
Mental Wellness Quotes

There are 370 quotes

"You take another mouse that's in pain, and you just let it hang out with the mouse that is no longer in pain, and the mouse that is in pain will show behaviors indicating it is experiencing analgesia."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What we all need to aspire to is to be in states of agency and gratitude for as much of our waking life as possible."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Serious health effects, both mental and physical, start to arise when we deviate too far from a diurnal schedule and try and become nocturnal."
"93% of the worries that we have don't come true."
Dr. Alan Mandell, D.C.
"The six-phase meditation: compassion, gratitude, forgiveness, future dreaming, visualizing the perfect day, and the blessing."
"When your brain works right, you tend to work right; school is easier, relationships are easier, having a sense of direction, purpose, all of that is easier."
"Brain health is three things: brain envy, avoid things that hurt it, and do things that help it."
"I would rather just be mentally well. No amount of money or fame is worth your mental health."
"Having a mission or a vision for your life is one of the best things you can do for your mental wellness."
"I think self-care and indulgence and meditation are just as important for a skincare routine as is utility and repairing a problem within the skin."
"People who volunteer for a cause outside of themselves are 63% more mentally well than those who do not."
"The world is full of uncertainty and that might leave you feeling stressed or anxious."
"Self-love is the best love. If you don't have self-love, then you're not loving yourself, man. That's not good because you need to have the best self-love."
"It's not selfish to look after yourself. It's actually selfless."
"Sunny day, sunny day, make all the stress and doubt go away."
"Intuitive eating is about ditching the diet mentality and establishing a healthy relationship with all foods."
"Focus on getting rid of guilt and enjoying all foods as they were meant to be enjoyed."
"Brain health is something that we should all be concerned about, no matter our age."
"Staying in a healthy headspace about exercise."
"When the brain is functioning right, you begin to see the world very differently."
"It's okay to leave a situation for both people involved... if you are compromising your morals and your mental health... it ain't worth it."
"Get your brain right and your mind will follow." - Dr. Mark Hyman
"It's the opposite of war. Peace. Peace of mind."
"Health isn't just about our bodies, but also about our minds."
"Movement is medication, exercise is a beautiful thing for the mind."
"2024, my glowup year, physically and mentally."
"Cleaning the mind, cleaning the mind, which way is that? Through meditation, through tai chi, yoga, whatever makes you happy."
"Yes, what goes in our mouth, also goes in our mind and hearts."
"Your peace, which transcends all understanding, will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."
"Take back your freedom and win the battle of your mind."
"Don't do things that go to your state of mind."
"It's almost like a meditative practice... calm your mind."
"Use this time to work on yourself, work on your physical health, your mental health."
"What a nice day outside, a good day for some acupuncture."
"Being grounded will bring that warmth back inside of you."
"There are so many mental and physical benefits to daily exercise."
"The door of your mind, we've got to open the door of your mind so that it could come in."
"Understand how kindness and gratitude and being happy, yeah you know for lack of a better word can help us lose weight."
"It's not meditation, it's not mindfulness, it's not Psychotherapy, it is beyond all of that."
"One good interrupted night of sleep may be as close to a cure-all or a panacea we have in mental health."
"It's expanding yourself, which is very nice."
"Healthy body is possible when the mind is healthy."
"Remembering where I came from. I never want to be that kid who is so unhappy, so unhealthy, that was suicidal, didn't want to live anymore."
"I've been eating healthy and working out, and it's actually affecting my mental fortitude."
"You know, it's okay to not feel okay sometimes."
"Emotions are so incredibly confusing, and although they are painful when we avoid them or ignore them or deny them, it honestly makes them more painful and more difficult to deal with in the long run."
"If I don't get my exercise in, my mental health falls off the face of a cliff."
"You're no good to anybody if you're not taking care of yourself."
"Your brain needs music, your brain needs beauty, your brain needs art and your heart needs these things as well."
