
Social Anxiety Quotes

There are 325 quotes

"Maui Nui...turns the proliferation of an invasive species into a wide range of nutrient-dense products."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"They were also less scared of showing their skin. That was also one observation. Kind of a reduced social anxiety."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Loneliness is so much worse than feeling a bit awkward about approaching new people."
"I thought everyone was looking at me. What is this loner doing here? It was an irrational fear, but we all have it."
"Don't allow social anxiety to hold you back; work through it, know it is challenging you, so you can tap into your greatest version of yourself."
"Step one to overcoming social anxiety is to realize that most people kind of suck and their opinion of you is literally worthless."
"A lot of you are hanging on by a thread, you know, and like, I'm not insulting you because I know how rough things are, you know, especially for people with a lot of social anxiety."
"It's one of the best ways, especially if you have a bit of social anxiety, to get out there and have a chat to someone."
"Cannabis use is likely to increase the risk of developing schizophrenia, other psychoses, and social anxiety disorders."
"Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted to do something, like walk up to a beautiful girl in a class, raise your hand and ask a question, contradict an authority, but then you got this feeling of nervous anxiety and because of this feeling, you didn't do what you actually wanted to do?"
"How do we become more confident and more specifically, how to overcome social anxieties, how to stop caring what other people might think about you?"
"Social anxiety is fundamentally created by the thoughts in your head and not the facts."
"No matter how long I do this, I'm going to be embarrassed to film in a store."
"At first, it was very tough. I felt out of place and very shy, but then I somehow adapted."
"Once you really start making those shifts by taking new actions and shifting how you see yourself, your shyness and your social anxiety will be a thing of the past."
"You standing in the corner is the awkward thing, not you going into the fire and potentially making a fool of yourself."
"I just remember feeling so frustrated that I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to walk up to her, start a conversation. I wanted to, more than anything, but I was afraid that I would look like a fool."
"Social anxiety is basically like a social phobia, a fear of social situations, of socializing, of being in front of people."
"The thing with perspective and how this relates to social anxiety is that many of the people who are going to accuse you of having social anxiety...are going to be people who, they themselves, are inside the prison of caring what other people think of them."
"Anxious introverts... might be uncomfortable with the potential scrutiny of a social situation."
"You're scared of being criticized, you're scared of what people think of us. If you weren't, you'd feel completely at ease going up and talking to strangers."
"I've wasted so many years because of this and I know I would have been in a different place by now if it wasn't for my social anxiety."
"Adam...was bullied a lot and eventually developed social anxiety."
"Social anxiety in job interviews is probably... oh my gosh, if you can make it past the interview, you're home free."
"The worst thing you can do when you have social anxiety is to avoid. Once I started making myself uncomfortable, it really gave me room to grow."
"I was diagnosed with social anxiety when I was 14 years old, and it was a journey that I've never really talked openly about."
"For so many years, I hated meeting new people and going out. I felt insignificant and scared in social situations."
"Nearly 50% of Americans say they feel anxious about resuming in-person interactions, post-pandemic, according to a report from the American Psychological Association."
"They want to reach out, but they're afraid you could crush them."
"I might not be able to talk today because people think it's really fancy things, but it's really not, and then I feel like you guys should definitely talk about it and cry about it and make it a cry about it."
"Fear of missing out, fear of not being the person that bought into it early."
"Literally in my childhood, probably to this day, I remember going to sleep and replaying all my social interactions and thinking what I could have said better."
"The Internet's and the disinhibited nature of the individuation and anonymity may give a voice to those with for example high social anxiety just as much as it does to members of marginalized or stigmatized groups."
"I mean I've had to abandon my shopping cart at grocery stores because of this, I've had to bail on DoorDash orders, I've ruined dates by not being able to eat inside restaurants."
"Everybody has things, is being really anxious about social situations as an introvert, a disability, well not by our traditional definition of it but it certainly impacts a person's life."
