
Human Connection Quotes

There are 2466 quotes

"It's not an accident that sugary, high fat laden foods are highly reinforcing and rewarding. It's not an accident. There has to be a mechanism in the brain that tells us that."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What is more important for the survival of the human species than empathy and compassion, than actually being able to look at another human being, even if they look different than you, even if they have a different belief system than you, what is more important than actually understanding that 98% of your life is very similar?"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you're not hugging people you love, if you don't have a rich language of touch with your friends...you're missing out on one of the great languages of humankind."
"Fundamentally, what has always bound human beings together is like, 'I need you, and you need me, otherwise we're not going to survive.'"
"Human connection itself is a potent and adaptive source of dopamine."
"We are solar people; we are children of the sun."
"When you've only been seeing through unclear glasses, and then you put on the clear glasses... you start to see the world and even dare I say, admire and love people for who they are, independently of their utility value for your own deprivations."
"Mirror neurons... you can actually feel for somebody their pain, and those things are built into us."
"Empathy is about more than isolated interactions between individuals. It's about seeing the world ethically and the people who populate that world not as ideas but as complete human beings."
"Empathy is the incredible human ability to get inside the perspective and the points of view of other people."
"Empathy is the most powerful tool that any human could possibly possess."
"Our main goal in life is to love and be loved."
"Truth is one of the vehicles for deepening spiritual awareness through another human being."
"Human connection is the most important thing for our daughter."
"This is just the inevitable product of a philosophy that says we can do the most good in the world without actually really caring about other people and our obligations to them."
"We're ultimately there to help provide the things that keep people human, the things that bring them joy, the things that really connect them to one another."
"Loneliness isn't the physical absence of other people; it's a sense that you're not sharing anything that matters with anyone else."
"People are really looking for a human connection; they don't feel that connection anymore with all of these devices."
"Human connection is essential for survival in a globalized world."
"The thing I crave more than anything, after being homeless for so long, is just that closeness of just human contact."
"Good stories are never going to change, the need for people to gather together and exchange their stories and to talk about the things that feel universal, the idea that we all feel a compelling need to watch stories, to tell stories, to share stories -- sort of the gathering around the campfire to discuss the things that tell each one of us that we are not alone in the world."
"If you show me the truth of who you are, I will be fascinated by you no matter what that truth is."
"There is knowledge that cannot disappear; human beings and their time are inevitably connected to the light of the stars."
"The whole point of this film is to show the fundamental importance of self-expression and human connection."
"Throw your arms around an old friend or even someone you just met and just squeeze."
"There's such tremendous power in conversation. We only know what we're told about people and the snippets that people want us to see."
"Stars are made of but in a very real sense we've also learned that we are made of stars."
"You need to be in contact with other humans who are boundaried, who are not codependent, who can support you and be there for you."
"People relate to one another when we see the best and the worst in ourselves because it makes us feel human."
"The reason that both the TED Talk and the book gained such organic popularity... is because I think it resonates. I think it's a deeply human thing."
"The greatest gift that another human has given me would definitely be something around time."
"The most powerful force in the universe is an agreement between two people."
"Our minds meet through interactions and these don't have to be through physical meetings. They can be through emails, through, you know, social networking sites, through telephone, and so forth."
"Add fermented food to your diet, get outside and exercise, get a good night's rest, hug that person that you care about, focus on human connection."
"Human connection impacts your gut microbiome."
"Technology is incredible, and I think it's the future of how human beings connect to each other in a deeply meaningful way on the internet."
"Genuine connection happens between people, not between pieces of technology."
"Where is the magic in life for you? In art, in human connection, in the people I love, in laughter, and creating something you're proud of."
"Be kind to even the people you meet for but a moment... every person has a life, they have a story, they have wants and dreams."
"The greatest gift we can give another human being is the gift of our presence."
"We don't really know how other people feel at all; in fact, most of the time, we don't even know how we feel."
"We are connected across our lifespan to one another, through a myriad of invisible forces, that, like gravity, are ubiquitous and powerful."
"The great thing about travel is you realize, it's the same, people want to find love, they want to feel safe, they want to love their kids."
"Human connection is... how important human interaction is, and how being lonely is detrimental to men and our society in general."
"Humans are meant to connect with each other, and I think this just goes to show how much loneliness can harm people."
"People want to get to know the human beings crafting music that makes them feel understood."
