
Emotional Processing Quotes

There are 423 quotes

"If I'm socially engaged, I think it's not only that I'm not paying as much attention to the pain, but I think there's actually some relief from what's known as the social buffering of pain."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Listening to sad music can help us process our feelings of sadness."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Listening to sad music for 13 minutes or more has been shown to be effective in allowing people to process their somber feelings."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The second half of sleep is when the emotional weight of things starts to become... let's say you put it on the shelf properly. Things that are important emotionally get put in one shelf; things that were like the comment you got on Twitter that was triggering doesn't seem like such a big deal after a good night's sleep."
"Everyone has exactly the same ability to allow those emotions to be processed. The more you practice, the quicker you can process them."
"Journal after journal... they're sad to go through. I literally... cry every single time I read the journals."
"The way to break the cycle of despair is not by avoiding emotions but by confronting and processing them."
"Rain is a process of detangling the trance and it really comes down to a mindful awareness with kindness."
"When pain knocks on your door, let it in, sit with it, have tea with it."
"Dreams offer insight into our subconscious, help us process emotions, and organize our memories."
"There is an absolute superpower in being able to process pain, rejection, loneliness, disappointment, embarrassment, and survive and remain resilient in the face of them."
"I try to just get it out, okay? I don't dwell on it."
"The first one involves the acknowledgement and really the understanding that you don't want to disengage or dismantle your real attachment to someone, an animal, or a thing. That's a real thing."
"Psychotherapy is literally the process of bringing up some of these things and emotionally digesting them."
"Willingness is the secret ingredient in emotion processing."
"Allow yourself to mourn and grieve what you've lost, to feel the negativity, to look at your darkness, your shadows and what's making you uncomfortable."
"Healing means that I bring to me, into my heart, what needs to be healed, and I accept it, I feel it, and I process it. There's no more rejection in me."
"If you teach your child resilience and how to process their own feelings... they could actually come out the other side a much more resilient human being."
"Embrace the chaos, the pain, and the sorrow to grow."
"It's not something you can just bury, unfortunately."
"Feeling the feelings is very hard and extremely uncomfortable but as they say, you often gotta feel it to heal it."
"You don't process emotions by thinking about the past; you process emotions by recognizing the moments in which the past is present for you and feeling those feelings in the moment."
"Everyone processes heartbreak differently, so you may process your heartbreak completely differently from your partner. It's okay however you deal with it."
"Your limbic system is responsible for your basic emotions, your survival instinct; your cortex is responsible for your problem-solving skills, your critical thinking. It's where your consciousness exists."
"Poetry can be a great tool for helping you sort out thoughts in your head, making sense of feelings, making sense of things that happened to you."
"Shock, relief, anxiety, excitement: any tips for how to process big events like this?"
"If you have emotions that happen throughout the day, do not turn straight to technology to suppress them, and instead process them."
"We create our happiness in a gradual, choice-based approach; and we create power to choose through careful emotion processing."
"The goal of journaling is not cognitive; it's not to logically decide at the end. The goal is to give our minds some more of that time and space to actually do that deep emotional work, which it'll do on its own."
"Grieving is another good example of this emotional processing thing where, like, some people don't grieve, and then they stay stuck."
"You should definitely feel those feelings when you're having them, because sadness, loss, and loneliness are all part of life, but you don't want to get stuck there."
"It's so healthy and necessary to create a great life if you learn how to handle and process these feelings in these emotions."
"I think the art of contemplation, it's just taking some time, taking some time, pausing, letting kind of all the emotions kind of run through you."
"It's the moment after a particularly difficult or traumatic experience where you just need to let it sit and digest inside of you."
"The whole purpose of attending therapy is to work through the buried stuff that you haven't wanted to talk about."
"Our brain is so resilient, it can stuff things down and we're like, I'm just gonna get through this. And all of a sudden when you feel good, it's like rarrr. All the shit comes up."
"Don't judge yourself, man. Just be patient, allow this to process, and know that it will take a long time."
"People process things differently and...everybody's feelings are generally valid."
"But also it's an emotional thing that, you know, someone's gonna need time to process."
"Grieving can be a beautiful experience if you let it. Allow yourself to surrender to the grief and just feel it."
"Give yourself some time to feel all the feels, deal with them, examine them, feel them, and then let them go."
"I think that's good, probably to some degree for all of us here that you do get to work through your life and your emotions and through your art. It's pretty cool."
"We are trying to take this anger, frustration, fear, and fuel it into a democratic and peaceful non-violent activism."
