
Social Engagement Quotes

There are 527 quotes

"I mean, I believe in evolution. And if you think about the evolution of our species, everything is driven by developing mechanisms that increase our survival."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If I'm socially engaged, I think it's not only that I'm not paying as much attention to the pain, but I think there's actually some relief from what's known as the social buffering of pain."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Every culture in the world has dancing, a form of physical activity that's social, fun, and engaging."
"Nostalgia increases optimism and motivates actual behavior towards social engagement."
"It's about connecting and putting yourself out there, saying yes to opportunity."
"You don't have to try to be an extrovert, just understand that your strengths are different, and you can engage people just as well by playing to your strengths."
"What happens in our mind, why does our mind prevent us from reaching out to other people? Speaking up? What are some of the mechanisms that go on in the mind that keep us from engaging with other people?"
"You need to build a community at the places you frequent the most."
"Just walk away from this toxic ideology, switch off the devices, switch off the TV, and let's just go and meet each other in the pub or in the park."
"It's an amazing thing to watch unfold, and I think it's awesome that I'm able to be caught up in it."
"Socially engaging activities and being part of a community can have a protective effect on cognitive function."
"Engaging with other people is fundamentally the best way to find direction, it's the best way to find opportunity."
"Recognize that you have to work within the whole system. Being anti-establishment is sexy when you're a teenager, but eventually, you have to grow up."
"If you become a lover of people, you will draw crowds."
"Let's have a chat again, in real life, you know, let's experience some connection."
"What we need is continual, constant engagement in our society."
"The ninth Golden Rule of a small talk is being an active listener."
"Eleanor continued to be a champion for causes she believed in, inspiring millions to become more socially conscious and engaged."
"It really does feel like a cool group of people."
"See if you ever meet me on the street, just come up to me and be like, 'Yo B Ford, do this player for the player rewind,' and I'll be like, 'I got you bro.'"
"Be nice to people, have fun in life, make friends, and get Lanky Box merch at Walmart."
"It's so amazing that there's so many of you that want to be a part of this community."
"Uncover some of your thoughts by posting in the comments."
"The world needs you at the party starting real conversations, saying 'I don't know,' being kind."
"You can be social and talk to people in real time."
"Seek out... very interesting people... large margins of air... always thinking about... love on my friends."
"I ain't ready to go nowhere I've been here for three hours. I mean, I would have for real, yeah."
"People are in fact interested in those experiences."
"Welcome everybody, thanks again for all the support, you guys are fantastic."
"There's one seat left at the table and it's yours! Let's join the conversation."
"It's time for you to throw yourself into hobbies that make you happy. It's time for you to throw yourself into friend groups that you haven't been a part of."
"I very much appreciate Callie's comment here."
"Creating a community where everyone feels included."
"But the people who will say something where I'm like, I can find a funny angle to respond to this, right, I generally engage with those people."
"That is Cody, get involved in the community."
"What a great day to be alive, go hug your loved ones, tell them that you were here during history in the making. And subscribe."
"Blue tsunami 2022, I'm liking it, I'm digging it. Where's my people at?"
"You want to jump in and start talking to some people about what's going on in their lives."
"I love Twitter because it allows you to engage with people you would never be able to engage with."
"I came here to have fun and have a good time, baby."
"We can turn it into more of a social thing where you hang out in these worlds that we create."
"You really stand a better chance at meeting those."
"We've actually started to build community the way it's supposed to be."
"All of my friends have seen Mean Girls. If you haven't seen Mean Girls, come on, get with it."
"For me, it's going to those events, it's joining the clubs and being active in things that you love."
"Human beings love to play and get this occasion just gives us an opportunity to combine the two."
"Cheers to being here and part of this community!"
"Venus in Aquarius can also encourage us to get more involved in our community or in a cause, to get involved in group endeavors or just spend more time with our friends and in those spaces to experience joy and to experience fun."
"We're drawn to conflict, or we're drawn to sport, we're drawn to competition, we're drawn to the contest."
