
Progress Quotes

There are 69485 quotes

"Music is able to route into our nervous system at levels below our conscious awareness."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The only way civilization gets moved forward is when people like this do something new." - Marc Andreessen
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Celebrate your wins but don't celebrate every win. That's one way that you can ensure that you're going to continue down the path of progress."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We have a lot of work to do. I'm talking as society."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Imagine you're doing something important and you seem to be moving forward, that's a really good time to learn."
"Be a team effort to really move this forward, but I am full of hope."
"It's good progress for today, good motivation, it really helps spark it up again."
"I may not be where I want to be, but thank God I'm not where I was."
"Motivation is something you can create yourself. Put in effort, you will improve, you will make progress."
"If you dedicate yourself to working your process, you will make progress and then success is inevitable."
"Limitless is not about being perfect; limitless is about advancing and progressing beyond what you believe is possible."
"Progress has been identified to be a major source of motivation."
"The happiness that all of us seek as human beings doesn't come with the material goal; it comes with the progress and progress is a direct positive consequence of work, sacrifice, and consistency."
"I like failing. I like finding out where I'm limited because I know that that's the road to the next segment of progress."
"It's that we are making progress towards the things that truly matter to us."
"If you just don't quit and you do the bare minimum, you just show up, you will make fantastic progress."
"It's the non-scale victories that are really critically important."
"A small simple step and breaking it down into how do you, what's the smallest task you could do right now where you can't fail, that's going to give you progress."
"Building and sticking to good habits is the only way to actually see progress in life."
"Life is better now than it was several centuries ago because people made certain choices. They built certain things, they discovered certain things."
"Never lose that striving towards something; it's what keeps you moving forward."
"You have all the tools and all the supplies now to move ahead on something exciting."
"The best possible case for progress, for striving for more progress in the future, is not to have some kind of foolish hope but to look at the fact that progress has taken place in the past."
"Slow and steady wins the race. Stop trying to rush things."
"The world is not going to the devil; it is going to God. It is a wonderful Becoming."
"Nothing should stop you from making some progress in some area of your physical health."
"The whole point of self-improvement is to actually improve."
"It's not about fighting the system; you just have to create a new one that makes the old one obsolete."
"Let's get back on track. I was always on this journey. I didn't just fall off self-improvement. That's part of the progress. Life has these ebbs and flows."
"All you need to do to keep on progressing is stop worrying about progressing."
"Perfection does not exist, so don't strive for it... Progress should always be the goal, not perfection."
"Celebrate how far people have come rather than judging them for how much they still have to go."
"Dream big, but start small. Then connect the dots."
"It's taken what feels like an eternity, but we've done it. We are here, coming to you from the new studio."
"It's like second wind: suddenly you are powered up and ready to move forward."
"You are actually a part of evolution... pushing evolution forward."
"The Art of Not Giving an F is not about being apathetic. It's about understanding we're all a work in progress."
"Happiness comes from progress, not from getting everything we want but from feeling like we moved forward."
"The proof is in the process, the proof is in the progress."
"You're at the base of a mountain that's shrouded in fog... you have to just take steps into the unknown, and when you take three steps, another three steps will be revealed ahead of you."
"Don't let perfection get in the way of good enough."
"Your advice is that things are going to start moving forward, but your mind needs to be open to new possibilities."
"Even on days that don't feel like you're making progress, you're still making progress, even if it's something small."
"God has more for us. It's not time to stop; it's time to move forward."
"We are still a long way to go, but this family will get there. They just need to be consistent."
"This connection would be very healing, it's going to allow you to move forward."
"Pinker argues that the world has been drastically improved thanks to the enlightenment and more recently, neoliberal capitalism."
"Forward is forward, it doesn't matter how slow you go."
"Productivity is not about blasting through your to-do list and doing more, it's actually about doing less. Productivity is the ability to make progress in the things that matter to you."
