
Coffee Quotes

There are 4022 quotes

"Ending on cold...forces your body to heat up by itself, and that's going to make your brown fat cells and muscle cells more efficient."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I had a cup of coffee this morning, and many of us listening to this podcast, it's really hard to start our day without getting that hit of caffeine."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"One thing that will never change is my morning coffee."
"It's the world's most popular psychoactive drug, but you look at the science, coffee seems to be healthy and have a really positive impact wherever it's been measured."
"On almost any front, coffee seems to be healthy and have a really positive impact wherever it's been measured."
"Most people don't know that coffee is a fruit and it's a very sweet fruit."
"Coffee's kicking in. We ain't got nothing to do but sit around and do some tarot."
"Drink the coffee. It'll make you feel better."
"We've never made coffee like this while camping; this might be the best coffee camping day of my life."
"Coffee is probably top of the gear list when you're going to do a road trip."
"Morning routine: first things first, I make a cup of coffee."
"I gotta admit, I think it's the best coffee I've ever had."
"This special coffee, Fisherman's blend, Brazilian dark roast, it actually is really awesome coffee."
"I get a headache if I don't have coffee like right away."
"Of course, we know these startup companies are run on coffee."
"Black Rifle Coffee Company is veteran-owned coffee company serving premium coffee to people who love America."
"The coffee is going to give you better results. You'll actually have a more successful fast with more fat burning, less hunger, more of everything."
"Everything in IT requires coffee. Never forget."
"I just finished having my coffee, watching your last video with it. It inspired me."
"Coffee... can not just prevent our telomeres from turning down like a fuse, it actually can lengthen the telomeres as well."
"I forgot to have coffee this morning... I'm walking around the house particularly cranky, questioning my own existence and not knowing exactly why."
"Morning comes and you wake, your first awareness is of boundless misery. You long for some kind of caffeinated beverage so you can be miserable faster."
"The longer these videos go on, the more coffee I drink, so things usually get better by the end."
"Coffee is full of antioxidants and is actually the biggest source of antioxidants in the American diet."
"Coffee will actually lower the risk of many diseases, like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, stroke, different types of dementia, and even liver cancer."
"Coffee is full of antioxidants so it is a good drink, it is a healthy drink, and it is a drink that is anti-aging."
"We should sell coffee. That should be our catchphrase."
"Why do people drink coffee? This is pretty obvious. It boosts their productivity, increases levels of alertness."
"Coffee... slows down the burn of the telomere and actually lengthens the cap, reversing cellular aging."
"I love coffee. It's an important part of my life and daily ritual."
"I love coffee. It's an important part of my life and my daily ritual."
"Whether drinking an espresso in an interesting, unusual, or beautiful place makes it taste better."
"It's worth the weird looks you get from people. Go and make espresso somewhere weird 'cause it's great."
"Within 30 seconds of thinking about wanting an espresso, they have one in their cup."
"All this said, the perfect cup of coffee is the one you like the best."
"An African legend claims that an Ethiopian goat herder named Kaldi discovered the caffeinating qualities of coffee beans when he noticed his goats becoming extremely energetic after eating the berries from their trees."
"Fortunately for coffee lovers everywhere, [Pope Clement VIII] decided that he liked the bitter beverage and gave it papal approval."
"Coffee has been linked to lowered rates of depression, Alzheimer's, heart disease, and even certain types of cancer."
"Early coffee drinkers felt dramatically improved alertness and coordination by swapping the alcohol for caffeine."
"Is coffee a guilty treat as many of us suspect, or is it a health drink feeding your good gut bacteria?"
"Coffee drinkers have less heart disease than non-coffee drinkers."
"We found a formula that would give us the most cost-effective premium coffee, locally roasted just before shipping, delivered straight to your door."
"Good morning, everybody, and welcome to the best thing that's ever happened to anybody in the history of the universe. It's called Coffee with Scott Adams."
