reason there's so many people in this room right now is 'cause I've been right, right?" - Gary
"The powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?"
"It's about one man who saw how bad his city was and he did something about it."
"Common sense hat: Does it seem like Amanda was helped or does it seem more like Lima was helped?"
"I wish there were more people like Sean Copeland. Keep it up, bud."
"Norman Jayden injects self-awareness into a world that severely needs it."
"High conscientiousness individuals were generally unaffected by the potency of a group."
"Somebody like Whoopi Goldberg is like a National Treasure."
"Never let anyone tell you that individuals cannot make a difference because all of this is thanks to incredible individuals."
"The only thing that might save them honestly is Joe Manchin."
"We're finally at the point where an individual you and all of us can attack and solve problems at a scale that was only possible by governments."
"Each of us as individuals have a role that we can play."
"It's hard to miss the difference that one person with an enthusiastic commitment to a good plan can truly make to American democracy."
"MLK was just one person but that didn't stop him from making a change in society."
"I think the most important thing we've learned from Edward Snowden is that there really are no limits on the power of a single individual any individual to change the world."
"There can be a hundred people... and just one person believes in you."
"The scale of change to the food system is unlikely to be successful if left to the individual or the whim of consumer choice."
"Individual success tells us very little about systemic change."
"I really do love Acorn TV. I've talked about how much I love the BBC and I love British television far better than American television."
"She single-handedly, in a lot of ways, stopped this man from doing this again."
"If enough individuals understand that, then they are alone together; they can make an effective change."
"The confidence Mick has taken, the confidence the team are taking from that just that one individual performance."
"When you can't believe that something you see is real, it's a real big problem not just for businesses and for politicians but for individuals."
"Each individual is a potential helper in the perfection of civilization."
"Probably no one in the world is better positioned than Bill Gates to create a real positive difference." - Acknowledgment of Gates's potential influence for good.
"Never underestimate your personal power to help tilt the scale in the right direction any one of us could be the pebble that triggers the landslide of awareness."
"It isn't always the live crowd as a whole that can ruin a perfectly good match, sometimes it can be just one particularly obnoxious person."
"It's so touching to have an eccentric tech stock billionaire so dedicated to saving mankind like this."
"Jill Stein is the most powerful person in politics."
"If you share this video, I will donate two dollars. So each one of you right now can donate three dollars to charity."
"Anything's possible when you have a player like Alfonso Davies."
"It takes one person. It's truly amazing how much of an impact one person can have when listening to what the fans want."
"I do think that individual choices matter and they add up and can make a difference."
"It really only takes one person to inspire change."
"Changing the world one person at a time, man."
"Apple perhaps more than any other brand on the planet represents that progress..."
"The reason that could be a top team is because of decay. He's gonna carry these [ __ ] unbelieving."
"He almost single-handedly created the damn job."
"This is how you guys individually can save the world."
"One person makes a difference, only one person can make a difference." - Dennis Kucinich
"At the end of the day, it depends on each and every one of us."
"He single-handedly helped this industry remarkably."
"The hope of the world is the individual that cares."
"Celebrate the power of one... because if you can figure out your own health, you can change the world outside of it."
"There's something about Martinelli... you've always got a chance when Martinelli's on the pitch."
"Get each individual player to feel as though they matter."
"My whole point of doing this show is to try and empower individuals because it's individuals who listen."
"Individual brilliance will get him out. That's what I'm saying. That's why you like me. That's why you're telling me to get too excited."
"Every single one of us has made a difference, and if you sit in for a moment and think, 'I'm only one person,' you are one person and one person is enough."
"The true change comes from you, the true change comes from within us, that's where it comes from. Each individual taking ownership of what they need to do in life, period. That's all it comes down to."
"Payeng shows the incredible things one man can achieve."
"It takes tremendous courage to be that person because you're going to incur stares, bullying, and harassment."
"He was a man possessed... there was just no stopping him..."
"Change happens when everyday people make the right decisions."