"Get out there in the second half of 2024. Don't be the humble Virgo tucked away in their room."
"He generally enjoys spending time with the people, the Spring Festival, the most significant traditional festival for Chinese people."
"It's phenomenal, it's phenomenal. I love it's a weird thing. The community that is being built around this is amazing."
"It's gonna take a community, so I encourage you with that."
"We trade, it's a really good trade because we catch that like button."
"You have to engage. We can't just shame everybody and shout everybody down and call them a bigot."
"Young people just like you following their passions, determined to meet the times on their own terms."
"I don't even know what the [__] I'm going to do... but I'm blocking it because you invited me."
"Do the work, participate in the conversation."
"Your platform is this world. You can love up right now and go talk to somebody."
"We'll be at Stan Efferding's booth at 1pm so make sure you guys pull up over there and say what's up to your boy man."
"People are so scared of starting a conversation but my God they're missing out bro like I can't tell you how many Beautiful Moments I've had just by talking to somebody."
"Let's have fun this weekend, all right folks?"
"Thank you so much and yeah and hopefully we can do this again soon this is really great thank you."
"Also be sure to leave a like, share this video, and leave your own thoughts down in the comments."
"Just have fun and people who also have fun with the thing that you have fun with will gravitate to it."
"How can you actively participate with others in order to rewrite this very lonely story?"
"Live events people have been yearning to get the hell out there and have a good time."
"I am able to learn and retain important information. I enjoy learning new things every day."
"Engagement matters. More than anything, I think today, engagement matters."
"I prefer a church which is bruised, hurting, and dirty because it's been out on the streets."
"We need to have dialogue and we need to do so fearlessly."
"Welcome everyone to Speed Games. This is where you're going to find that genuine connection."
"Tomorrow night, five o'clock pacific, 8 eastern, from agua caliente here in rancho mirage, everyone have a super night and I'll see you guys very very soon, good luck out there."
"Engaging with new people invigorates you, sparking your curiosity and enthusiasm."
"Oh, that must be Ariel, she said she was running late from her date with Prince Eric."
"I fundamentally don't believe the left benefits from isolation, deplatforming, and a refusal to engage."
"We can all floss on the stream together and cringe, come on."
"Let's build some friendships down there, let's meet some pen pals, let's talk about the things that most people are nervous to talk about."
"Even going to the World Dairy Expo, people stopping to say hi just blew my mind."
"Engage in social settings, pay attention to cues, and reflect on interactions."
"Well, young farmers is just one of the six clubs that I'm in."
"Your social life is gonna start being even more active and prominent."
"Get out there and have fun, let go of your fears."
"Let's go for a hundred and fifty thousand subscribers in July if so we can raise our champagne glasses to each other."
"It's not about being anti-social, it's about being more social."
"I've been trying to do more of that which is why I reach out to people... wouldn't it be cool if we did that?"
"I just love that game, I love that community so much, so I'm probably gonna be talking about that a lot in the next few weeks."
"I just really like that feeling as part of the community."
"It's so much better in California, hospitalizations are dropping, deaths are dropping."
"Let's talk about it, we're all here for each other in the comments."
"Meet me in person, competitions, interaction, and lots of fun!"
"We've got to keep talking. We can't afford to give up."
"You meet a lot of like-minded people and that's that's that's an honest warning like be careful some people get sucked into Bali for years."
"Stop being a bum, go outside, make connections, make friends."
"Brandon bean Bill's GM what an awesome conversation right there that's guy by Lee not a lot of gems you want to have a beer with."
"We're all in this together, so let's talk about it and see what kind of trouble we can get into."
"I tune into the videos, I know people who tune into the videos and who recommend them to others."
"Try to get involved in whatever you're on or doing, try to get people to be interested in you so you can leverage it different ways."
"Share this with your host friends and remember please subscribe."
"For the whole three hours, it never stopped. Like, I was able to just spend three hours meeting people, which was nice and also an incredible relief for my personal pride."
