
Reward System Quotes

There are 236 quotes

"I mean, I believe in evolution. And if you think about the evolution of our species, everything is driven by developing mechanisms that increase our survival."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Will the mouse do that simply to give one of its buddies a reward? That's pure altruism."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The neural mechanism of cultivating growth mindset involves learning to access the rewards from effort and doing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Offensive aggression is actually rewarding to male mice. They like it."
"Dopamine is associated with reward, it's more about motivation and craving."
"Beliefs actually have their own rewarding quality; there's actually dopamine release associated with beliefs."
"We need to stop looking for that dopamine hit and essentially try to find a way of being in the world that isn't primarily focused on rewards."
"The growth mindset is attached to the dopamine system, which Mother Nature installed in all organisms as a reward system so that when we're heading in the right direction towards something, there's a sense of reward."
"Your brain is trying to figure out what happened prior to getting or not getting a reward and it's comparing what you wanted compared to what you got."
"Behaviors that are immediately rewarded get repeated; behaviors that are immediately punished get avoided."
"You get hits of dopamine when you achieve things... if you're able to effectively create a reward system that means something to you, it can help you stay motivated."
"Getting to pick your loot and its Masterwork and then getting multiple drops for just one run of this activity makes it feel incredibly rewarding and satisfying."
"In a healthy emotion management system, you want to put the effort in upfront and reap the reward on the back end."
"If you play normal, the average raid will give you one Totem of Undying, and if you're playing hard, then on average, you'll get five Totems of Undying."
"Positive reinforcement should not be contingent upon results... what we should reward is effort."
"Dopamine is the reward system within our body; when dopamine binds to a dopamine receptor, we get a big sense of reward and an energy burst."
"That's the beauty of Souls games; they put the player on a pedestal and shower them with gold."
"Whenever you get some kind of reward or even just expect it, your limbic system sends out a bunch of dopamine, one of the brain's main feel-good neurotransmitters."
"If your pleasure reward system is all screwy because you're so used to rewarding yourself for not even putting in work and just sitting in a chair and watching porn, that bleeds into your actual life in terms of goal setting, achievement, high quality relationships, etc."
"The loser of this challenge would be obliged to give the winner 12 gold coins out of their pockets since the guild cards would be able to track the number of monsters defeated."
"The powerups should be rewarding enough that the player is continuously motivated to keep seeking them out, which means there should be a palpable increase in strength with each one collected."
"Successful non-lethal engagements are much more rewarding."
"Dark Souls rewards intelligent exploration and experimentation."
"Fast-paced combat that rewards smart play and effective strategies."
"The entire game is a loop of activities to earn loot."
"The way they're making PvE feel like it's more rewarding, more fun, that there's a purpose to it, and challenging at the same time, and always giving you a new experience is something that they talked a lot about during this last stage of the game."
"Habits are just very, very simple. They are made up of three distinct things that happen: there is a trigger or a cue of some sort that kicks that routine off, that kicks the habit off, that habit then gives you some sort of a reward."
"El Presidente announces a new snitch for cash program. Report something suspicious today and you could win fabulous cash prizes."
"Permanent or Evergreen endgame features that extend the challenges and reward opportunities after you've reached 100."
"There's a completely optional but extremely rewarding gameplay loop hidden in here."
"She Bang we just hit the bonus 500 on slide up nice."
"Exercise can change your brain's entire reward system in a positive way."
"They did do a good job at making rewards more satisfying in general."
"You're like a rat that's sitting there key pressing to get a little jolt of electricity in your reward system."
"This is definitely improving our player-versus-player. Being rewarded with one!"
"Music's power of the emotions really is remarkable. It's a powerful internal reward system that drives other brain systems."
"Completing Shovel Knight is wildly satisfying; this game rewards patience and mastery."
"I made a habit of rewarding efforts more than results."
"Your brain is wired as a punishment and reward system. If you get punished for something, you're not going to do it again, and if you get rewarded for something, you're going to keep on doing it."
"Better rewards and replay value for strikes, adventures, and lost sectors."
"Ari is a perfect amount of skill and still being rewarded."
"There is a built-in reward system in Cyberry."
"Street Fighter 6 will reward more aggressive play."
