
Fasting Quotes

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"One of the most common questions I get are what should I eat for my brain? Well, ironically enough, one of the best things you can do for your brain is to not eat."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you fast at least 14 hours, you'll have a lot of health benefits."
"Fasting is prescribed for us as a way to attain Taqwa but also serves as a form of healing."
"Fasting is one of the most powerful forms of hormesis, increasing your endogenous stem cell production."
"A 16-hour fasting window can initiate significant biological processes like cellular autophagy and stem cell production."
"Intermittently fasting... helps our body cut off the blood supply to cancers."
"Healthful living involves diet, sleep, and exercise, and fasting can be very helpful at undoing the consequences of dietary excess."
"The practice of fasting stresses our cells just enough where it causes more resilience."
"Fasting is without a doubt one of the quickest and easiest ways to rapidly heal your body."
"You're going to have more energy as you fast, not less energy. Think about it, if you have a lion who just ate, it's sort of sleepy, just wants to lie there and digest, but a hungry wolf is it sort of like falling over because it can't concentrate? No, the hunger is what makes it dangerous because it's dialed in, it's concentrated, and it's got energy to burn."
"The repair process happens only when we are in our deep sleep and also fasting."
"Fasting has a profound effect on insulin resistance."
"As much as 80 percent of our type 2 diabetics can achieve normal blood sugar levels without medication."
"Both endogenous and exogenous toxins are preferentially mobilized in water-only fasting."
"You get better and better at fasting every time you do it."
"Exercise and fasting are both reversing the consequences of dietary excess."
"Fasting is a great way of breaking that cycle. It can be a very effective way of getting the person to the point where good foods taste good."
"Fasting is the number one thing...but I honestly think exercise is the number one [way] to reverse aging."
"Mental clarity...is the biggest benefit [of fasting]."
"Aging is a disease we've looked at like an inconvenience, but it really is a disease, and we can decrease the prevalence of that disease by fasting more."
"Mental clarity is probably the biggest benefit [of fasting]."
"Fasting is such an incredible tool that we've just sort of forgotten about and yet has more power than almost anything else to prevent all of the diseases."
"The thing that fasting does it's an efficient way of undoing the consequences of dietary excess."
"The secret to managing all of these things is not more medicine and surgery, it's less. It's actually within our grasp because fasting is free to every single person on Earth."
"Will you go to hell if you don't fast? No, you will not go to hell if you don't fast. This is not an issue of salvation...Fasting brings me closer to God, brings His presence closer."
"Can you fast for other people's breakthrough? Absolutely. There's many times in the Bible where people are fasting on behalf of a nation."
"Fasting can move you to a place where your desperation catches the attention of God."
"Prayer and fasting is the one-two punch to Satan's kingdom."
"Fasting helps us to gain victory... over certain areas of our life."
"What is optimal and how does it work? One of the things we helped contribute to is that these longevity genes we work on are turned on by fasting."
"If we as humans weren't able to fast, we wouldn't be here now."
"Fasting...can change people's relationship to food like nothing I've ever seen."
"The fasting mimicking diet is designed to push the body to start breaking components down and turn on the stem cells."
"One day a week, simply not eat. It would change your life in the most dramatic way."
"Not eating any food or ingesting any calories liquid or otherwise for the first 60 minutes after waking up each day. And for the two to three hours prior to your bedtime, that's ideal."
"The biggest hermetic stress you can create for your body is actually intermittent fasting."
"The benefits of time-restricted feeding that had been demonstrated in humans."
"Most of what happens that's good in the human body happens when we're not eating. The more time you allow the body to repair itself, restore itself, burn off excess calories, upregulate enzyme systems that burn fat, engage in autophagy, which is basically cellular house cleaning, housekeeping, and DNA repair, that really only happens in the absence of food and the absence of glucose and the absence of insulin."
"Fasting is one of these mysteries in God that when we tap into, it changes everything."
"The life of a believer should be marked by fasting and prayer because Jesus, who is our ultimate model, fasted."
"Fasting says, 'God, I'm acknowledging that I'm weak and I need Your strength.'"
"Fasting is not manipulation; it's about surrendering to God's wisdom over ours."
"Make room for God; fasting is about saying 'Yes' to the Spirit."
"Fasting is an activity that brings you into the economy of spiritual possibilities."
"Fasting puts the nature of the flesh under the authority of your spirit."
"If you want to live a longer life, you almost need to have fasting in your life."
"We've got to have some way to overcome the metabolic damage that poor food is doing, and what the research is showing is fasting."
"72 is the immune reset... rebooting your whole white blood cell and your whole immune system."
