
Expertise Quotes

There are 14406 quotes

"Viewing morning sunlight also has profoundly positive effects on metabolism."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Based on her scientific research...Dr. Soberg is considered one of the world's leading experts on [cold and heat exposure]."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities; in the expert's mind, there are few."
"First of all, you know that you can't cite scientists across other disciplines to justify something that they don't study in, right?"
"Reading just three books on a subject makes you more knowledgeable than 99% of the population for that particular field."
"Credentials do not always justify all claims."
"Through knowledge and experience, Will's movements were reflexive, eliminating obstacles effortlessly."
"His mind is amazing; he's a preeminent conversational cognitive scientist in, I think, the world."
"If you've got an operator that's really in tuned and he's switched on and he knows exactly what he's doing, you can take that jammer and be very accurate with it."
"We are on the move now, speaking to serious experts about serious subjects. We are building something hard and fast that's going to change the world."
"You're going to master your wealth vehicle. You've got to master it."
"I think that's one of the main things, is working with a team that knows their weapon and knows timing."
"It's okay to be a master of one but be a jack of all trades. It will help you more than anything else."
"If you spend one hour a day every day on one subject for five years, you could become an expert on that subject."
"We should trust experts. We have to. That's like the whole point of experts."
"Develop mastery in something. Pick at least one or two things in your life that you will develop mastery in."
"It's in the skill of trying that you gain the competency, the knowledge, and the expertise."
"Every one of us who tries to do cross-disciplinary work finds himself disadvantaged in that area or field with which he is less familiar."
"Everybody knows something. All you have to do is package the thing that you're doing."
"You pay for speed, you pay for troubleshooting, you pay for somebody else who's already done it and not [___] up as many times as you're about to, to get you there faster."
"The captain had accumulated over 17,000 hours of flying experience."
"It's kind of a must-win... He might be the greatest commentator to have graced the microphone."
"You can get 50% of the way to an expert on something with a minimal amount of research. And then that next 50% takes nine more years."
"I'm not a beauty guru; I'm a craft guru, okay?"
"Where does this cross back into pseudoscience, and how do you know that your experts are really experts?"
"Mike Israetel, you guys probably know from my channel, he has a PhD in sports physiology."
"Read books that you can be sure are written by experts."
"You are like the real estate, house hacking guru. Like, you are the mecca when it comes to owning rental property, house hacking, cash flow."
"I think that should be good, given that I'm slowly becoming an expert on Redstone."
"The more multifaceted a task was, the more human judgement – and real expertise was needed."
"Authority isn't just about being in a position of authority...it's about being an authority, someone who's knowledgeable and experienced."
"When you become experienced, become an expert, you become a master. Here's all these extraordinary intangibles: you have more security, more value, more self-confidence, more purpose, more self-worth, more self-belief. There's all of these intangibles that come along with that."
"When you've been doing it for long enough, you just naturally get very good at doing the thing."
"I use my degree in sociology and psychology, my certifications in criminal interrogation and body language analysis, and over 10 years as an award-winning mentalist to teach behavior analysis and body language analysis on stages and television shows all around the world."
"It's a curse of knowledge; some people who have too much knowledge forget that people who start don't have enough knowledge to go to the full production level."
"Dragon Tamers have always been the most revered trainer class."
"Follow the data, follow the science. People ask me what do you think, what do you think? I don't think about this, what do I know? I'm not an expert. I'm not opening. I talk to experts and I follow people who know."
"What you know about the game of basketball, if you really spoke on it more often, you'd be amazed at the level of understanding people will inherently gather because they have no choice because you know what the hell you're talking about."
"You're allowed to have an informed opinion with or without a doctorate."
"I've been working with neural nets for over 20 years. I knew that from a theoretical point of view, once it hit that point, it would do that in just about every domain."
"Missions and meaningful work often emerge once you become really good at something."
"LeBron definitely got a plethora of information when it comes to basketball."
"There are thousands of people way smarter than me who don't have all of the answers, and that means I cannot possibly have all of the answers either."
"At this point, I think I know more about manufacturing than anyone currently alive on Earth."
"When you spend your time thinking intensely about a field from a very young age, that's where you can do great things."
"In every area in life that you want to get good at, you have to research, you gotta practice, you got to enlist the help of gurus."
"Science is difficult and has expertise in it; it's not something you can dip in and out of."
"Mental health expertise is critical to public discussion."
"Our guest today is a world expert on violence who has taught at Yale School of Medicine and Yale Law School for 17 years."
"A master programmer is someone who can drop into a million lines of code and within about a month can understand and begin to work in that code base."
"Absolutely anybody who was paying attention could see the amount of work he's put in, the depth of understanding of the match-ups."