"There's something magical about the human relationship, the human experience, and I think there's a lot more that goes on between and amongst people than we yet even know."
"You come from some huge thing like this... if you go back to 1650, you very quickly have almost over 4,000 people... all of whom are one 4,096th of you."
"The farthest two people on earth are about 50th cousins. That's the least related you can be to someone."
"The power of love as opposed to hate... if you want to win people over, you have to appeal to them as human beings."
"We have a lot of work to do. Shows like this, us coming together and having this dialogue, it's only gonna try to get us, you know, not only just to middle ground but to treat each others as humans."
"Wherever I've traveled, the world out here, human to human, and the world online have always been drastically different."
"I think the most important part of life is interaction with other humans."
"The trillion-dollar company will have to do the human connection very well, no matter what it does."
"I see everybody as a baby. Yes, I see that, and so, yeah, so it's like if somebody's suffering, I'm like, 'Oh man, that's someone's kid,' right? And it's sad."
"Human connection: Embrace others rather than push them away. Become the rope and not the stick."
"You deserve to find genuine human connection with others that won't hurt you. You deserve to have kind relationships that won't drain you or make you feel bad about yourself."
"I think that the ultimate purpose of any human being is to love and care for our fellow human beings as deeply and intensely as possible."
"To really just focus on human connection and empathy overreaction."
"The only real thing that matters is love, loving people and being loved yourself."
"Genuine human connection is a part of what makes life worth living."
"Human connection is so important and so healing. That human connection is what we need deep down inside every cell of our body."
"Just go, make a connection with another human being; most of it's not going to work out, and that's fine."
"They're suspicious of outsiders. You got to break through that with not fake love, right? Genuine compassion and care for them as human beings."
"I think there is a deep hunger for human connectivity, direct disintermediated human to human connectivity."
"We have such a hunger for depth and human connection."
"These conversations make it possible for you to be human. These are the entryways to emotional intelligence."
"One of the best things you can do for another human being is let them take care of you."
"It's amazing to think how you can understand people through astrology."
"The love of pyramids, veneration of water, good understanding of astronomy and changing of the seasons and all of these things... they're Universal to All Humans."
"I believe that what makes us alike is what's most important: the fact that we are alive, the fact that we are conscious, and the fact that we can feel pain."
"That's not true. I fell in love with you because you're a human."
"Every interaction that I had with a human being since August 1st and today's September 4th was good."
"People think that I'm not a human and that none of those things being famous, having money mean anything, and that the only thing that matters is like friends, human connection, how you feel, your mental health."
"The only tools we have in the face of the worst emotional experience we all go through at some point on this earth are understanding and each other."
"We just want to be connected with each other."
"There is this universal consciousness that we all are a part of, and therefore we all need to wake up and realize that, and unite as human beings."
"The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself."
"Everything we all do is wanting to feel connected, right? Whether we're crying or whether we're laughing or whether we're reaching out for help or we're reaching out to help, like all of it almost seems to be a cry for connection."
"We all just simply want to be known and loved."
"Languages are how we share stories, how we connect as humans."
"Human connection becomes the central force of Sex in the City."
"The real magic of life, the real true currency in this ephemeral life is sort of the communication that happens between people."
"The desire to couple, to connect to someone so deeply where one is absorbed in the other is biologically wired into us."
"I'm willing to sacrifice a lot for... a genuine human connection."
"We're meant to love and appreciate and just show love to everyone."
"What people crave and what's much rarer is intimacy."
"The only real source of meaning is in how you relate to the only other thing that can understand where you're coming from: other people."
"The world might still be pointless and bad things still might happen, but by deriving a fluid, externally derived meaning in other people, that suffering can instead inform our understanding of the world rather than jeopardize it."
"One great Sangam poet, Poongundranar, emphasized the equality of all humans, saying, 'I am a citizen of the world, and everyone in the world is related to me.'"
"We have so much more in common than people know."
"You can't have a real quality relationship with your child or another human being unless you take the time to get below that surface."
"Heart Consciousness is two things here: it is a signature of Earth, it is a signature of humanity."
"We are one, whether you like it or not. We bleed in the same color, we cry in the same language, and we laugh in the same language."
"Love deeply, man. Nothing will ever reward you like the connection with another human being."
"I really appreciate you as a person and a human being, and man, I just love that positivity and the unity."
