
Future Prediction Quotes

There are 936 quotes

"Music is able to route into our nervous system at levels below our conscious awareness."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Indeed, it is very likely that all of us will soon have AI assistants that govern most, if not all, of our daily decisions." - Andrew Huberman
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Perseverance might still be active when the first humans land on Mars."
"There is going to be a very significant friendship or romantic partnership that is blossoming in your life within the next three to six months."
"The ocean will have more plastic in it than fish by the year 2050."
"The market is attempting, through the current reality, to extrapolate what's going to be the future reality, and this is what many people do not understand."
"These forecasts are projections, and they can change with your actions and with the government's actions."
"Elon Musk believes that many of us will eventually have a brain implant to merge with AI."
"People just want to know about the future, this interest has not actually gone away."
"This is soulmate energy coming into your life in the next 30 days."
"It will be considered a classic over time, super underrated."
"Once the AI reaches Singularity, technology will be a solved thing... It will start telling us how to build whatever we want to build."
"I would say that we are less than three years from that point where AI could be smarter than the smartest human at anything."
"Anxiety is nothing but the ability to predict danger in the future."
"Don't expect it to go back as low as it was before, but once the inflation monster is more or less slain, the Fed will for a whole bunch of reasons probably go back to at least bringing rates down to a more manageable level."
"It's a very fair enough test because no one knows the future for sure."
"All science is based upon the principle of induction that the future will be like the past."
"Water Spirit of Manifesting Dreams: Some big dreams that you guys have had for a while are coming to fruition in 2022."
"We're all going to have a version of Jarvis, a version of an AI."
"The future is in renewables and EV because the oil industry is likely going to collapse."
"My basic model of the next decade is that the marginal cost of intelligence and the marginal cost of energy are going to trend rapidly towards zero."
"Show me your friends and I will show you your future."
"Something really significant is going to happen to you this coming December, and I actually think it pertains to love."
"One year from now, you will be in your dream home."
"Everyone should care because that measurement tells you something about the future, not only about the past."
"The future is very clear, the emissions keep climbing, every summer gets more apocalyptic."
"In my opinion, that number should triple in the next decade as more of our money shifts online."
"Well, the Bible tells us that God has written down the future in advance."
"The most authoritative view and the one that appears to be in most harmony with Holy Scripture, is that after the fall of the Antichrist, the Catholic Church will once again enter upon a period of prosperity and triumph."
"Belief in your mindset is what actually predicts your own future...you will attain it."
"Up to 70% of the great wealth transfer will end up in women's hands and women will rule the world."
"By 2030, women will control roughly two-thirds of the entire nation's wealth."
"A year from now, there'll probably be a bunch of new games all over Roblox."
"A storm is coming. I feel sorry for those who don't see the future of crypto."
"Every major industry that is going to be here to stay, the banks are going to get their hands into it."
"The largest economy on earth is financial services. I think crypto will be the 12th sector of the economy within 10 years."
"There is a major positive shift that's about to occur within your relationship."
"Bill Gates: Our grandchildren will grow up in a world that is dramatically worse off if we don't fix this climate change."
"There's going to be a point in time where there's more dead people on Facebook than alive people."
"If you want to understand what's going to happen in the future, you can go back into the past, in let's say ancient history, and find a story, a narrative, or a pattern that will somehow be repeated in the future."
"Zuckerberg predicts that 50 percent of the company's employees could be working remotely within the next five to 10 years."
"For those who are super single, within the next few months, there's going to be someone who's ready for commitment with you."
"If this goes unchallenged in the world community, within less than 10 years, a handful of global companies will own directly or through license the actual genes that make up the evolution of our species."
"The disruptions already happening and so this coming decade between now and 2030, the AI revolution will radically transform the world."
"I can look at a globe and I know that Taiwan's going to be part of China again someday."
"My hope for this story is that it shows the people around these bankruptcies, from the victims, to the lawyers, to the church leaders... what's going to be happening at an even greater rate... in the years to come."
"This could be your backyard next week, next month, next election."
"Imagine seeing gen Alpha in cor set tops paired with Blazers in the next 10 years."