"Every single moment you dip into fasting, your body is actually starting to build more health instead of more disease."
"Fasting plays this insane role when we're talking about metabolic diseases."
"Fasting is about more energy and it's about more clarity and less time wasted and less pain in your life."
"Fasting is freedom. It's freedom from a dependency on foods, addictive foods, processed foods, sugar. It means that you can go about, you're out on the train station or the airport, and there's no good food to have? Cool, just don't eat."
"Fasting is about time not eating. It has nothing to do with calories. The calories are zero."
"Cutting calories does not fix that hormonal imbalance. Fasting, to some degree, helps it much better."
"The key was there is no snacking either. So what happened is that you eat within usually a 10-hour window... you had breakfast at 8:00, you had dinner at 6:00, and everything outside of that, there's no snacks."
"This is the thing: you can go back to that time where you kind of take those three meals a day... even the word itself, breakfast, means you have to fast. You can't break the fast if you're not fasting."
"We need to teach people about the therapeutic potential of fasting because... it has the potential to change the entire health system of the whole world."
"Fasting is actually one of the best things you can do for yourself from both a mental standpoint and a physiologic standpoint."
"It's fascinating, if you've never done it, because there's actually no physical sense of hunger."
"Literally millions of people throughout history have done this. Look at Ramadan, Yom Kippur, Lent."
"Fasting is free to every single person on earth."
"It's such an incredible tool that we've just sort of forgotten about."
"It's actually one of the healthiest things you can do."
"Get rid of the old stuff, bring in new stuff; it's like renovating your body."
"The coffee is going to give you better results. You'll actually have a more successful fast with more fat burning, less hunger, more of everything."
"Hunger is a good thing, and studies are now suggesting that ghrelin, the hunger hormone, is actually driving a lot of the benefits of fasting."
"When you're able to accomplish some of these fasting achievements, it does give you a sense of control and empowerment in all aspects of life."
"Fasting protects against diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and neural regeneration."
"Fasting for as little as three days can regenerate the entire immune system."
"Fasting is not starvation; starvation is involuntarily, fasting is your choice."
"Fasting... unlocks the blessings of God in our life in very unprecedented ways."
"Your calling can be unlocked if you discover the habit... of fasting."
"We are designed to have periods of time where we're not consuming foods... a period of fasting is going to have profound benefits on our body."
"Fasting quiets the heart to hear God's voice."
"You aren't fasting to please people. You're fasting before your Father, you're seeking your Father's face."
"The church that Paul attended didn't just pray, they fasted."
"Most of the time, the people I appoint in this ministry came through a fast because God will speak to you and give you discernment of things that you cannot get with a full stomach."
"The single biggest mistake [in fasting] is sort of overeating afterwards."
"It's a crazy situation where we have this huge health care issue, but the solution is completely free."
"Dry fasting is where you don't consume any food or water for roughly 20 to 24 hours... One day of dry fasting is equivalent to three days of overall fasting."
"Make sure you share this video with your friends so that they know the different kinds of fasting and what they can have in their arsenal."
"Get your popcorn, unless you're fasting, of course. Then, go ahead and get you some kale or some mushroom chickpea."
"We have to start looking at fasting as a healing tool; it's not a fad diet."
"Autophagy... starts to turn on at 17 hours but what's so brilliant about autophagy is that the intelligence inside the cell is like okay no food's coming nutrients aren't coming so I better become more efficient."
"Fasting has gotten so lumped into the diet culture, and that's not what it is. It is a healing tool."
"Fasting quiets the heart so you can hear God better."
"Fasting is used to help increase healthy life expectancy, not just life expectancy."
"When you control yourself through the fasting, the blessing of God will start flowing to you."
"If you fast for your son, if you fast for your husband, if you fast for your wife, if you fast for your neighbor, they will be protected from all the dangers because of the power of your fasting."
"Fasting is one of the most powerful weapons we have in the Bible and also in the Church."
"Whenever you fast, do not look dismal like the hypocrites."
"Fasting is one of the teachings of Jesus, one of the most important teachings of Jesus."
"Any disaster, pandemic, problems, confusion that is coming against you and your family will be removed if you are ready to humble yourself through fasting."
"Fasting will bring protection for your family."
"Assuming you're not malnourished... fasting is actually one of the best things you can do for yourself from both a mental standpoint and a physiologic standpoint."
"During fasting... you're doing more work. Your body is actually not shutting down; it's revving itself up."
"People think it's super unhealthy for you; it's actually one of the healthiest things you can do."
