
Sadness Quotes

There are 2538 quotes

"If I'm socially engaged, I think it's not only that I'm not paying as much attention to the pain, but I think there's actually some relief from what's known as the social buffering of pain."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Listening to sad music can help us process our feelings of sadness."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Journal after journal... they're sad to go through. I literally... cry every single time I read the journals."
"Being super sad can be a really pleasant experience, oddly enough, because you can find the beauty in the sadness."
"You think there's human beings that don't wake up today and don't want to do their day, that aren't sad, that aren't down, that don't feel lost? Of course, they do. We're all just trying to get better and grow."
"It's sad what happened. I mean, it's one of the great cities in the world, and right now, it's fallen apart."
"It's okay to be sad about it and to cry and to mourn the end of a friendship."
"It's okay to cry. That you're sad about that."
"Sometimes, it's okay to just be sad, and that's it."
"She's apologizing for being honest and outing a bully. It's sad."
"The problem is, I'm just making more friends to get sad about when they die."
"Something about looking back on our past with a mix of happiness and a tinge of sadness seems to fascinate us."
"Losing Peanut is what cost him the most sadness."
"Melinda is a great person, and that partnership we had coming to an end is a source of great personal sadness."
"Your sadness or your pain doesn't mean they were special. It just means you're human and capable of feeling."
"I've been feeling more disconnected than ever and it makes me sad."
"It's just so sad, and you know I love sad books, and it's also just like a book that makes you feel something, which I felt is really special."
"It's a very sad thing to have happened here at the university, just an incredibly gruesome tragedy."
"I really miss just being around my friends and family. It's very sad, and it really breaks my heart."
"Isn't this a beautiful thought about the human existence: If I could not be sad, then I would not experience joy."
"About a week ago, I woke up from a terribly sad dream and I woke up in tears, crying."
"Depression is about serotonin levels and chemical imbalance... Sadness is about circumstance. Sadness just means you don't like things as they are."
"The sim will find the legend very sad and will receive the 'this is so sad' buff... the Queen will acknowledge their caring attitude and will grant your Sims wish."
"My heart sank, my eyes were filled with tears. It was such a heavy experience."
"This is getting more and more sad... like it's every single time he gets indicted."
"Well, yeah, and I'm sad, but at the same time I'm really happy that something can make me feel that sad. It's like, it makes me feel alive, you know? It makes me feel human. The only way I could feel this sad now is if I felt something really good before. So I have to take the bad with the good, so I guess what I'm feeling is like a beautiful sadness."
"Being super sad doesn't mean I can't do a lot of good."
"Sadness is actually a beautiful emotion. Sadness is very, very healthy. Tears are healthy."
"There is a type of love that is only experienced through sadness. There's a type of joy that is only experienced through grief."
"It's impossible not to cry. Each of these stories gets sadder and sadder."
"I'm just tired of being alone, bro. It's actually mad sad and depressing."
"Music to hear, why hear'st thou music sadly? Sweets with sweets war not, joy delights in joy."
"The ending of this story might be one of the saddest endings of all time."
"Being a two-year-old, the narcissist is very, very sad. He is melancholy. He is depressed. He is dysphoric. He mourns and grieves the loss of his life and life potentialities and opportunities."
"This is not the place that I left. It's a very sad thing to see."
"It just makes him sad coming back to an empty restaurant. I put Blood, Sweat, and Tears into this."
"Someone may have been trying to make out like they're okay, but deep down behind closed doors, they're crying, they're in a lot of sadness."
"I don't think there's any happiness without sadness, there's no amazing experiences without pain."
"There's a sadness as we give birth to other humans, but we want things to be better for future generations."
"It's such a tragedy... the saddest possible outcome."
"I cannot emphasize this more, it's really sad, it's really heartbreaking."
"It's actually really sad to see something that was created to entertain and bring joy to people end up in such a terrible state."
"There's a lot of scenes that are simultaneously funny but also very sad and I thought that was so unique and interesting."
"I don't choose to be sad, it's something that happens to you."