"Everything that he is stressing about is about social judgment and fear of negative social attention."
"The gym felt like home... no need to worry about any social anxiety or anything like that."
"You're entering into an unknown situation and you don't know how they're gonna treat you."
"I was never going to be totally normal because I was always going to be a little too nervous, a little too distracted."
"Nobody's judging you as hard as you judge yourself... nobody's even thinking about it."
"Dream walks right by me, I'm like, I was too nervous to say hi. I was too nervous to say hi, you know? He fist bumps Carl, you know, Dream walks by."
"Nobody wants to be made fun of, nobody wants to be the 'remember when he used to be' nobody."
"For the past few years, I feel like a lot of people have been walking on eggshells, unable to fully breathe almost because we're so afraid of saying the wrong thing, offending someone, and then having this authoritarian mob jump down our throats."
"The more fearful, fragile, and headed for failure that white people feel, the more avidly they pursue the idealized fantasy of uninhibited power and agency to which they believe their whiteness entitles them."
"Social judgment is a significant fear factor."
"You stand out among the basic [__]... people don't want to come towards you because they feel basic."
"Women cultivating receptiveness accounts for the male approach anxiety problem."
"The scariest part of a haunted house is the unscripted social interaction."
"You have nothing to be afraid of. Most people are so focused on themselves, they won't even notice you."
"The all-consuming fear as a guy of seeing a girl across the room and looking at her and thinking I should go and say hello because I think that she's nice is like [__] mortal, it's reality bending, it's so strange."
"It feels like they were already planning something against you, it's like they were already talking about you."
"It's been two weeks... anytime anybody's talking that much I'm scared y'all I'm like ah."
"At social events, you rarely try to introduce yourself to new people and mostly talk to the ones you already know."
"I've had countless hushed conversations with friends about this anxiety and how it has led us to refrain from participation in activist events."
"It's really not awkward if you don't care what other people think."
"Parasocial relationships themselves were correlated with greater social anxiety, anxious and avoiding attachment, and loneliness."
"The older I get, the more panicky I become about being socially awkward."
"It's like it's kind of like it is a dream come true for a pansexual with a high libido however it's a nightmare for a pansexual with a high libido with crippling social anxiety so there's that."
"I'm a little nervous. What if people don't like me?"
"I'm so lost. I really hope nobody's roasting me about how lost I am right now."
"Put an end to worrying about what people think of you."
"So if you're worried about what do people think of me, they're thinking nothing of you, 'cause they don't notice you, and if they do, they forget you."
"Messaging makes me anxious, texting makes me anxious, commenting replying, it all makes me anxious."
"Why on earth did I invite all these people over for dinner?"
"It's hard to say this is a no-pressure situation because... new people and face."
"There's a fear of not fitting in, of standing out, and everything now is out there in the open for everyone to witness."
"Social situation is not my forte, being surrounded by people asking for autographs."
"Fear of missing out... There is a feeling of apprehension for individuals that feel that they have to know what other people are doing."
"Stop worrying about what other people think of you... They're really not."
"I'm so desperate to go out and see people, but I'm so terrified that something will happen."
"Gentle reminder that the human eye is naturally drawn by noise and movement, so next time you walk into a crowd or a bit late into a lecture, they're not staring at you or judging."
"Fear stops you from doing things you enjoy because you're worried about what other people think."
"She put a face and a voice to my social anxiety."
"I had deep social anxiety when I was growing up. It is literally a [ __ ] muscle. It is a muscle you have to work all months."
"You're going to go crazy if you always think about how someone's perceiving you or how that person is going to tell the next person. You've got to find comfort in that."
"Stop caring too much about what other people think."
"Once you show up there, the anxiety kind of starts to melt away."
"I am so nervous. I don't know why I don't like blind dates. I don't know why I signed up for this."
"I do think that for some people with social anxiety it's a life-sustaining way of interacting... because people have a sort of a built-in need to connect."