"Good morning, you guys. I am drinking a warm coffee. It is around 5:00 a.m. right now. I've been waking up around this time for the past couple of months just because I love the nighttime in the winter so much. The stars are so bright and the world is magical."
"Agree or disagree, tea is better than coffee."
"It makes me super excited in the morning when I'm getting my coffee; it just makes my day."
"Just you know lay off the coffee maybe while you're practicing your brush techniques."
"The best way to enjoy the freedom-filled coffee."
"The butter they use in nitro cold brew, along with the oxidation process, actually suspends the effects of the caffeine, so you're going to feel it a lot longer."
"The induction of coffee into the Consciousness really did stimulate... change the way people communicated."
"And so I decided I would learn to drink coffee and I did and I just sort of fell in love with it."
"I'm not saying they're great, I'm just saying that they have great coffee."
"Every day must start with coffee, that's without a doubt."
"Kopi Luwak coffee beans are partially digested by civet cats."
"Coffee is adjacent to chocolate as a matter of fact a lot of your favorite chocolate desserts the secret ingredient is coffee grinds that spicy chocolate thing happens which is awesome."
"You may not think that citrus lime and coffee work well together they work supremely well together."
"That is a delicious creamy sweet coffee treat absolutely on the nose too."
"You freaking love coffee so much. It's wild."
"I always make sure I have enough money set aside to buy coffee."
"Don't just add sugar, add joy into your morning cup of joe."
"Black coffee is one of the best weight loss supplements."
"Everyone should have a freaking special coffee."
"How do you check your coffee? I like oat milk lattes."
"Ice coffee every morning. If I have regular coffee, I start sweating. Day's ruined."
"A few things are as comforting and warm and safe to me as coffee."
"Coffee has helped me get through some rough times so it's all good in the hood."
"The coffee is never really good on an airline."
"My first sip of coffee in the morning, I just feel like a whole new woman."
"Each cup of cometeer you make at home will go toe-to-toe with your favorite coffee shop."
"Coffee is a wonderful thing that brings people together."
"Coffee made the age possible in the first place."
"Work and coffee became inseparable in the modern industrial age."
"Coffee is a comfort to millions and a necessity to many more."
"Let trade coffee deliver freshly roasted coffee that you're literally guaranteed to love."
"Experts personally taste test over 450 roasts so that they know exactly what to recommend for you."
"Reading and coffee, they're the superior ship, no ship can compare."
"The best part of waking up is Folger's in your cup."
"You gotta get some butter coffee, yo, it's makable."
"Life without coffee is that really a life at all?"
"Quality coffee is even more confident after seeing that Real Madrid team."
"Cold brew has like four times the amount of caffeine that a normal cup of coffee has."
"Coffee isn't really as dehydrating as most people think."
"I like my coffee black. Stop it. I like my coffee black. Stop it sip."
"Drink coffee, but it was great. Had a really good time."
"It's always the coffee, it always helps out."
"Happy Tuesday friends! It's time for coffee and cursy words."
"Vietnam is very, very good at is the coffee."
"We don't have tea, we do however have coffee."
"Coffee got me through many, many emergency rooms, but I don't drink it anymore."
"Coffee does improve another kind of performance too, cognitive performance."
"Approachability to specialty coffee is better now than it has ever been."
"Decisions were made so we have here 17 different types of iced coffees and cold brews."
"I mean, I just love a cup of coffee, I can't deny that."
"I wish I liked coffee, it looks so fun and aesthetic."
"Sometimes you need a little bit of coffee to get through the day."
"When you first drink coffee, it's so bitter. Oh my God, no wonder. My whole mouth is like tangling from the sweetness of the condensed milk, but like, it tastes like a milkshake, like a coffee milkshake maybe."
"Coffee drinking is quite an integral part of social life, especially in South India."
"There are many reasons why I love Australia, but one of those reasons is the fact that this country loves coffee as much as I do."