"Listen to the experts in all of these fields because I think expertise matters. I think people who study things know more than people who don't study things."
"I'm not the sharpest crayon in the box, but I know my real estate stuff really well."
"Dr. Fauci has handled this about as well as any expert can handle the minefield that he's in."
"We want these experts who've watched the game to express what they've learned about the game and the storylines they've set up, and how they expect the games to go."
"The chef in the kitchen isn't a master chef because of how many recipes he or she has memorized. The master chef is the master because of their mastery of the ingredients."
"Every expert was once a beginner. The key is to start, no matter how small."
"I'm going to choose to believe somebody who went to school and studied and went to all the [__], over the random guy on Facebook."
"Human nature drives us in the direction of trying to push away risk by handing over power to experts."
"I urge you... not to become an expert on all the cults. Become an expert on your own Bible."
"Someone who is genuinely good and accomplished and knows that they are one of the best, they're usually actually pretty happy to try and impart that wisdom with someone else."
"Our experts, calling on decades of reading, select three books just for you."
"The populist wave is in reaction to something real, which is the failure of this expert class."
"He understands four-dimensional curved space-time better than any person alive."
"I'm a science communicator. I report science. I don't have the hubris required to assert myself over the people who actually study these things for a living."
"I'm Greg Hartley, a former Army interrogator, interrogation instructor, resistance to interrogation instructor. I've written 10 books on body language and behavior."
"Scott Ritter has been one of the clearest and most critical voices of the US and NATO Imperial policy in Ukraine, and his analysis of the corruption, the failed Western military strategy, and propaganda is rooted in decades of experience not only as a U.S Marine but as a former United Nations weapons inspector."
"You will be very hard-pressed to find a legitimate geologist, cosmologist, physicist, or astronomer who believes, based on his studies, that the Earth and the universe are ten thousand years old."
"I'm an expert in human behavior and body language. I help people all over the world to stand out, win trust, and gain credibility every time they communicate."
"I'm a former Army interrogator, interrogation instructor, resistance to interrogation instructor, written 10 books on body language and behavior."
"A language like C++ is not for everybody. It is a sharp and effective tool for professionals."
"So I think part of the reason that we have so many kids in this country fall off the bandwagon is we try to make everything really exciting and really fun. And we forget the lessons that language learners and musicians, and sports, people in sports, dance instructors--they all know that practice and repetition is part of gaining expertise."
"Strong sense, united to delicate sentiment, improved by practice, perfected by comparison, and cleared of all prejudice, can alone entitle critics to this valuable character."
"I have a background as a trained hypnotist and I've been studying persuasion in all its forms for decades."
"You always have to have like an autistic research guy like Nardo the human servet on your team that will just pull out some of the most insane stuff that you didn't even know other people knew about yourself."
"Don't question me; I know what I'm talking about."
"No one can beat a Shaolin master, and here is why: Education. Shaolin monks are just built differently."
"We've got to remember that these researchers are exceptionally trained in the science of observation."
"If you just become the best in the world at that and you have a product that is made perfect for it, it will outperform anything and everything else you spend your time on."
"It takes a ton of hours to become an expert at the skill set...we only get one chance, we can't afford when we're young to buy into the wrong ideology of how the game really works."
"Be so good at one part of business that no one on earth can stop you."
"Champions usually are specialists who are great at making the game be played on their turf, in their style."
"This video is a master class in determining deception in trained deposition experts."
"You need to know your business like the back of your hand."
"San Francisco Shock when it comes to it, they are the best Reinhardt-centric team in the league."
"This is an example of a tank that knows what they're doing."
"The ultimate paradox of experts is that they are supposed to be independent and objective, yet for some reason, each party's expert always says what that party wants that expert to say."
"Just do what you love, find your scope of genius...and marry the two. That's when it is the best."
"It seems highly irresponsible to posit yourself as the beacon of truth on political matters, especially if your degree is in counseling and counseling supervision, rather than political science."
"I'm a master at managing risk. A true genius, a magician, Houdini at managing risk."
"I'm not anti-expertise at all, but you're not advocating for expertise; you're advocating for those people with expertise to have to wield some kind of power."
"His anatomy, having taught animal anatomy for over 60 semesters...I know it well enough to say 'here's someone who knows it so well that he's hardly thinking about it'."
"The 10,000-hour rule: To become world-class at something, you need to put in at least 10,000 hours of deliberate practice."
"You want to develop technical mastery. You want to be the best at what you do."
"If you want to learn about weight loss from a guy who used to play in the NFL who's extremely overweight but the trainer because he's been in the gym his whole life, he might know some things."
"Considering the historic weight of this document, there's only one man on the planet qualified to translate it into English."
