
Sunlight Quotes

There are 1429 quotes

"Remember, how long a minute is depends on what side of the door you're on."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There is excellent, meaning dozens, if not hundreds, of quality peer-reviewed studies which support the value of getting sunlight in one's eyes, in particular early in the day to set your circadian rhythm."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Please get as much light exposure from sunlight early in the day as possible because it sets in motion a huge number of things that are beneficial for your mental health and physical health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What I learned from that process is that it's really important to get, like, sun in the morning, to have health, to have good relationships."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Once you start sleeping late and waking up late, you're not getting the morning sunlight."
"Get as much natural sunlight as you can, avoiding glass in between, within reason, as soon as you wake up in the morning."
"Getting sunlight during the day has huge health benefits."
"Sunlight sets in motion a huge number of different things, including increasing the amount of vitamin D in your system."
"Making sure that you're getting outside to get this near infrared radiation from the sun, which I believe is very important."
"Exposure to sunlight boosts your serotonin immediately and helps to set your cortisol rhythm."
"Vitamin D comes from the sun; it's from the sunshine that the skin synthesizes the vitamin D on exposure to ultraviolet B radiation."
"Every biological process in your body requires sunlight."
"The best way to get quality sleep is get sunlight in your eyes early in the day."
"In the morning, go out and get daylight, at least 20 to 30 minutes outdoors."
"I love floor to ceiling windows. Like I need to see sun. I just need light. I'm like a little plant."
"The benefits of sunlight, the more we study it, the more we realize that it's more than just vitamin D."
"Sunlight in the near-infrared radiation spectrum can potentially stimulate melatonin production in the mitochondria."
"It is high time now to start looking at the sun as a major therapeutic source."
"Sunlight helps regulate blood pressure, improves cardiovascular health, and boosts mood."
"Vitamin-D Deficiency Due To Lack Of Sunlight Has Become A Huge Problem."
"If your shadow is not sharp and shorter than you are tall, you are not getting significant amounts of vitamin D."
"The energy from the Sun, both light and heat, originates from nuclear fusion. So, this is what we're teaching in science classes."
"I don't love eating meals in the dark so it's great to have the sun still shining at dinnertime."
"Waking up, opening my eyes to the bright beautiful sunshine, waking me up. Sun is so important, no matter where you are."
"It's incredible how a little bit of sun and vitamin D can just change your day around."
"Morning sunlight primes us for better sleep at night."
"I don't mind rain like this, at least when the Sun is out."
"Being in the sun generally tends to be helpful and it's like a nice way to help reset the nervous system and potentially your mood if you need it."
"My top tip when you shoot in a sun.star and you've got your shot but yeah, it's moved and your star has disappeared but you know that the sun is there."
"I'm proud to be the color. I mean, I would love to get some Sun, right?"
"Exposure to sunlight boosts your serotonin immediately, but also helps to set your cortisol rhythm."
"Volcanic eruptions send particles into our atmosphere that deflect and prevent glaring sunlight and UV rays."
"You need to throw your sunglasses away... you need to get ultraviolet light through your eyeballs."
"Did you know that vitamin D is such a necessary nutrient... you need Sun to make vitamin D."
"Protect yourself from UV rays by avoiding exposure to harmful rays of sunlight."
"As I woke up this morning, I saw rays of sunshine falling through my window. Took me a moment to realize I had not slept soundly for the first time in weeks."
"Sun exposure and vitamin D during the day... turn off melatonin so it can recharge."
"Here we are in Eureka, less than 10 degrees of latitude from the north pole. The sun doesn't set in Eureka from April to the end of August."
"Go outside within half an hour of waking up. Sunlight is crucial for setting your circadian rhythms."
"Sunlight boosts mood, enhances skin, and contributes to mental and physical glow-up."
"Get some sunshine. There's something very healthy about having the sun hit your skin."
"Sunlight helps sick organisms recover, including humans."
"It's the best place to get the most sun in the city." - New Yorker
"Those 20 plants are perfect if you have a lot of light streaming into your space."
"In fact, when you look at the Sun, that light has taken eight minutes to reach you."
"I feel like this is such a good use of your space because it looks like you get a lot of sunshine in this area so greenhouse growing is going to be perfect."
"Having tall plants diffusing light for smaller plants helps the lower leaves on those smaller plants and other taller plants to receive more sunlight."