"I knew right back in March that this was going to be 2020. You know there was no sort of stopping and going back to normal or anything like many people thought no this was 2020." - Magenta Pixie
"Written authored material is going to be ubiquitous and abundant."
"There's a lot of compelling evidence that this decade is going to be remarkable from a macroeconomic perspective."
"By this point, it was barely a matter of when he was going to become the richest person in the world."
"It hasn't happened yet so it's not going to happen right."
"We are at the infancy of NFTs. I guarantee you that they are going to continue building and seeing more usage."
"Our galaxy will become something similar to many different elliptical galaxies."
"Inevitable is not imminent even in your lifetime."
"September is going to be super lucky for you... massive amounts of wealth coming to you."
"The future of Scientology? It's going to continue to decline and erode."
"I still believe we'll at least hit that 100k."
"Hopefully the apocalypse, the great resignation was in preparation for the great acceleration and then the great collapse and the great extinction."
"We recognize that real change is coming, either that, or a sort of centralized authoritarian dystopia."
"It's nothing less than starting a whole new chapter in human civilization where in 20 years there would be no poverty on the planet, no pollution, unbelievable abundance."
"People are going to be forced to work again next year, I can assure you that."
"We are divine beings of infinite potential, co-creators of our reality."
"Biological knowledge combined with computing power multiplied by data equals the ability to hack humans."
"Predicting the future is something that humans have been trying to do for about as long as history goes back."
"We think that gas powered vehicles are going to be obsolete within the next five to ten years."
"Indian banks will be titled as the strongest banks in the world after the financial reset."
"Cheapest sources of energy becoming 70% cheaper over the next decade."
"We're going to have a very strong economy in 2021."
"My joke was that, and I think I made this joke a year ago, in like 2030, everyone will be wearing gray jumpsuits with no pockets."
"By 2050, we'll have at LEAST one colony on Mars."
"I do see you guys most likely having children three years from now."
"The doom of our times may come from overpopulation."
"By the end of this year, this person will emerge."
"MMA fighters in the future will be making 50 million dollars to fight, 100 million dollars a fight."
"I believe that Jesus Christ is going to have a movement, and there'll be cities and territories and places where Heaven itself will be established, unshakable."
"What Trump said may have been a little vainglorious, but that is the future."
"I'm a like to follow trends... You can predict the future by the trend."
"I think in 2024 we're going to have the post-pandemic period where I think we will return to normal with some persistent changes."
"They're asking you to bow forever and what they don't realize is they'll be the ones bowing one day."
"I'm kind of excited because it's like, dude, imagine like 50, 100 years when cities are all smogged up. Everything will be electric."
"To me, it's no longer a question of if but how large of a food shortage crisis it's going to be."
"During the 2020s expect more riots... more political polarization... more chaos."
"Great to hear Elon Musk point out that he believes... even in the worst case scenario without Tesla executing on their master plan part three fifty percent plus of all new vehicles sold in 2030 will be electric." - Commentator
"John Titor claimed to be a time traveler from the year 2036."
"Perhaps John Titor really did know what the future would hold adjusted by approximately 2.5 percent."
"They call you sheep and cattle. But there will come a time when none of them will be able to walk down the street."
"It'll be big in like 30 years, don't worry about it. I'm ahead of my time."
"Hot Dog 400 says, 'Maybe 10 years from now your basic phone will be more powerful than the quantum computers today.'"
"We won't last another four years with this plan, just so you're all clear. There will be no 2028 because dude we only have a short window to get everybody on board with this or we're the whole country."
"I think within another couple of decades all currencies are gonna be beyond the control of governments."
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever."
"I think the future is going to be more conservative than this country's been in maybe 70 or 80 years."
"Disruptors will win. We just don't know which disruptors or exactly how they'll win, but they'll win."
"I think by 2030, we will have humans walking on Mars. That's my guess."
"I think all humans will move to another planet eventually."
"I really hate what EA is trying to do now and I bet you in the coming years you're gonna keep on hearing these like oh it wasn't that bad there was just maybe some little outrage that got out of hand and I swear that's going to end up happening."
"2024 is going to be a year unlike any other."