"Science is being able to know the material enough so that you win on the basis of knowing more."
"True expertise is about understanding the subtleties and nuances, not just the broad strokes."
"I've played at a high level, I've managed at a high level, I might have something to add."
"Become a master of one or two things rather than a jack of all trades and master of none."
"There are actual experts who know about climate and why aren't we listening to them?"
"It's moments like that, that when everything happens right, where your hunter can potentially think that you are some kind of a hunting god."
"Master one or two things and understand those really well."
"If you want to stand out from the competition or you want to build connections in your industry and establish yourself as an expert, building a website for yourself is a great first step."
"It's probably a draw, but much easier to play with the two pieces also much easier to play when your name is Magnus Carlson."
"Double down on what you're good at and put yourself in situations where you know a lot about the topic."
"Harland and Wolff, the shipbuilders, knew their stuff."
"After promising that their expertise would guide Americans through economic hardship, foreign policy chaos, and global pandemics, the experts have destroyed their own credibility but still insist you mimic their values."
"To become world-class in anything, you need 10,000 hours of practice to the minimum."
"There is a professional duty of care here that we are all responsible for. We are the experts at our profession."
"If you want to become rich, you need to have very good specific, like advanced knowledge in a certain key area."
"It's a Bloodsport. It's you against an expert. You've got to be better than that expert."
"There were serious people who were considered experts of their day that held this opinion... It seems unfathomable right now, doesn't it?"
"I'm Josh from the YouTube channel JustJosh... I have two degrees in Computer Science and I did software development professionally in a number of different companies for close to 15 years."
"If you don't know what you're doing, you're not going to be successful."
"Experts are no longer neutral but tools and accomplices in misleading the public under CCP rule."
"He was a man who knew exactly what it takes to make landscapes, habitats, and wildlife flourish."
"Tier lists are only supposed to represent each character's strength in the hands of the absolute best of the best."
"It's really pretty fantastic, you know, to be able to impart some of that knowledge on some of the guys that are coming up."
"One person cannot possibly know everything and execute everything...you have to really have a community."
"Trans people are the ultimate experts on trans issues. This is shit we've lived."
"For every expert, there's an equal and opposite expert."
"Everything I know is a tiny subset of what our guest today knows."
"Success, getting well known or being well known for what you do."
"You don't need to be a chef to judge food, but if you want to be taken seriously as an art critic, you need to have particular knowledge about a style, period, medium, or artist."
"How bad can you be if you've been doing anything in life for 70 years? You have to be good at it, right?"
"I'm Scott Rouse, body language expert and analyst, and I train law enforcement and the military in interrogation and body language."
"It's incredibly exciting, just to get someone of his skill level... and just seeing him sit down and just getting ready and seeing amazing skills."
"The greatest minds in jiu-jitsu... What he really does is he puts limits on the number of avenues he will explore in jiu-jitsu but by limiting the number of avenues he vastly increases the sophistication that he can bring to those avenues."
"Thank you so much for that analysis, man. You are absolutely incredible."
"Specialization is a really, really big deal."
"If you're half a doctor, you'll kill people, and if you're half a scholar, you'll mislead people."
"You can't just become an expert at research by Googling whatever singular study fits your confirmation bias and call it a day."
"What I do have is a history in Ukraine, a grasp of the language, and a clear-cut view of what the Ukrainians need, how they need it, and how to best deliver it to them."
"Kwale is the best merchant in all of Minecraft."
"True expertise means the differentiation of abstract knowledge all the way down to the point of behavioral implementation."
"The amount of footballers that will see these people on TV and they'll go, 'Who is that? What does he know about football?' But that's the common fan... and they know an awful lot about football because that's their life. They live it."
"I'm not an expert in anything, okay, but I know a little bit about everything, just enough to get me in trouble."
"Experts are experts not just because they know the level of uncertainty, but because they say, 'Here's what we can do to alleviate the uncertainty.'"
"Listen to doctors. Don't listen to anybody else. Listen to experts."
"We need answers as fast as possible from the epidemiologists. Let's listen to the experts, guys, and experts, do better."
"It's being developed by Inflection Games, a studio made up of BioWare veterans with previous experience making games like Mass Effect and Dragon Age: Origins."
"Fear the man with one gun because he knows how to use it."
"Every person I meet is an individual, and when I run into trouble is when I start thinking about myself as an expert."
"Be so great at your craft that nobody can tell you that you're not the best."
"We're gonna be aggressive. We're gonna farm and push. That's what we're doing. That's my specialty."
"There's nothing wrong with being one-dimensional when you're just fantastic at that one dimension."
"An expert is someone who knows more and more about less and less, until they know everything about nothing."
