
Anxiety Reduction Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"Getting enough quality sleep on a consistent basis is the foundation of mental health, physical health, and performance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Listening to a particular song, 'Weightless' by Marconi Union, experience up to 65 percent reductions in their anxiety."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Even short daily meditations can greatly improve our mood, reduce anxiety, improve our ability to focus, and can improve our memory."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sleep and the electrical quality of that sleep, when you get it, actually provides essentially an anxiolytic. It de-escalates anxiety."
"Remember to play. That play message is really strong here... Do things that make you feel good and help reduce anxiety as best you can."
"Our goal is to share good ideas for teaching with teachers, students, parents in maths, and to help erase maths anxiety."
"91% of participants showed significant reductions in anxiety and depression."
"Crying releases stress and helps reduce anxiety."
"As you digest and process that emotion, your anxiety will weaken in the present."
"Are you ready to move from worry to confidence, from anxiety to hope?"
"If you prepare and you've anticipated the situation, it will get rid of 80% of those doubts."
"Preparation decreases your anxiety, increases your performance, and literally everything with respect to academics."
"Not only did I notice my anxiety really started to go down as a result but I also became way more productive at what I was doing."
"Life gets easier the clarity it gets smoother the anxiety reduces it's so worth that initial investment."
"Putting feelings into words can reduce physiologic symptoms and anxiety."
"Watching something creative and positive may reduce the anxieties of viewers as well as the creators of the project."
"I want to actually put myself in a situation where I can go, you know what, I'm not that anxious of a person anymore."
"Stop worrying about the worst-case scenario."
"Live in the present, try not to live in the past or worry too much about the future."
"Cultivate calm stillness and joy and let go of anxiety as a lifestyle."
"Don't be anxious. Can you add a single hour to your life by being anxious? It sounds like him."
"Instead of this thing that we fear the most death, okay, let's make that the thing that makes our life the most beautiful."
"I just felt like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders, I barely had any anxiety."
"If you are prepared, you don't need to be worried."
"The more they can maintain their health, the less anxious they are about any negative health experiences they're having."
"When you shift to learning mode, your anxiety levels go down."
"We're not meant to go through life fearful, anxious, and stressed."
"Having a very strong sense of who you are, what you're feeling, and what you want can lessen your anxiety overall."
"Help me to trust more and worry less, Holy Spirit. Help me to have more faith and not fear."
"Your previous scores will still be valid, no need to worry."
"Meditation allows us to quiet our thoughts, to bring down the anxiety, the worries, and the stress."
"It really is about helping reduce that anxiety and burden."
"When you're 100% committed there's no anxiety."
"Living a life on Carnivore where you have zero inflammation and zero anxiety, you're fearless."
"I feel super relaxed, I feel happy and chill. I don't feel anxiety at all or any sort of anxious. I just feel very calm and relaxed, good, and focused."
"The more you do something, the easier it gets, and the less nervous you become."
"Easing players into that better throughout the entire experience would probably cut off a lot of that anxiety."
"Knowing what's coming can kind of get rid of some of the fear or anxiety."
"If you want to get rid of that anxiety-driven life, make your choices from a place of love."
"Accept what you can control in this moment; it empowers you and removes even the tiniest bit of fear."
"You are not in conflict with the constructs. Your anxiety is reduced."
"Action absorbs anxiety and diminishes our sense of helplessness."
"The worst-case scenario isn't even that scary."
"If somebody's in a funk... she'll take them out of the group and she'll just go to our website and watch two V Clips so four minutes of content they'll have a discussion and she said I can reduce their anxiety I can get them refocused."
"Nitrous oxide does provide some pain relief and a reduction in anxiety, which can be quite useful."
"Because there's significant evidence to suggest that these meds reduce the effects of fear on the mind and body."
"No range anxiety, that's the last thing on my mind nowadays."
"This stuff works. She has papers and brain scans showing how to reduce anxiety and toxic brain pathways and grow new ways of thinking."
"The more confident that your wife or your girlfriend or the lady in your life is, the less anxiety they have."
"The best way to eliminate the anxiety, the uncertainty that comes with the question 'what comes next' is to engage in the discussion."
"In fact, in a study looking at 6 different cases of people with an anxiety disorder, all 6 of them had massive improvements in their anxiety after quitting caffeine."
"Bridging from that to what we're doing right now we're trying to provide understandable information that kind of disambiguates and clarifies a lot of these issues that people have anxieties about."
"A quiet approach to life and moderate approach to life... reduces them [anxieties] because of the effect it produces in a personal living."
"Don't give too much energy to worst-case scenarios."
"Release the worries, release the stresses, release the anxieties."
"That's all we do is train and prepare. The more prepared you are, the less you're anxious about it."
"Fear and worry should not even be in our minds."
"My daily anxiety levels are much lower... I feel content with my life."
"Sense whatever shift has happened, small or large, from more of that survival brain fear anxiety to this increased presence to the truth of who you are."
"So by doing that, by choosing your own controlled routine, your schedule, you can let go of the anxiety of not knowing how things will happen."
"Please reduce the fear and panic level and and see everything clearly for what it is."
"Some forms of biohacking are backed by scientific research like how meditating can help reduce anxiety."