"We are better served by following a heuristic that goes towards the world we want, then by assuring ourselves beforehand that we're taking the shortest path."
"It's much easier to steer a ship that's moving than to steer a ship that's stationary."
"Human material well-being is progressing at a staggering rate."
"We had made significant progress over the past year."
"We continue to make good progress on bringing inflation down."
"Progress is everything. That's what's going to make you feel alive."
"The child mortality rate in Africa is now the same as it was in Europe in 1952, which is a statistic that I just regard as absolutely miraculous."
"This is definitely one of the bigger moments where I really start to see this game getting closer to its final boss form."
"I want to try to get as far as we've ever gotten where we don't get sidetracked."
"We really are standing on the shoulders of giants."
"Physics has sadly not produced any forward progress over the last 50 years."
"Over the course of a week, going from like 0 to 100 or maybe 10 to 90, taking into account that there were products that existed before last week."
"The glass ceiling in US politics is showing cracks, if not completely shattering."
"Science doesn't care what your nationality is. All that matters is who is offering you enlightened leadership and enlightened governance. If you want to be on that frontier, otherwise you will dance to the tune played by others who have made those investments in the future of this civilization."
"I should take pen to paper and let you know just how far you've come and how proud I am."
"Things change and that's a good thing. We want change, we want progress."
"It's been a lot, but I'm, I feel like I'm making progress."
"Healing is a journey, it's not an event. It's about progress over perfection."
"I quite like moving towards progress. I feel like that's the right way to... it's a driving force for me."
"SpaceX's journey is a testament to the rapid advancement of technology and human intellect."
"We are now one step closer to our final transformation."
"Every stumble is a step forward in the dance of life."
"This is about you sensing the light, moving towards that, creating movement, taking that a step at a time."
"It wasn't quiet enough, but we'll get there, I promise."
"Adversity is the price we pay for advancement."
"We predicated our civilization on those propositions, and look at it. It's not so bad. We've brought wealth and plenty to billions of people around the world."
"The state of our union is strong and getting stronger."
"This is a week of movement for you. That's your keyword."
"Rise above the fear and the challenges that are being presented to grow through them and to keep moving forward."
"The more you struggle against the tide, the more you delay your own progress. Let go and trust."
"You are safe and it is safe to move forward on this idea."
"Progress is a foundational pillar to human happiness."
"Pain plus reflection equals progress. Pain is a teacher."
"Celebrate the progress that you've already made."
"You might not be fully where you want to be, but you're on your way."
"Intellectual honesty has to be the basis for any progress we make here."
"The right kind of man will not be intimidated by your progress."
"There are positive developments that point to a possible way forward and possibly a way out of this nightmare."
"What makes it truly special is the community—a community built on openness, shared expertise, and collective progress."
"Rwanda has undergone a remarkable transformation, turning into a nation unrecognizable from its past."
"I remember those humble beginnings as a family of simple peasants, little did we know that we'd soon create our own kingdom."
"A huge albeit long overdue step in the right direction."
"The real bosses don't care about power; they only care about progress."
"February is going to be really nice for you, and you're definitely making some progress."
"We're here to unleash a new era, giving voice to a new generation with each revolution per minute."
"Working the negative as well as the concentric, that's gonna make you progress way faster."
"You don't have to continue moving and making progress 24/7."
"Hopefully this video was helpful for you, and now you have a clear idea of how to move forward and what to do."
"Any improvement is better than no improvement."
"You need to move forward. You need to take a chance on this."
"You're not going to allow outside interference, and you're definitely not going to allow past interference, not anymore."
"GPT 5.5 is only a few months away from deployment. We're not slowing down, are we?"
"I love competition. I love progress on all fronts."
"All progress demands sacrifice but never risk sacrificing everything for progress."
"We keep going. I know it probably looks on your end kind of the same, but if you saw our coverage from IF1 to IF2, this is an even bigger jump."