"You are like the initiator, the person that gets out there and makes your goals happen."
"We need to change the culture and realize us as individuals have the power to be part of the change we want to see."
"I learned this in life: no one can help the world, but everyone can help somebody. That's right, yeah, I like that one, yeah."
"You could just see the confidence coming off Katelyn."
"History doesn't have a natural order; individuals play significant roles."
"Flynn is key, isn't he? He really is a kind of linchpin in this entire movement."
"Individual action alone isn't enough; we need societal changes."
"It's not about individual action alone; it's about our own power and responsibility to work for larger changes."
"Akira is what happens when you have the right man at the right place at the right time."
"Karen Eubanks Jackson, you are an inspiration to millions."
"It takes small acts of personal courage and conviction to change things."
"It is important to recognize the danger of the movement is different than the individuals that make it up... Behind the partial mask, enough of the face was exposed... This is a person... I recognized them."
"For any particular victim, it only takes one."
"Cristiano Ronaldo fixes all of the problems that Cristiano Ronaldo creates. He's a wonderful footballer, one of the most gifted that you will ever see."
"Pretty sure this has made Yuka the most recognizable face of gate faces."
"The jockey, not the horse, makes the difference."
"Every individual acting in that way is doing something quite extraordinary absolutely."
"Sam might rebel against the state, but he is the state. This bureaucracy is made up of a million Sams, men who just look at their jobs as dealing with inane paperwork and not thinking of the real-world consequences of any of their actions."
"It just takes one person... to cause problems."
"I think Doublelift is definitely one of those people who helped elevate a scene beyond what it probably naturally would have done."
"Every single one of us as an individual has an important role to play in that change."
"It really was Rick's final story, it was all about Rick and his ideas and why he's such a great person."
"Find those places where you have the power to do something that the powerful people can't do."
"Mitrovich of Fulham is a game changer, they say, and I've got to be honest with you, I think he is."
"Bruno Fernandez, I know I've already spoken about him a lot, but he changed the game."
"The Glory of God arise on every individual that has ever been created."
"For every injury of his [ __ ] kicked in by Cornelius Vanderbilt."
"What if a war could be stopped by just one man? A man who chose to trust his gut instead of a machine."
"Donald Trump's coattails are going to be amongst the strongest across the country."
"He has dominated political life in this country for over a year now."
"Change starts as individuals and as communities."
"Among the many virtuous individuals Walter had encountered, Kylie stood out."
"If it weren't for Soyun, Idol wouldn't be where they are today."
"Lawrence was not an accidental hero, he was someone who set out quite deliberately to become a hero."
"Their unexpected teamwork shows how individuals can challenge the status quo."
"One of us fully engaged with our light is more powerful than 100,000 followers who are just sort of looking around waiting for someone to tell them what to do."
"Without Alex, you wouldn't have had Donald Trump as president."
"The reality is... we're valuable to the degree that we serve other individuals..."
"Power is just energy. It can serve the group, it can destroy the group, it can help the individual, it can annihilate the individual. Power is a tool."
"Destiny is a person who has been subject to just endless public opinion."
"It all started with this guy right here, Alex."
"His quality in those areas is absolutely brilliant."
"Your purpose as a man and woman is first of all, take care of yourself."
"But the actions of people created those causes, and the action of people, even as individuals can change them."
"Arrow definitely came out and kind of put a lot of those to rest. He definitely had a good individual performance as well."
"Part of the reason why J. Elec gets to get away with so much is because he's phenomenal."
"It's amazing how one person can make a difference."
"You're tapping into this sense of power that, although you're only one person, I feel like you have a major power within you to change your circumstances and even change your World At Large."
"LeBron was different... He willed that team."
"You take enough of these individual stories."
"I think every single one of us has some role to play, even if we don't know what it is, and that every one of us matters and every one of us can make a difference."
"Marcus Rashford... carrying Manchester United through every single game."
"It's always putting the onus back on what I, as an individual, am actually responsible for."
"There has been an awakening, changing the world one man at a time."