"I'm starting to expose myself to sunlight, fresh air. I'm getting exercise before I get to the gym. I'm warmed up, and I'm rejuvenated."
"Morning sunlight can fix a lot of sleep problems along with lowering stress levels and calming your central nervous system."
"Beneath towering glass canopies, golden sunlight filters through cool jade palms."
"I turned it around by running outside in the Sun, having the sunlight, getting the air, getting the exercise made all the difference in the world for me."
"The chamber flooded with sunlight on the 22nd of October and the 22nd of February every year."
"Open the window and look in the Sun... it is proven to make you happier, it is proven to regulate your circadian rhythm."
"Shooting directly towards the sun is one of my favorite ways to photograph the landscape."
"We need to walk outside, we need to spend more time in sunlight."
"First time it's seen sunlight in 35 years, wow, this is so cool."
"They like full sun, so six to eight hours minimum; all day sun even better."
"I love the sun on my skin, the sun on my face."
"I love waking up in the morning and having breakfast right here, the sunlight comes in, it's so pretty."
"It's a decision to follow where the sun is at, to follow your heart."
"It's the first day this year really that I can actually feel the sun, the warmth of the sun."
"I love this time of day when the sun is just coming through the window and it feels really cozy."
"I'm a sun girl, and I love the sun, anytime the sun hits my skin, I'm like I'm good, I'm happy, everything, life is great."
"Morning exposure to sunlight can help to restore the circadian rhythm and set natural sleep patterns so that you wake up feeling refreshed every single morning and go to bed at a more regular time every night."
"Sunlight can actually improve our metabolic health."
"Getting sunlight even through cloud cover in one's eyes early in the day and as much as safely possible throughout the day is the best alternative."
"Passion fruit is one of those plants that will produce fruit in full sun or part shade."
"Everything changes when the sun comes out."
"Once the sun hits, it's a world of difference; takes the chill right out of your bones."
"When you're in the sunlight, it is like whoa."
"Sunlight, bad [__] like me, it's hard to come by."
"...normally the number one thing I'm looking for is standing dead wood for a campsite just to have it close in handy but I would really love Morning Sun and to maximize the Sun as much as possible which this spot would do"
"It's the perfect amount of shimmer that when you're in the sun, it's going to be gorgeous."
"The Sun maybe something that brings them joy."
"The sunlight seemed to form a hazy crown above Mika's smiling face, while her streaming black hair became a glossy mantle that melted into the darkness of the forest behind her."
"Sunlight is an ally in almost everything you do."
"Alice loved to see the sunlight through the trees like this so much."
"Living in the sunlight! Loving in the moonlight! Having a wonderful time!"
"You really want as much light as possible because almost all of them want full sun to develop really sweet fruit."
"But now that the sun has shone upon us, you know, the vibes are better, the vibes are good."
"Beautiful in the sunlight with its polished sandstone buildings shining brilliantly."
"Midges don't like direct sunlight, they don't like wind."
"There's possibly anything better than waking up to a sunny room when the light is shining in."
"Don't stay in bed if you can go into the sunlight... the best thing you can do for yourself."
"Sunlight does in fact hold off the vampire. That part is real, that lore is real."
"There's something so therapeutic about being in the sun."
"I would encourage people to take 2000 international units of vitamin D3 a day if they get inadequate sunlight exposure."
"Wake up, wake up, put your head in the sunlight, put your hand in the sunlight."
"So cute, the sun is so bright you guys, but I've prayed for a kitchen with natural Sun so here we are and I'm obsessed."
"Sunlight is so Central to life that we don't often give it a second thought."
"Get some sunlight, get some real vitamin D on your skin."
"Looking at the sun our whole lives we were Blinded By the Light."
"Sunlight. Lots of sunlight, you know, it's like these mountains are kind of shading out part of the valley but then a little bit of sunlight sneaks through, I just love it."
"Truman takes vitamin D supplements because he never sees true sunlight."
"The way the fields in the house brightened in the countryside sunlight, it was beautiful."
"Spend more time outside in the sun."
"Some leaves are exposed to full sun while shade leaves grow lower on the tree in the shade."
"Once that mercury touches even a single spot, those inclusions are apparently lost forever because the sunlight cannot hit."
"...it's all about sunlight folks whether you're doing native habitat or trying to grow a hidey hole that forage in a hidey hole food plot sunlight is key."