"Attachment is what makes you connect to another person."
"I've come to find out that over time, most people just need someone to listen to them."
"Human beings are wired to connect and form relationships with others. It's like a survival code that's designed to keep us safe."
"We all are biologically hardwired to connect and to feel close to people."
"Technically, we all go back to the same set of parents, so we are technically related."
"The quest for understanding and companionship is a journey fraught with challenges, yet rich with the promise of genuine connections."
"The real content and value of a human life is in the relationships that they have with other people."
"Humans, even very ancient ones, are social beings."
"People like imperfections... it's connective tissue it makes you a little bit more accessible and human."
"In this day and age, people don't want robots working next to them; they want real humans who have outside interests."
"In the end, the most important aspect of any project is not the technology used, but the human connection it fosters."
"The connection of humanity is so important because the struggle of our environment of our day-to-day lies is so hellish sometimes that you need people."
"I hope you can find someone to share this life with because that truly is a beautiful thing and human connection is, in my opinion, a very beautiful thing."
"When you find a kindred spirit, it's really about honoring their humanity in ways that allows the DNA of the exchange to the conversation to live in a part of you."
"What does God look like? He looks like the face of every human being that has ever lived, ever."
"Through the process of asking questions and getting to know people, we start to realize that all of us are much more alike than we may have ever initially imagined."
"Every single one of us is connected; we all have a connection to each other."
"People want to follow humans, not a search engine with a face on it."
"The human connection and people getting together and laughter and ideas, and not doing it digitally, doing it in a physical space is great to see."
"We just need better planning in general... Unless we're talking farmlands, it should be possible to design living areas in ways that encourage human connections."
"The best bet is to meet each other with the desire for peace and productivity on this stage that enables individual interaction because then we meet soul to soul."
"Human connection is very important in preventing and treating depression."
"Stories are one of the most powerful tools that we have as human beings to connect with each other."
"We have a lot more in common than we don't have in common."
"Everyone, no matter what color or creed, wants to love and be loved."
"Cosmos at its best gives a cosmic perspective, in this case, a biological perspective on your relationship to the world around you."
"When you spend the time to stop and listen to someone, you're not spending time at all; you're connecting with the shared conscious of all people expressed through an individual soul."
"The greatest gift that modern astrophysics has given civilization is the revelation that we are not just poetically, but literally stardust."
"Human connection is the meaning. I think that it's a thing that our society probably systematically undervalues."
"Relationships are probably one of the most important things."
"I want to be near people or in the same room as people who are telling the truth."
"We're fundamentally social beings as humans, right? I'm pretty introverted. I love spending time on my own like today... but actually, overall, being social and making those connections with people is really magical."
"We haven't developed biological systems where we can connect with one another; we have to do it all by ourselves."
"You look at this image, and you don't know if it's a boy and a girl, or a girl and a girl, a boy and a boy, a black man white girl, a white man and an Asian girl. You know nothing, just the simplicity of the connection and the beauty of two human beings sharing love, and that's all that should ever matter."
"We are particularly good at recognizing the pattern of human faces. Faces are incredibly important patterns to us and obviously important to the survival of the species."
"Humans aren't in love with photos of our friends or audio of our family or videos of our partners; we're in love with each other."
"We're made for community... if you want to punish somebody, what do you do? You isolate them."
"I want to know that I matter to him and not just because I get the kids ready for school or cook but because I'm a human being and he wants me in his life."
"It's very human that people wanted to connect with each other on a human basis."
"I don't think you need to have a degree or be like a licensed professional to help another human being."
"A lot of people on the planet simply just need a hug."
"I want everybody to know you are eminently fair, you were decent, and you are that same human being whose eyes narrowed as Susan Boyle began to perform."
"People are craving more than ever right now is just like, real."
"Good music is imperfect, and that's okay. It's human."
"Genuine human intimacy is going down in this day and age."
"As students of history, we must seek the historical truth through knowledge, understand the context of historical events, and recognize that people in the past were just like us, who lived in different circumstances."
"If we're really going to understand people, we have to understand them."
"Technology fades into the background, and we're more connected with the people and the things around us."
"Real-life human connections as opposed to digital connections which translate into likes and retweets or internet validation."
"The end game is connecting human thinking to AI."
"Your job as an artist is to interpret reality through the lens of being human... aim to create something that connects emotionally to the viewer's core human instincts."