"Each turning is about 20 to 22 years, this one started in 2008, so roughly by 2030 you'd expect us to be wrapping up."
"The 'tomorrow and' problem, as it would later be named, was that any grounded vision of the future will eventually come."
"When a lot of these investors and home flippers buy homes today and they realize pretty quick that the fundamental demand is drying up, they're going to flood the market with inventory at some point."
"In the next six months, we would see more change than we have in the last 50 years."
"According to the interpretation of his prophecies, he suggested the prospects of a third world war."
"People always say Nate you're living in Saskatchewan Canada why do you care about what's going on in Russia because I'm not psychic but I can see the future."
"If this is what we're dealing with, it's going to be the preeminent nation on this planet for the foreseeable future."
"The single biggest limiting factor in the western hemisphere for the next 30 years is going to be capital availability."
"In the next couple of years, Chat GPT is going to fundamentally change the way that we think, we work, we learn, and the way that we interact with each other."
"Back to the Future 2 took place in 2015 and it was exactly like that."
"600 million if we continue to see the kind of adoption numbers."
"It's the same way the internet grew I think uh Bitcoin is gonna have the same adoption rate and in 10 years we're we're going to see the majority of people on earth using it."
"This is our warning. In 10, 15 years time they're going to try to do something that resembles some elitist league."
"I think you're going to see more change in the next 10 years than we saw in the last 50 years because of Technology."
"We're on a trajectory... that is going to lead to some kind of a crisis."
"Do we now say with confidence that life should be returning to normal by spring? Yes, yes, yes."
"Supply chain troubles could last into next year."
"I think we will have an almost totally secular world in only a few more generations."
"Eventually there will be no choice but to have separate Republican and Democrats social media platforms."
"Coming up, their near future actions, the Queen of Cups and the Five of Pentacles reversed, I'm gonna see them actually coming around, like offering you that love you initially wanted."
"We should be maximizing self-benefit. If it benefits them, then personally I think that the more time passes when it comes to the whole trans acceptance thing, the interest in medical transition is going to decrease a lot," was a prediction shared.
"Is marriage in the future for me with my current love interest? Yep, ten of pentacles."
"I actually think that the future of the country does not rest with conservatives or people on the left I think it actually rests with the people in the middle and which way they're going to go."
"Hopefully Steven spends the next couple New Years in the concrete shoe box."
"Communication is going to be something that's very easy for this future child of yours."
"I believe in the near future, video games are over half of our economy in the world."
"In the future, there will be no privacy anymore."
"If you knew what the future held, what decisions would you make today?"
"There will be almost everything will get very cheap."
"If you want to make progress in things, I think that the best analytical framework for, I'll say in the future is physics."
"So communism is ultimately to bring about the bloodshed and the violent ruling that we will see eventually in the future if we don't realize what is happening now."
"The worst case scenario for the left is that Trump fumbles around for another four years, but it cripples the establishment."
"There will come a time when Ganyu eventually gets power crapped, but I don't see it happening for years to come."
"It will be a time of great peace, a time of great prosperity."
"You're already a cyborg you don't even almost will in rise they are already a cyborg."
"Let's go Brandon! 2032: The authoritarian moment."
"The single most important question to ask yourself is what people will use as their unit of account in the future."
"Canada almost certainly won't survive the next few centuries without annexation by the US."
"It is possible that this war will drag on for many years and in the end in the 2020 late 2024 or 2025 period Russia will gain at that time."
"My personal take is that it's going to get restricted in some way at first, but over time, it will get banned completely."
"By 2025, which is only a few years from now, Tesla will be $3,000 if not $3,500. It just will because it's... they're doing so much more than just manufacturing cars."
"Magic 8 ball, will I ever hit a million subscribers? It is certain."
"Depending on where you are in this country there's a very real possibility that in your lifetime given higher levels of political instability the area you're in might like legit become a conflict Zone."
"If you're one of those early adopters who got into crypto in 2021, it's gonna be crazy in 2030."
"Humans have entered the later stages of a type 1 civilization, meaning we harness the energy of our planet and into a very primitive type 2 civilization which we will begin to start accessing the energy of our star more reliably."
