
Eye Health Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"Presbyopia translates to disease of vision of the aged, affecting everyone around age 40 or so, when we start needing reading glasses due to the stiffness of the lens inside our eye."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Instead of wearing contact lenses, which also shape the light just as it's entering your cornea, you can just reshape the cornea."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I'm most excited about the idea of Laboratories or companies figuring out which the compounds within these products are actually responsible for lowering the eye pressure and could we get like a more potent, eye-specific, long-acting drug that's basically derived from the concept of cannabis but works better."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The simple act of eating two eggs a day can deliver a powerful combination of lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamins A and E, and omega-3 fatty acids, each of these components works in harmony to protect the eye from damage, reduce the risk of eye diseases, and maintain overall eye health."
"In the kingdom of eye health, the mango truly is king."
"Pumpkin is extremely high in carotenoids antioxidants, most known for Eye Health and preservation."
"Lutein and zeaxanthin play an important role in preventing age-related macular degeneration and have been shown to improve cognitive function."
"If you're having those big flashes of light, blind spots in your vision... stop the video and call your eye doctor right now."
"Keep your eyes comfortable by limiting the blue light and using warmer colors."
"Screen and keyboard, be kind to your eyes, go for the clarity of text."
"Dark mode is better for my eyes... and my soul."
"Tighten safe area to reduce eye strain, crucial for TV players."
"Researchers have shown that carrots are definitely good for your eyesight, but they will never allow you to see in a pitch-black environment."
"Dry eye disease is related to a deficiency or disruption in the production of the tear film that is necessary for the ocular health."
"The number one risk for meibomian gland dysfunction is aging."
"A ring that looks golden brown is called a Kaiser Fleischer ring."
"Floaters are clumps of cells floating inside your eye."
"Cataracts is that same crystalline lens, but it turns cloudy and you can't see through it."
"Treatments and diagnosis of eye ailments are included in some of the oldest surviving written materials."
"You need to throw your sunglasses away... you need to get ultraviolet light through your eyeballs."
"I just loved seeing all of you play together on the realm."
"Half of the world's blindness could be cured like that, I didn't know that, yeah, so it's like a film over their eye and then it's like this surgery, it's 10 minutes and it's super accessible."
"Kale is probably one of the best sources of lutein and zeaxanthin."
"Flexing isn't only for strengthening your body muscles and showing off, you can also use it to make eye muscles stronger."
"Constantly staring at screens can make you forget to blink, leading to red, sore, and irritated eyes."
"Find a blank wall, sit, and blink for 30 seconds to relieve tired eyes."
"Improve your visual perception with eye exercises suitable for nearsightedness and farsightedness."
"Contact lenses are a lifesaver, but avoid wearing them in water to prevent infections."
"Scleral contact lenses are an excellent treatment for dry eyes."
"Your eyes are delicate instruments. One wrong move and you could damage them for life."
"E-ink promises to change the game when it comes to Eye Health."
"Felix Gray glasses filter out 15 times more blue light so that way you can lessen the strain on your eyes when you're using your everyday technology."
"Staring at a computer in a dark room will damage your eyes. I don't care because the glasses I wear completely block out blue light and no matter how much I strain my eyes they never get tired."
"Triphala's antioxidant-rich compounds benefit eye health, improve skin disorders, and provide dental hygiene."
"Not only do they look cool in my humble opinion, but they can help prevent eye strain."
"Just because you hear this diagnosis a lot doesn't mean it's some kind of scam. Near-sightedness really seems like everybody has that nowadays."
"I'm really happy because my neuro-ophthalmologist she's taking this very seriously."
"Yeah, I have eye pain but the eye doctor said I'm fine."
"Rosemary may help protect your vision and your eye health."
"Rosemary has demonstrated its potential to promote eye health, especially in fighting the signs of aging."
"Papaya's rich antioxidant arsenal stands poised to stave off the ravages of age-related macular degeneration."