"It's all the same thing. My body was not happy. So, yeah, I think diet can help with depression too."
"Simple practices like gratitude can elevate levels of happiness."
"Every bad mood, every illness is there to help and serve us, to serve our happiness."
"Sometimes the best treatment for what ails you is an act of kindness."
"Mindfulness is about bringing it back online, so to speak. In the present moment, because that turns out to be the only moment that any of us ever have."
"The more spacious you become, the less heavy dense you are, the more light, the more free you are."
"It's literally like a 50 50. You got to go to gym constantly but also you got to take care of your health and like mentally as well."
"Human beings like excitement. If you don't exercise, you get fat and lazy. Mentally, you also get kind of fat and lazy if you're not challenged."
"Meditation isn't a No-No, even in ancient times."
"One seriously important thing about life and that's to have a contented mind and be well, have good health."
"Quitting nicotine was really good for my mental health."
"We can prescribe parks to people instead of medicine. So you're supposed to go outside to treat hypertension, diabetes, obesity, we know, but also anxiety, depression, things like that."
"Your mind doesn't need to be healed, just surrender over to something greater."
"Leaving behind the negative stuff, turn your back on it."
"Feelings are not about being suppressed and held onto, we need to acknowledge our feelings and release."
"Being grateful is so important, guys. When you're grateful for what you have, it helps you keep in perspective all the great things you have."
"In the garden of your mind, you can grow whatever you choose."
"There's nothing better than peace, there's no better feeling than a piece of mind."
"Above all else, take care of yourselves, stay safe, stay healthy, stay sane."
"With cognitive defusion, we create a little space between ourselves and our thoughts."
"Breathe deep fret not and do things that make you happy."
"Testosterone is not only key to men's physical health, but also your mental health."
"It's good to sit with your thoughts... and gracefully carry on."
"If you relinquish yourself from this pressure to have perfect skin... and really focus on just taking care of your skin long term consistently over time and listening to what it's telling you you will be so happy."
"I just need some social interaction and to feel normal and to feel alive."
"Health is wealth, and I feel like we've been in a lockdown situation now for over two years."
"Learning to feel your feelings is a first step."
"You're entitled to your down days, don't feel guilty for them."
"Learning how to control the inflammation and your headspace is a big one."
"There's nothing wrong with you for feeling a human emotion."
"Avoiding psychoactive substances is crucial for maintaining mental balance."
"Go to [] therapy I do a [] choke load of therapy do you know what I mean."
"Food is information. You can control your mood and your mind, even your memory, by the food that you decide to eat."
"Working out is so good for me. You get those endorphins and you feel good."
"Imagine if it was just less, it just happens less so it helps majorly with massive anxiety massively."
"Sign number five: You're feeling better. If you're feeling better, sleeping better, less anxious, it's working on you, and that's crucial."
"It's always a good idea to focus on feeling good and just step away from whatever you're doing."
"Swimming is like heaven. It feels like it's like a meditation."
"Healthy heart, healthy circulation, good mind, and I love boxing for those reasons."
"Finding ways to storytell that sound mind sound body."
"We should fill our homes and minds with entertainment that directs our minds to our Savior."
"A clean slate for myself, for my body, for my mindset."
"I choose the thoughts that make me feel good."
"There's strong evidence that food has a strong impact on mental health."
"It's okay to feel lonely and scared...What we don't want to do is have that loneliness and fear become the driver in our life."
"Your emotions are valid but the goal is not to be triggered every time."
"Yoga for the mind, which you know, we can probably all use right now."
"Sometimes we feel sad and that's okay, and sometimes we feel angry and that's okay, and sometimes it's not to do with being in a relationship or single. Sometimes it's literally just emotions that need to be processed."
"Breathing activates a portion of the brain that triggers your zen mode like serotonin."
"Gratitude practice is a quick way to impact your life in a huge way."
"Releasing all negativity from your body like storm clouds to drift up into the ether."