"It's about going from nothing to something, like from the beginnings to the end."
"You're literally changing the tires of the car while the car is going."
"The only way to reach that new height is to keep moving forward and to trust."
"The Gennin training arc has finally been completed, and we've entered a new scenario, the Chunin Exam arc."
"Progress is not linear; it's curvilinear, almost exponential or geometric."
"I feel we are one step closer to solving this cold case with Tessa and Nick's help."
"People are compelled by biology to strive, progress, and be courageous."
"Humans are not intended to decline; decline is hugely painful because happiness comes from progress, unhappiness comes from regress."
"We have a lot of progress to make; we're on the right track, it's going to take some time, but it's a start."
"You have this determination, your wanting to move things forward."
"The wheels of justice are heading in the right direction."
"Secular humanism sets up a system that says we are going to move forward based on empathy, discovery, discussion, and data."
"We know we're just the beginning, a blip in the universe's potential, but the only way to fulfill that potential is to start making progress today."
"In science, we never prove anything, and yet we make progress because we have warranted belief, we have justifiable claims that we can back up with evidence."
"Progress comes when you realize the current mindset is not enough for what we want to achieve."
"It gives me this very consistent linear progress where I'm able to just simplify things."
"Set reasonable standards and start somewhere."
"Expedient forward progress is very effective but has nothing to do with peace, contentment, or doing good."
"Finding out the truth of where we are right now is progress. It's a milestone that we should celebrate."
"It is easier to create wealth now than it's ever been in human history."
"It's the least amount of volume you can do and actually make gains over time."
"Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all men's happiness."
"Your wealth may rise from day to day; you will be enterprising, ambitious, may progress through your own efforts."
"The magic that we create is that every year it gets better."
"There's this tendency to sanitize history and to imagine that progress was smooth and bloodless."
"On May 31st, 2007, New Hampshire became the first state to recognize same-sex unions without a court order or a threat of one."
"Our assumed consent and this unanimous obsession with profit and progress and optimization without regard for the soul of humanity is poison."
"For every four days I'd be failing, I'd have one day of success, but that one day of success would get me slightly ahead of where I was at the start of the week."
"A foundational pillar to human happiness is progress."
"Have we developed too far as a society, or have we not developed enough?"
"Progress is not linear and we can't appreciate the good times without the bad ones."
"Correct priority is the principle of progress."
"We need to listen to each other, to figure out a way to move forward."
"I'm gonna call this process, this thing that happened, a speed boost."
"My motivation was back. My tank was full. I was going fast."
"Persal's Journey starts off a bit slow but he is soon on the Move."
"Be it resolved: what you call political correctness, I call progress."
"It is time to take steps forward; it is time to let go of the past."
"What's important is how we accelerate our progress, focusing on the capabilities or team members we need to add to enhance our performance."
"You are moving closer to abundance than you realize."
"There's something being manifested here that's coming towards you and it's because of your inner strength."
"Committing every day to do one thing extra that will take you closer to your dream life, closer to that big goal you have."
"This move by various areas towards reopening is optimistic, and that's good."
"Every great achievement is [the result of] small habits ultimately."
"Life is short, you can't be messing around with your goals. You've got to make progress every single day."
"The best way to make progress in human hierarchies has nothing to do with power but everything to do with reciprocity and responsibility."
"Pick up something heavy, write something that's a benefit to you in the rest of the world, and stumble forward mightily with it."
"The only way you can climb a mountain is by taking one step at a time."
"We couldn't change it; it's history. What we can do is acknowledge it and show how far we've come because that's not D&D anymore."
"Steady progress. You're doing great. You're much further along than a lot of other people."
"We can only move forward if we try things, and sometimes trying things means re-examining the nature of what we are trying to do."
"Happiness is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal."
"If we apply knowledge and sympathy to reduce suffering and enhance flourishing, we can gradually succeed."