"Survival is the number one priority of the body, so when you go without food you amplify every resource it has to keep you alive."
"Fasting is...reestablishing balance into the cell and you're allowing your body to naturally undo the oxidative damage."
"All fasting is doing is leaning it out, and if you follow that up with good eating, you're going to make yourself stronger."
"Fasting and immune function: The stress of the lack of eating kind of causes some of the older immune cells and ones that might be more likely to malfunction to be deleted, replenishing your immune system."
"By fasting, we control the passions of the body to free up our souls, our spirits. The flesh is not to control the spirit; the spirit is to control the flesh."
"When you fast, you're actually allowing your body to heal itself."
"Try fasting... There's a physical component, there's a mental component, and a spiritual component."
"The 20-hour fast has proven to give us a chance to reset our hormones."
"I lost 25 pounds. That's what happens when you starve yourself for 23 hours a day."
"During a fast, I think you're crazy if you don't have activated charcoal."
"After a few days, people experience a fasting-induced mood enhancement… decreased anxiety, depression, fatigue, and improved vigor."
"When we tap into fasting or we attach fasting to our prayer life, then this becomes the power punch in the realm of the Spirit."
"Fasting is really key for inflammation. It's a big stimulant for endogenous antioxidants, which are crucial for combating inflammation."
"Fasting is often hitched to shedding pounds, but its real star role is in autophagy, think of autophagy like a cleanup crew inside your cells, healing out the broken parts and turning them into new energy."
"You look, man, the reason they brought up fasting is it's the best thing you can have."
"Fasting remains the catalyst to improve your diet."
"Don't lose the effectiveness of fasting... think of fasting like nitrous in a car."
"There are a lot of different benefits in intermittent fasting, not only just losing weight but just like the sharpening of your mind."
"Limiting our carbohydrates when we are in an intermittent fast is a great way to just kind of tap into those fat stores quickly and create a fat-burning machine out of our bodies."
"The most effective, powerful means of improving our health is also the oldest, simplest, most affordable, and efficient means: fasting."
"Once you are fasting for 16-18 hours, hormone shifts in your body occur that change everything."
"The benefit comes from the hormone shift that occurs as and how... your body is sensitive now, your body is able to take in what you're consuming and truly utilize it to the best of its abilities."
"Normally our bodies are producing so many hormones simply because we're eating all the time, but when you're fasting your body gets sort of a hormonal reset."
"Fasting gives us an opportunity to actually give that cell a break and regenerate."
"Fasting elicits a 180 percent increase in your available testosterone... and a sixty-seven percent increase in luteinizing hormone."
"Since then, I have lost 60 pounds. I'm floored with the simplicity of fasting."
"The place that I see the biggest difference is in my face... I feel like so much has been cleaned out of my system by doing intermittent fasting."
"The biggest way to get into autophagy is through fasting."
"Intermittent fasting is a powerful tool...for weight loss, for improving cognitive function...and for longevity."
"Fasting is like Spider-Man: With great power comes great responsibility."
"If your body is in a fasting state, it probably does not want to expend resources, metabolic resources, calories, nutrients, and other things, to creating a baby because your very life is being threatened by, quote unquote, 'fasting' or starvation."
"Try fasting. It has so many benefits health-wise, mentally, and physically, slows your aging down, reduces your risk of disease."
"When you measure people after prolonged fasting, their basal metabolic rate goes up."
"After day 2, the hunger slowly fades. On day 2, you're like, 'Wow, I will never get through this.' On day 5, you're like, 'Oh, I can go on forever.'"
"If you don't eat for a while every day, you're going to be better off."
"Once you learn how to fast long, feast well, and train smart, all you have to do is rinse and repeat."
"At the end of that 21-day fast, the tumor was 50% smaller. It went from 10 centimeters to 5.5 centimeters without any medication."
"Prolonged fasting, the benefits are occurring because you are forcing yourself to not eat for two or three days. That right there triggers a big response in terms of cell regeneration, tells the cell self-eating, immune system stimulation, macrophage stimulation, lymphatic drainage, all kinds of amazing things."
"Doing [fasting] once a week or even once every two weeks will make you live longer, feel better, turn your brain on."
"May this month be the month of fasting and purification for all of us."
"A fasted life attracts divine intervention even for a nation."
"Once you start fasting, you see what [unhealthy habits] do to your body, and you don't want that numbness."
"I want God to give you such a spiritual hunger... that says 'I need God, my family needs God, I need to fast and I need to pray.'"
"Fasting appears to be, in the short term, a strategy that has some data behind it in terms of raising your metabolic rate."