"Starbucks is the most convenient cup of coffee you can get anywhere in the world and taste the exact same everywhere that you go s tier it is s tier."
"Misery business with a fresh cup is the optimum."
"If I had to pick a single winner for me... it's a little smaller, a little cheaper... I enjoy the coffee I get out of it."
"Breeding new varieties is the most immediate challenge for safeguarding our coffee supply."
"By focusing more on direct trade, we are very aware of the price that we've paid for the coffee but also how much of that goes back to the producer."
"I don't think consumers fully appreciate how much climate change could affect the price of coffee."
"It's nice to have a cup of warm hot coffee on these sub-zero March days."
"Starbucks in the lobby for that morning pick-me-up."
"Getting coffee out is so so overpriced... It adds up so quickly you will save so much money if you just make your country in your room."
"If you consider yourself any form of a coffee fan, you should definitely add 49 parallel to your bucket list."
"I'm going to be drinking a lot of coffee and I'm going to be preparing to be surprised."
"Something about a latte just makes me feel safe. It's very comforting."
"Thank you Julia, I'm gonna feel like a little mini barista at home."
"Now I am sold on the virtues of freshly ground, freshly made coffee done properly." - [Your Name]
"Let's get some coffee sometime, our series gets me even more excited."
"There is no serotonin like the first sip of an iced latte, especially when the sun is shining."
"The taste of freedom I get every morning with my black rifle coffee."
"Coffee should be free for anyone who makes noise when they stand up."
"If you drink coffee and you like good coffee, try Black Rifle Coffee."
"The thing makes everything better, it's called coffee."
"I do not understand why people wait that long for coffee in the morning, just get coffee on your way in or like get coffee someplace else you're in a theme park you paid 100 to be here go ride rides."
"In many parts of the world, coffee is meant to be sipped on while seated and enjoying the paper or chatting with friends."
"Coffee is a simple part of our day, but in a pandemic, it can make a world of difference."
"I really think this could revolutionize the coffee industry."
"If you prized clarity, if you want that pour over, kind of paper filtered clarity in your cup, I think they're actually a great choice for that."
"When making coffee, add a little salt; this makes the coffee clear immediately."
"Coffee always tastes better when you respect the TA. Cheers!"
"Egg coffee: the unexpected elixir of vitality and wisdom."
"I start every morning with a nice slow pour of that delicious brown juice."
"Coffee is more than just a drink; it's a currency, a stimulant, and a lifeline behind bars."
"Some guys might just drink coffee when they wake up in the morning—that helps them get awake, ready, and prepared to face whatever the prison day is gonna bring them."
"One man in a cup: always walking around with his cup, ready to engage in conversation or share a moment over a cup of coffee."
"Coffee man: he'll do whatever it takes to get his hands on a cup of coffee, even if it means cleaning your floor or doing your dishes."
"Coffee makers: super convenient for a quick cup."
"I fucking love coffee... But that's only if I have like more than two on an empty stomach."
"This run is going well. So well, I've barely had time to drink this coffee."
"Striped and spiked cold brew is made from Joffrey's coffee cold brew French roast South African Amarula creme liqueur."
"It's always a journey, and every cup has had its own story."
"That's incredible coffee, it's like freshly brewed strong French roast."
"I remember being there, you know, like my creamer, it was part of my coffee."
"There's something about seeing a cup of coffee twitch out of the corner of your eye..."
"I just want my coffee even though I'm not gonna drink this."
"Best cup of coffee in the state, if I may say so myself."
"This might be the best coffee that I've had all year."
"No coffee was hurt in the making of this intro."
"Let's get coffee but let's upgrade it tremendously by utilizing some of these powerful medicinal mushrooms along with the coffee."
"Can you tell I needed this coffee this morning? It has brought me back to life."
"I just got to say, I think Starbucks wins by far for me."
"Pumpkin spice latte is just really well executed. I mean, unless you hate that kind of flavor profile, but they nailed it."
