
Daily Routine Quotes

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"Ending on cold...forces your body to heat up by itself, and that's going to make your brown fat cells and muscle cells more efficient."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I had a cup of coffee this morning, and many of us listening to this podcast, it's really hard to start our day without getting that hit of caffeine."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Getting anywhere from 30 and ideally 45 to 60 minutes of exercise per day for six days per week, maybe even seven, is going to be good for mitochondrial health and function."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Seeing faces in the morning and seeing faces at some point during the day once you're ready to face the day, very important for mental health."
"Sleep is the single most effective thing you can do to reset your brain and body health each and every day."
"Unlock the true potential of these natural healers and learn how to incorporate them into your daily routine."
"All of those things will help you get up, get going, attack the day, create momentum in your life."
"Being able to hit that list of health things you want to do every day...it's a lot easier for me to work out, meditate, stick to juicing skincare."
"The secret of your success is found in your daily routine."
"The foundational practice that I truly believe every person should do every day is to view bright light, ideally sunlight, within 30 minutes to an hour of waking."
"Showering is such self-care for me...getting me out of the same four walls of my bedroom every day, it just really helps."
"How you start each morning can absolutely set the tone for the rest of your day."
"Exercise every day, eat healthy, make time every day to do something that you love."
"When you work out, it releases an endorphin. When you wake up, you work out, you accomplish something. It's like then you're ready for the day."
"I cannot imagine starting my day without meditating because it completely shapes what the rest of my day is going to be like."
"I think after a long day of just working, going to the gym, I just want to come home to peace."
"If you want to have a good day, it starts the night before."
"I thrive on getting up. I have a normal routine in the morning."
"Just have one good day and then repeat it. Did I have two good hours of writing? I'll go get a workout in, and I'll play with my kids. That's a good day."
"The first question to answer is: What do I want my days to look like?"
"Every morning, just a little bit of makeup... I feel so much better. I feel put together, ready to tackle the day."
"Every day I woke up and walked into my office and asked myself, what move do you need to make today?"
"Where can I live more in alignment with nature's cyclical rhythms? Where can I find more balance in my day-to-day routine?"
"Taking a few minutes out of your day to stretch is really going to benefit you."
"Meditating made me feel calm, made me feel like I could start my day right."
"You have a better day if you have a better night."
"It's so important that you get very deliberate about what you do first thing in the morning."
"Make sure that the first thought of the day and the last thought of the day are consciously selected."
"Habits wealthy people do that broke people don't do: they have a daily routine."
"I do not go a day without putting lotion on and moisturizing."
"Have a little bit of 'me' time, even if it's just 15 minutes, so that you can wake them up and feel a little bit more in control of your day."
"To have breakfast or to eat breakfast is actually to put the food in your body."
"To hop in the shower means I'm going to quickly get in the shower, clean my body, and get out."
"Brew coffee means specifically to make coffee."
"Daily routine is wake up, make lunch for my daughter, go to work, skip my lunch by going to...just to drawing, work more, go home, play with my daughter, put her in bed, draw."
"If you stick to your daily routine, your average experience of your home will be of a comfortable degree of order and cleanliness."
"Some people have pets, so part of their daily routine might be to take the dog for a walk."
"It's important to break the daily routine from time to time."
"Your days are your life in miniature. As you construct a great morning, you're going to have consistently better days."
"A great day starts by setting yourself up for a great day the night before."
"I meditate every day and I do it in the mornings and I think it's important because it just sets me up for the rest of the day."
"The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine."
"Get a positive ball rolling early in your day."
"The best thing that we can do to support this is consistency."
"I would say make your bed every morning as soon as you get out of it. Make this a ritual."
"Have you ever thought about how the first moments of your day can shape everything that follows?"
"Okay, campers, rise and shine, and don't forget your booties because it's cold out there."
"You'll spend approximately 38 days of your life brushing your teeth."
"When it comes to health, brushing your teeth is one of the most important parts of your day."
"Check in with yourself before checking in with the world."
