
Environmental Solution Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Based on her scientific research...Dr. Soberg is considered one of the world's leading experts on [cold and heat exposure]."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Maui Nui...turns the proliferation of an invasive species into a wide range of nutrient-dense products."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The only sensible way out of this really is going to be nuclear."
"The best solution is to just stop all that plastic from getting into the water in the first place."
"Why is there no Manhattan-like project into nuclear fusion or into nuclear energy in general?"
"You got to grow some of your own food; that's going to be the only way we fix any of this."
"The answer lies in preserving and restoring ecosystems."
"Loop Industries works to upcycle plastic to make it sustainable and reusable."
"Wind and solar combined with batteries will solve sustainable energy for Earth. Hydro, nuclear fission, and geothermal will also be significant parts of the solution."
"If nuclear were discovered today it would be hailed as humanity's saving grace."
"We've got a lot of alternative sources of energy, cheap clean energy. Let's get on with it."
"Our approach was simple: we made carbon dioxide-sized holes in graphene."
"Nuclear is not only absolutely necessary for global energy production, but it is also the absolute best possible solution by a huge margin compared to every alternative."
"Let's get into hydrogen battery-powered cars. Okay, solves all your problems in the short term."
"Turning waste into ethanol: a solution to both environmental and energy challenges."
"A mushroom that eats plastic. Even better, the fungi are capable of surviving on plastic alone."
"Trees are the answer to that. They're the most pragmatic, proactive, and large-scale approach to creating a healthy environment." - Bruce Westerman
"Tell me something that's more pragmatic, proactive, large-scale to take carbon out of the atmosphere than trees. There's not anything." - Bruce Westerman
"What if we could kill two birds with one stone? Like using the waste heat generated by all those computers to heat our homes, office buildings, and water?"
"Eventually, batteries will be so good that it's game over for fossil energy."
"Climate change is one of the problems we can solve within the growth paradigm."
"A Tower with a cleaning capacity of 30,000 cubic m per hour."
"Fungi could be the solution to one of the biggest environmental contaminants we have: plastic."
"The solution is already there in front of us: plant-based, just vegan."
"Let's just make like Dyson and suck CO2 out of the air."
"This technology could end the reliance on fossil fuels and solve environmental challenges."
"We want to have interceptors into the 1,000 most polluting rivers in the next five years."
"Their solar roof is a revolutionary idea combining a quality roof with solar panels into one package."
"Nuclear could solve all of that... this is actually a cleaner version of power."
"We can come together for common good even though they might have a different interest regenerative agriculture can and needs to be a major part of the solution."
"If we covered four percent of the world's deserts in solar farms, we could power the entire world."
"The easier way might even be to find out what's killing the bees and then stop doing that."
"Recycling is not a complete solution; home and industrial compostable plastics are key to solving the plastic waste crisis."
"We're just trying to be a good solution towards it."
"It's going to take trillions of dollars to do this for the whole globe, and thankfully we have trillions of dollars."
"Being able to provide this solution to them where we are training them how to separate their waste and helping them track the waste that they produce."
"It's a great application of how printing can help with plastic waste."
"We can increase public transportation too, so there's all these ways that you can make energy use more efficient in your country."
"The solution is simple: we have to fix the plumbing; we have to restore the natural flow of water back into the Everglades, into Florida Bay."
"If we can find a suitable way to harness the power of the tides and waves off our coasts, it could provide the final push needed to convert our grid to a 100% renewable system."
"We can sequester carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere through photosynthesis and lock that up in the soil."
"Farmers are part of the problem but we're also very much part of the solution."
"Taming the Sun sure did give the world a fighting chance."
"I believe that, if we find ways of generating and storing power from renewable resources, we will make the problem with oil and coal and other carbon problems disappear."
"Atmospheric water generation cannot compete with tap water, but it might be a compelling alternative to bottled water, especially in water-strained locations."
"Plants are the key to fixing our problems, not fertilizer and pesticides."
"You will be part of the solution; you will not be part of the pollution."
"The only way that we can fix and work with the camel problem is as a nation or a global community."
"...creating that sense of agency that they can be part of the solution, that their voices are listened to, and their ideas of how to live life differently, of what our role on the planet is, is so important."
"I want Elon Musk to develop something that can clean the water in Flint, Michigan."
"It's exciting to be part of a solution for single-use plastic that's about to come out."