"Are you talking with them at every opportunity that you get, or are you avoiding conversations? Are you not speaking up, not telling your stories, not telling jokes because you're just nervous or you're not confident or you're afraid?"
"I had some really good steady days where I felt really capable of being the witness... but I did have two days where I had to cancel all my plans because I had some social anxiety."
"I'm just terrified of having to be friends with parents that I don't like."
"If you're afraid to walk over to that guy, then you're lacking confidence in that moment."
"I hate being late to events, like, I just, I can't."
"These girls look so intimidating though, like am I cool enough to wear this stuff? I don't know."
"So she invites me to the bachelorette party and again I think um something that I struggled with all the time was never you know accepting a lot of her invitations."
"I'm scared that she is going that she thinks bad things about me that is aren't true."
"I think a lot of people just don't want to even order out because they're nervous they're like what the [ __ ] who's cooking my food?"
"Don't conflate introversion with social anxiety; speak up when it matters."
"A lot of people are nervous to have conversations these days."
"I was so scared to make friends, but you will make friends."
"The idea of coming face to face with random internet people absolutely terrified me at first."
"Imagine everyone's wearing underwear and dancing on the lambada."
"Sometimes I know it's hard to be in social situations because there's this crippling anxiety that you think that everyone is paying attention to everything that you do whether it be good or bad all the time but that's not true."
"It's stopping you from doing all these things because we think we're introverted but actually if you just assume that everyone is kind of like no one wants to be a fish out of the pool everyone is essentially feeling the same way at a party."
"We are almost there and we're here now we're almost there thank you Gina um yeah it was that I don't know last week or the week before I said if you have social anxiety but you want to spread the gospel write a little handwritten note you know."
"Anxiety, though, is self-focused. If I go into this grocery store, I'm gonna see my ex's mom. Oh my god, and then what? Does her world stop turning 'cause she ran into you buying hot dog buns? Nobody cares."
"They want to come and talk to you, but they're really lacking the confidence to do it."
"I still can't fart in front of people I'm a shy fatter."
"What if you miss something exciting? What if your friends are having fun and you can't join in?"
"The notion that social anxiety goes away if you 'get out of your comfort zone' is not true."
"They're more nervous of people who've realized there is no plan."
"Quit worrying about people being mad at you that's a big thing yeah yeah there's so much my life defined by like I don't want anyone to be mad at me yeah oh okay okay yeah go for you yeah um."
"I'm not anti-social, just anxious in big crowds."
"Coming to my ceremony is too embarrassing for me. I won't be able to take off the embarrassment."
"Confidence is the one thing you can fake and people believe you have it if you, oh I'm sorry I'm sorry, go talk to the girl."
"I feel like sometimes I feel like I'm not cool enough for these things."
"I've spent my entire life's mission avoiding throwing up in front of friends, and that seems like just asking for it."
"When someone is doing something to embarrass themselves, I feel humiliated too."
"It's one thing to say that you don't like social environments, but it's quite another to use that as an excuse to be [ __ ] rude."
"I think it's such a problem because the anxiety that you're referencing here among men, young men especially, is very real."
"There's a shared feeling of anxiety, a looming fear of capitalism."
"Props for you for being here... social anxiety can be crippling and terrifying."
"How to build up your confidence and get over imposter syndrome when going to more elegant places where you have never been."
"So many people experience some type of social anxiety, it is really hard."
"It's like amazing because some people may have social anxiety issues, but all that is solved because it's all through a computer."
"I began to get a bit nervous, not because I was scared of this guy or anything, but because I had pretty severe social anxiety."
"Study shows getting naked in front of strangers lowers social anxiety."
"I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be there 'cause like I don't really know that all that many people."
"Honestly, it's something that I've... I've dealt with a lot. I spoke about my social anxiety on social media."
"There are introverts who don't experience social anxiety; they just prefer to spend more time alone or in small groups."
