
Music Therapy Quotes

There are 196 quotes

"Stress is going to happen, but it is extremely important that we all have readily accessible stress management tools that work the first time and every time."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Listening to a particular song, 'Weightless' by Marconi Union, experience up to 65 percent reductions in their anxiety."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Music therapy is on the up, which is just so beautiful because it does so many wonderful things for your brain."
"Listening to Red Bone's 'Come and Get Your Love' can reduce anxiety."
"Music has been therapy for me. If you listen to my lyrics, I talk about pain."
"Listening to music can put you in a better mood."
"I just want to make music that's therapeutic for people."
"Music can heal you, it can fire you up, and I feel you need both here."
"Music is powerful and can boost overall health and well-being."
"Find a song that makes you feel positively energetic."
"Music is extremely healing, so listen to music that has healing frequencies."
"This song saved me on that devastating, deeply depressing evening."
"Music therapy is a growing field that uses music to evoke and assess emotional responses to help people relax or to heal."
"The music side of it really helped me get away from that. It was a tough city."
"Music really was created as a healing mechanism."
"Singing is medicine for the soul, but ultimately it leads us to the healer, which is Jesus."
"These are pyramids meant to heal the way music is being."
"Music should be a reality in all hospitals. Music connects a person to who they really are with the sacred. It renews hope."
"Billy's music is more of an emotional outlet."
"Making music can be a way of helping other people, a way of giving to other people."
"Listen to gentler music, healing frequencies."
"I make music as therapy for myself and can I listen back to it and really connect to it, so that's such a heartfelt record."
"It just flows like melody to the soul, it's healing."
"Music is probably one of the best tools that I use to shift my mood."
"Have a go-to song...something that is gonna put you in a good mood and make you feel amazing no matter what you have going on in your life."
"Vibration and healing and music and sound and how it affects your life."
"The right music has the power to heal, to cleanse, and to uplift the entire being."
"I put my stress in my music, focus on my grind, there's no weed I could lose it, rapping over anything for anything I choose it."
"Wrapping yourself up in a song like this to express your utter anguish and despair can be the catalyst to spring you forward to something better."
"Music was supposed to restore the equilibrium of the soul."
"It's the music matches the movement of the heart."
"Whenever I'm sad I listen to super depressive music that makes me like the hardest music I can listen to and then I feel better."
"Hearing his voice again on a song, some new Nipsey verse... like it was soothing to me."
"Music is a safe space to heal and reflect and grow and be able to sit with no one else around but feel less alone."
"We're all suffering, music can be the antidote to a lot of human suffering."
"Music helps through miserable times, improves life."
"Music accesses our brains and bodies in a way that few other mediums do."
"Juice WRLD's music is perfect to listen to if you're feeling down."
"My music is battle tested because I write the songs to help me through the same things that they probably helped you get through."
"One of the biggest benefits in my opinion of metal drumming is just that it really genuinely can kind of help lift you out of some of those head spaces and it really has for me throughout my life."
"Music can actually change your mood and help you adapt to stress."
"Surrounding yourself with music will help you in the everyday because I feel sound is really important for you."
"Shift into focus using music designed to stimulate your productivity brainwaves."
"I don't give a fuck what nobody thinks about my music, I do this because it's therapeutic for me."
"Music is a massive one...it just calms me down."
"If you don't feel like cleaning a space just turn on some music, turn on some good old jams that'll help you get through and help motivate you to tackle a space."
"Music will always be there for you, it will always guide you."
"You could be frustrated, it would just lift people out of wherever they were and make them feel good."
"Blast your favorite playlist... you'll be good, trust me."
"Music will help you clear your mind, peaceful music allowing yourself to connect to yourself."
"Instead of killing themselves they listen to a song about killing themselves and it may get them through the day."
"I was too pussy to end my life so I knew that feeling and I wanted to come for anybody because I found a way out through the music."
"Erase all the sad memories – it's a hard thing to do, but we use music to do that."
"Music is my therapy. Music is what I go to when I'm stressing out. I gotta hop in the studio, I make a new song. Music is my life, brother."
"This music [] is healing my pain. For real, I'm insane, but when I let the beat play, this music [] is healing my pain."
"Music has the ability to really put you in a good space... make you feel like you are important... you belong in this universe."
"One of the best ways to shift your energy frequency and vibration is to put on some music and dance along with it."
"When I immerse myself in good music, I find that I’m able to achieve a sense of clarity that I’ve never been able to find in any other way."
"If people are going to sit down, play guitar, and find therapeutic moments, then I'll just keep making videos."
"Music is therapy for some people. Like, I listen to music 24/7, bro. I don't watch TV at all. Certain songs that I can relate to, you know, so I can vent to it. It's like therapy."
