
Compassion Quotes

There are 25182 quotes

"It's not an accident that sugary, high fat laden foods are highly reinforcing and rewarding. It's not an accident. There has to be a mechanism in the brain that tells us that."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What is more important for the survival of the human species than empathy and compassion, than actually being able to look at another human being, even if they look different than you, even if they have a different belief system than you, what is more important than actually understanding that 98% of your life is very similar?"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We're less punitive, we're less rushing forward as a society and trampling the vulnerable."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I care about other people, even if I don't know them, because I can understand and empathize with what it feels like to be vulnerable."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you want others to be happy, show them compassion. If you want yourself to be happy, show others compassion."
"You unlock this door with the key of compassion. Beyond it is another dimension—a dimension of science, a dimension of common sense, a dimension of sanity."
"Through mental exercise, we can voluntarily enhance compassion."
"If I look at the mass, I will never act. If I look at the one, I will."
"The way to extend people's compassion... is to appeal to... very hardwired systems within us that respond to individual people."
"If we can hold compassion for people, that really is the pathway out."
"Most normal humans have an empathy circuit; we feel compassion if someone gets hurt."
"If you're more compassionate and more empathic, you're going to feel the hunger of other people and you'd be more motivated to care for them."
"If you want to be happy, practice compassion. And if you want others to be happy, practice compassion."
"Be kind, be kind, be kind to yourself, to others."
"His Holiness the Dalai Lama...challenged me...why can't you use those same tools to study kindness and compassion?"
"Motivate yourself with compassion; it's a much harder road, a tougher journey, but it's the only way which works."
"You've got to make moments of peace, moments of kindness, little acts of compassion now. That is how we get a beautiful future."
"The first person who benefits from compassion is the one who feels it."
"We need to be compassionate towards each other. There's so much shaming and blaming."
"His Holiness the Dalai Lama says, 'Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.'"
"If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete."
"Remember that you never know what others are going through."
"Caring for the weak and fighting to protect something, that is true strength."
"We are also an extraordinarily compassionate and altruistic one."
"What we are talking about is basically existential as it relates to humanity because these changes in the wiring of the human brain away from the areas that let us be forward-thinking and compassionate to the areas of sudden emeriti, connected and caring about each other, and caring about the planet."
"If you knew my mom, she's probably the most compassionate, selfless person I've ever met in my life."
"Green values love, heart, soul, empathy, intimacy, kindness, compassion, mercy, and leniency."
"Who will exhibit charity, compassion, and kindness for the forgotten and the downtrodden?"
"Who will embrace those who are different yet deserving, as are all of God’s children?"
"Compassion comes from two Latin words, 'com' meaning with and 'passio' meaning pain."
"There's no religious or spiritual path that gives any of us a pass on addressing the suffering of other sentient beings."
"My definition of greatness is humility, self-awareness, compassion, and empathy."
"With a little wrath did I hide my countenance for a moment from you, and with everlasting kindness will I have compassion on you, says your Redeemer, the Lord."
"Every human being has Buddha nature - the most perfect, beautiful compassion, kindness, purity, love, truth within."
"The light represents awareness, mindfulness, and the warmth of the Sun represents kindness, compassion. That is actually what opens us up."
"Acceptance, understanding, compassion, empathy, gentleness. Yes, accepting everyone."
"There is a way to lose weight in a way that shows love to your body and shows compassion to your body."
"There's a spectrum that runs from noticing the other person to tuning into the other person to empathizing and understanding what's going on with them, and then, if they're in need and there's something we can do, compassion and maybe helping them."
"You guys are in an unbelievable position to try to create a more compassionate world for all of us."
"Why not have the fourth R be reflection, that if we can build up this, you know, anterior insula strength, that we can build up reflective skills which basically no one is doing, we have an opportunity now to shift the compassion in our culture in a very different way and to boot, we'll probably get better academic performance, why not?"
"You don't need to fight fire with fire. The fact that you are so compassionate and gentle with others just goes to show your true strength."
"True success comes from self power. True success is defined as the progressive realization of worthy goals, the ability to love and have compassion, and to be in touch with the creative power inside you."
"Your compassion for people is incomplete if it doesn't extend to yourself."
"We need more compassion, more patience, more grace."
"Spirituality to me means all that uplifts the spirit, anything that brings up your joy, your enthusiasm, creates more compassion, and sense of belongingness with everybody."
"You're already a very bright light, compassionate, loving person."