"Scientology will lose its tax-exempt status, it's hard to put a timeline on it, I do believe that 10 years from now, Scientology could have its tax exemption revoked."
"2021 is going to be a magical year for altcoins."
"We're nowhere near the peak of this pandemic."
"In 30 years from now when I'm 42, we're gonna look back on this day on the channel and we're gonna say, 'This... this was the day that everything changed.'"
"Reality is coming to America, it is here, the raindrops are coming down."
"Conflict will come to this country in some form or the other."
"Degrees aren't going to be valuable in the next several several years... traditional schooling isn't going to matter."
"Dreams can tell the future, they're not just random."
"I think we're gonna see history made in a very short amount of time. We're going to be seeing this history and we're going to be living through textbook War."
"In less than one year, he will come out as gay."
"Influencers are the way of the future when it comes to marketing."
"Experts warn that humans will soon be worshiping AI as Gods."
"YouTube in 10 years will just be one giant white page with the YouTube logo."
"I think this is going to have huge ramifications for the NFT marketplace space in the future."
"In 500 years Elon Musk's name will be remembered on two planets AOC will just be three letters." - Unknown commenter
"Nearly 70 percent of passenger vehicles sold in the U.S could be electric by 2023."
"Things that have worked historically are likely to continue to work moving into the future."
"Elon Musk thinks an AI candidate could win us election in 2032 meaning are we coming across an era where we're going to have faceless presidents?"
"Absolutely insane, and all of this [ __ ] is going to show up on Zillow gone wild in 30 years."
"China's economy is the size of New York State. China, and this is not the Chinese people, this is this kind of radical cadre of the Chinese Communist Party."
"Linux will become an absolute Mainstay staple."
"There will come a time when the whole world will be woke SJWs, and you will be the legend."
"Crypto asset prices are increasingly reflective of real utility and demand, and the day will eventually come when crypto is mature to the point we wonder how we ever lived without." - Mark Cuban
"Past performance is not an indication of future results."
"Successful companies will be around for a really long time."
"I think in the next 10 presidential elections, a Bitcoiner will become president."
"Tesla is going to have Robo taxis within the next few years."
"From 130-140 million users now to 1 billion in 2024."
"Iron sights first for sure. Red dots and optics are getting so popular right now, that's going to be the wave of the future with pistols."
"The entitlement programs will be cut by 50% over the next 20 years."
"Humans will start to become less intelligent."
"The digital economy is going to be larger than the terrestrial economy over 51."
"Once they let go of this, they'll be coming your way."
"2023, you're going to be in a marriage or a strong relationship."
"The future of the world look more decentralized and free or even more centralized and controlled."
"We can say with a degree of certainty I'm afraid, will be in the United Kingdom and the United States for next winter."
"Tell your future in advance, and watch as evidence of your new belief starts to manifest."
"The day of reckoning is coming for the entire economic system."
"We are going to be a different world in 10 years from now, like not just different but completely different."
"2024 is the year of truth. I genuinely believe that 2024 is the straw that broke the camel's back."
"The next 18 months for Manchester United: big, big trouble." - Mark
"Our future is that Moshiach is going to come."
"Your person is going to reach out to you and get back in contact with you within the next few weeks."
"You are going to be in touch with your person again."
"In short, something comes along that makes us advance in a decade, what we would have previously thought would have taken centuries."
"It's like the birth of the internet and we will not be living without blockchain in years to come."
"By 2023 I think the world is going to be in a really difficult Finance situation."
"Telepathy and heightened intuition will become the norm."
"No one has a crystal ball. No one can say for certain what will happen a day from now."
"Places like Karachi in Pakistan and Dubai in the Middle East will become key new hubs for RMB moving forward."
"Ronaldo will definitely own a football club in the future..."
"If you want to know the future, look to the past. Study the past."
"In a decade's time, the existing dollar will be completely worthless."
"The reality is we are now living in an age of hyper-gynocentrism and I think 2020 will be the decade where facts and logic will be dismissed outright if they are offensive in some way."
"Mixed kids will be the peacemakers of the world. Y'all watch and see."
"This is definitely going to change the fabric of society."