"You can have anything you want, but you can't have everything you want. You have to sacrifice most things in the medium term in order to facilitate progress toward one thing."
"If I'm one percent better tomorrow than I was today, that's all I need to fucking do."
"We're making some serious progress right now."
"On this island, we have a desire to protect our values and traditions, as we should, but that shouldn't come at the expense of introspection and progress."
"Little by little, a little becomes a whole lot."
"The worst is now behind you, and you are surmounting any previous challenges."
"Are we now living in an enlightened age? No, but we live in an age of enlightenment."
"Consistency, dedication... slow motion is better than no motion. Slow progress is way better than not having nothing."
"Progress is a gift of the ideals of the Enlightenment."
"Initial vulnerability improves the right relationship. Repeated vulnerability over time with no progress can damage a good relationship."
"What got us to where we are is we're curious."
"I hope that moving forward throughout the rest of this year, we move forward in a more educated and healing direction."
"The actual eventual adoption of this technology... is something that is extremely exciting and a story that continues to grow in a positive way."
"Life is like a wheelbarrow, you get nowhere till you start pushing."
"Use whatever interventions you need in order to allow yourself to continue moving forward in the world."
"Sometimes the universe closes doors because it's time to move forward. And that's a good thing because we often won't move unless circumstances force us to."
"What exponential technologies are is the force that takes whatever was scarce and makes it abundant."
"One of the most powerful forms of motivation is progress."
"Success is consistent progress towards the vision. Ultimate success would be the realization of the vision."
"I've now ranked up to an amateur miner. Every small victory counts."
"Life doesn't go backwards. Life goes forwards."
"Transform into the person with respect for themselves and appreciation for the progress you're making."
"Infant mortalities are way down, you know, like the norm for people growing up like a hundred or 150 years ago is that multiple of their children would die."
"As your ceiling is getting higher, so is your floor. This is what I was saying earlier: you can't just try to achieve progress and growth by having bigger goals, you achieve progress and success essentially by increasing your standards."
"Pain is petrol; without petrol, the car is not going to go anywhere."
"Discipline is one of the most important things we can develop in our lives because without that ability to be self-reliant and willful to get things done on a continual basis, we never get that great amount of momentum and progress towards what we really want."
"With all the negative headlines dominating the news these days, it can be difficult to spot signs of progress. What makes you optimistic about the future?"
"Just thinking about it makes me want to be more consistent. You can anticipate that eventually you do end up getting to a place where you build routines and rhythms into your daily disciplines long enough, you stay in motion long enough, and things just happen."
"Humanity has made extraordinary achievements already."
"We're always striving to push the boundaries of what technology can do."
"I mean, I just think that that's progress. In general, we made progress, and I think the challenges of any given point in time continue to evolve and change."
"Look at all those extra levels; it was a level 100, now it's a level 150."
"We can do better than capitalism and there is no reason that the human progress that took us beyond ancient villages and tribes and slavery and feudalism should imagine itself to have stopped at this point. Every other system was born, evolved, and died. Capitalism, we know, was born and evolved. I'll leave it to your inference as to what it is doing now."
"Having the luxury to think about these problems is like a nice thing; it shows progress."
"The visionary constantly reminds us where we're going and how much more we have to do, celebrating how much of the iceberg is above the ocean, yet acknowledging the majority is still underneath."
"We're not stagnated; we don't stay the same."
"We are continuing to talk about next steps, looking at best practices from around the world."
"I know it's a beloved attraction, but I'm okay with it. I know one thing is that Walt loved to make progress and move forward and try new things."
"It's always getting better because we're always getting better as individuals."
"We pay so much attention to our failures... but keeping a list of achievements helps me to see and helps me to remember the progress that I've been making."
"We're not where we want to be, but we're not where we used to be."
"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."
"If you can do that while also not ignoring the fundamentals and setting strong intentions when you practice, you'll find yourself making a lot more progress than you used to."