"Weighted blankets give you a firm but gentle pressure around your body when you're sleeping and it lowers anxiety and stress which is so so important."
"Chill and adjust your emotions so that you can stop with the fear-based thinking and the worry."
"The more real Christ becomes to you, the less anxiety you have."
"If you don't ask, you're always going to be wondering, and if you're wondering, it's going to create anxiety, it's going to create overthinking."
"I'm just a much less anxious person and I don't know why."
"it will reduce the amount of anxiety in your life"
"I think you're going to find that your brain feels less stressed, more at ease, more at peace, less anxious."
"CBD subjects had a significant reduction in anxiety response."
"...my battery and power anxiety levels are going to drop to an all-time low."
"With mindfulness, it gives you the feedback and the kindness which shows you how to actually to lessen the power of some anxiety."
"It's like big cat said, it reduces anxiety watching it, it also, I think, brings comfort."
"You're going to have a reduction of pain. You're going to feel better. Your demeanor is going to change. Your color is going to come back. But most of all, the pain and the anxiety, irritability, and stress and the anger that's in your body, it all dissipates and disappears."
"I feel like this is good for when you're, like, stressed and need to reduce anxiety."
"Healing is creating a non-anxious life."
"Quitting smoking will dramatically decrease your anxiety in the long run."
"Fill a trash bag and get it out into the trash can or wherever trash bags go. One by one if it's seeing you, if it's giving you anxiety to see a huge amount of them then go ahead and let's try to get those out."
"Connection is one of the six choices to building a non-anxious life."
"Being happy about what you have can also make you less anxious about what you don't."
"It's going to reduce your test anxiety so when you sit for the real test, you'll know what to expect."
"Getting started is just important; it takes the nerves away."
"A defense mechanism is an unconscious distortion of thoughts or perceptions that act to reduce anxiety."
"The more you can do to minimize fear, focus, and anxiety, the better off you're going to be."
"Establishing understanding as the primary goal lowers anxiety."
"The first way of getting rid of test anxiety is to have good knowledge."
"CBD significantly reduced anxiety scores across a range of different tools."
"Over time these changes can drastically improve your athletic performance, lower your resting heart rate, and significantly reduce anxiety."
"I think what helps diminish end-of-life anxiety is the experience that we're not just bodies; there's something more enduring within us."
"When you practice thinking about the things that you want, you will feel less anxiety."
"That's just gonna literally make you feel so, so zen and calm and reduce anxiety."
"...mental science does not offer a premium to idleness but it takes all work out of the region of anxiety and toil."
"This posture is well known to reduce anxiety and stress which can develop easily in the body."
"Help reduce the level of anxiety and stress, and depression, you know, the hit that takes to mental health from this lack of information and lack of agency."
"Mindfulness is so effective because if you're in the moment, you're not worried about what could be."
"Meditation is either as a warm bath for your mind, so that you relax in such a way to reduce your anxiety, so you can be more effective and productive."
"It helps reduce that forboding sense of battery anxiety."
"I think I've finally found a way to be the least anxious and happiest version of myself ever."
"By staying in the now and working on something, you're not worrying about things, you haven't got any anxiety because you're concentrating on one thing."
"That's what it's about, making the hobby as stress-free as possible, taking some of that anxiety out of keeping these new and incredible and unique animals."
"The shift has yielded me unbelievable amounts of decreases in anxiety and honestly just increases my level of certainty."
"Committed to lowering anxiety and increasing the message 'I care, I love, I matter and so do you'."
"I'm trying to build a connection, I'm trying to reduce anxiety, I'm trying to communicate value for the relationship."
"I'm feeling really good. I'm feeling positive. I'm feeling less anxious."
"Increasing perceived control, even if imaginary, reduces activation of brain regions that respond to threat and decreases anxiety."
"Confidence is going to diminish your nerves."
"The Snuggle Project believes that these things - blankets, toys, and pillows - can help lower the anxiety of animals and also make their space much more comfortable for them."
"When we understand the test, it reduces some of the anxiety."
"Trust the process and stop worrying yourself into thinking that you can't."
"If you optimize your body and your brain chemistry, that can always help to make things less anxious."
"Making it flexible so it can be changed easily is the key to lowering the anxiety of getting started."
"Self-generated optic flow reduces anxiety."
"Take care of yourself as well, if you exercise that can reduce anxiety."
"Work on techniques to reduce anxiety and stress before they become chronic."
"Deal with everyday problem and stop worrying about the future."
"Approaching 100 women will get rid of all your anxiety."
"Your death-related anxiety decreases, feelings of intimacy increase, and you have a greater tolerance for outsiders the more you reflect on your own experience."
"This is a channel about investing, about finance, about getting things in order so that you don't have the financial anxiety that a lot of people have."
"Having accurate and precise battery readings solves so many problems from range anxiety to knowing when your battery is nearly depleted."
"When your house is cluttered, it causes anxiety in my life, and I'm trying to avoid that."
"If they ask questions to me, then I feel like I'm really getting to the heart of what they need to know and alleviate some of their anxiety."
"Running on a regular basis can result in a reduction of stress and anxiety."
"A gratitude journal can cause as much reduction in anxiety as taking an antidepressant."
"Minimalism for me is not having as little stuff as possible, it's to decrease anxiety."