
Sleep Importance Quotes

There are 583 quotes

"Sleep as the primary way in which we can ensure our overall health, including our brain health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sleep is almost like the tide that raises all of the health boats."
"So much of being functional is the ability to move from alert to asleep because sleep is so key for our health."
"Getting enough sleep is probably the single most important foundation to being able to recoup your resilience during the day."
"More sleep is key... because when we don't have a good amount of sleep, especially when we get older, our cortisol levels increase."
"Sleep is the most important thing, I would say."
"Good sleep is literally so important for just feeling good and being able to fully take advantage of your days."
"I couldn't commit myself to training properly until I was getting more sleep."
"Sleep is like the master regulator. If you're not getting sleep, your diet can be amazing, but you're going to be toast."
"The most important thing you know for people listening right now: sleep is arguably key."
"If you don't get any good sleep at all, it has neurodegenerative properties. You could start losing your mind."
"Getting adequate sleep is going to be really good for your health."
"Sleep... is probably the biggest lever that you can pull."
"You've got to sleep. So I was looking at my sleep score for last night...I slept 6 hours and 50 minutes but I got 2 hours and 50 minutes of REM and an hour and 19 minutes of deep sleep in a hotel when I landed at midnight. Impressive."
"Sleep has been shown to be crucial before and after learning."
"Sleep is probably the thing that needs to be prioritized first."
"Having a baby who gets more sleep is good for them, improving their perceived moods, improving parental well-being, and in some studies, even improving the relationship between parent and child."
"Sleep is the single most overlooked opportunity to re-access health, whether it's mental health, restorative health, or recuperation from an illness."
"Getting a good night's sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your health."
"Sleep is staggeringly important. In fact, the older I get, the more I believe that if you nail your sleep, 90% of recovery issues will just be taken care of."
"Sleep is the one thing that will impact you the fastest. You could mess up your diet for a day, two days, maybe even a week before it really starts to hammer you. But man, you miss one night's sleep, and there is a catastrophic cascade of biological problems that will present themselves rapidly."
"High quality sleep for sure. I think a lot of people are burning the candle at both ends and are not really dialing in their sleep."
"I know now that our sleep quality is more important than our diet and exercise combined when it does for our health and also literally our physical appearance."
"Our sleep quality is more important than our diet and exercise combined."
"I am not one of those guys that's like, 'Hey, you gotta grind and four hours sleep.' I'm like, 'If I need nine hours of sleep, I want to get nine hours of sleep every single night forever until the end of time.'"
"Everyone in our Western world cuts on the sleep... sleep more, it's just makes everything better."
"Instead of trying to increase the sleep quality, now you increase the quality of life."
"What is important, very important, more important than when you wake up, is that you get a full night's rest, that you're refreshed."
"Losing out on sleep is one of the worst things you can do for your health."
"Sleeping well is so important, a sleepy brain is a hungry brain."
"You have a better day if you have a better night."
"Go to bed sleep. Okay, I think this is arguably the most undervalued pillar of health."
"I'm so protective of my sleep and it's so important to me that I get those eight hours."
"The best thing that I can do for my self-care and for my health is to get sleep. When you don't have sleep, you don't have anything."
"I just make sure I get between seven and eight hours of sleep every night, and I make sure I don't skip meals."
"Sleep, I would say, it's fairly important. You're probably familiar with it; a big part of your overall existence here on Earth is spent sleeping."
"If you sleep really well, it's more important than any exercise modality."
"Sleep is number one. If you get five hours of sleep and then you wake up, you feel like crap... It's not gonna work."
"Focus on getting a good night's sleep...sleep is also imperative not only for our mental health but also for our physical health and immune system."
"Sleep is the foundation of our mental and physical health. You must have a consistent nighttime routine to function at your best."
"The shorter you sleep, the shorter your life... You can sleep when you're dead is mortally unwise advice."
"We need to radically rethink the importance of sleep in education, business, the workplace, and in medicine."
"An hour of sleep before midnight is worth two hours after midnight."
"We spend a huge chunk of our time sleeping, but it is not wasted time. Our brains need that rest as much as our bodies."
"We all need it and most of us could use more. We're talking about sleep."