"It was sad and beautiful all at the same time."
"Can't even say I'm pretty sad anymore, just 'pretty sad.'"
"Why am I crying? Because I'm too tired, because I've lost my sense of self, because I missed home, because I feel lonely."
"Living that kind of mediocre life that you're living right now, that is what's really sad."
"It's sad, like, I've lost so many friends, I can't... I don't have enough fingers and toes to count them."
"It's incredibly sad but it's kind of incredible to look at their career."
"I went through something that just really, yeah, it just made me really sad. Like, really, really sad. And even though it's not like the end, it just really, really affected me in a really bad way for just a couple of days."
"It was really sad, the last day on set was very sad."
"You will cry of laughter and joy, but mostly of sorrow and pain."
"It just makes me sad if people are feeling bad and they don't realize that the world can be a little bit different."
"I want to yeah, it just makes me sad if people are feeling bad."
"It's a sad, sad picture that you see if you know what you're looking for."
"Acting like I don't care, but feeling down and out."
"It's a very sad day for our country and the world."
"You know, it's just incredibly sad, and you can't help but think about him."
"It's the saddest thing to see a person who exists but doesn't really live."
"This is definitely one of the most sad endings to a battle I've seen for both sides."
"Silent Voice... it's a very nice story with a very sad tale being told."
"To me, it was the most incredible city, and to watch what happened to it is sad just beyond words."
"Every night I crime yourself to sleep like nothing made me happy, nothing."
"He's real strong, like he's a powerful force, but he's a real sad Sephiroth."
"But I'm not, you know, I'm not Dan, I'm not, you know, I'm not happy that she's passed."
"You know I got it, you gotta take what GN I'm a sad sad man just acquire his happiness in all sorts of different ways."
"It's like he's just gonna be this sad old man, he's basically like that homeless dude screaming at the wall in an alleyway."
"It's just sad dude, these trees are dying bro, you know, normally it's all the defaults are dying."
"There's nothing worse than seeing your mum cry."
"Behind it is a very sad soul a very pathetic individual."
"This whole string of purple candles is a lot of really sad stories... There's a lot of human suffering that happens."
"This is sad talk. These are the saddest news conferences that I've ever had."
"It felt at that point like kicking a puppy. You just felt so bad for everybody on the front lines."
"You can't have happiness without sadness sometimes, and that's okay."
"This is a very sad story...a tragic story that we're watching here."
"Living in your car and getting a gym membership so you can have shower facilities and such is cheaper than paying rent, that's really flipping sad."
"You feel sad, but, like, in a really beautiful way." - Jono
"It's sad but also kind of life affirming that someone wants to just stay around."
"I already know it's happening. It's kind of sad to think."
"The forest used to be dark and green, now it's just a sad brownish color."
"Let's trust the [] man, you know, let's trust in them, you know, and it's just me, this [] is sad, bro."
"I'm super sad that it's over. We had such a fantastic time."
"The slippery slope is a fallacy my ass. This kid stuff just makes me sad."
"I wish I was dead, I'd rather be dead, I don't have a son like you."
"Luck of the Fryish is sad, but it also is really funny."
"Siblings are being torn apart because of this, which is sad."
"Life is a whole lot sadder than we lead kids to believe."
"Turn this sadness into self-love and into really taking care of yourself."
"The fact that they can't all sit around a table together and enjoy a meal, it's pretty sad."
"Feeling sad is something that lots of people go through."
"It's okay to be sad sometimes, entire to shit. It's okay to feel that way."
"The intense feelings of sadness and longing overwhelmed him."
"The people that smile the most quite often cry the most."
"The ghosts of children are often the saddest and most frightening."
"It's just really, really sad what's going on."
"Some of the most happiest people you know in the planet are the saddest people in the world."
"Please tell me that's a lie... 'Oh, no, it's happening, it's real.' So, I don't know, pretty sad."
"There’s a level of sadness and tragedy to this story."
"Movies are experiential events, and if I walk out of the movie with a great experience, that's all that really matters to me, and I had a great experience."