"The core of just about every single spiritual tradition...love, compassion."
"The highest form of compassion and empathy is to meet people where they already are rather than expecting them to change."
"Love the people with whom fate brings you together, and do so with all of your heart."
"We try to have the good times, but that can be applied to a society as well. You need structure, you need rules, you need love and compassion."
"With your abundance, you can create love and compassion, using your wealth to help others strengthen themselves."
"Love compassion joy equanimity come from a deeper understanding that love is not just a sentiment, it's the deepest truth at the heart of creation."
"You renew people's faith in goodness. Your challenges have made you more compassionate."
"Your biggest advice is to not say something that you will regret. Sit on that energy, examine the true concern, the true fear, and then come together from a place of compassion and understanding to voice your concerns healthily."
"Learning how to handle a painful feeling, a painful emotions, listening to the suffering allowed understanding and compassion to be born and suffer less."
"Allah is more merciful to his creation than a mother to her child."
"I am just a naturally positive person, and I practice having compassion and empathy, and sometimes things happen, and you're not able to keep your dog, and there's most often no judgment for me."
"Choosing how to communicate, when to communicate, and doing it with a lot of mercy, compassion, and love, without wearing any masks, is only going to lead you towards good."
"Malcolm has learnt what masculinity should be like; it should be compassionate, it should be full of fellow-feeling."
"Communication, inspiration, care, and compassion."
"You have to develop what you're missing. Compassion is in your mind but it's undeveloped. Self-awareness is a capacity you have, totally undeveloped."
"The importance of self-love, love, and compassion cannot be overstated."
"Every moment... is demanding of us more patience, more compassion."
"God does not throw you away when your faith is fading."
"The true test of a hero isn't in the battles they fight, but in the lives they touch."
"Your mind become more peaceful, more pliable, love, compassion, wisdom manifests here and there without effort."
"When adults shift their thinking from 'Kids do well if they want to' to 'Kids do well if they can,' amazing things happen."
"What is possible when we can have a little bit more compassion for people not fully know what they're going through until we actually enquire and we care enough to listen."
"Compassion is the recognition of the struggle that humankind can experience in the process of growth."
"I found Dr. Newlander to be compassionate, kind, knowledgeable."
"Part of sustainable compassion is figuring out how do you find a sense of compassion satisfaction in the middle of that tragic gap between reality and your aspirations."
"If you can speak from a place of experience, it tends to be a little bit more compassionate."
"We have to unite around our basic human compassion before we can move forward."
"Identity politics is about empathy, it is about dignity and... compassion."
"Follow your strengths. Follow what you know you are, and that knowing is compassionate, full of love and peace."
"They're going through a lot of change, and all the things they have gone through have made them an extremely compassionate person."
"Practicing meditation itself creates compassion, creates love, builds love, builds kindness."
"Our innate nature includes love, compassion, and wisdom, not just the aversion and craving we often focus on."
"The early Victorian pioneers of the workhouse viewed poverty as a crime, but as the 20th century unfolded, there was a growing sense that it was a social problem which could only be treated by showing greater compassion."
"Self-love: putting all that time and effort and energy into loving and caring for yourself, being kind and compassionate to yourself just as much as you have been with other people."
"Coronavirus has opened Britain's enormous heart and shown our love and compassion for one another as we come together to help those who are most in need."
"Kindness is a very, very Christ-like characteristic, and you don't hear much about kindness."
"Put on a heart of kindness... it's our responsibility as a child of God to be kind."
"Practice kindness and compassion to one another."
"Shadow work is about love, compassion, and self-acceptance."
"Only the strong can show compassion for the weak."
"An excellent display of teamwork, which helped them lift the dog to safety."
"Take care of yourself, kid. 'Cause someone really cares about you."
"Runner sees competitor collapse before finish line and gives up winning to help him."
"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."
"You just naturally then don't want to inflict unnecessary suffering on other beings."
"Everyone is looking for love, and they're desperate to find it. We must show them love, we must introduce them to love."
"Being compassionate when others cannot, that's a gift."
"If we stop seeing ourselves as victims, we can allow forgiveness and compassion to come in."
"You're a person who is suffering right now, and that deserves a show of mercy."
"No growth can happen without compassion and no growth can happen without vulnerability."
"Kindness, compassion, and what I call radical love... are the three most important things they could teach their kids."
"The discomfort that we experience is the key to happiness and the key to compassion."