"The show feels like grief... dealing with incredible loss."
"There's a time to grieve all of that, there's a time to really wrap your mind around what happened. That takes time."
"Acceptance doesn't mean I'm happy. Acceptance is I'm ready to move on now, I'm ready to let go."
"When you're dealing with an emotional dilemma, sometimes there's no better solution than to just wail through your feelings."
"Your emotions are valid, but can we maybe find some way of processing them without diving headfirst into a stack of soft pumpkin and open flame?"
"Talking it out is the best way to get all your feelings out of your system and have you ready to move on to someone who you deserve."
"Bluey uses playtime as a form of therapy to process emotions in a safe space."
"I need to allow myself to be sad, not just momentarily, to let the emotion come and go, but to acknowledge it fully so I can grow from it."
"Artists transmute pain, they take pain and they turn it into something meaningful."
"The only way out is through. You have to confront it and you have to surrender to it."
"I'm able to smile about it now because I've processed the hard part."
"Realizing that your emotions are now processing all the things you had to let go of."
"Every time you experience upset, enter through it. That's the door. That's it."
"You just gotta go through it, ain't no better way to get over something but going through it."
"It's time to face it, to resolve it, to understand it, so you can move forward in peace."
"It's about processing their childhoods and reclaiming the narrative."
"That energy had to be worked through... in order to accommodate this energy of authenticity."
"Feelings want to be felt... feeling them fully so they no longer hold me captive."
"Our emotional feedback is not logical, it's experiential."
"You have to let emotions sit as uncomfortable as it makes you. You have to see them through."
"Writing it out, going through the process of getting out whatever it is that you want to say, and then not sending it—there's a lot to be said for that."
"We process it with like, 'I'm gonna cry, but then I'm gonna fucking figure out a way to laugh at this shit.'"
"I acknowledge it and when I do it with the tapping, I can let it go."
"We deal with things we move on but we don't bury things."
"I think it's processing some of those emotions especially that sort of sadness as he walks through and gets ready to engage with the public."
"You can't just move on. There are things that need to be worked through and things that need to be acknowledged and dealt with."
"Grieve the loss of the relationship because even though something's happened right this is terrible and no one disputes that but that doesn't negate how you felt about the relationship prior to."
"They just need to work through these energies, you just need to let them flush through to work through them and to dissolve into something greater into this enjoyment into this happiness into this expansion."
"Eventually, those feelings will settle and subside, and it won't be as intense after a while."
"Feelings don't go away overnight, and it's hard to reckon with."
"The sooner you understand why you're triggered, the easier it's going to be to process that."
"Write about it, talk about it, reflect on it, don't just watch it, actually think about how it made you feel."
"Instead of pushing it away like maybe your parents did, you pause."
"On the other side of those feelings is relief and wisdom."
"Processing emotion clears the way for empowerment."
"Despair is key if we don't despair we can't grieve despair is essential to having an honest authentic interaction with reality."
"It's okay to be hurt, hurting, and go through things. Deal with it in that moment, sit in the moment, have the moment, and then decide how are you going to change the moment."
"The month of May, you're just accepting it, you're accepting what happened, you're accepting the circumstances, and you're choosing to."
"It's exactly this process of feeling pain and having the courage to go into the most painful moments of our lives and to feel again how vulnerable we were."
"It's better to be selective and decide what you're gonna do."
"It's important to sit with the pain and celebrate all the pleasures and just feel everything it isn't always easy but you know what nothing worthwhile ever is so good luck with it and thanks a lot for the super thanks I really appreciate it."
"Just let yourself feel it... I just let myself feel it for those 28 years and I have not regretted it for a single second."
"Being alone might be the only place where it feels safe to process our feelings and be who we actually are."
"Your brain's constantly trying to work through these emotional problems, and when we don't work through them, that's why they keep popping up over and over."
"I had to let go of the idea not the anxiety but that the anxiety shouldn't be there, it was just there so I let go of let go..."
"Acknowledgement of past hurt, but not dwelling."
"I finally allowed myself to emotionally grieve my father."
"It's about talking about topics that are really hard because through the ease of comedy is how we start to process our emotions."
"It's allowing reality, you're not denying reality, which is very hard for a lot of people." - Pam Gregory
"Accept everything that you've been through... laugh, cry, and celebrate."
"People like me have a really hard time just letting it go."
"Don't skip over your mourning; make time and space for your feelings."
"If you take a moment to feel the pain, to learn the lessons, it means that you can move forward."