"Music can be healing and comforting."
"When life gets me down, I play my guitar."
"Music can heal wounds that medicine cannot touch."
"... I I turned to music and songwriting a lot during that time ..."
"Monday sucks and I want to stay in bed, play me a song, play me a Metal Opera about that."
"I believe that I can make a difference to children in Greater Manchester that have special needs using music therapy."
"...music has a real magic quality to people particularly people who are suffering from dementia."
"If you're looking to do some healing, I would do some reclaiming with a concert or a musician that you associate with a sad time."
"Music can be on a radio station right when someone needs it."
"When I felt like you help me get right and when I felt like giving up you gave me one more try and when I felt like it was over Joel Ortiz music saved my life."
"Music is how Maddie learned to talk. Remember, Mom kept the music on like 500 times, and then one day she was humming, and that's how they knew he would talk."
"Paul's music calms them down and helps them express themselves again."
"Paramore 'After Laughter' is like the perfect therapy music. You feel great, like you're getting therapy by listening to something that's talking about something you're going through."
"Music is the only thing that heals people without us having to really do anything except just be open."
"Make sure you have chill music, doesn't matter what it is as long as your clients are able to fall asleep."
"Music can induce relaxation. It does decrease the cortisol level compared to when there is no music."
"Listening to music decreases pain by 10 to 30 percent."
"Music really I feel like that's my therapy that's what brings me to a good place with everything."
"Music as an escape as well, isn't it, from all the stress and the pressure of the outside world?"
"This is part of long-term memory with Alzheimer's patients, they often respond to music."
"Music is very, very powerful and it can heal and it can also hurt you and so I am hyper aware of listening and playing music in my home that will calm our central nervous systems and not spike our adrenaline and our cortisol."
"Every disease is a musical problem... every cure is a musical solution."
"Music in a way substitutes for the basal ganglia... restores speech or language to people who have aphasia."
"Music helps me feel happy and... caaalm, so I thought it might help you when you're at the hospital too."
"It's really, really amazing what these songs mean to each person. And I think it's a kind of music therapy, and I wish that people would take it more seriously."
"Listening to Whispers music, hey buddy, that's okay, keep doing that, it's all right with us, it's great therapy for me, thank you."
"Music saves you. When you're sad, you put on a sad song. When you're happy, put on a happy song."
"Music is healing. People will come up to me after show and say that song you did, my husband was here and my daughter and my mother was here and they passed and that was our song. I think that's what it is. Then they cry and they hug and it's a healing thing."
"But it's because music is literally, literally medicine."
"If he is singing the praises of the healing power of music today, I imagine in 2053 it will be accepted mainstream care."
"Music heals. We know that. Music heals. It really does. It's been music. Music's been my best friend my whole life. It never lets me down."
"Music is recognized for its unique power over individuals' physical, mental, and emotional health."
"I found that listening to classical music or spa music was actually very beneficial."
"Music helps hugely actually, music helps me a lot."
"If you've got a dementia patient, play that music for them because that is soothing to them and it brings back memories."
"The music provides an external rhythm to compensate for the defective rhythm inside the brain."
"If there is a panacea for any prophylactic effect against cognitive decline for aging or otherwise, I would say it is music."
"John is kind of one of The Originators of putting your pain in music but not letting the pain affect the music."
"Music can reset my vibe, just listening to anything that can change your mood."
"Becomes the music becomes like a therapy."
"Breathing exercises and music got me through."
"Music is a great way to enhance a mood. It's a great way to kind of mellow yourself out."
"I predict a large need for therapy after this album drops."
"It's the same with me, music does that for me. The place you can go where all that stuff fades into insignificance for a while, you know?"
"I like hearing stuff like that like people listening to my music for like therapeutic reasons."
"I'm not about war, honestly man, I'm more about peace, man, I'm born about using this music for therapy when I release."
"We need to play music for our elephant emotions to calm them down and point them to something higher, beauty. It's not just rational, there's emotion, but it's positive, it draws you into something better."
"Instead of destroying the guitar, we'll donate it to Guitars for Vets."
"Music is part of what we can be; it's like we have this external stimuli we can put on to help us take care of ourselves, to stay calm."
"Art therapy and music therapy have been useful for some individuals with primary progressive aphasia."
"Music is really important to stay sane."
"I've been feeling quite anxious today and I find that Lo-fi is one of those things that I can listen to and it can calm me down."
"K-pop is literally one of the pillars for my mental health."
"The biggest impact of music therapy is that our first response with children is to medicate."
"Sometimes you just need to sing out your feelings."
"The philosopher Kant once called music the quickening art, and Henry is being quickened, he is being brought to life."