"You can't heal the body and break the mind and expect things to be okay."
"Emotions are not a weakness and pretending like you don't have them isn't healthy."
"Reading is relaxing. It settles your mind and makes you smarter so do it."
"Meditation brings us back to the present and may be the most powerful tool for promoting high-quality sleep."
"TRT helps with recovery, fixing my mental state improves everything."
"breathe in our creativity and breathe out our worry and our stress"
"It's okay to feel sad sometimes, so sometimes it happens that you're sad and you'll feel sadness. It's actually really healthy."
"When you raise your vibration, you'll become happier. And y'all see all my windowsill's got nature. Beautiful, all my windowsills got nature."
"Don't let anyone live rent-free in your mind. That is toxic behavior."
"You take care of your body, you take care of your muscles, you wear nice clothing, you wear a hat. What's going on with your brain?"
"Getting enough fuel in the tank is essential for both physical and mental health."
"Health and fitness is not just about the foods that you eat and how you move your body in order to achieve some sort of body goal. It is first and foremost about feeling good in your body and in your mind."
"By reducing your screen time, you're allowing your brain's attention span to thrive and flourish."
"We need to care for our communities' mental health when it comes to facing the climate crisis."
"Thinking about and focusing on what's going right can really help."
"Something that's really been keeping me sane is working out which is very important to me and it's you know you're moving your body you're creating that blood flow circulation all of that having a calendar."
"Feeling completely safe, completely calm, knowing you are in a beautiful positive place in your mind."
"Take some time out to heal... do some reflection on this."
"Physically and mentally, it has so many benefits."
"Address the mental aspect of fat loss for lasting results."
"There is a way through this, it's by being in nature, it's by grounding yourself in activities that really support you and stabilize you."
"Walking always felt good, no matter how I felt before I went for a walk."
"Feel your feelings process them and take a break if necessary but don't quit."
"Comparison is always going to cause some sort of misery, right? Because it makes you not appreciate where you are right now."
"I went plant shopping today, it felt really good."
"It is lightness that enlightens the mind, and lightness carries the mind out of density, out of seriousness."
"Mental peace is there for you, you just have to reach out and grab it."
"Taurine appears to have a notable depressive effect and anti-anxiety effect, potentially improving sleep quality."
"Simplifying health routine with Athletic Greens: Mental clarity, energy, and convenience."
"You always gotta keep moving for my own health and my own mental health."
"We're making our children's mental health worse, there's a psychological epidemic."
"Magnesium helps with mental health, sleep, and calming."
"Bring people on who are better than you in those places, and your content will be better and your mental health will be better for letting a team of people help you."
"This habit when it does happen makes me feel so freaking good, you guys may have heard of the hot girl walk that kind of got popular."
"Depression is suppression; express how you feel."
"How to let go of whatever is weighing your heart down: breathe in that good ass prana baby."
"But what's not normal and definitely not healthy is letting that jealousy totally take over your life."
"Staying in a place of hope and positivity... you want to stay in this place of positivity."
"You are now in the Garden of Eden, and the garden is your mind."
"Compassion for ourselves liberates energy for love, kindness, and generosity."
"When a negative thought comes up, replace it with a positive memory."
"If you need to get your mind right, go to calm.com/fighter. With Calm, you have access to all sorts of stuff—sound sleep stories, meditations."
"Just move your body. Stretching, yoga, take a walk—it helps you feel present in your body."
"Tracking your moods or emotions... just as important as our physical health if not more important."
"God works through medication. God works through psychological care."
"Express gratitude. Appreciate what you have."
"Our mind is everything. How we view ourselves and how we talk to ourselves, how we talk to others and how we love others and how we care for others is what we're missing."
"Express yourself in a healthy way. Don't suppress your emotions."
"Practicing mindfulness isn't silly; it's about breaking autopilot habits and finding gratitude."
"Any advice on how to maintain your mental health in such concerning times? Go outside eat good food that's a big part of it it's not it might be sufficient."
