
Scientific Discovery Quotes

There are 1153 quotes

"They were also less scared of showing their skin. That was also one observation. Kind of a reduced social anxiety."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"His laboratory is famous for having discovered some of the key components allowing neuroplasticity, that is, the nervous system's ability to change in response to experience."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It has led to many discoveries and a host of new questions that were never before contemplated."
"So until recently we thought, 'You can't change the brain. You can't change the anatomy. You can't change the functioning or the linking of circuitry.' Well, in fact, we're finding more and more that you can."
"This is as big as the discovery of insulin or antibiotics."
"The recent discoveries do suggest that Mars is still quite active... it might actually resume its volcanic activity in the near future, something that nobody expected up until now."
"The first official science images from the JWST have landed, and scientists have yet to recover from the shock of how good they are."
"The car-sized robot quickly discovered that the region once supported a long-lived, perhaps habitable lake and stream system."
"August Kekulé figured out the chemical structure of benzene in a dream."
"Scientists were shocked to find signs of crystalline ice and ammonia hydrate on my surface."
"This discovery that we made happened 1.3 billion years ago, somewhere, and then the signal came to us. 1.3 billion years ago, we were just converting on the earth from single-cell to multi-cell life."
"Curiosity continues to climb Mount Sharp, captures stunning images, takes more selfies, and makes good progress toward an ancient river channel."
"A wonderful student, Wan Chang Lu did a few years ago in my lab was he found a set of genes that are Yamanaka factors that were able to reverse the age of cells and tissues in an animal and in human cells to a certain point, going back about 80% of age, but not to zero."
"This discovery...is transforming our understanding of the universe with a fresh narrative of the physics of stars in their death throes."
"The remarkable thing...is that when the data finally came in and was carefully analyzed, they got kind of the shock of a lifetime that the rate of expansion was not slowing down, the rate of expansion was speeding up."
"He discovered the laws of gravity and it's because of this discovery he even had to invent calculus."
"Exploration of the moons in the outer solar system is the next frontier of solar system exploration."
"These sub-millimeter galaxies are a lovely example of things that just sit on the border where mystery is just starting to coalesce into some kind of knowledge."
"If Einstein had not put forth general relativity in 1915, it might have been a very long time before someone else would."
"Mangrove tree extract could help tackle baldness, study finds."
"What we might be on the edge of finding is some extension of the standard model that will... explain this peculiar periodic table of particles that we currently have at a deeper level."
"We are about to get in our hands the tools that may help us prove, for once and for all, that we're not alone."
"Ours is likely to be the generation that will make that profound, game-changing discovery that it's not just us."
"The discoveries of science provide the inspiration for the next generation of sci-fi writers who create even more fascinating stories about our potential futures."
"I can't begin to estimate the significance that proving the Yeti's existence would be for science."
"The muon g minus two result from this year was so interesting. It could be a sign of something new, a new force we don't yet know."
"Each new mission to Mars raises more questions than it answers."
"The universe is giving us answers that we as humans would never have come up with. Our imaginations pale in comparison to the imagination of the universe, which is why we have to keep looking."
"All scientific discoveries, great or small, can be boiled down to a very small, little step."
"The fun thing was that we had all assumed ever since the time of Hubble and Einstein that the universe would be slowing down... but the surprise was that instead of slowing down, it was actually speeding up."
"The best thing in science is when you come across something that surprises you."
"You could get involved with new discoveries, pushing the margins of knowledge, actually helping to make change in terms of big health care problems."
"Her discovery was earth-shaking. Up until that moment, it was believed that humans were the only creatures capable of tool-making."
"One of the most extraordinary discoveries of twentieth-century biology is that at the foundation of life is information in a digital form."
"LIGO's detection of gravitational waves was another confirmation of Einstein's theory, yet future deviations could usher in new physics beyond his general theory of relativity."
"It took three and a half billion years of evolution to solve the problem of perception."
"The emergence of morality in rats through play is a big discovery."
"Simulation holds incredible promise for accelerating scientific discovery by an order of magnitude."
"Computing is the instrument of scientific discovery, the engine of industrial automation, and the factory of AI computing."
"The Higgs boson... was finally scientifically proven to be fact in 2012... a much clearer and definite picture of reality as we know it."
"Liftoff! Atlas V takes flight, sending Lucy to uncover the fossils of our solar system."
"No spacecraft has ever been to the Trojan asteroids; they are considered fossils of planet formation and may hold clues about our ancient past."
"These asteroids hold vital clues to understanding the history of our solar system."
"Scientists have discovered a city-sized lake hidden deep beneath the world's largest ice sheet, which may hold the key to unlocking the sheet's 34 million year history."
"Scientists discovered evidence of an ancient forest in Antarctica, looking into the evolution of life."
"The biggest discovery of the scientific revolution was the discovery of ignorance."