"Sunlight. It's so central to life that we don't often give it a second thought, but how light gets from there to here turns out to be an incredible story."
"It's not the Avengers. If sunlight is so deadly, why doesn't moonlight have the same effect?"
"Sunlight actually helps us with our cortisol and stress."
"Helena is momentarily dazed and has difficulty walking as she is experiencing sunlight and natural air for the first time."
"Everything looks better in the sun."
"He felt himself growing stronger under the warm sun."
"The best thing to do would be to get exposure to early morning sunlight because the early morning sunlight has frequencies that allow us to understand that it's morning time and it's time to get that cortisol spike and get the biological clock in order."
"Just look how beautifully his body shimmers in the sunlight."
"The sunlight didn't kill them. It made them grow."
"Sunlight is really important. I don't think it moves the needle as much as your diet, but I think it's really important."
"You want to make sure that your plants get about five to seven hours of sun."
"The day had brightened since she'd first entered the house, a defiant burst of sunlight before evening fell."
"For those of you in healthcare, be a champion at your hospital for sunlight."
"If it shows that sunlight and sunshine and light exposure is going to speed that up and get patients out more quickly, this is something that I believe hospitals would be very interested in."
"I actually get so excited when I wake up and I can tell that it's a sunny day so that I can go out here and open the blinds and just see how pretty it looks."
"Well, hello. I'm not gonna lie but I think mine look the best in this sunlight right now."
"In van life, you seek out the sunlight, which feels cozy."
"How do you know if you're getting adequate Sun? Based on your skin color, your age, and your latitude and time of year."
"The ocean around you is surprisingly still, glistening with whatever sunlight makes its way down to the waves."
"It's like golden hour and it's shining down on the city. It looks so gorgeous."
"Before you put up a greenhouse, the most important thing to think about is where you're going to put it, and the most important ingredient in that is sunlight."
"As long as the sun shines, you're gonna have a shadow."
"The morning sun obviously has the same effect as a smiley face."
"The sunlight comes out for half an hour and all the Irish people run to the beach and the sunlight hits our skin, it's like the beacons of Gondor have been lit."
"The morning sun pierced through the trees, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor."
"For Norway, lack of sunlight in winter is the worst."
"I told you I'm trying to find things for my garden that are full sun that are going to thrive in the sun because that is the struggle that I had last year was I was just buying what I wanted wasn't paying a huge amount of attention to the Sun."
"It's the time of the day where the sun starts coming into the living room, and it's like just direct light, and I just love it so much."
"I just want to enjoy the natural light. I just want to enjoy the sunlight that's coming into my apartment cuz I so rarely get to enjoy it, you know."
"I opened my eyes once more in my bed, the thin slivers of light cascading over the covers of my bed, the morning sunlight begging to be allowed in."
"I love when the sunlight comes through the trees."
"When the Sun hits melanated skin it's just a different affair."
"It's amazing what the sun can do to ignite your passion even more for a place."
"I woke to golden sunlight streaming through my bedroom window."
"Getting sunlight in your eyes early in the day even if it's through cloud cover."
"A little bit of time, but here's the idea: natural sunlight."
"Viewing the sun in particular morning sunlight on a consistent basis."
"It was nice to get out in the sun as well."
"The sun just boosts morale quite a bit, I would say."
"Making sure I go and sit in front of a window and getting some sunlight in the morning before just sitting attached to my phone for an hour in bed improved my overall well-being."
"Lighting: The more sunlight you give your plant, the more growth you'll see."
"Morning sunlight, my sunrise medicine, has been truly incredible."
"Getting sunlight onto your body for 20 or 30 minutes per day turns out to be important for hormone health."
"Spending more time in sunlight during the day can often help you fall asleep at night."
"Citrus trees thrive on sunlight, needing 8-12 hours daily, best supplemented with LED lights."
"Don't you know that sunshine don't feel right when you're inside all day?"
"Hold the sunlight on your chest, look to the sky, let your spirit shine bright, shine."
"More sun equals less mental distress. That's just a fact."
"The lemon jade can take the full sun because that's what it's going to get all day long, and I didn't even run a dripper to it."
"That feeling when you begin to feel the sunlight again in January is always overwhelming. It's like seeing the sun for the first time in your life."
"That sun is shining and when that sun is shining, oh these greenhouses get cooking."
"As an Englishman, you've got to appreciate when there's an ounce of sunlight."