"Compassion is not something you do for other people; that's a great side effect. Compassion is something you do for yourself; it changes the way you function and show up in the world."
"Compassion today, kindness, is the ultimate flex."
"All human beings need a little bit of love and compassion in their lives."
"I think that Pope Francis's shift to a church that is more focused on mercy and compassion...that is his constant theme."
"This is a really important time for us all to practice self-love and compassion, moving with compassion and in an understanding of what that feels like."
"In this moment, send yourself unconditional love, the love, the forgiveness, the compassion that you so easily give to others."
"If you use love and compassion with how you handle any relationship or any situation in your life, that is where you're going to notice the best outcomes."
"By generating this beautiful kindness and gentleness, this wisdom this compassion grows and grows in you."
"Have compassion for yourself. If you don't have compassion for yourself, you'll never have compassion for others."
"Changing the way we think and live is more than just a temporary inconvenience; it's a necessary evolution towards a more compassionate society."
"It's all about not taking life seriously. It's more spirituality than anything else... It's about having an overall encompassing compassion for all of humanity."
"Operate in love and compassion, slow down, look at the facts... we can't get anything accomplished unless we all do it together."
"Your generosity and caring for those may be facing hard times are remarkable in today's world."
"We have to love people. We can't mistreat them because of the choices that they make. God doesn't mistreat us because of our choices; he loves us just the same."
"We've got to love one another. We really do."
"You can't simultaneously say, 'I have compassion for all people and I support trans people,' but then deny them every single avenue of treatment. That's a contradictory position."
"If you love, sometimes it's a choice to choose to be compassionate, to choose to love anyway despite what might be going on."
"I've always made a point to be very intentional in education and nuance and addressing ignorance with compassion."
"Show mercy upon those on earth, and the one in the heavens will show mercy upon you."
"We even built an app where you can apply yourself to your Heart's Delight."
"What we've learned is that our nation is begging to be more compassionate."
"It is self-compassion that gives us the power to face our failures."
"I'm one of those people who believe that compassion and kindness can actually change the world."
"The story of the Good Samaritan is a story about increasing the size of the circle of collaboration."
"My thoughts are with all of those who are affected."
"The brutality that she endured in those last days of her life is just incomprehensible."
"This year has been difficult, but the blessing is that so many people have opened their homes to dogs in need."
"Accountability is tricky because people confuse accountability with lack of compassion. And I don't see it that way."
"Her bravery in sharing in this way and her continued commitment to supporting others speaks to her compassion and her sense of service."
"True religion is taking care of the widows and orphans."
"Compassion to you, empathy to you, self-kindness to you."
"I do not believe in a religion which can't provide a piece of bread to a hungry man here and cannot wipe the tears of the widow."
"Practice compassion. See things from a fresh perspective."
"Tonight is about empathy, solidarity, and compassion."
"Jesus was known as a friend of sinners. He loved tax collectors and prostitutes."
"I think we should be supporting everyone's efforts, even the small efforts, towards living a more healthy, compassionate, and sustainable lifestyle."
"May the pain that you have faced be nothing but paradise in the hereafter for you."
"If you can show someone a little bit of love, regardless of their situation that they're in, what they look like, if they smell like yeast, it just can be lifechanging."
"Be kind to others...and be kind to yourself."
"Be patient with yourself, be forgiving of yourself, be compassionate of yourself."
"We need a system that recognizes the problem of homelessness in the most compassionate and pragmatic way."
"We believe in compassion, we believe in love."
"We see each other not as enemies but as fellow human beings, each made in the image of God, each precious in His sight."
"Other Neanderthal remains indicate that Neanderthals cared for each other until their last days."
"It's easier for someone to empathize with a victim if they've experienced it themselves. Empathy requires you to have compassion for something or someone, even though you haven't been through that or you might not go through that."
"It's not a sin if you have same-sex attraction... we really do have to be compassionate."
"Jesus came to a man one time that was lonely and sick and paralyzed... and he became his friend that day and he healed him."
"We can get through it with love. With love, understanding, and compassion."
"The high five says not 'Yeah, I'm amazing'...This is grounded in compassion. This is basically saying, 'I see you, you're right, this is hard, and you know what? You can do this, and I'm going to be here, and I've got your back.'"
"We got to understand, be more compassionate... why they're doing what they do."
"Understanding, compassion, and involving mental health counselors can go a long way in terms of helping somebody with borderline personality."