"I didn't realize she talks about having such bad social anxiety."
"Feeling comforted, Percy opens up about how he dislikes being socially awkward because he’s never made friends unless it’s online or his former nanny."
"If you walk in a room and everyone's just laughing at you, looking like this dude, oh God, that's a nightmare."
"Staring at your phone in silent horror until the unknown number stops ringing."
"Do you know that feeling you get when you're in a crowded room, that minor cross traffic sense?"
"Social anxiety in its place serves a helpful function and is necessary."
"I learned to recognize this problem that I had. And a lot of the times when it comes to being a social person, for people who aren't social, it's this conversation that I have within my head of 'This temporary discomfort is going to lead to something better.'"
"All you need to do is tolerate your feelings of social incompetence. That is the only thing that you need to do. The cool thing is that literally your brain will do the rest."
"Feeling uncomfortable, awkward, anxious, stressed around new people or places."
"I was always nervous to poop at a friend's house."
"oh my God I was scared for no reason and there's barely anyone here yes I love people it's just I hate filming in front of people but it's not that bad to okay literally as I said that someone just watch anyway we're about business today we're looking for Romance."
"It's called social anxiety, I don't make the rules."
"I thought if I get these things that I deem in my mind as being successful, it will elevate me more. That will make me less insecure and squash my social anxiety."
"Please can we go Murray please I can't I'm socially awkward."
"The fear in social anxiety disorder is disproportionate to the potential consequences."
"It's hard as an adult to make friends regardless of if you have social anxiety or not."
"Focus on the other person to ease social anxiety."
"I'm just a socially anxious weirdo."
"Your body is terrified of other people, rightfully so. It's not a trust issue, it's a nervous system issue."
"No wonder people are walking on eggshells and many choose to abandon human interactions altogether."
"One of the main factors that can cause social anxiety in the first place is feeling this need to overperform or create this facade to appear how you think the other person wants you to be."
"Social anxiety that I used to have in terms of going into a group of people and that disappeared for me almost overnight."
"It's so interesting that being social can be a cause of some people's anxiety and can be a cure for some people's anxiety."
"That's probably the best therapy to get over social anxiety, just go on stage and bury your soul in front of people you don't know."
"It's almost like they're gonna miss out. I don't know what they're so scared of, it's like a lot of people here that they like scared of their judgment or the gossip. Ew, too much."
"Guys, there's this one TikTok where there's a woman who is also very uncomfortable speaking to other people like ordering, talking to waiters, like it's so uncomfortable, and I felt her so much."
"I was a very socially anxious kid... to see that in another small human being is a crazy sight to see."
"I think even the idea of going out for me, I have this weird social anxiety."
"You have to leave some people behind you wouldn't want to be if you were to come hang out with me and you were in a room with me and my five friends, you'd feel self-conscious."
"Look, I was 21 going on 22. I had never spoken to a girl in my life."
"Social anxiety is at its core it's a fear of being judged by others."
"We've all experienced moments of shyness, but suffering from social anxiety disorder and being shy are two very different things."
"I don't know, I have social anxiety. I'm trying to get rid of it, so I figured this would be the best way to have fake conversations with strangers on the internet in a public place. I mean, whatever you gotta do, bro."
"If you feel overwhelmed when there's a lot of people, try to find out what your gym's off-peak times are and try to go at that time instead."
"Do you care that people are suffering under social anxiety? Do you care that if you can't convince them, they're gonna suffer? Does that bother you?"
"It can be so intimidating being with a group of people and painting."
"Awkward social interaction is piled on awkward social interaction which, in addition to the escalating music, discordant chants, creates this anxiety in watching everything unfold."
"I suffer from almost crippling social anxiety disorders."
"Some people have social anxiety disorders where they are afraid of being humiliated or embarrassed in social situations. So they may be very terrified not only to speak in front of people, but just to go to school or just to go to work."