"Decaf can be amazing. It can be as good and enjoyable as any other caffeinated coffee if you get it right."
"Decaf lets you have a load of the potential, theoretical health benefits of coffee without kind of the downsides."
"Coffee drinkers had a decreased risk of overall mortality... decreased risk of cardiovascular mortality."
"Decaffeinated coffee drinkers... showed the same decreased risk of death."
"Consumption of coffee is healthy when done in moderation."
"Coffee drinkers have a lower risk of skin cancer... and the inflammatory skin disease rosacea."
"Le Noir is like your basic cup of every cop's favorite beverage."
"Coffee industry is one of the biggest in the entire world."
"For some people, that morning cup of coffee is the elixir of life."
"Who realized that the seeds when roasted make morning bearable?"
"It produces great tasting coffee, no question."
"Welcome to Phil books, I should start my own Starbucks company and call it Phil books."
"Coffee is coming out the other end, so already I think we're doing okay."
"Transparency matters: know where your coffee comes from and how it's sourced."
"Processing methods: from washed to natural, each cup tells a different story."
"Hopefully even if you're not a Star Trek fan, you enjoyed this combination of space and coffee into one theme."
"Trade coffee is pretty cool so click the link below and get 30% off plus free shipping on your first bag of coffee."
"If you love quality coffee but makes you feel good, go to www.buy.jarvcoffee.com/nostalgianerd or click the link in the description and you can get 25% off using my code nostalgia nerd."
"It's like I should have some coffee eventually."
"Our goal for the next year is to increase the ice education in the coffee world."
"Without coffee producers, we wouldn't be here today."
"I like a big coffee, big cup, bigger handle."
"Coffee is not a magical weight loss drug, but it's also not the poison..." - Abby Sharp
"According to our readers, the winner of the Disney World caffeine debate is Joffrey's with a whopping 74 percent of the vote over 26 for Starbucks. Joffrey's comes out on top for Disney World coffee."
"I like my coffee black, black like the sky on a moonless night."
"Coffee kind of helps me... so that I'm not eating so much throughout the day."
"Cash Brew Coffee is the number one coffee in the world."
"The first taste of coffee in the morning is one of my favorite feelings."
"Trade is a personalized coffee subscription service."
"Well, I guess you like coffee with cream in it."
"Freshly ground coffee is always the optimal scenario."
"Espresso is the purest expression of the coffee."
"It's sugar-free, it's just whipped cream and extra ice and coffee."
"The best time of the day is right now, happening with coffee and the simultaneous sip. How good is that?"
"Morning, I've got a little bit of coffee in me so I'm sort of half awake now, this is good."
"If there's no coffee, we wouldn't go anywhere."
"Coffee is life, you know? I'm obsessed; every morning I have a cup."
"Coffee as this magical elixir that keeps you up... it kind of gives this authentic charm..."
"Grab a cup of coffee, let's jump right into this."
"Coffee makes me so happy, I'll actually be thinking about my coffee before I go to bed the night before."
"Cold brew is awesome because it is so easy to make."
"My plan is to drink that coffee before it gets watery."
"It was just a beautiful morning, sun was coming up and I'm out there sipping coffee."
"There's something about Sundays and coffee that just feels right."
"...having one or two cups a day can actually improve memory and increase mental function and also turns out releases dopamine which can make us feel happier so probably best to stick away from having 20 cups a day but one or two not too bad."
"I'm just going to sit while my coffee is brewing and chat with you guys."
"I think I had my first coffee when I was about 20 years old. How about you, Zika?"
"Coffee is not actually made from coffee beans."
"Your regular lattes literally saved my life, thank you."
"I'm very excited for this coffee."
"Most coffee isn't very good compared to how good coffee can be."
"I'm a huge fan of the cartoon Looney Tunes as well as a coffee connoisseur."
"That first sip of coffee in the morning just really hits different."