"The Mastery that someone demonstrates over a given subject domain is precisely proportionate to the degree that they can do it in the spirit of play."
"No one wants a half-price brain surgeon. I think a lot of us are willing to pay a little bit more for the guy who builds the bridge into their town or the doctor who operates on their kid who had a car accident."
"Doctors and engineers and accountants and professors are so expensive is because there's licensing."
"I'm told he's a specialist, dashy gun slinger, one of a kind ship, that sort of thing. You'll like him, I'm sure."
"A real expert can take a complex subject and break it down into simple terms for a novice."
"Several experts have told the team restoring her will be impossible."
"Human beings can get incredibly great at anything they put their minds to. Total Immersion at any topic, most human beings can become great if they give themselves enough time."
"If you lift somebody's scrotum up and you improve the pain in their testicle, one might say that you have the Midas touch."
"Don't forget you're a boxer, you're a world-class boxer. In fact, I shouldn't even be giving you advice; I should be taking advice from you."
"Getting so good you can't be denied and there are real-world consequences to that skill set... Doing some rad stuff that affects people in a way that matters to you."
"I can tell if it's fake or real maple syrup if it's in an unlabeled glass container from 15 feet away. I can tell by the viscosity."
"This is some high-level stuff. Let's just say that, however, these two players are, this is a high-level start to Hidden Cup 3."
"If you want to be really, really good at something, you have to truly love it."
"Be your own Feynman, be creative, be crazy, but be good at what you're doing."
"It's our job as coaches to take unconscious knowledge at world championship level and make it conscious."
"Fundamentals are not just for beginners; world championships are won on fundamentals."
"Nate Silver is an extremely interesting guy. He's the founder of 538, a genius statistician, and an accomplished poker player."
"It’s kind of mind-boggling to contemplate the degree of expertise someone can acquire working in a field for centuries."
"Tommy's very informational, knows a lot, got a degree in marine biology."
"So, a lot of people have their opinions of what's going on but Mohamed is gonna give you the facts and different ways of looking at the economy and the markets."
"For a man who has spent almost six decades studying the United States, five questions about America today."
"You are a mother with an opinion. I'm a pediatrician with education and an opinion as well."
"You need to specialize in something. You need to become the go-to person for something."
"I'm the expert at flipping the pancakes over."
"In order to master anything, you need to put in at least 10,000 hours toward it."
"There's no surprise or secret that three of the top four S-tier legends for me all have absolute insane movement."
"He's extraordinarily knowledgeable... an intense wealth of knowledge and experience."
"College is not a waste of time at all. It shapes you to be an expert."
"This took years, years of hard work and deep know-how."
"There's something you know about personally, let's say you're an expert in a field, and you see a news story about it, and you know that that's wrong, that news story."
"He is encyclopedically knowledgeable about many topics at the heart of our national and above National problem. He is also deeply patriotic, extremely courageous, and he is not as far as I can tell driven by ego."
"I never bought a course... getting my information straight from the mouth of the top killers."
"We are all in this together. Neil, you have your expertise, I have mine."
"Staying in your lane and just doing what it is that you are good at."
"She did not wait to show her expertise and show why she was absolutely the right choice to be on the United States Supreme Court."
"If you really like the fizzing, you're an aficionado."
"Part of my take, there's absolutely no environment I've ever been in. I think Dan is probably the best person in the world at being a host."
"After finishing dissection of Larry's heart, Dr. G now knows for certain how Larry Haggarty met his fate."
"According to Dr. G, Larry Haggarty suffers coronary artery disease, as evidenced by the stents and severe blockages she finds in his heart."
"Your passion and industry expertise make you potent in sales."
"If you want to master something, teach about it."
"If you max out your juice fizzing skill, you become an aficionado."
"Liverpool became probably outside London the biggest center for expertise in that sort of smuggling market."
"If you need a friendly neighborhood Precure expert, I'm your girl."
"Spraying is not a newbie way to fire the gun... there's a lot of skill that goes into memorizing and learning how to do those sprays." - The War Owl
"It's a really useful thing to do. If you have specialized knowledge or if you have interesting knowledge, to share that knowledge with as many Googlers as possible and potentially even the rest of the world."
"I love the process of going from knowing nothing about something to mastering it."
"Learning the intricacies of the course is a years-long effort for many drivers."
"Being a YouTuber is everybody's an expert and at least from my perspective in the comment section everybody's an expert and very few people actually do this stuff."
"I want to get your reaction to it now because I don't want you to leave the building. No one knows more about this subject than you do."
"A lot of I get a lot of emails that from dog people who are convinced they have it all figured out."
"The most important thing is knowing that you don't know everything. That's the greatest thing for me. I'm like I don't know, so only I could be an expert at it. I got to go through it and experience it."