"This is going to be a massive new beginning and a massive turning point massive lessons being learned in terms of your 11th house again social so your Social House social groups charities organizations marketing."
"Showing up really matters... Act on the impulse, don't second guess it."
"Winning the culture war can be as simple as using the Public Square app."
"We felt like it was a great film to kind of start a discussion."
"I've always liked building up communities of people."
"Share the love, check out these members of the community. Shout out!"
"I love bit squad you guys are the best community out there"
"You know that there's people out there who are interested in hearing that there's people out there who want to hear those conversations and do something about it."
"She was just a happy-go-lucky person. Loved to get out."
"Thank you for tuning in, let's get more people in here! Tell your mom, your sister, maybe your fish!"
"You gonna be in Chattanooga May 20th or what?"
"People are interested in what you're interested in."
"I hope you enjoyed hanging out with me today."
"Stop going to all these places and shaking your ass, eating food, listening to music, but then we don't turn around and use that same collective action to put people in office."
"During the downtime, we talked about just having more free time and how to spend it. We jumped into activism on a lot of fronts."
"We're one country. We all have to live here, and we'll all be much better off if we can engage substantively with one another."
"We built a community, I genuinely feel like and I just couldn't be more grateful."
"It was good to see some one-to-one human interaction."
"Our community is growing and growing strong — we just hit 45,000 family members. It's not just a number; each one of you I'm super grateful for. You guys are rocking it. You guys are the best community ever."
"Why not leave a comment like 'I can't believe what you did on day 21' or 'I never expected what was about to happen on day 70'?"
"Remember if you pick up any flair gear between now and September first you get entered a win a fishing trip with myself and we can even go for a nebraska brew tour go down to Texas and the googans rathaus."
"When you talk to everyone, even random people on the street, about 95% of them is talking about augmentations."
"If you liked this video then please help me by sharing it."
"I just kind of want to share happiness in my life. I just kind of want to share joy a little bit."
"Go out and enjoy life, new friendships and connections are opening up to you."
"Absolutely incredible, we're going to go golfing, any more senior citizens want to go golfing with me right now?"
"Fans will bring their friends in, they will tell them about these games."
"Don't discount the value of such a crazy awesome Community."
"If we feed people, they'll support us, they'll join us."
"For great Justice, let's talk some more hotel lobby."
"You need a community as far as skateboarding when you can do something like that especially when it's like boards."
"I'm curious to hear your thoughts down below."
"Entertaining to meaningfully impactful work can pave the way for more informed and action-oriented online community."
"The unparalleled pleasure, the dopamine hit of the day, the thing that makes everything except the news better—it's called the simultaneous sip, and it happens now. Go!"
"Trust me, if you want to be cool, be on the side of democracy."
"I do this for those experiences and those connections."
"I just want to give a huge shoutout to this community."
"Thank you for hanging out, for watching the video."
"Some of these numbers to see what's going on out there. Listen, I'm talking to people. I know what they think."
"Thank you guys so much for hanging out, potentially we'll be doing some more Apex Legends mobile closed beta gameplay in the future."
"Leave your work for another day and enjoy the company of your favorite people. Better yet, gather everyone together for team sports or volunteer work as today's aspects favor group efforts."
"Heaps of really cool content, there's competitions, we've been giving away a stack of prizes, so if you're not part of the Facebook page, do yourself a favor."
"Being a part of a tribe is a very important thing, whether in life or on an expedition."
"You almost have to become part of these different communities."
"Could we all just send some love to Mrs. Hogue? Absolutely!"
"Look at all the happy faces out there, Salma, you should be with them more."
"It's the moment Pat, if companies like these aren't talking in this moment, when is the moment?"
"I'll be shining like a diamond when I'm up in the club, but I'm ripping for the hearts cause I'm all about love."
"I wanna dress up, will you dress up with me?"
"Be socially confident, raid people on stream, and meet as many people as you can."
"It warms my heart to hear the sound of young people getting really involved."
"Set your alarm clocks for happy hour every Tuesday and Thursday at 7 p.m. live on this channel."