"We don't need less sleep as we age, we need more."
"Sleep is everything... it improves the quality of the way the mind functions."
"The positive effects of a good night's sleep stretch into every aspect of our lives; we feel energetic, focused, and ready to take on the day's challenges."
"Sleep is the foundation on which exercise and nutrition sit; it's not a third pillar, it's the foundation for those two other things."
"Sleep is not an optional lifestyle luxury. Sleep is a nonnegotiable biological necessity."
"Sleep, unfortunately, is not like the bank. You can't accumulate a debt and then hope to pay it off at a later point in time."
"Sleep is so important that the Guinness Book of World Records will not let people try to set records for sleep deprivation."
"Sleep is indeed very important, even though science itself doesn't really know what it does. But you could literally die without it."
"Eliminating the risk is as simple as consistently getting a good night's rest."
"Sleep is the foundation of our mental and physical health and performance in our days."
"If you really dial in your sleep, that to me is...one of the most important things."
"Sleep is not like a bank account; you want to get about 7 to 8 hours of sleep every single night, and more importantly, at the same time during the night on a consistent basis."
"If you're feeling sluggish and tired, then you need to get more sleep. Go to bed earlier, simple as that."
"Sleep isn't just a retreat from our busy lives but a vital journey our body undertakes to keep us healthy, sharp, and ready for each new day."
"Don't be proud of not getting enough sleep. You need to sleep."
"Treat your sleep like you would your job. Try to go to bed and rise at the same time every day."
"You have to master sleep because this is when your body, the parasympathetic nervous system, kicks in."
"Get a good night's sleep. It's very important."
"Having a mattress that helps sleep come easily is crucial and so important."
"Seven hours of sleep that's very important if you don't sleep enough your hormones are going to be mucked up I don't care what happens to you you have to have seven hours of sleep every day."
"Understanding that the quality of our sleep defines the quality of our wake."
"Sleep is absolutely critical in building muscle."
"Sleeping eight hours a night is just so important for overall health."
"Gotta get that sleep in because if you don't you get tired bridge."
"The benefits of proper sleep from being more responsive and focus to being in an overall better place mentally sleep is vital for all of us to be our best selves."
"Sleep health to me now, is really so important."
"A lack of sleep is deadly in a survival situation."
"Sleep is like the biggest superpower that you can possibly give yourself as a student."
"In terms of productivity, there's nothing that throws me off more than an inconsistent slumber."
"There's so much to be said about just getting nice sleep."
"Sleep is probably the foundation of your mood, how you make decisions, and everything in between."
"Sleep is your first remedy, your first medication, your first intervention."
"If you're not getting a good night's sleep, you're not able to integrate the things you've learned during the day."
"Sleep is really important. We spend a third of our lives asleep."
"If you're not sleeping very well, your quality of life will be poor."
"Properly rated: Sleep is properly rated, but some people in our industry..."
"Getting good sleep is the most important thing."
"Sleep is [ __ ] huge. If you're dieting and you're not sleeping, you're not losing weight."
"Energy-wise, I sleep at night. I have to sleep to function."
"Sleep is this kind of non-negotiable performance enhancing strategy in the eyes of many neuroscientists there's simply no substitute for sleep"
"There's always a reason why you can't lose weight. Sleep is one of the biggest things."
"Sleep is the number one barrier to weight loss. If I'm going to evaluate anyone in my clinic, the first thing we have to fix is the sleep because nothing else will work if that sleep is not good."
"Sleep is a life support system and it is mother nature's best effort yet at immortality."
"Sleep is one of the underrated issues that is actually included in the proper human diet."
"You cannot be your best self if you are so sleep deprived."
"I prioritize sleep. If I hadn't had the last 10 years, I would never have had this year."
"Don't mess up your sleep schedule. If you don't procrastinate, you start studying early, and you don't pull all-nighters, you will be perfectly fine and your grades will just be."
"For once I can't talk enough about how important getting good sleep is as it leads to better focus more energy improved mood and of course less stress which I think we can all use."
"Stress is like a gate... less sleep, stress, open that gate."
"Prioritize sleep so that your body doesn't break down on you, focus on being able to have energy for the long run."