"The sun exposure is going to be beneficial because of the seasonal depression disorder you don't have to worry about that number one but having enough vitamin D is also a precursor to keeping away autoimmune disease."
"The ultraviolet rays of the sun are what really attacks the wood causes the aging the oxidation more than the rain and stuff like that."
"I need to go see the sun today, like I need to get some vitamin D in my eye holes or else I'm going to be like having this existential weight that I didn't like that I'm like why do I feel sad today I was like I haven't seen the sun."
"The vibe definitely changes when you have sunlight coming in. Everything feels so much better."
"Sunlight shining through Supermarket Windows prevented the barcodes from being read."
"There's no Dark Side of the Moon, just a Far Side that gets sunlight."
"Upon entering, your first impression is: It's big...over 600 feet long, bathed in glorious sunbeams."
"Sunlight reflecting off a Pepsi can."
"The shade is your friend on a bright sunny afternoon."
"Almost every time, your best pictures are going to be taken early in the morning, late in the evening when the sun is low."
"I generally find that this works best on images that have a lot of direct sunlight striking something in the frame because that glow is going to provide luminance to whatever is being lit within the frame."
"Sunlight is the greatest disinfectant."
"...the sun does amazing things for you to provide you with lots of healthy things, vitamin D, but it also is a big deterrent from depression too."
"It's a beautiful day, the sun just makes everything so much better."
"Staying in the sun can help produce vitamin D because your skin synthesizes this vitamin when exposed to ultraviolet B UVB rays from sunlight."
"Grow lights are just as good as sunlight: false, the spectrum of sun is beautiful but as long as you give it adequate amount of light, you can still grow tomatoes in a basement."
"...most of these varieties will need about four to six hours of sunlight per day..."
"I love parts of trails that look like this where you just come out and it's suddenly a big open meadow, especially at this time of day when the sun is just right."
"Summer, everyone, including my friends, are like, I can't wait for autumn, get all cozy, like, no, I want to be in the sun."
"We should take advantage of preserve nature as long as the sunlight can still hit it properly."
"There's nothing like a good nap where you wake up in the sun is still out like oh my God it's like 5 something and it's not pitch black so that helps with the natural depression that sometimes I feel when I wake up from a nap but I don't feel that at all."
"Sunlight is dangerous in some ways but on balance it's really good for you."
"Go outside and get your daily dose of vitamin D."
"The sun would slant in from the west in the late afternoon until the room was brim full of light."
"UV radiation from the sun causes plastics to become yellow."
"The Morning Sun was shining off the water and ripples of light too bright to look upon."
"Everything just looks better in the sun, doesn't it?"
"The goal is just to get things to hang on and tell that sunlight dumps."
"I love this color, it's called Volcano gray metallic and it really Sparkles under the crazy direct sunlight we're getting right now."
"Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows again."
"Sunlight is like a combination catalyst and promoter. It will reduce your working times significantly."
"All that sunshine is just what these trees need to thrive."
"Windows just brings such happiness and joy to a room when you have that Sunshine pouring in."
"There is no feeling that can compare to the soothing, relaxing touch of the sunlight as it embraces you."
"I didn't realize how much sunlight and my Rose Garden in nature affect my moods, but it really does."
"I wake up naturally with the sunlight. It's the healthiest way to wake up."
"I swear I am like 50% a plant, um, if I get sun, then my mental health is instantly just a little bit better."
"We're simply putting like a sunscreen over the plants, lightening the effects of the sun."
"Roses thrive in full sun or part shade, requiring about six hours of uninterrupted sun daily for optimal performance."
"I love this slate blue beautiful color sparkling in the Sun."
"100 natural fresh squeezed sunlight."
"I really want it to look like she's out in the sun and she's catching some of this beautiful sun rays and it's catching her skin and all that good stuff."
"But a beautiful beautiful sunlight that's just bouncing off his main and it's this time of the afternoon where you get this golden hour coming through."
"So you'll have to holistically approach sustaining right with what if you're not getting enough sun?"
"If I could share one thing with you guys it's just to look at the sun and see it as the best healing tool that we have it is an immediate food booster hence why everyone loves being outside."
"I am constantly fighting this southward facing window. It gets really, really good light and my plants love this apartment. They are surviving and thriving here."
"What I'm always missing from a free Sun?"
"Exposure to the Son will prevent burning."