
Invasive Species Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Plunge uses a powerful cooling, filtration, and sanitation unit to give you access to deliberate cold exposure in clean water."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Maui Nui...turns the proliferation of an invasive species into a wide range of nutrient-dense products."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The history of the world tells a story of the destruction of native species by those species that we have introduced."
"Invasive species are among the greatest threats."
"The introduction of cane toads to Australia in the 1930s is one of the foremost examples of an exotic animal release gone wrong."
"They're called nutria and they're so bad that the state is actually paying people $6 a tail just to kill them."
"The Titans are no longer alone. There's an active Black Crazy Ant colony that have setup camp inside the Garden of Eden, and there is also now a persistent and scary Pharaoh Ant colony that enter and exit the Garden of Eden freely."
"Murder hornets pose a serious threat to honeybees."
"Florida's Everglades is a battleground between Burmese pythons and alligators. Unlike alligators, pythons are not a native species to Florida."
"Wild boars are invasive animals that cause extensive damage to Agriculture and property."
"When people have real experiences with animals they fall in love."
"If nobody kept animals of any kind for any reason and no one moved them around, we wouldn't have as many problems with invasives. That is a reality."
"Toxic seaweed: a foul-smelling invasion impacting tourism."
"The Tyranids: bugs from beyond the stars, the all-consuming great devourer."
"That's how the death cap snuck into California from Europe."
"NASA has a policy called planetary protection... Earth life could be an invasive species on Mars, same way that rabbits were in Australia."
"Quackgrass, the unstoppable invader that can't be smothered or stopped."
"We're not out here hunting dogs, we're not doing pigeons out there in the sky. We're out here taking care of invasive species only and that's it."
"Learning to love the carp may be the healthiest way for people to adopt their presence."
"Evasive species comes in it populates extremely fast rapidly and then it alters the habitat."
"The Burmese python, capturing attention with its massive size and 73 babies, showcases the invasive power of certain species."
"If somehow in the future, if we can turn these reptiles that are invading our state into everyday table fare, I mean, I think that's probably the best idea we can do."
"Cornfield hunting in Texas has become a key way to deal with invasive feral Hawk populations."
"Wild boars are becoming an increasingly serious problem in the United States."
"Florida python vs goat: Snakes are taking over the world, or at least Florida."
"We're going to work together to protect the Great Lakes from Asian carp."
"Emma believed that a MUTO brood acted as an invasive species that completely destroyed existing ecosystems and was responsible in the past for mass extinctions."
"We don't do anything invasive. If it's an invasive species, we won't plant it."
"The rapidity with which the Russian thistle has spread both in infesting new territory and in thoroughly covering that already infested far exceeds that of any weed known in America."
"Early settlers introduced several invasive species to New Zealand's wilderness, which have ruthlessly disrupted the island's ecosystem."
"The worms become invasive species, it becomes Worm World."
"This invasive species which is found in 17 states is a South American mammal that was introduced here in 1899."
"Majority of the money that Millstone's made is on invasive plant treatment or on stewardship work."
"Lionfish are an invasive species, they eat anything that could fit in their mouths."
"These frogs are actually not native to Hawaii, they came over like over 100 years ago to help control the mosquito population."
"Invasive species are here because of us, we're the ones that brought this problem, we're the ones that have carried them either on purpose or by accident."
"Japanese knotweed grows a lot of gardens in the UK and it's really bad because the roots go very very very deep into the ground but Japanese knotweed grows very fast and can actually go through brickwork and destroy foundations."
"That's a way to control an invasive species and catch dinner at the same time. It's Lake me Tickler brought to you by deer meat for dinner LLC."
"An invasive species can be defined as one that is not native to a particular area but was introduced, and, as a result, has caused great environmental or economic harm."
"There's also Siberian elm, Ulmus pumilla, which is a weedy and invasive tree that also makes a mucilaginous tea."
"This kind of mentality is why Burmese pythons are invading Florida, quagga mussels have taken over North American waterways, and Kentucky Bluegrass has out competed thousands of native plants."
"These are non-native species. They are introduced into a new environment, primarily by human actions, and when they do that, they significantly modify or disrupt the ecosystems that they're colonizing."
"Rabbits destroyed crops, damaged grazing lands, and wiped out native plant and animal species."
"Many people including landowners, community members, indigenous groups, and industry organizations actively help manage invasive species, often as volunteers."
"Wild pigs cover 45% of Australia's land, and the invasive species council estimates their population ranges between 2 to 4 million depending on the season."
"Invasive species are species that have infiltrated your local area their plants that aren't native to that land and often they tend to choke out the local flora."
"It depends on the species, but something like Japanese knotweed, you know, a piece the size of your pinky nail can start a new plant. So, cutting it down and just throwing it out there is probably not a good idea."
"They really are a delicious fish, and that’s probably one of the saving graces of this whole invasion is the fact that you can actually consume them and that they taste so good."
"Lionfish is an invasive species, so this is one way to combat them taking over our reef. They're helping to support sustainable fisheries."
"It led researchers to the first Asian giant hornet nest ever found in the United States."
"Asian carp, an invasive species, so if there's a way to find that we can actually use them and utilize them, this is a great option."
"Goldfish dumped in lakes are growing to the size of footballs."
"Don't forget to wear your life jackets, pick up your trash, and don't forget to report if you catch any grass carp in the Great Lakes."
"I hope all of you guys did enjoy watching today's invasive species hunt, I had an absolute blast."
"Elephants do eat alien vegetation, it depends on the alien vegetation however."
"Escaped cloned female mutant crayfish take over Belgium cemetery."
"Mint is a plant that will take over your garden and absolutely wreak havoc."
"If there's a silver lining to this lionfish issue, it's that they taste great."
"Efficient predators and prolific breeders, they wipe out native species at an alarming rate."
"Gigantic goldfish are occupying ponds in parts of Canada."
"These house plants that people say thrive on neglect... are the ones that are invasive."
"Overexploitation, habitat disruption, and introduced species are the top threats to biodiversity."
"A feral species is a non-native species to an area that's able to come in and create viable populations."
"The Great Lakes are the largest freshwater system on Earth and they're being threatened by a potentially catastrophic invasion."
"Invasive species, climate change, and social media are impacting our sport in ways I've never seen before."
"We need to eat invasives; they're sustainable, and there's plenty of them, and they're yummy."
"There's a stigma surrounding carp here in North America because they're an invasive species."
"They're out here in the Everglades, they don't belong here, and they eat whatever they can."
"Invasives pose a huge threat to native species."
"We need to start thinking of invasive species as refugees."
"The overpopulation of deer has really decimated native wildflowers, shrubs, and tree seedlings, leaving wide open spaces for invasive plants to move in, therefore creating a tangle of invasives and forever changing the ecosystem for other critters."
"Invasive species... are competing for food and resources with native species."
"The earlier we catch these invasive species, the more capable we are of controlling and eradicating them."
"To catch an invasive species in its first year is unusual, which is why I think there's a strong case for us being able to eradicate it."
"Educating kids about Florida's invasive species is just as important as catching unwanted invasives."
"Invasive means all of what I just said except that they are causing harm to the natural environment that they have basically set up camp in."
"The Cuban tree frog... could be doing more damage to the native flora and fauna here in Florida than almost any other invasive species in the state."