"Sleep is the best way you can enter diffuse mode. Your brain is integrating all the ideas you're learning when you're sleeping."
"Sleep and rest are crucial. To be honest, I would put sleep and rest up there as the number one thing that you can do for yourself at the moment."
"Invest in your sleep, guys. You spend a third of your life sleeping."
"Sleep plays a crucial role in the quality of your life."
"Drink responsibly and then get a good night's sleep to feel your best tomorrow."
"Sleep is fundamental; good sleep hygiene can change your life."
"Sleep is all the more important because you don't get enough."
"Sleep is like the most anabolic thing that you can do naturally."
"I slept eight hours last night for the first time in like two years."
"A lack of sleep is strongly linked to weight gain."
"High quality diets, high quality sleep, super crucial for all things restorative and health related."
"The brain starts eating itself if you don't get good sleep."
"Sleeping is so important... getting seven hours of sleep."
"Sleep is the number one performance-enhancing anything. Like, sleep is where you can go work out, have a good ass workout, eat quality food, but stay up all night [ __ ] gaming."
"Being incredibly thoughtful about getting your sleep is super important."
"One good interrupted night of sleep may be as close to a cure-all or a panacea we have in mental health."
"Consistent sleep disruption is actually really bad for your health; it can exacerbate existing health problems you have."
"Everybody dreams, but there are few who place any importance to the phenomena of sleep."
"Sleep is not to be taken lightly. Especially in children."
"Sleep is the foundation for greatness. You cannot build a big or grandiose building without strong foundations."
"One of the absolute best things you can do to get more defined abs is just sleep more."
"You still need to sleep, even if your body's not telling you it's time to."
"To be the best version of yourself you need a good night's sleep."
"Increase your focus and attention... enough sleep is crucial for your brain to function properly."
"Adequate sleep is one of the most valuable possessions we can give to ourselves."
"Sleep is important, and you don't have to go to the store to buy it."
"It's so basic, so sleep is one of those key things."
"Treating sleep with respect is one of the most important things we can do."
"Sleep is the most important part of your life that everyone neglects; this can genuinely change your life for the better."
"Sleep is linked to health, that is a fact that doctors do not dispute."
"Sleeping is the number one performance enhancer, a hundred percent."
"Biden didn't have a learning curve... he knows how a White House should function."
"A good night's sleep can mean all the world the next day."
"Don't neglect the importance of a restful night of sleep."
"Sleep is as important as exercise and nutrition to your overall wellness."
"It's time to treat bedtime like an appointment in the calendar."
"Space repetition, building good study habits, and getting a good night's sleep are all important ways that you can ensure long-term learning."
"By helping others, we often help ourselves; contributing to our community can make us feel more fulfilled in life."
"Make this the year you prioritize good sleep; simple changes can make a big difference."
"Losing sleep is damn near one of the worst things you could do for your training, for your diet, for your psychology, for your longevity."
"Sleep is so important for brain function, energy, just looking after your body and your mind... really prioritize getting enough sleep."
"You can't organize things, you can't run things properly if you're... sleep deprived."
"Do not sacrifice sleep to get more done... preserve your sleep."
"For optimal health, sleep is non-negotiable. Any sleep deficiency categorizes six hours or less per day..."
"I love eight sleep because we spend almost half our lives in bed so improving our sleep routine habits and overall Sleep Quality should be a priority for everyone."
"Ensure at least seven hours of sleep per night, refrain from excessive alcohol consumption, and train with a partner for accountability."
"I don't negotiate with my sleep. I sleep 10 p.m to 6 a.m, very important to me."
"This is your time and as long as you allow yourself to relax and sleep, there are only right answers."
"A decent bed is important for me. Sleep is important for me."
"Get enough sleep. Health is your greatest wealth."
"Getting a good night's sleep so we know that sleep alterations can affect the immune system."
"Sleep is the key to life. It's before anything."
"Sleep deprivation can affect you as much as being drunk."
"You are a warrior, a warrior that has slept less than seven hours achieving Optical performance."
"Prioritize your sleep system... gives me that sense of psychological comfort."
"Being sleep deprived is a very, very bad opportunity to put yourself in so definitely get those eight hours and work on that."
"You have to get plenty of sleep to stay strong."