"We're witnessing extraordinary acts of compassion, benevolence, and unity."
"It is easy to love the people far away. It's easier to give a cup of rice to relieve hunger than to relieve the loneliness and the pain of someone unloved in your own home."
"We live in a political age where the interesting things are about kindness, love, compassion, and oneness."
"I want everyone to go back and listen to that, but I feel like you just beautifully defined compassion."
"The true essence of healing is not just to mend wounds, but to save lives with compassion and resolve."
"I'm not talking about myself here, I'm talking about like other people... it's really sad when you think about the amount of people that aren't able to get the help that they so desperately need."
"Real compassion is providing people with a mechanism to climb that ladder without pulling their support."
"What does it hurt you in that moment to just be more compassionate and considerate of how she's feeling, even if it doesn't line up with your logic?"
"Being homeless is not disgusting; you should lend out your spare rooms."
"Raising your vibration is as simple as becoming mindful of your intentions and choosing to live through compassion and love."
"Success is the ability to love and have compassion."
"Inner peace is not a selfish goal. It's from a position of inner peace that we can speak compassionately and truthfully to others."
"I think that you are worth people caring about you."
"Treat people kindly and with compassion... How you treat other people reflects how you treat yourself."
"Self-knowledge is what allows you to understand everyone else; aim compassion at your own soul, make good the small worlds around you which ripple outwards."
"We've also done it with research, with extension, compassion, concern for others. That's not a bad thing to have."
"Do it with compassion... You can be assertive, set boundaries, and still be nice."
"We want to be kind, open-minded, accepting, compassionate."
"You can speak your truth with compassion. And it's amazing how when you do that, often, the other person... it's incredible, the level of shift and transformation that people will feel."
"Wouldn't it be a great world if we were able to have enough compassion and enough curiosity to be open to each other?"
"The time is now to show some kindness, show some compassion, even as a New Yorker."
"Compassion towards others is the true measure of our humanity and the foundation of all ethical behavior."
"With the star energy, this is shining a light across the whole of this reading... this is gentle energy, the energy of compassion."
"Cameron has managed to make the most universal and compassionate blockbuster of our time."
"There is a clear track showing an improvement in the way that mental health is treated in a more forward-thinking and compassionate way."
"Thomas Wayne, a doctor, a philanthropist and would-be mayor, was a man with great compassion, one who sought to lift the less fortunate denizens of Gotham City out of the quagmire they’d been slowly sinking into over the course of its history."
"In politics, this might manifest as a move away from divisive, power-driven governance towards more inclusive, participatory, and compassionate leadership models."
"Everything we do, we try to root in love and compassion."
"You have to rehumanize that space, and the purpose... is to bring back compassion and empathy, even in the midst of profound disagreement."
"My companions begged me to non-lethally take down these poor souls."
"We must look out for each other; we must pull each other through this because if there's one thing that is more contagious than this virus, it is love and compassion."
"Heroes are marked by courage and compassion."
"I think you need to have compassion and accountability; that's a very rare thing."
"The owner decided to show compassion: 'You need food, I'll give you food; that's not the problem.'"
"They're suspicious of outsiders. You got to break through that with not fake love, right? Genuine compassion and care for them as human beings."
"Listen in on the way you speak to yourself. Inquire compassionately, curiously."
"Understanding the truth requires compassion, and the more you see the truth, the more compassion becomes a natural attribute of how you move in the world."
"We literally found a dog... we're going to call him BJ."
"Mercy is not just about being spared; it's about being surrounded in care because of love."
"Authenticity should be tempered with compassion."
"If you see somebody who is like, their leg is broken and there's a wolf running towards them, do you say, 'Oh well, the strong must survive,' or do you help save the person?"
"Women are far better at being compassionate, nurturing, and getting things done from that sense and they work better with people and individuals."
"Love is about kindness, compassion, patience, understanding, a willingness to be selfless."
"Treat others as we ourselves want to be treated. That is the general rule that is the rule of mercy and compassion."
"Compassion, support, love all of those things in terms of dealing with someone who has a mental illness and is struggling with an addiction of some kind."
"Have the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others."
"Turn guilt and shame into compassion and understanding."
"Let compassion and forgiveness be your top priority in this situation."
"We should express our sympathy to all the relatives and all the victims of this unnecessary terrorism."
"Consider the possibility that you are a powerful and creative, compassionate, and loving spirit."
"I just don't like the idea of weaker people or beings being picked on."