"Sadness provides context and it can intermix, it can sort of be joined with joy, hope, and other emotions."
"You do not have to be in a place of joy because sadness is one of those twists and turns in the road that helps you appreciate where you're at."
"But if the sheep eats the flower, then for him it's as if, suddenly, all the stars went out."
"Accept when you're sad and just know, hey this is temporary."
"You're standing in the face of God and calling them a liar, and that's quite sad."
"I just thought it was an undeniably unusual and very sad website that was worthy of being on the list."
"So take your pick, filmmaker said hey let's take Johnny 5 from short circuit and put him in a bleak future with no humans where he's stuck stacking up trash and now I'm depressed as all hell."
"This is a really sad story all around, and I thought this was the ending of it, but now I genuinely don't know."
"You know you're having a fun time when you get sad when you're done recording."
"I think there's got to be another victim out there somewhere, which is heartbreaking to think about."
"There's no real villain in this story. It's just very sad."
"I just feel sad about the state of the country really."
"It feels eerie, sad, like a place that was once full of energy is now dead and quiet."
"I mean guys this can be some you know it's not graphic or anything but it's super sad but the pictures on people that were just happy the Japanese people are still here."
"I just wanted to sleep my pain away and wake up feeling slightly normal."
"The saddest thing in life is to waste talent."
"When a blind man cries... something's wrong."
"Monroe lost her baby after these pregnancies that went wrong, which saddened her enormously."
"Hopefully, wish them all the success in the world, [expletive] sad."
"I sat on the couch with my mom and my sister and cried and went to bed."
"There's no feeling worse than seeing happiness disintegrate in front of you."
"He's a pretty sad lad. He has seen some [ __ ] in his life."
"It's pretty sad listening to someone's last moments alive."
"This was not a gory situation; it was just a very sad one." - Aiden Mattis
"I found it really touching, very sad at points."
"I'm sad that this person I love betrayed us."
"It is truly sad to consider those who have been affected."
"I just want to say I love you guys so much. I'm sorry you had to see me go like this."
"This person is missing you... they're feeling intense sadness right now and they are grieving something major that's happened."
"I was very conflicted about it um maybe quite you know quite a sad person really um split me down the middle and um in the end it's sort of those feelings what led me to to blowing the whistle some years later."
"When sad things happen, it creates the biggest heart opening across the planet."
"I feel like you're walking away sad from the situation because you have bigger things you want to move on to."
"It's like a mix of genuine sadness and chuckles."
"We live in our own bubble, and when we talk about 'oh my god I can't believe I made it five days,' you realize that when you zoom out, that is kind of sad."
"The book is just sad the book is not like by Frodo have a good time oh the book is like guys why didn't anybody tell me that Frodo dies at the end of Lord of the Rings."
"Sadness is part of life and the sooner that you teach kids that that's okay then that's better they think and they grow emotionally healthier which is what you want."
"I've got a great deal of sympathy. That cuts across any kind of tribalism or any rivalry. I just think it's very, very sad."
"It was the saddest voice I've ever heard in my life, it was horrible."
"To all of you that are just clicking on this now and sad because I'm saying goodbye..."
"This whole case, honestly, when you step back and you look away, when you look at it, and it's so sad. The whole situation is just, it's so sad, it's so tragic."
"This [ __ ] breaks my [ __ ] heart when I hear stuff like this."
"Sometimes we feel sad and that's okay, and sometimes we feel angry and that's okay, and sometimes it's not to do with being in a relationship or single. Sometimes it's literally just emotions that need to be processed."
"Looking up with pure sadness when he sees the same ad appear."
"I feel bad he was just sad and misunderstood."
"This is escapism to me so thanks everyone who is tuning in as well and yeah we will be back tomorrow but I am sad I'm sad that the chart show tomorrow is the last one because I think I think it's one of the best ideas for a show I've ever had."
"I really just self-afflicted more harm on myself by not allowing myself because I hate being sad."
"Freedom isn't free. It's so sad and unfortunate."