"We're trying to squeeze so much into our lives these days... where do you get downtime? It's sacrificing sleep."
"It's not only about getting enough sleep, it's about when you sleep, it's about the quality of sleep."
"Invest in your sleep. I'd rather sleep with this than my bed."
"No one has actually done that type of experiment where we compare perfect eating but not proper sleep to perfect sleep but horrible eating, but sleep still carries a significant vote in determining your mortality."
"Using that recommended CDC amount of seven to nine hours of sleep, there is a simple fact: firstly across the lifespan which is the shorter your sleep, the shorter your life."
"Sleep is when your body repairs itself. Not getting enough sleep makes you gain weight, it ages you."
"We have found such strong links between insufficient sleep across the lifespan and your risk for developing Alzheimer's disease."
"Every function is impaired by lack of sleep. Prioritize your sleep to avoid adverse health problems."
"Once you've scheduled in seven to eight hours of sleep a night... you can schedule your study time and everything else."
"Beds are super important and people tell you that every day and getting a good night's sleep is hyper important."
"Sleep is Paramount and if you're not getting a good night's rest well you can't recover and if you're not recovering you're not going to build muscle you're not going to improve your cardio."
"Sleep more, sleep is so important and relax, I think is the most important."
"Sleep is a foundation of our mental and physical health."
"My only secret is go to sleep. Water, go to sleep."
"Sleep is very protective for the immune system... Sleep is where actually from a circadian rhythm standpoint your immune system is really functioning optimally."
"Given what's going on now, we all really need to get our sleep."
"Pretty much just trying to get like seven to eight hours of sleep per night."
"Try to shoot for eight hours of sleep a night - it's very important for the recovery of your skin."
"Sleep is good. Sleep is the most important thing because when you're sleeping at night, as these smart doctors would say, is when your brain is taking out the trash."
"It's no secret that a good night's sleep is directly linked to good health."
"Fix the sleeping schedule. That will literally remedy a lot of your problems."
"Good sleep and good rest are always the key."
"Quality sleep can improve your performance, your mood, your health."
"Get a good night's sleep. Never pull an all-nighter or try to study last minute for the CPA exams. It just does not work."
"Sleep is actually the single most best thing that you can do to improve your health."
"Getting a good night's sleep is so important to me."
"Sleeping is a barrier to a lot of problems especially recovery and healing."
"Sleep hygiene is a really important part of sleeping, and I think the most important things to be thinking about there are consistency and bedtime and wake up time including weekends."
"Figure out how to get that eight hours of sleep."
"Sleep is a necessity. Humans need sleep. Failure to get enough sleep has serious side effects."
"Sleep is one of those things that I feel just gets overlooked a lot when it comes to health and wellness and even to beauty, there's a reason why people call it beauty sleep."
"The real key and most important factor of sleeping is the sleep hormone called melatonin."
"And finally, sleep seven to eight hours a night, and guys, that is it."
"The glymphatic system floods the brain with cerebrospinal fluid and flushes out toxic waste products that have accumulated during the day."
"It's so important that you get a good night's rest so that you have the energy to tackle all the things that you need to tackle."
"If you need nine hours but you find seven, you're just fine and you're crushing it."
"Cognitive optimization, not being fatigued, having deep efficiency in my ability to get things done, and longevity, those all make it just an absolute no-brainer for me to get as much sleep as I need."
"Sleep will allow you to burn more calories. You won't hold on to as much fat because you'll have less stress hormone AKA less cortisol."
"Sleep is the most important thing, it's when the brain takes out the trash."
"Sleep would be queen, because sleep affects everything."
"Get enough sleep to avoid negative impacts on your health and weight loss."
"Sleep deprivation: profoundly affects cognitive function, mood, physical health, and even accelerates aging in extreme cases."
"About eighty-five percent of your growth hormone is released during your sleep cycle."
"Focus on quality and quantity of sleeping, listen to those feelings that you're having."
"Sleep is such a vital component of everybody's overall health and well-being."
"Seven hours is all the sleep that I need and it gives me plenty of time throughout the rest of the day to complete all the activities that I want to."
"Sleep is the most important thing you can do to improve your life."
"Sleeping for eight hours, that's a good period of time without protein."