"If you can get yourself to the gym every day, eat healthy every day, you're going to find that other things also tend to fall in place."
"Every single thing you do, it's a process, and it's a day-to-day decision."
"Imagine you're in high school for a minute and think back and try to picture what every morning felt like."
"I pray every day. Every day in the shower and on my knees."
"70 percent of our daily lives is spent at work."
"We just have to simply reframe it so that it's used as motivation for us to do the stuff we need to do every day."
"It gets easier, but you have to do it every day. That's the hard part."
"In the morning, go out and get daylight, at least 20 to 30 minutes outdoors."
"I try to come up with goals that have to be done that day... I feel better if I make my bed that day and if I take my dog on a really long walk."
"And I think that's your camera that's falling off. Oh, you need to be here every day. You lighten it every day."
"I wake up and snuggle my husband and do the Wordle of the day."
"Daily work is the number one thing. If you can develop that habit, everything else falls into place."
"Oral hygiene basically requires that we brush and rinse at least twice a day and floss at least once a day."
"You guys are becoming an important part of my day. You're what I look forward to more than anything."
"I really believe that how you start the day is how you end the day."
"Making a little diary of your daily activity in the house is a really good way to really think about how you live."
"Even if you're single, you don't have to make your whole day revolve around you. You can get up in the morning, you can go help others."
"Hydrate and drink as much water as you can throughout the day."
"Sleep is the single most effective thing we can do to reset our brain and body health each day."
"Every night you're going to go to sleep thinking it can't get crazier than this, and every morning you're going to wake up and go, 'I wish it was only as crazy as last night.'"
"We're gonna do a booster box of this every single day till Christmas until you find Shiny Charizard V Max."
"Olive oil has done wonders... do it every day and you'll start seeing changes."
"It makes me super excited in the morning when I'm getting my coffee; it just makes my day."
"Every day, every day, before and after practice, and that's what motivated me."
"Every single day, you eat every day for your health, you brush your teeth every day for your hygiene. I need you to learn and grow every single day for your mindset."
"You see, so many of us start our days on our phones, checking social media... but a great best practice and routine is to change this habit and start your day in the word and in prayer."
"I just try to make sure that my mindset is in the right place, you know, instead of scrolling through social media for ages when I wake up."
"First thing I do every single morning is drink some water."
"Jogging is also a good way for me to charge batteries for a long day working."
"I make sure that my day is not too full; I make sure that I turn off at some point during the day."
"I mean, that's what I do every day because I'm passionate about what I do."
"To be honest, exercise has become such a big part of me, my routine. It's almost like my daily dose of therapy."
"Prayer and meditation is simple meditation I follow a vipassana style 20 minutes a day."
"The banality of evil: going home to their families thinking it's just another day of work."
"I have some work to finish, and then I'm going to my karate gym."
"The key is beginning your day in the Word of God, meditating on it, and asking for God's guidance and direction."
"I was working long days bro, up at 6am every day."
"May we rise each morning not to the sound of an alarm but to the call of God's mercy and love."
"Just keep making your coffee, girl. Stand in your power."
"And it just kind of sets our day on the right foot."
"Balanced makes the warrior invincible. Anchor your day around these five things: time reading the word, healthy food, exercise, and sleep."
"Starting your day by changing your brain neurologically and neurochemically... to live in the future instead of the past present."
"What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? I kind of like just started doing it being thankful."
"Every day, it gets a little easier." "Yeah?" "But you gotta do it every day. That's the hard part."
"Every single morning within each of these domains, health, work, and relationships, you define one daily quest."
"Self-care has been just a part of my daily ritual so I work it in I always ask myself what will make my heart sing and how can I care for myself in this moment right now."
"Life and death by day and a little art to balance life by night."
"Do you pray the rosary every day? Pray the rosary every day or you're not on the team."
"There's a certain beauty to just knowing you have to get up and do your craft every day."
"Every single day, get in the habit of going and getting some exercise or going to the gym."
"I used to listen to Paul McKenna every single morning when I would get into a black cab."