"The traversal system is rewarding from start to finish, balancing ease of use with complexity."
"I get rewarded for my output, not for my input."
"Meta event rush: no more daily cap on all world meta event completion rewards."
"Focus on your process rather than its reward."
"Loyal voters don't get rewarded and that has been my political lesson of the past seven years."
"It's just super fair, you hit good shots you get rewarded."
"They're really giving you a lot of stuff to make you hooked on the game."
"The modified Pomodoro Technique... a reward every thirty minutes... ideal learning for retention."
"Run the trials as you get really great stuff out of it."
"Gunplay, puzzles, lore, and a reward for the whole community was what made Niobe Labs."
"Honestly I'm waiting for that serotonin bump when I see the number go up."
"Games are designed to kind of feed into your reward complex in your brain, right?"
"We have to band together and start to reward the businesses and the culture that we want."
"Skill matters, so if you want to be rewarded playing a shooter, this is the one for you."
"You play Animal Crossing rewards you with something fun and fresh, this game is a fantastic improvement for the franchise."
"What I want you to really think about, especially if you're struggling with attention and listening, is what does your puppy find rewarding?"
"I want them to think and feel that you are the most rewarding thing in their world."
"Sentinels are definitely going to take a hit. They're way too rewarding."
"The gameplay is so simple and addictive, it's just dopamine on tap."
"Major props to 2k for making the grind worth it in unlimited for this next Player of the Month."
"Everyone with a perfect score will get it." - Elon Musk
"The difficulty of raids being getting into them at the beginning made them a more rewarding experience."
"For that fee you're getting four x backet restaurants and 4 x backet groceries at US supermarkets on up to 25,000 in spend per calendar year."
"Plans to improve rewards for veteran players."
"Most importantly, at the bottom line, she is the most rewarding champion in the game to pick up and master."
"You reward those incremental improvements and you don't get all cynical about them."
"What we have here as an economic system is powerful. It rewards hard work. It rewards ingenuity."
"You really get rewarded for putting in the extra effort."
"You get a gold star and a chocolate chip cookie."
"I mean, I got four gold medals and got nothing out of it. I think the last game should count, even if I was in the lead. I think it should count, it makes it more intense."
"Effort reward heuristic which is we enjoy things more and appreciate them more if we put a little effort upfront."
"With the 30 kills you're nuts man they didn't get anywhere close to the city that's gonna change trust me but because of that we get maximum rewards boom boom boom."
"RE3 OG had tons of extra costumes rewarded based on ending ranks, enhancing replayability."
"Reward the activity you like and penalize the activity you don't like."
"Bling Cryptocurrency Earning Apps: instant crypto payouts you really cannot complain."
"Love the running gun levels, incredibly challenging but fair, offering higher rewards for completing them."
"I don't really like dealing with anything that I can't kill and be rewarded to kill for."
"In any case don't worry if you do get to a higher infamy than we're being rewarded for currently as you'll unlock those rewards retroactively."
"3d land has a lot of different tasks to execute with small rewards that incentivize you to do everything and it's because of them that Super Mario 3d Land is the mario game for completionists."
"These rewards are hollow at best. They only reward the chase not the achievement."
"You don't get rewarded for finding problems, you get rewarded for solving them."
"This is the most parkour rewarding one by a wide wide margin."
"They massively buffed the health and damage of World bosses, and significantly increased the rewards."
"A damn near perfect allotment of reward and oppression. It knows when to throw you a treat and when to bonk you on the snout with a rolled up newspaper."
"PvP has been awful this season, not because of 3x RP or 2x RP, but because of the rewards."
"Tesla really rewards proactivity, it does not diminish it."
"Count your points and Tandys if you're an app developer. That is genius."
"And lastly, the hextech crafting system will launch, significantly improving the champion mastery system, and giving players a bunch of random rewards for playing on their favorite champions."
"Whatever it is you seek in the form of rewards, you must first earn in the form of service to others."
"Take part in the test, share your opinions and receive rewards. See you soon!"
"Inner turret local gold reward 175 gold to 300 gold split amongst champions, really, really, really big."
"I like to reward that kind of thing with coverage."
"It's much more exciting and rewarding because you'll be rewarded on your decision-making."