"People who experience the most schadenfreude over the most severe misfortunes are also the most likely to be sadists."
"It's okay to feel sad sometimes, so sometimes it happens that you're sad and you'll feel sadness. It's actually really healthy."
"That was so freaking sad, bro. Oh my god, why didn't they?"
"I'm happy about crying. I just can't believe it. I can't."
"Being alienated from yourself is a deeply, deeply depressing experience."
"It's a sad day my friends. It is a sad day today."
"It's so sad when you figure out why they're not doing as well as they were."
"60% of teen girls reported feeling persistent sadness or hopelessness, 30% said they seriously considered attempting suicide."
"I saw a child who had a weary look like the pictures that people might see of a Holocaust victim."
"People with depression are often sadder but wiser."
"Just the relationship between dior and his dad is so sad. It's sad to see because bro, it's mindable bro, it's mindable dawg."
"Perhaps it'll become a future where I never existed. But it's okay if it does. There's too much sadness in my world."
"It's sometimes soul-crushingly sad and just outstandingly hilarious at the same time."
"It's very sad and very um very an unjust kind of a film but it has such a rich history to it and the production design and the costumes and just cinematography everything in this film is flawless."
"You know it's just gotten so it's so sad Chris, I suppose it's been like kind of atrocious."
"It's just sad, but it is what it is, right? You try to save the ones you can."
"I've definitely, um, increasingly got sadder as this went along. That happy feeling I wanted to send to my heart's feelings has gone, that happy, oh, there's hope in that."
"Let yourself be sad if you need to be sad because you can learn from that and use that sadness as a learning experience."
"It was just the saddest thing you can imagine."
"It's terribly sad that some animals go extinct. More and more species are dying off every week, and it's super depressing and super bad for the environment."
"You can be sad and yet have joy at the same time."
"It's kind of sad that you remind me of a love that I once knew."
"They have to come here I have blondes in the afternoon there is no one home me suddenly very sad realizing how much entitled mom does not care about her very wonderful kids."
"The joy that comes from experiencing sadness with your family."
"Well, it's something, even if that something makes me sad."
"I think it's a very sad thing when a thing like that happens."
"The pain, anguish, the sadness, the raw emotions of what is being sung about here are really potent and really hard-hitting."
"People need to hear the truth, and that's kind of a sad situation that we're in."
"It's okay to be sad. Get sad, give a cry, it feels good."
"Everyone has already forgotten about Slender Man and that's why he's so sad."
"Sees a little girl crying near a grave in the cemetery - what's wrong? No one came to my funeral."
"We need to give life to this beautiful soul that stands here so sadly."
"It does take the wind out of their sails, which is really sad."
"It's okay to be sad, that doesn't mean you're depressed."
"I'm genuinely pissed off. I'm a little bit sad. I'm kind of sad."
"Why does it hurt? Because it's sad, that's why."
"It's sad and it's like they're actually genuinely a mentally broken person."
"This is sad, my life is so sad... if I just did it."
"Anything about the troubles is just deeply sad, but I found that this was a really interesting viewpoint."
"It's kind of sad, but Salty is actually gonna be getting removed from the game."
"Nice job YouTube frogs, that is Mimi dot ovh forward slash Akasha where you can witness full-on depression and make you sad that your build is not as good."
"This is Putin's fault, I really feel a deep sadness today."
"This makes me sad... How perverted and twisted." - Ethan Klein
"What a terrible word, what a dreadful separation, 'Depart from me,' from the very Jesus whom you have proclaimed."
"The whole story is a lot more sad now than it was before."
"Plato gets it: 'We live in a world filled with sadness.'"
"But it's really pretty sad that we're leading the charge on this."
"Seeing someone who was once so family oriented willing to just take her name off her daughter's birth certificate was just pretty sad to me."
"This is an extraordinarily sad movie. I was crying my eyes out by the end."
"Just a very heartbreaking culmination to this story."
"I never thought I'd say this but I'm actually quite sad to leave this place."
"My sadness really needed to be felt in order for me to grow and in order for me to heal."