"Having an organized kitchen makes all the difference. It makes it more functional, more presentable, and it just makes you feel good."
"I am going to try and take better care of myself, both physically and mentally."
"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."
"A food-first approach to mental health makes sense."
"It's okay to feel lonely and it's okay to not be okay."
"Release the resentment, the hurt, the shame, the guilt."
"Understand you have the ability to heal your body. Accept the fact that things are going to be okay."
"I've done a whole bunch of research lately the facts are you are a happier person if you are working out."
"Time in the woods helps most of the time, quality trumps quantity any time of the day."
"I'm healthy now. I feel so good mentally. I feel so good physically."
"Spiritual life is neuroprotective; depression and spiritual awareness are two sides of one door."
"We also have an expand app... 25 free meditations."
"Emotional pain indicates hunger for something that human beings need to be well: connection, value, safety."
"We're the humans, our brains work that way, and we have to kind of hack our brains, not in the Elon Musk way, but in the normal ways to get ourselves in the right mindset, the right mind frame."
"Life is as important to mental health as getting to see your children."
"Health isn't just about your body but also about your mind."
"Seventy-five to ninety-eight percent of current mental and physical illnesses today come from the thoughts that you're thinking."
"Don't let anyone live rent-free in your head because those negative things chip away at your confidence."
"Never sacrifice your mental or physical health in the name of losing weight."
"The best part about it is the mental health aspect that it provides."
"Panic attacks, all benefits. Okay, pads, period pads."
"Stop meditating on the plans the enemy has. Stop meditating on the bad, and just start saying 'Jesus.' Girl, you got to say Jesus over your mind, Jesus over your body, Jesus over your finances, Jesus over your home."
"Our environment also has to be healthy in order for us to have this overall mental health."
"Your life doesn't have to be a disaster to go to therapy."
"Finding a little space in your day to express gratitude, no matter how small or big it may be, it's probably a good idea, right? Probably can't hurt."
"Exercise is as much mental and emotional as it is physical."
"We normalize setting boundaries, it's healthy."
"Your biggest life hack... reveling in the positive aspects."
"Being proactive about finding mental happiness is a big thing."
"Breathe with me one more time whoa breathing in that good ass prana baby."
"Every day stand guard of the door of your mind and feed it something good."
"Giving oneself permission to take time for self-care is important."
"Meditation is a practice... it does wonders for your state of mind."
"Mental wellness is probably more important to me."
"The number one reason people stop meditating is because the mind convinces them that they don't have time."
"He was like that lifeguard on the edge of the pool of mental wellness."
"Our country needs a giant paradigm shift. We need to make mental health the priority in our country."
"Nurture your mind, take care of your mind. You want your mind to blossom into something bigger, fire your synapses, jog your mind, clean out the cobwebs, take care of yourself."
"Families are the medicine...teaching families how to be consistently warm loving and kind is the key to our children's mental wellness."
"Mindfulness is about savoring the present moment."
"Unhealthy microbiomes have been linked to obesity, diabetes, depression, and other mental disorders."
"The changes I've made are not only helping my body, they're also making a big difference to my mind."
"Time for some spring cleaning. Two minutes twice a day can help pave the way to a healthier mouth and mind."
"Depression: Vitamin D has a significant impact on our body and mind."
"Join the three million people who have matched with professionally licensed and vetted therapists."
"...these workouts are meant to push you to help you discover your inner strength to help you feel better mentally and physically to help you function better in life and to be the most fit version of yourself."
"The one thing that I would say is a no-no which is suck it up and deal with it... Do not do that because that's gonna drive you deeper into the hole 100 percent."
"Exercise is super beneficial for the brain even just going for a little walks five 10 minute walks throughout the day."
"This is great for your core, this is great for your coordination, your mind."
"Go for a walk every single day. That will have more of an impact on your mental health over the course of your life than you could possibly imagine."