"You might have heard of a concept called bitcoin mining where people set up these advanced computers they solve math problems and when you do that correctly you get rewarded with more bitcoin because now you are helping to produce more bitcoin."
"The problem isn't the reward itself... it's just the routine that you partake in..."
"It's so easy to overlook entirely given how frequent those rewards are handed out in far more interesting main quests."
"If you're doing what you need to be doing in school, you play a sport, you're doing your thing, you're listening to your mother, bro, you ask for a car at 16, you're getting a brand new car. I will not tell you no."
"The magic is in how the game rewards your physical movement with a sensational amount of in-game progress--it really feels great--even if you’ll also be feeling it afterward."
"That inadvertent reward plays a lot into how puppies learn."
"These little time sync areas where you can just do the world's easiest QuickTime event should not have been so easily able to get you everything you could ever want."
"Why are you designing the game to reward less of what makes it fun sometimes? Like Lilith's box of friends is fun, man!"
"Nintendo predicted players' behavior and rewarded them for it."
"The less rewarded and compelling the game feels."
"When you're grinding for a Cause and there's a lot of things to grind for in this it kind of makes it worth it because you get that satisfying present at the end."
"Depth absolutely does come from risk and reward."
"Every week I would be down two pounds, but to me, I liked it because I could cheat every week."
"Using the map's unique elements to kill special zombies rewards the player with parts to open New Paths."
"Nook Miles create a more compulsive experience."
"Letting go of the guilt and the judgment is a big one."
"Boss Token Protocol allows you to redeem rewards for NFTs."
"It rewards you if you're a hard diving champion but don't encourage your but you're a tankman."
"Imagine you're eating the same, but gold comes out."
"People want to be long-term, let's reward them for being long-term."
"I reward myself with something I enjoy, playing video games."
"It's one of the few RPGs that makes the grind feel more like a reward than the chore."
"There's essentially a cheat code to skip all the soft cap and like half the powerful cap if you do the witch queen campaign on legendary difficulty at the end when you beat the final mission you will be awarded a guaranteed set of gear."
"I think it's ultimately just a shame that we live in a society where it feels like people are rewarded for like all the wrong things and all the wrong Behavior."
"Every single time you get a kill against an enemy unit, you're going to gain an experience bonus instead of just attacking them normally."
"The reward for the dog was a meal that kept him focused and attentive."
"Every time we correctly execute an individual instruction, we're gonna earn a point."
"We'll have tons to grind for loads of new things to unlock just by simply playing the game."
"Your brain rewards you for taking a step towards your goal."
"It encourages you to complete the game and rewards you every single step of the way."
"This is going to punish people putting pallets down early and reward people playing smart around loops."
"Definitely makes the game less pay to win and more free to play because now you get major rewards just for playing the game a lot longer instead of winning and stuff like that."
"Her wreck look to me seems comparable to junk rats damage... it's very challenging to use and very rewarding."
"All those who helped Genghis were rewarded. All who resisted him were destroyed."
"Let's go ahead and order resolve this, size of victory of course, nice loot coming in."
"What if there could be a blockchain that could give you rewards in the form of Vacations?"
"We did it on hard, so that's great. We're gonna get better rewards."
"Just like it's easier to work for 25 minutes if you know there's a five minute break coming soon so is dieting more bearable when you know that in six days you'll be allowed to stuff yourself with whatever you want."
"...dopamine plays a role in what's called the reward system in your mind. That's why dopamine is often referred to as the molecule of motivation."
"Make avoiding bad habits or completing good habits rewarding."
"The nucleus accumbens gives us our sense of reward."
"...if you give the mouse methamphetamine and its dopamine level goes up to a 10 times what it was previously so the amount of reward we're talking about is massive compared to natural rewards and that's how these drugs can hijack our reward systems."
"Every drug of abuse activates this reward system."
"For choice to work, the reward system has to be working perfectly. If you break reward, break pleasure, choice goes next."
"For every 15 minutes that Kira behaves like a lovely girl, she gets one of these."
"Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a major role in rewarding certain behaviors."
"Social media rewards anger, rewards strong emotion."
"Why are we rewarding the defensive side that's getting dominated?"