"Your job is to be hands-off and to still sit with how you feel."
"Sit with how you feel, but don't do anything about it."
"You have every reason to express yourself, okay? You also have to figure out how to work through it."
"You're putting yourself through it twice when you really need to only put yourself through it once."
"There is no expiration date on mourning the loss of someone or something."
"I was in communication with them because I had so much anger and resentment towards them, Wow."
"If you want to cry, cry, whatever you want to do, just go through it but don't stay in it, again, grow through it."
"Every part of you is okay, it's okay for it to be there and then when you sit down with yourself and you just are patient and soft with yourself you're able to relabel the things that you look."
"It’s deeply emotionally formative but those emotions can't all be processed at once and maybe you can't make sense of what happened."
"Feel your feelings, fill them. That's the only way to be present, it's the only way to heal, and it's the only way to deal with what's happened."
"You don't not be sad. Feel your emotions, work through them, understand them. Only when you work through your emotions can you reach the happy point."
"Every flashback you have is a step closer to being the last flashback you ever have it will end let yourself feel what you're feeling emotionally about what happened."
"If you want to fix something, get ready to feel it before you fix it."
"Even in the worst case scenarios... there's still a lot to process."
"I couldn't prep for y'all wow, and seeing you people been asking me about Ghana, yeah, and I haven't been able to process it, oh I promise you."
"If you have been hiding from the world, isolating yourself as you've been healing, you've been processing a lot of heavy emotions, some of the cancers you've lost something."
"Write about it, cry about it, don't talk about it. This is for you."
"When we feel something in our body and when we learn to externalize, we catastrophize the impact of this."
"As people process pain, there is a collective pain stored inside everyone and this must be brought to the surface to detoxify yourselves."
"You're telling me those people who are able to process successfully from the outside, those people that might not look like they're suffering, but obviously dealing with grief... everyone deals with grief in different ways..."
"Sometimes we feel sad and that's okay, and sometimes we feel angry and that's okay, and sometimes it's not to do with being in a relationship or single. Sometimes it's literally just emotions that need to be processed."
"Journaling can clarify your thinking and process your emotions."
"When we are in panic, our emotional response bypasses our thinking brain."
"There's something in our lizard brain that responds to storytelling because I think it's a way for us to exorcise our own demons or to deal with loss and pain from our past."
"Recognize them as grief, and when you can let the feelings flow, then you may get to the other side instead of always fighting these feelings and always being mad at the world."
"The release of something... Mourning what could have been... Processing feelings of deception."
"This triggering is to serve you, not to torment you."
"You have to the pain will come to the surface again you think a lot about those things but your ultimate goal by the time saturn moves from your fourth house by in 2023."
"Accept how I feel, feel what I feel, and then make a decision about what I want to do about it."
"Allow yourself to be upset when something bad happens but once the time has passed for mourning or grieving or whatever, learn from it, become a better person from it, move on."
"You have to give yourself time to process and for some of us that might be the rest of our lives so, don't be so hard on yourself, you know, while we are marines, airmen, sailors, soldiers, we're also humans too."
"You're constantly paying attention to that and stuck in the grief or the loss or the denial or the anger of that."
"You're allowed to feel pain. You're allowed to go through this. They feel it and receive it on the other side too."
"When we embrace that pain, it fades to nothing. Then we can move forward, unafraid and curious."
"Feel it all, connect with it, grieve it, and then give yourself permission to close it back."
"Release the fears as you process the necessary emotions to unblock yourself."
"I felt like that for years, I think I just had to work my way through it."
"Thank you for giving me some time to work through my emotions."
"Don't get stuck in it but move through it to where you can get out on the other side."
"Write down the details... write down what you felt."
"An individual who is bringing up emotional traumas and childhood memories... it can be so easy to project it onto the therapist."
"I'm just having a hard time comprehending how much of this stuff there is, like goodness."
"You feel pain and suffering, alright. Pain is the result of resistance to the natural self."
"Many of us still to this day haven't even fully processed it."
"I believe that when you feel them you're going through it aka processing it."
"The only way of actually getting through your emotions is by feeling feelings."
"You're disappointed by the memories and you also intuitively feel the new opportunity."
"It's only when the calm has been purged that you can see beyond it."
"You've got to feel your feelings until they no longer require to be felt."
"Whatever you're feeling, don't stop it. Feel it. It's the most real thing you have."
"Feel how you feel because when you go through the emotions you're able to process them and let them go. That is what is incredibly important."