"Just give yourself a five-minute conversation with your soul every morning. That's all."
"Prioritize daily self-care, even if it means five minutes a day."
"It's nice every day, slipping into something comfortable."
"A normal day... revolves around... eating and training... it gives you structure, purpose..."
"Your cleansing, toning, serum, moisturizer, SPF is your must. Don't skip SPF and don't skip this sort of simple routine in every day."
"Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen—protect your skin on the daily."
"Daily sunscreen... there's one thing that you're going to change for your skincare routine and start sooner, get on your daily sunscreen."
"Structure your day for better sleep hygiene and productivity."
"I think about you as I fall asleep and as soon as I wake up."
"Romanticizing your life is about learning how to fall in love with your day-to-day routine."
"The first thing that I do every morning is prayer."
"It's easy if you enjoy an Activia every day."
"I'm still learning every day, I go there and I check and I still learn new things."
"Buckle up because once we hit 8:30, it's officially nighttime and the quest begins."
"It's almost 3 p.m and finally I'm almost done with the bulk of work. That feels good."
"A toothbrush should be an extension of your arm... Like a samurai sword."
"The majority of my day is basically like this, right? I wake up, get out of bed, eat my cereal, brush my teeth..."
"Let me grab the ones from my everyday makeup drawer."
"Brush your teeth, floss, have a safe day, and I'll see y'all later. Peace."
"So when I wake up in the morning, my phone is at a hundred fresh and good to go for the day."
"I see you get out of bed, I'm like wow, it's determination."
"It's all in a day's work for an up-and-coming Pokémon trainer."
"If you get up at 10:00 in the morning, train at 11:00, 12:00 train for two hours, 12:00 to 2:00, you have to let your body recover, so you recovered, whatever, you get back out you train, start training again at 6:00."
"Exercise, it's like brushing your teeth, it's good for you and should be done every day."
"You're the last thing on my mind before I go to sleep and the first thing in the morning when I wake up."
"Every day can become a ritual that empowers you."
"Thanks for watching, people. Have a good evening and we'll see you tomorrow. Bye-bye."
"If you want to prevent wrinkles and sun damage and sun spots and skin laxity, the best thing that you can do for yourself is to wear sunscreen every single day."
"It's not easy to be entertaining every single day, edit everything right, and then upload a 15-minute video every single day."
"Hope you guys have a great day, see you tomorrow!"
"I drink AG1 in the morning to start my day. It makes me feel unstoppable and ready to take on anything."
"It just makes me feel like I'm having an A plus just got a facial kind of a skin day."
"A perfect day can be like getting through all the things I'm describing and then happily working for a few hours and maybe seeing some friends."
"Practice every day, even if it's just a few minutes."
"I start the day honestly with cuddles with both my kiddos. I start with coffee."
"Movement daily. It doesn't have to be a crazy HIIT workout. It can literally be a little walk, doing some stretches, just get your body moving."
"I genuinely do love the game and I come back to it as my first thing to do every single day."
"So football's nearly finished Liverpool or winning I'm not very hungry the boys aren't either really but I'm just gonna cut some watermelons refreshing beautiful hydration to end the day."
"Wash your face at the end of the day, but I have picked up a lot of tips and tricks to make sure that it lasts until the end of the day."
"You have to learn how to create your own health on a daily basis."
"I'll see you guys tomorrow okay I'll see you guys tomorrow right alright bye guys have a good night whoa epic music time."
"Bringing it into my body every day has been the best... It's done more for me than therapy ever could."
"So my husband and I take our ritual vitamins every day but then I thought I have a teen daughter and not only that my seven-year-old daughter needs her vitamins."
"It's entertaining to read genuinely...makes for an easy start to the day."
"I need to go and take this little one out because he is so clever he learns that when the green screen goes down it's time for a walkies."
"There are a lot of things you do usually right before you go to work or go to school if you leave the house."
"I might have to go and make sure that they're awake so that they don't miss the bus and so that they can go to school."
"At a certain point in the day, you're going to take a break or you're going to take a coffee break."