"As a person with social anxiety, I'm so ready to just have time to myself. I feel like I have a social battery."
"Don't be worried about what other people think cuz half the time people don't even notice."
"My journey with social anxiety... I decided that is my responsibility to heal."
"I am so uncomfortable about going into the Disney Junior Dance Party by myself."
"It was a very quick transition because once I realized that people really don't care and people aren't like, you know, staring at you, that was such a... I don't know why I thought people would do that, I guess in hindsight."
"The big issue is overcoming social anxiety, building social skills, maybe finding hobbies that get you around women so you can naturally interact with them."
"Lunch is the most scariest because like you literally don't know where to go sit and it's like everybody's feeling the same way but it's just so embarrassing."
"Honestly, I have this weird thing in my head all the time where I think everyone's looking at me in like a bratty way but in a way of like oh my God everyone's going to be laughing at me."
"I would use that line as an autistic person especially when it's crowded and the sensory experience of being in a crowded line freaks me the hell out."
"When you don't leave your home a lot for like elongated periods of time and you go out in public, you're already kind of like, 'I don't really want to be outside right.'"
"I think it is completely natural and normal to feel anxious or awkward around people who are different than we are."
"If you're that uncomfortable being out in public, then don't come out in public."
"The biggest predictor of whether someone will develop a dependency on cannabis is if they're using it to try and manage social anxiety."
"There's a difference between shy and social anxiety. If someone has social anxiety the worst thing for you to do is force them to read or do something because that is trauma every single time they have to do a read aloud or what have you."
"I'm such an anxious person, I have crazy social anxiety, I relive every conversation I ever have, it's a nightmare."
"I do actually appreciate it and I do like to read the comments when I get around to that. I don't usually say anything because I'm incredibly socially awkward."
"...that's when I learned social anxiety truly is a real thing."
"This is so much better than being at my best friend's house where she's having a party, and everybody's going to be laughing without me, dancing without me, and having fun without me."
"I don't give a [ __ ] what people think at parties, but I'll say one wrong thing and then I'll be like, 'God, this [ __ ] thing that I said.'"
"Meeting new people gives me anxiety really bad, but this weekend I'm pushing myself out of my comfort zone."
"Even if you completely bomb, like completely, you'll never see these people ever again in your entire life."
"If you're on the spectrum and you go out to a restaurant, you're gonna have social anxiety."
"...when we feel that way when we have those thoughts that there's something wrong with us our inclination is to hide and to go into the corner you know and like hide from the world."
"Do I have to worry about my shoes now? Do I have to worry about smiling too much in too many girls' faces? Do I have to worry about who I hug now?"
"It took me a decade to learn how to have a normal conversation with strangers without my social anxiety taking over."
"Some people have a fear of being alone."
"I complained of despair and nervousness in social situations, but as I was reciting my practiced speech, I realized it was somewhat true. I wasn't an insomniac, but I was miserable."
"Sometimes attending big events can scare me so much, but I have to say, I've made the best memories and met the most amazing people."
"We stay indoors where it's safe, like a true introvert with social anxiety."
"It made me feel that social anxiety that he always feels. It was really effective."
"If you're nervous to talk to boys, that's 100% normal."
"We tend to think that there's a spotlight on us at all times, highlighting all of our flaws and mistakes for all to see."
"Most guys have an inherent fear or inability to go up to a woman they want to talk to and start a conversation."
"Our fear of rejection is so consuming now that instead of standing on our square and working our way through uncomfortable conversations and interactions, we just avoid it all together."
"Social anxiety disorder is one of the most common mental illnesses in the world."
"People with social anxiety desire strong, healthy, intimate relationships."
"The real tragedy of social anxiety is that it robs individuals of their greatest resource: other people."
"Now is the time to address social anxiety."
"Addressing social anxiety is about fostering social courage."
"I felt like the new kid at school that got invited to a sleepover."