"These particles, the only known samples from the outer solar system, were once part of a primitive ice-rich body that formed well beyond Pluto."
"Scientists discover how to turn light into matter after 80-year quest."
"If you do find something that the standard model cannot explain, it could point to some extra ingredient, something that we don't know that we could at the same time be the culprit for all of the things that we cannot explain with the standard model."
"In 2015, there was a dramatic confirmation of the existence of black holes—the first direct detection by the measurement of gravitational waves."
"The dream is to discover something simple, beautiful, and unifying."
"Voyager 2 is now at 12.1 billion miles away and still sending back data on the distant and unknown heliopause, prompting scientists to wonder how long the iconic space probe can continue to operate."
"The recent Chang E5 Mission has offered unprecedented insight into the secrets of our universe's most enigmatic satellite."
"The first on-site evidence of surface water on the moon is among the biggest discoveries."
"The number of known exoplanets seems to be increasing exponentially with time."
"Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 have marveled the world of science incredibly with the discoveries they have made."
"Finding amino acids on an interstellar meteorite would be a world-changing discovery."
"It was the first time anybody has seen this sample since it was sealed on them 50 years ago."
"A strange find could turn science on its head."
"Dark energy, which we've only discovered in the last decade and which dominates the universe, is significantly more enigmatic."
"The universe's expansion has actually accelerated within the last five billion years."
"Opportunity measured temperatures, atmospheric readings, the rotation of Mars and more, however the real prize was the definitive proof that Mars was once a world similar to our own in that it held stable bodies of liquid water oceans on its surface in the distant past."
"Scientists were able to confirm that water didn’t just cover this area once, but it was in fact episodic in nature."
"The speed of light didn't depend on the source of the light; it didn't depend on who was receiving it. It was a fixed number."
"Einstein sets himself the goal of truly figuring out the mechanism of how gravitational influences are exerted from place to place."
"This strange phenomenon could provide brand new insight into the life of stars. So far, stellar life cycles have only been studied as snapshots of different stages, never as a continuous process."
"LIGO... achieved the first direct detection of gravitational waves."
"We have no idea what that is. And so what keeps me awake at night and has me run back to my office every morning is the prospect that we could be on the heels of a major discovery."
"Darwin came to understand the process of selection because he spent his adult life, even most of his childhood, obsessed with observing nature."
"The first direct detection of gravitational waves from the merger of two black holes was announced, and this news exploded like a bomb in the scientific community."
"Your unborn baby can actually heal you. If a mother damages an organ during pregnancy, the baby in the womb sends stem cells to help repair the damage."
"Their groundbreaking findings sent shock waves through the scientific community and ignited public imagination."
"This wasn’t evidence of the up, down or even strange quark. This was something new. This was a 4th quark."
"As our ability to study astronomy has improved... the universe has been brought into unprecedented detail."
"The study helped experts learn important new things about evolution; for one, [it] constitutes the earliest known evidence of certain evolutionary traits."
"We have uncovered wonders undreamed by our ancestors who first speculated on the nature of those wandering lights in the night sky."
"Shannon's discoveries were very much like Einstein's in the sense that Einstein was thinking about some things that no one else was, and suddenly came out with not just the question but the answer."
"Scientists now believe that a lot of dinosaurs were covered in feathers, including the Velociraptor."
"To me, it's literally the coolest thing ever to get a glimpse back in time to understand when different organisms diverged on the tree of life."
"There's no process we know of that can generate particles of this high energy, which suggests that there's something new out there that we don't know about."
"It's kind of fascinating...a doctor...drank a beaker full of this bacteria...and then he got ulcers...he ended up winning the Nobel Prize for this discovery."
"Whatever may come could be the biggest Eureka moment of all time."
"Godzilla shark: A 300 million-year-old fossil famously known as the Godzilla shark finally has a scientific name nine years after it was discovered in New Mexico's Mansano Mountains."
"This discovery was groundbreaking because prior to this scientists believed that the gravity of matter would end up at least slowing the expansion of the universe."
"If this million-year-old meteorite really shows remains of Martian bacteria it would be the only scientific evidence of life beyond Earth."
"Having a geologist there really helped for serendipitous discoveries..."
"The discovery of water on the moon has raised the excitement to a completely different level."
"Galileo realized all falling objects accelerate, gaining speed and momentum as they drop."
"The JWST is more than proven it's up to the task with the first set of pictures of Jupiter that it has returned."
"The material that came out was a surprise to scientists: a cloud of fine powdery material emerged, not the water, ice and dirt that were expected."
"Juno provides new observations that address exciting questions raised during the prime mission."
"This crater is indeed the missing smoking gun."
"The story of how we did this, how we measured the distance to these incredibly faraway objects in the sky... it's a story of people looking up and asking questions..."
"The first harvest of Kepler data was we felt like children opening a treasure chest."