"Everybody can and should fast every day. In fact, everybody does fast every day when you're sleeping, you're not eating, and you break it with breakfast in the morning. It's an interesting process."
"It's been real, and I will see you in the morning for The Daily Show. Be safe, everyone."
"Let us know if this works. Start your day on your knees and just ask."
"If you have a certain way that you drive to work and then, you know, suddenly Google Maps takes you a different way or something and you're like, okay, this is still going to work but it's not how I usually do it."
"When we pray first thing in the morning, we're saying to God you are the most important part of my day."
"Beginning our day with God sets a rhythm of communion with him that can continue throughout the day."
"But, my phone, my keys, and my wallet, 99 days out of a hundred, when I'm leaving, I know where they're at."
"Choose a place and schedule a time daily to have quiet time."
"The Rosary is just a wonderful way...if you're not praying the rosary every day, you're not of the team."
"Make seeking him and talking to him a part of your daily walk."
"Meditation is one of the most important things that I've added to my daily routine. I'm not joking when I say that it saved my life."
"Train yourself to go to bed at the same time every day."
"That's amazing for him that he gets to do what he loves every single day and that's been the only thing he's done so I think that's pretty neat."
"I wanted something so that when my alarm clock went off in the morning and I put my feet on the ground, I felt good."
"It talked about three pages a day. It was like your morning pages."
"Ice coffee every morning. If I have regular coffee, I start sweating. Day's ruined."
"The satisfaction is about enjoying what I do every single day."
"Don't let any day go to waste. Solve some questions or do some previous year questions."
"I never go to bed without washing off my makeup."
"I use sunscreen on my face every day, on my ears, neck, and chest."
"A program of daily action that actually changes your brain, changes your thoughts, and gives you power of choice."
"The thing that makes everything better, it's cold, the simultaneous sip."
"I stopped showering right when I got up, because I didn't really have anywhere to be."
"Bins, I would say, 'I need to take the bins out.' Did you take the bin out?"
"Hydrate early, you will drink more water if you wake up earlier and start drinking water right away."
"First thing in the morning, what I want to do."
"The smell of Vicky making breakfast downstairs made things a little bit more tolerable."
"I do sometimes eat that cookie, but every day I'm like, I have to throw that out."
"Exercise, you've got to move. You've got to move every day."
"In Islam, prayer is our daily dose of connection with God. Every day, if you're separated from prayer, you're separated from connecting with the Creator."
"Anoint yourself before you leave for work to fulfill your duties."
"My first sip of coffee in the morning, I just feel like a whole new woman."
"Set regular timers throughout the day to remind you to take a few big deep breaths."
"I always make sure I get my two cups of coffee in, and then I have this mindset like let's go, let's be productive. You got this, Jamie!"
"One man travels across town before the sun rises to serve delicious hearty breakfast meals."
"I have to commit to self-love every morning."
"What I've done now is incorporate ten minutes of daily meditation into my life."
"Daily sunscreen - protect your skin from the Sun every single day."
"Just sleep in, have breakfast, and after breakfast, mosey on out."
"It's almost like a meditative state... It really clears my mind for the rest of the day."
"Start our day with God, before the rush begins, aligning our hearts with His will."
"In any other sport, you practice every day. In racing, we race."
"The Five Minute Journal... absolutely love it... starting to actually change so many things for me."
"My hobby is reading serialized web novels on the subway on my way home from work. But today's subway ride was unlike any other."
"Good morning, happy Tuesday! It's time for coffee and curse words. Are you ready? I'm ready!"
"I'll be back tomorrow because hell yeah we're pretty much daily now."
"I think one of the most important things a human being can do is press the pause button each morning while the rest of the world is asleep and ask yourself how can I fortify my mindset?"
"Life in suburbia is an underrated adventure, even with the very predictable daily routine."
"Making the bed is a necessary must-do thing right next to showering and brushing your teeth."
"I'm gonna go wash up and then go to bed... good night."
"You have to have that time with Him, and you would not begin to believe how your days will go."