"Be patient with yourself and know that these negative loops are going to take a little bit of time to undo."
"So you get into the position and you explore and you just search out a place that feels good for you, and then you breathe into what you're feeling, you breathe into whatever arises."
"One of the fastest ways we can actually get through emotions is by owning them and acknowledging them."
"Silence is the Transformer of Sorrow... The depth of the present moment is actually infinite... The present moment is very, um, beautiful thing."
"Now can be a great time to not just brush what comes up off but really hold space for it and see how it can be a catalyst for growth or better understanding of your current situation."
"Guys that are very logically sound, guys that are geniuses, guys that are good with numbers, it's difficult for them to process it."
"Writing stuff down is good, yes but really like I I think it's really really helpful to do that it's helped me deal with emotions and processing these emotions it's giving me back a sense of control more."
"Part of Saturn and Pisces is understanding how we deal with grief, how we deal with letting go, how we deal with Transitions."
"I allowed myself to feel and cry and all that, but I am moving forward."
"Making sense of your family and processing everything... it's a journey, you know."
"Take the time to process things, don't let anyone push you around."
"We have to learn to love ourselves enough to take the time to process the trauma."
"Stop looking for solutions, stop trying to intellectualize your feelings, and turn how you're feeling right now into something more meaningful."
"Focus your thoughts and feelings into writing."
"There comes a time where you have to say, 'Okay, I've processed it. How long do I want to hold on to it for now?'"
"When we allow these emotions to flow through us... they're actually more likely to go away."
"The more we talk about something, the less power it has over us."
"I don't even have a desire to drink to cover up the things I don't know how to process."
"That guilt I was there and I was heavy, but I'm past that now. You've processed the day, you've processed your behavior on the day, and the opportunities."
"As a human being, you're gonna experience a huge range of emotions... you have to feel it to heal it."
"You can't rush through it, it has to be felt."
"You're strong enough to withhold the difficulties and then being able to be mature enough to then process them and let them go."
"The answer is to dive deeper into ourselves and clear these negative emotions by experiencing them fully and therefore releasing them."
"Allow yourself to feel whatever you gotta feel, but then after you've felt everything that you need to feel and you've set with those emotions and you've let yourself feel them and process them and whatnot, now we gotta climb up out of that pit."
"If you're going to date with confidence, wait until you've processed the last bad experience. It's essential."
"When you hate somebody, you're also very creative."
"Feel your emotions because when you feel them you actually allow yourself to go through it, therefore releasing those emotions."
"It's almost like the energy had to be processed that was very intense for them before they would be clear enough to fully step forward and communicate."
"There's something therapeutic about talking about this from a realistic, truthful perspective."
"Take a break, I need time to think and process my feelings."
"I need a little chunk of time to just process things by myself."
"Promotions don't happen by you calling your friends. Promotions and upgrades happen by you processing your emotions."
"You ever have those moments when you just need to sit with it for a second? That's where I'm at right now."
"Letting go involves being aware of a feeling, letting it come up, staying with it, and letting it run its course."
"Allow yourself to feel it without needing to add a bunch of extra stuff on top of that."
"Fandom has had to go through the stages of grief."
"And for the sake of this exercise you're not doing it wrong if you still feel that red inside you sometimes. It'll take a little while."
"We have to get real in order to feel and in order to heal."
"Reality doesn't care about words, only humans do. We're stuck in drama, not processing emotions."
"Feel those feelings, be stressed, be scared, be sad. Feel the feelings you need to feel and then remind yourself, 'This is temporary. It will get better.'"
"Don't ignore your grief; address it head-on."
"Loss of anything or anyone that was dear to you and held importance for you, there needs to be grief."
"Angie and Geno were completely shocked. At first, they weren't sure how to process the news."
"They're definitely dealing with it, showing how the different characters approach it differently."
"If you embrace what you're feeling, you'll be able to release it."
"Access those feelings of rage and move through them."
"Sit in something that is being still or feels remotely okay to you and allow the fear to come through."
"Acknowledge fear, process it, even embrace it, and let it go."
"We have to give ourselves permission to feel it in order to get out of the sadness associated with this person and feel the warmth once more."
"Walk up to that pain, walk up to those negative feelings and feel them, and then move on from them."
"Create art to stay grounded and help process feelings."
"When we do that and we clear the emotion and judgment from the experience... the experience is then embodied as wisdom."
"We must permit it to pass over and through us, and then when it has gone, we will turn the inner eye and see its path. Where the hype has gone, there will be nothing, and only we will remain."