
Intrusive Thoughts Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Writing things down in a lot of detail does seem to have this quality of both reducing the emotional load of whatever it is that thought is about, as well as diminishing the frequency of those intrusive thoughts over time."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We also talk about how to move past common hindrances to improving one's mental health, such as overcoming intrusive thoughts."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Not all thoughts are yours and you shouldn't listen to them."
"Do they spend a lot of time wondering what's between my legs?"
"Sometimes what comes up into your mind is not from you. So, really be aware of that."
"Do not break this, do not listen to your intrusive thoughts."
"I just tried to fit every sort of intrusive thought I had and put it into a build."
"It's going to mess you up, it's not going to exit, it's just going to mess everything up inside of you like intrusive thought."
"If I ever want to tell people how OCD intrusive thoughts feel, it's the same visceral disgusting full of Shame feeling that this scene gives me."
"I just... I feel... I just feel guilty for having his intrusive thoughts and I really wish I wasn't having them."
"When you're doing all this treatment and everything else... the last thing that actually goes is the actual intrusive thoughts and the anxiety about it."
"These thoughts are completely irrational and intrusive."
"I'm not crazy, but I have a voice in my head that says I'm vile, and it's not my own voice, it's somebody else's."
"...intrusive thought to eat the insulation out of your walls..."
"The underlying theme of her intrusive thoughts playing out in front of our eyes is ultra-relatable."
"All kinds of noise that I can't escape from, if I choose to listen to loud music, that's fine. But if I'm like... I have strangled a few babies in my mind that were close to me."
"My intrusive thoughts told me to smash it. Just start poking it."
"And like I said before with those intrusive thoughts, being like, 'This is just a feeling, it will pass.'"
"Taking apart some of those thoughts and sometimes it takes a therapist to be able to deconstruct what are the thought processes that are contributing to the waswasa."
"Timing is everything. You want to say the funniest thing most of the time. Comedy is about letting the intrusive thoughts win."
"The intrusive thoughts they are having are not aligning with their real desires and intentions and that's really important to help reduce the stigmatization."
"Intrusive thoughts are just like that demon on your shoulder telling you to do the most devious [ __ ] possible."
"You're shifting your relationship with intrusive thoughts using this approach."
"I felt these thoughts of self-destruction coming into my mind unbidden and unwanted, and I couldn't get them out of my mind."
"I have OCD which is a mental illness obviously, but I don't have the good kind where I like clean stuff. I have the disturbing kind where very intrusive thoughts like what if I accidentally kill my cat."
"I struggle with mental health and have the most vile and weird intrusive thoughts myself so I thought that that was it."
"Exposure and response prevention can help with intrusive thoughts. They are considered typically a form of OCD, which does respond very well to ERP therapy."
"... I had a very intrusive thought that said if you open this door you'll die."
"One of the things I've experienced as well as the men in my program is that it's during these times when it's silent that the thoughts of the mind run rampant."
"My intrusive thoughts always get the best of me."
"I have intrusive thoughts, like mental visualizations of something catastrophic happening."
"Intrusive thoughts can be as scary as physical symptoms."
"I think that's like intrusive thoughts, like you can think one thing but you don't act on it."
"Something was in my head. I felt it like a parasite, like a leech crawling into my brain."
"An example would be like if a mom has a newborn baby and she's carrying it and she thinks about what would happen if I just dropped my baby right now really hard on the floor."
"It's normal to actually have that thought but people with PLC D latch onto that thought and don't let it go like other people do."
"It’s pretty part and parcel to being human, to have the occasional thought that it is theoretically possible to do drastic harm to yourself or someone you care about."
"She let her intrusive thoughts get in the express lane and just drive all day long."
"I love how dreamlike this game is, how it seems like no matter what we do, the same intrusive thought always re-enters the picture."
"If someone has OCD and they have intrusive thoughts and those intrusive thoughts are racist, that doesn't mean that person is racist."
"Having these intrusive thoughts does not mean that you're a bad person."
"Pay attention to the voices or these thoughts that trouble you every day."
"Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by having intrusive thoughts... and also compulsive actions which you engage in to neutralize those thoughts."
"I don't have to believe those [intrusive thoughts]."
"Every single human being has intrusive thoughts to every degree."
"A therapist might be able to help you stop having your scary intrusive thoughts."
"Intrusive thoughts are a way of your brain protecting itself from extreme negative emotions."