"You can't drive down the street without somebody smiling, waving, or having some fuzzy good feeling."
"It's always fun to try and grow this jolly community."
"I've heard the old adage that really the game doesn't even have to be that interesting it just has to get interesting people to play it."
"I would tell myself to care about people, reach out, meet people, see new things, be experienced, open your horizons."
"Join my community where there will be much more continued connecting and sharing."
"The only way it's gonna get better is if you take the plunge and you start talking to people."
"I don't care if it's nerdy, I love hearing about people's different passions."
"You spend the whole day on your wedding talking to everyone."
"Don't be afraid of being the center of attention, people will appreciate you for showing up."
"My chat's amazing. They save all the kittens from the trees."
"Offer the fun, offer the outgoingness, offer that positive energy."
"You guys actually mad today, Michael Wang with the 100, congrats on the wedding and welcome to adulthood!"
"We have options, we can be out in the world and that will return."
"I think this is probably where I'm gonna wrap this one up and call it quits. But I want to thank everyone for watching. I hope you guys had fun today. If you guys want me and Ben to play again sometime, make sure you smash that like button."
"It's a really great time to engage in social situations that you never would have dreamed of engaging with prior to this time because it's part of your fate."
"So hope to see you there I hope you enjoyed this week's hot or not and I will see you in tomorrow's video."
"Take charge of your social life, friendships, and community involvement."
"I think this is a really fun approach, at least a conversation starter."
"You might feel a bit more but also it's exciting as I said you can be socially quite active you can um some very revolutionary ideas in the air."
"Let's try different forms of physical activity that are fun and do it with other people so that you enjoy doing it and it's something that you look forward to rather than something that you resent."
"So, um, the question you posed was how do we get people back? We're talking about community and I think the community is the thing that gets people living life together which ultimately is far better than what we'd see in the four walls anyway."
"Thank you everybody for being a part of the Trainer Club, you all mean the absolute world to me."
"Did you ever Easy? That's the title or who from tea drink. Thanks, tea drink. Three nerds talking about nerd things. What more could you want? Hashtag gamer. Hell yeah, thank you, tea dragon."
"I think it's gonna be so great, setting up a live stream for commentary."
"I promise you will leave with interesting things to tell your friends."
"It's a social activity, we're meeting up with two other people."
"Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow night, it's gonna be amazing."
"People want to be part of something bigger than themselves."
"I love the community that it creates. It's a lot of fun."
"This is the time to speak to groups of people and truly get out and branch out."
"Thank you for everybody who's tuned in... grateful to have the community and crew."
"Our community brings joy to my life, and I hope we bring some joy and entertainment to our community's life."
"Gently squeeze the like button, helps you find more amazing people like yourselves that enjoy automotive content."
"What is the thing that you are passionate about? If you find a way to engage in that with other people, then the people you meet there at least have one thing in common with you."
"I'm so happy you guys voted chicken nuggets."
"This is a really nice energy for Libra... to engage with your community... can be very fruitful and very motivating."
"Organizing or even classes like these just engaging with other um like-minded people phenomenal way to make friends and be social with others."
"The very thing that you're doing, the very way that you're engaging, I think we need that right now."
"I've started the discord server for those who are interested. I've linked their Twitter in the description please check it out."
"Go take a deep breath go get something to eat don't forget to comment down below what you would order from the menu just us vibing share this video with your friends."
"These are opportunities that you are morally obligated to take, that you are denying because you don't want to have an uncomfortable conversation."
"I hope you enjoyed chat today even though I got a little weird at the end."
"Thank you everybody for all of your comments for all your questions."
"We're already together, I don't need a gang summit, we need to expand that five minutes."
"So, we wanna you know get to spend time with you guys as much time as possible."
"People are going to love you this month, they're going to be interested in what you're having to say, they're going to listen to you."
"Thank you so much for stopping by, my name is Relya and I hope to talk to you more soon."
"I can't believe I just met the God of Thunder. Mind blown."