"The launch of the James Webb Space Telescope will change everything, providing us with a far better understanding of these planets than we have now."
"We've just started to understand the scale and richness of Australia's buried dinosaur past."
"Now we're right at the start of this great period of Discovery in Natural History."
"The most exciting thing about this is that we have no idea what we're going to discover with this telescope."
"I forgot a thing that I like: they've released a picture of an actual black hole."
"In terms of the universe, if we were to gain knowledge of, like, what dark energy is, and how it works, we may alter the current narrative of how it will continue to evolve."
"With all these new discoveries we now have evidence that our own Galaxy is filled with other worlds and some of those worlds might host life."
"The twin discoveries of dark matter and dark energy have thrown cosmology into turmoil."
"We can use microscopes, a completely new window into the universe."
"Thus, it seems we have actually hit the bottom in our search for the basic elements of which matter is formed."
"It's absolutely clear that there must be new physics out there."
"The Higgs boson: not just a particle, but a revelation about the fundamental nature of reality."
"Physicists hope to accumulate enough events to provide irrefutable evidence of new discoveries."
"The entire story of the Higgs is to account for the origin of these extra degrees of freedom."
"Each force discovered in the past has had a profound impact on human history."
"Oumuamua was without a doubt the most unusual object Humanity has ever seen and could have been the first proof of intelligent life from beyond Earth."
"The part that people forget is that the human mind and an extraterrestrial mind can discover the same laws of the universe because the laws of the universe are universal."
"I think it's probably months to years away from knowing but at this point there's a great set of indications that oh my God we might be onto something new."
"The fundamental discovery can have a profound impact."
"It's an interesting puzzle. Don's search for the mummy's cause of death has totally transformed its identity."
"The discovery challenges what many astronomers thought was settled science."
"The JWST has just opened up a new frontier giving us a front seat view that helps us better understand how it's all been."
"Finding answers meant sending a spacecraft through the corona."
"Beneath the outer layer of Neptune hides a constant rain of diamonds."
"Scientists have confirmed the presence of water on the lunar terrain."
"Darwin discovered evidence to support his theory of evolution right here on the North Downs."
"She discovered dark matter in galaxies so that sort of brought dark matter home in a way that was like whoa this stuff is not just exotic at the edges of the universe it's in our face and we just named a telescope after her."
"Scientists confirmed water was detected on the lunar surface."
"Mankind is about to discover extraterrestrial life."
"The discovery could lead scientists to redefining what their understanding is of how all galaxies formed."
"But the 2022 Nobel has been awarded to three physicists who revealed that the universe is even stranger than we thought."
"Dead cells can and have been brought back to life."
"Investigating Saturn's iconic rings will be just one part of what will turn out to be 13 years of discoveries."
"This result took the astrophysical community by storm."
"I do believe these findings indicate that life is not restricted to Earth, but is broadly."
"The history of our relationship with the deep is written in unknowables. Time and again we declare something impossible only to discover it’s already happened, confine a phenomenon to myth until it proves itself beyond all doubt."
"Asteroids have rings? What? How? Why? Yep, us astronomers are as surprised as you are."
"Anning's discoveries, her skills, and her anatomical expertise helped usher in an entirely new understanding of the world."
"Experts are calling omuamu of is an exciting revelation all the same."
"So think of this, we pick up a radio signal of alien origin that we don't understand but know is technological in nature."
"And it shows you that these bulge cells are stem cells."
"Now, scientists have pierced the galaxy's heart of darkness to find our way through the Milky Way."
"I think it's Newton who said that everything he's discovered has been by standing on the shoulders of giants. Look at it that way..."
"At the center of M104, scientists have discovered a black hole with a mass exceeding a billion solar masses."
"JWST has solved the puzzle where Hubble had missed."
"The Hubble Deep Field is one of the most iconic images in all of astronomy."
"NASA's own Curiosity Rover has stumbled across organic material preserved within sedimentary rocks on Mars up to 3 billion years old."
"As with other predictions of previously unobserved particles, this discovery gave a tremendous boost to quark theory."
"Apparently, according to insiders I've spoken to, they have now seen this outside of our solar system as well."
"The fossilized skeleton of Australopithecus afarensis was uncovered by a team of scientists led by American paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson and French geologist Maurice Taieb."
"Our civilization is on the verge of discovering evidence of alien life in the cosmos."
"It's a really exciting discovery, to hear about something you would discover in old data."
"The discovery of extraterrestrial life, the greatest discovery in the history of man."
"All major discoveries in science were intuitive."
"We can pretend that we are the smartest kid on the block by closing off the shutters on our windows and not looking out. And that, of course, is a self-fulfilling prophecy because if we are not searching, we will never find anything."
"World's Oldest Known Strain of Plague: found nearly 5,000 years ago in western Sweden, challenging previous assumptions about its origin."