"If you give in and eat that thing, you have reinforced it, you will now want it more every single time that anticipatory dopamine rises."
"None of this system works if you get the reward before the stimulus."
"Just getting physically over to the space could be the first set of rewards you can give a kid, like points towards something."
"Every touchdown I allow in a Madden 23 game, I update one blazing hot buffalo wing from Buffalo Wild Wings."
"Creating this chain is a really great way to get ourselves to feel a little bit of instant gratification every single time we mark the calendar with an 'X'."
"Remember that the cue must lead to a feeling of reward versus a feeling of work. And this is what we're going to talk about inside of mindset. This is actually coming directly out of No Sweat by Michelle Seeger, a really great book all about exercise."
"Literally give yourself some kind of tangible reward after you engage in the behavior to increase your brain's perception of reward for that task."
"The human brain is designed to pick up information, little dopamine hits constantly all the time."
"Men are more comfortable with the fact that some people are going to be better than other people and we should reward the people who are better than other people because that incentivizes everyone to work harder."
"It engages the dopamine system which is very important for signaling stimuli that have rewarding responses or could be viewed as pleasurable or positive."
"If you can teach activities and routines with a reward, you can get rid of rewards."
"Sound and light alone produce changes in our brain, much like natural stimuli, and trigger the reward cascade."
"She's actually figuring out that she needs to go into the crate and that holding a sit stay for a period of time is very likely to get her what she wants."
"Atari had the bonus program and rewarded us for games that actually sold and made profit."
"It's almost like a dopamine hit you get."
"It's not a punishment to add these enrichments. It's a privilege, and then you're rewarded by it."
"Mischel's hypothesis is that there are two systems of processing rewards: hot and cool."
"The game always equalized gameplay reward with narrative rewards."
"It's a search for more tours; the more points we get, the more tours we get."
"Set up a reward system, especially on days with low motivation."
"The utility is the reward plus future rewards."
"Lack of reward is another cause of burnout."
"Giving has the same brain reward activation as receiving."
"Dopamine plays a role as a reward center in many body functions."
"Bounty programs are designed to teach people how to be able to go and find these, and then when they do find them, they get rewarded for it."
"Reward yourself every time you visit the gym."
"Behavioral science tells us that you'd especially like it if we accompanied that victory with a lot of flashing lights and celebratory music."
"Using bladed weapons to kill an enemy rewards them with double the points compared to a gun."
"It's not really the reward that's driving them, there's something else deeper down driving those people forward."
"You do good, you're rewarded; you get better prices, you get better treatment. You do bad, you're canceled, that's it, period."
"I rewarded things that I like, which is good whiskey."
"Think of money as a reward for an output of value."
"We automatically get rewarded for our bad habits, we have to actively reward ourselves for our good habits."
"...if we were to understand the mechanism and the common mechanism across all of the addictions is that you create long-term potentiation in reward circuits."
"For those who work hard, get treats."
"Class Dojo is not a behavior management system; it's more of a communication/reward system."
"We want to be able to reward those that build security into software appropriately."
"The target value for each state in our batch for the action we actually took is equal to the reward for that time step plus gamma times the value of the next step."
"Trust in Dark Souls, experiment, try new things, and it will reward you."
"The most radical aspect about SourceCred is that it rewards contributions instead of simply contributors."
"It's works on a rewards system which is really a sort of microcosm to how real life works."
"Tea is both an incentive to get out of bed and also a reward for a day very well spent."
"Maximize the sum of rewards that you accumulate over this process."
"Dopamine" is a feel-good drug your body gives you when you've done something good that it thinks is helping you.
"For every five books I read from my physical TBR, I could add two tokens to my shelf."
"The cue leads to the habit which leads to a reward."
"The advantages tell us the reward that followed taking a particular action at a given time step."
"Gamma is how much the agent chooses to discount future rewards."
"It's natural for people to want to be rewarded for their work."
"The brain treats information as if information is rewards like water and food."
"Operant conditioning is learning through reward and punishment."
"What gets praised and rewarded gets repeated."
"We reward people for doing nice things."
"People only have a limited amount of time; it's inevitable they focus on areas that are measured and rewarded."
"We reward calm, collected behavior."
"The platform rewards people that are posting consistent content on a daily basis."