"I think having that connection is what roots us as human beings."
"There are some positive uses for the idea of like an anonymous social media. It's usually like, you know, a...what am I trying to say? It's like an authentic human connection."
"One of the good things... will be a return to actual human connection."
"The capacity for people to endure and remain resilient to the most horrific experiences, like torture or violent assault or the grief of losing a child, is mitigated by the human connections they have at the time of such events and in their aftermath."
"I believe that we speak far more languages than we realize."
"The universe has an agenda, governed by a super intelligence that is fundamentally one with us."
"We are engineered to be inherently in contact with the ecosystem and nature around us."
"I'm speechless right now. I'm just in a mode where I'm thinking, and I'm like, listen, these people are real."
"Empathy is so real, and I think a lot of people lose out on empathy and sympathy."
"We are inspired by each other in so many beautiful ways."
"This technology is incredible and I think it's the future of how human beings connect to each other in a deeply meaningful way on the internet."
"You see deep into their soul when you look into a person's eyes."
"That connection, or really acknowledging someone, can sometimes save a life."
"Being among these people teaches you about humanity, and their food tells a story of resourcefulness and innovation in the face of adversity."
"We are a product of our environment, and our environment is very much a part of us."
"Everyone is connected, everyone is always thinking of everyone else, and sometimes you think, 'I am so small in this world and no one would ever notice,' and if the truth is so completely different."
"Tales of redemption, fear, love, loss, and much more connect to us on a basic human level."
"We walk around with blinders, focused on 'me and my path,' when in reality, we are all one."
"I think the purpose of life is to connect with other people."
"Artistic representation of the human form is a remarkably direct way to get inside people's heads and hearts in a way that the written word could never do."
"What motivates me to work is thinking about you guys and trying to help other human beings."
"It is easy to forget that the ancient people of Egypt were humans like us in many respects."
"Let your theological convictions Echo at full volume but see the other people as human beings."
"At the end of the day, everybody just wants people who will sit with us around the campfire."
"The power of touch is very powerful but it connects with people and implies empathy, compassion, understanding. You intuitively make a connection with the person you're touching."
"We are a tiny part of the universe, but we are part of it, and from so simple a beginning in ways most beautiful and most wonderful, we, the universe, have been and are being evolved."
"AI art will compete with people's skill level but it will be hard to compete with your Humanity...people will naturally gravitate towards things that they relate to on a deep level."
"Everybody's looking to be seen, valued, understood, and less alone on their journey."
"I can pick up this pencil, tell you its name is Steve and go like this, and part of you dies just a little bit on the inside because people can connect with anything."
"Human beings are not separate. We're connected."
"The reason why people worship the Sun in the ancient world is because they made an alignment between the Sun and the human being."
"Humans need humans, especially in times like this."
"Human beings are social creatures. We love to surround ourselves with other people and share our personal stories and experiences. We crave connection and interaction."
"Both lead us to similar thoughts, feelings, and opinions."
"Every time we look at the mummies, look at the bodies, it's not an object in space and time. You connect on a very human way."
"Any true religion, any true faith, any true spirituality is going to be about benevolent connection between people."
"What I found quite emotional and enormous humbling was how quickly he became not an object to be measured and looked at but became a person that you're trying to unravel."
"It really is quite moving and humbling the way people invite you into their homes."
"I think the best feeling you can experience in life is putting a smile on someone's face."
"Every person you meet has a story to tell that you have yet to hear, and all you have to do is listen."
"It's about reclaiming our humanness and simplifying our lives."
"Why are relationships seemingly so hard for so many people when it's the thing we need the most to feel alive, to feel happy, and feel connected? This is the million-dollar question."
"When you take these little steps to show that you care about their safety and they're a human being, you know what happens."
"Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference."
"People were people were people and they cared about the same things I care about and wanted to talk but you know I also know that it was preconception busting if I have to be perfectly honest about it."
"Stop the politics, man. It's getting in the way of these human values that connect us all."
"Remember, there's still a human behind that screen."
"At its core, despite all of the loud noises and city sights, it is grounded in a pure sentiment of connection, joy, and expression."
"Awareness needs to be raised of these things because people have them and we're all people."
"We are all human, we want the same things: love and happiness."
"They had friends, they had family members who loved them."
"Human connection is the most important thing in life."