"Researchers will get their hands on chunks of Mars that they can study in the most powerful Laboratories ever devised and we will get some really solid answers about what happened on Mars over the billions of years of its history."
"Discovery is the fuel of the scientific progress."
"So found at greater distance and lower Mass than ever seen before because of jwst possibly opening the door to finding more of these things and being able to tackle this problem of supermassive black hole growth with jabus tea."
"Our approach revealed this amazing molecule, which is arguably one of the more powerful antibiotics that has been discovered."
"The more I learn about the fundamentals of human biology, the more complicated you can dig a layer after layer after layer."
"Charles Darwin was a traveller on a quest for knowledge and the answer to the fundamental questions of our existence."
"HD140283 is considered one of the oldest stars in the universe known to science today."
"The discovery of Life on Mars would be as groundbreaking as the discovery of DNA."
"The discovery of the top quark, the last and heaviest of the elementary particles that make up all matter."
"New Mysteries to be solved, new discoveries to be made, and New Frontiers left to be explored."
"Whether it turns out to be real or not, there's no doubt that Planet X has already altered our understanding of the solar system in ways we could never possibly have imagined."
"By disproving Vulcan, Einstein had proved beyond all doubt his most famous theory. In other words, the search for our solar system's missing planet helped one of the greatest physics breakthroughs of all time."
"It was the winter of 2010 when they twisted were identified as unknown microbes that erode time and space."
"Just announced that one of Saturn's moons is possible of sustaining life."
"Chang e5's groundbreaking mission to uncover the secrets of the moon has revealed moon rocks containing unexpected levels of hydrogen."
"One of the beauty of science is that you feel that you have everything figured out and then suddenly you are surprised by everything that you see and that the reality is often much more weird than fiction."
"The last 4 elements were contested by both major sides, but element 106 was found and announced by Berkeley and Dubna the same month."
"The island of stability was real, and they had found the beginning of its shoreline."
"Science is not done, not by a long shot. We keep discovering and inventing new and exciting things constantly."
"The most significant Discovery in this Century."
"Someone has discovered the remains of what may be a dinosaur in Antarctica."
"We may soon find life on another planet or moon, and that'll be a very exciting time for science and humanity."
"These little creatures might not be pretty but scientists are just now discovering how much lice can reveal about our past."
"It seems like we started out knowing what they were. As with many things in science, we were like, 'Ah, a new thing, a rock in space.'"
"Finding any prehistoric bones, let alone skulls in this condition, is extremely rare."
"Whether through scientific inquiry, philosophical contemplation, or the integration of diverse perspectives, we are driven by an insatiable curiosity to unravel the secrets of our Cosmic Origins."
"What scientists discovered in Chernobyl shocked the whole world."
"Einstein's cosmological constant, an invisible energy suffusing space, roared back into the mainstream of cosmological research in the form of dark energy."
"If anyone finds a magnetic monopole -- and don't think that people are not looking -- that would certainly be worth a Nobel Prize."
"The mosquito frozen in time for millions of years, and trapped within it, well, that discovery would change our world."
"Faraday's work showed us that electricity and magnetism are deeply interconnected, two sides of the same coin."
"Astronomers were stunned at the quality of images delivered by Hubble."
"Researchers felt incredibly hopeful, believing that if a large enough quantity of SCP-682 Killer can be synthesized, it may actually live up to its name."
"Electricity and magnetism were really just one thing, electromagnetism."
"It was nearly 50 years in the making from the prediction of the theory to the validation by experimentalists. It took a long time, and it was well worth the wait."
"Located right here on Earth, if it took scientists so long to find the biggest cave on the planet, who knows what other mysteries might be out there waiting to be discovered."
"Understanding why this particle even has mass was one of the most important breakthroughs in our understanding of the subatomic world."
"It's hard to overestimate the importance of that moment. For the first time ever we had genetic material from an extinct branch of humanity, another ancient hominin other than ourselves."
"We've measured the red shift of distant galaxies, allowing us to peer back billions of years into the past, offering a glimpse of the universe in its infancy."
"It turns out that both the weak force AND electromagnetism come from the breaking of a larger symmetry group."
"Scientists literally discovered a new organ just this year completely by accident."
"Lucy's completeness gave us much more information on the evolution of bipedalism and brain size."
"Olduvai Gorge holds the earliest evidence of our first human ancestors in the midst of evolution."
"Ketones were helping the brain as an energetic life raft."
"History is littered with discoveries that change the way we see the world."
"The find was pretty surprising for those in the scientific community and another great reminder that we pretty much know nothing about our world."
"The mysteries of sound are coming into focus like never before."
"So this discovery suggests to us that there are planets out there that are massive enough to influence the behavior of a star, to influence its rotation, and most importantly, to cause it to be more active than other stars."
"A very interesting study and a very cool discovery."