"People forget about all the pain they were in."
"Listening to heavy metal music might be a better way of doing things than maybe getting stoned or getting drunk to solve your problems."
"...when you're moving the frequencies around and you have enough synergy in the room, you can start to unlock a certain amount of emotional trauma with people..."
"Music is a godsend. It's literally like a miracle when it comes to Tourette's."
"Music is breaking new ground and music therapy is groundbreaking."
"I really create music to feel better; that is my therapy. Without it, I wouldn't be here right now."
"Music gets me through the hardest of times, and I know I'm not alone with that."
"The wise men of the ancient world...taught and demonstrated the profound effect of music upon the body."
"Harp music is a powerful and ancient method of healing."
"The ukulele ministers to people's hearts and souls and minds. You can be frustrated, you can be angry, but whenever you pick up a uke, all those things disappear."
"Music can help you get from one place to the next."
"I focus on three primary areas: theory therapy, innovative improvisation, and creative composition."
"Music and volunteering... lift the kids' spirits."
"One that I go back to whenever I need a pick-me-up."
"Singing is used to help cancer patients."
"It turns out that 'Adagio for Strings' may be more relaxing than AC/DC."
"Having a repository for those feelings is life-saving; we put it in the music."
"Music is our therapy, it makes people happy."
"Rock and roll keeps me going, keeps me alive, takes away all my pains, all my demons."
"This is the whole NF real music thing, man, this is real for me, I need this, this is a therapy for me."
"Music therapy as a field really started working with veterans back after World War II."
"Music is a drug, music stimulates your whole body, your mind, your body, your soul."
"That music can reach parts of the brain that words can't."
"Let music heal our souls and our hearts and our minds and bring us together like we're supposed to be as the human race."
"When I would sing, it would make me feel emotionally better. It was like free counselling, free psychology."
"It's a trial, you just gotta fight through it, that's why I like music."
"Music therapy hand drum with advertising like this, how could I possibly say no?"
"Meeting the children... really makes you realize the power of music being able to uplift not just the children that might be sick but the family that surrounds them."
"I stayed calm and relaxed all the time, the music really helped."
"Playing guitar on set and off is great; it's like my therapy."
"Music is the best remedy for everything that ails us."
"Whenever you begin to play, sorrows fly away."
"Music like any drug starts working at some point."
"Music certainly brings a sparkle back to the old lady's eyes."
"Listen to music when you're feeling sad or angry to help you calm down."
"Music improves verbal memory and coding while decreasing prefrontal cortex activity."
"Music play and music therapy allows them to release some energy."
"I have a really hard time connecting with people on an emotional level, and music lets me do that in ways that I can't otherwise."
"The musical memory and the programs that are sent to the motor part of the brain are preserved relatively late into the disease process."
"Music therapy itself is the clinical and evidence-based applications use of music interventions to help individuals with specific goals."
"The act of physically playing music is one of the most stimulating things that you can do for your brain."
"It alters our cells in a way that nothing else can."
"Music started to work like an ocean on what was going on inside you."
"Music saved my life, and it still is."
"Rock to recovery... it's a start a company that would be a music program that would go into treatment centers and work with people."
"Whenever I'm feeling down, I can listen to a live performance of Patti and Beyoncé, and I'll just be so cheered up."
"Music can change your mood so quickly and help you get through things."
"When we sing and we listen and after that we keep it in our mind, we create love in our mind."
"It's Christmas Eve, I'm getting all stressed, so I am playing Michael Bublé Christmas album."
"Music helps us train our minds, helps us be sociable, and even can have therapeutic uses."
"Let's listen to a song, I think that would really help."
"So using music in a way that helps to bring that person to the present."
"It's therapeutic in so many ways... a world to get lost in."
"Playing this drum relieves stress and brings relaxation and peaceful energy into your life."
"Music can strengthen us in difficult times."
"The power of music to heal, the power of the voice to heal."
"Dr. Glenn Rye's research is a beacon in exploring music's impact on DNA, hinting at a profound connection between specific frequencies and cellular harmony."
"The concept of resonance suggests that certain music frequencies resonate harmoniously with DNA's molecular structure, potentially influencing gene expression and cellular communication."
"Imagine a future where hospitals incorporate personalized music therapies tailored to each patient's unique needs, harnessing the power of resonance for healing."
"Hip-hop is not just entertainment, and music is a form of therapy, it's a form of expression first."
"Music therapy... it's amazing how much music helps them."
"Music isn't just entertainment. Music is hip-hop, hip-hop is not just entertainment, and music is a form of therapy, it's a form of expression first."
"Music is very healing and can reignite your spark in a way."