"Fasting is actually nothing other than the balance. It's the yin and the yang. It's the feeding and the fasting; you actually have to keep them in balance."
"You have to understand that the hunger doesn't last. It will actually go away if you let it."
"If you fast for 12 hours and both your glucose and your triglycerides are 99 or lower, below a hundred, you're probably doing okay."
"By fasting, you can actually build your confidence."
"A 24-hour fast... I find to be the sweet spot. I find that a 24-hour fast done periodically is really what most people need if they're looking for the benefits of a fast."
"The biggest thing that you need to pay attention to when doing these longer fasts is muscle preservation."
"There was a five-fold improvement in human growth hormone levels after just a two-day fast."
"Fasting is not some hack to create muscle growth and anabolism."
"Fasting is very interesting to me as a lever... There's a saying in medicine that fasting is the cure for all diseases."
"This is the month of Ramadan, O you who believe! Fasting has been prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you in order for you to reach God-consciousness."
"Fasting detoxes your soul and reconnects you with God."
"Fasting is a preparation for temptation, subduing your appetites under spiritual control."
"Your body is wired for fasting; it's designed to fast."
"Fasting trains your heart to control your body."
"Fasting is like a catapult, pulling back so you can throw yourself further and further away from Jahannam."
"In Ramadan, fasting is for taqwa; the end of Ramadan is for gratitude."
"Fasting is a powerful tool but it's just a tool in the chest the issue is the food."
"Fasting was the easiest thing I've got in my life."
"Fasting is the most powerful tool to break through plateaus of high insulin levels and insulin resistance."
"Eliminate the vast majority of complications and symptoms associated with fasting."
"As we age, autophagy declines, making fasting and lifestyle interventions more important."
"Fasting doesn't need to be anything complicated, it's funny how complicated something can be of just not eating."
"Why would you ever store something if you didn't plan to fast? If you only put things in and never take anything out, then why would you store it?"
"Before we can determine what type of fasting would suit us best, we need to understand why are we fasting."
"We are made for feast famine cycling so every few days just don't fast as long step out of fasting a 5-1-1 maybe your jam."
"Fasting is not just about weight loss; it's about understanding the profound impact on health."
"Fasting and keto: dispelling myths about eating disorders."
"Fasting works, it's not a matter of if it's gonna work, it's just a matter of when you're gonna commit to the process."
"Fasting triggers your immune system to boost up and regrow, enhancing cancer treatment effectiveness."
"Godly fasting leads to godly living; legalist fasting leads to loose living."
"Your generosity cannot be disconnected from your fast."
"Fasting does not make you better than others, it makes you better than you."
"Fasting has been known, has been shown to reverse all of this."
"I would suggest that you do a three to five day fast maybe every quarter maybe twice a year."
"It's much better to just fast and eat healthy exercise than it is to go and have somebody cut you."
"Optimize your fast with strategic meal timing and mindful consumption."
"Vitamin D is proving to be one of the most powerful things that we can consume especially when we've been fasting."
"One of the hardest fasts that you can do is fasting from hate."
"Fasting shows you that you have more power in you than you think you do."
"Don't change it people tend to say I'm just gonna work out easy because I'm fasting no if you work out hard normally work out hard."
"Fasting is just a balance. So if you say that you don't support fasting then really what you're saying is that we should just eat all the time."
"Fasting is the oldest dietary intervention in the book."
"Fasting isn't all packaged into one thing; it's about what you're trying to accomplish."
"Training your fasting muscle makes it easier over time."
"Break your fast with fat first to avoid blood sugar spikes."
"Variation is key; change fasting patterns if you hit a plateau."
"Fasting benefits: clarity, ministry establishment, favor, healing, spiritual preparation."
"Fasting really is a deeply spiritual practice that helps to tear the tethers that keep us bound to the concerns of this world."
"Fasting has been practiced throughout millennia as a tool to develop a deeper connection with god or spirit or whatever your word for source is."
"Fasting is very simple... those things that are really simple are usually extremely powerful."
"Just go 14 or 15 hours without eating and eat during those other periods of time."
"If you do a 24-hour fast one day per week, you're on the fence of it being a prolonged fast."
"A two to three day fast is exactly what we really want to aim for."
"Stem cells form what are called daughter cells, so each time that we fast we develop stem cells that heal the body."
"When it comes down to longevity, fasting is second to none because of the telomeres and the stem cells."
"It's probably easier to end up in a deficit with fasting than it is with keto."
"Water only fasting is a safe and effective experience when it's done properly."
"Salt plays a critical role in the fasting picture."
"Consume some sodium chloride during your fast."