"True Tone changes the hue of a blue light versus more of a warmer light depending on the time of day."
"Research has shown that having good light reduces eye strain and fatigue when you're spending a lot of time in front of a screen."
"Scientific research has shown that anthocyanins can help neutralize free radicals, unstable molecules that can cause oxidative damage to various parts of the eye."
"Remember, the key to lasting eye health lies in the balance of nutrition, lifestyle, and regular care."
"Glaucoma progression can be slowed with pressure lowering eye drops."
"Warm compress is truly one of the only effective ways to rejuvenate and improve meibomian gland function."
"You can also do our own version of gentle eyelid massage at home after doing warm compress to help express any meibum from our glands."
"Finish it off with some good strong blinks and a gentle eyelid massage."
"...seeing your eye doctor on a regular basis because if we can catch disease early we can treat it early and hopefully prevent any future eye disease."
"...the vast majority of research especially around eye health is more supportive in the line of a more plant-based or Mediterranean diet."
"If you notice new floaters flashes or Shadows over your vision make sure to see your eye doctor as soon as possible."
"Patients who consume several servings of fish per week had a 40% decreased risk of having AMD."
"Adding nicotinamide or vitamin B3 supplements to our diet can help to prevent the progression of glaucoma."
"We block 65% of the blue light emitted from all those screens."
"If you're suffering from dry eye symptoms or have been recently diagnosed with dry eye, a good starting regimen would be to use preservative-free artificial tears."
"My favorite blue blocking glasses... they're called uvex skyper. They look like safety glasses because they are and they're orange tinted."
"Using sunglasses is very important."
"Some people out there come with a very attractive feature, but it can go unnoticed at least at first glance. They have a little something called distichiasis, which basically means an extra row of eyelashes."
"Eyelashes folks who have it are born with this condition and carry it throughout their entire lifetime."
"The skin on the lower eyelids is one of the thinnest on the entire body, so it's not surprising that it's also one of the first areas where visible aging occurs."
"We know that the earlier glaucoma is caught, the more we can do to reduce the risk of people losing their sight."
"Surgery may be utilized in some cases for those with submacular hemorrhage."
"If you feel your vision isn't quite clear it's good to have your eyes checked by an eye doctor."
"A higher dietary intake of the dietary xanthophyll carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin is associated with a decreased likelihood of having both neovascular AMD and Geographic atrophy."
"Glaucoma refers to a characteristic pattern of optic nerve damage."
"Eliminating stress to the extent that we can and developing habits to control stress is important for our eyes."
"Lutein and xanthin, which are in potatoes, prevent age-related macular degeneration."
"Blue light glasses are really important for your eyes."
"Ultraviolet causes keratosis of the eyes, equivalent to a welding arc."
"Eggs can significantly benefit eye health due to their high levels of Lutein and Zeaxanthin."
"Sunglasses are really important for the health of your eyes and for warding off wrinkles around the eyes."
"When one sees a defect right here in the extreme areas of area two or six that is nasal steps and wide arcuate losses, those are classically associated with high-pressure glaucoma."
"This video will be looking at why vitrectomy operation should not be feared, but instead should leave all floaters sufferers feeling less anxious about their eyes and more hopeful for the future."
"By simply sprinkling these nutrient-rich seeds onto your salad or blending them into your morning smoothie, you're not just enhancing the flavor; you're also taking a step towards safeguarding your eyes."
"Dry eye is a constant issue and a constant battle for patients with Parkinson's disease."
"Frequent use of those can cause some eye irritation but usually any eye drops are better than none."
"There are also vitamins for the eyes. One thing to highlight is these vitamins have been shown in clinical trials sponsored by the National Eye Institute to be helpful."
"Berries, especially the darker berries, have been shown in multiple studies to help protect retinal cells as well as optic nerve cells."
"If you have a condition like macular degeneration, you want to make sure you're getting in your diet berries with their anthocyanins to help protect your retina."
"You can't reverse cataracts, but you can prevent progression."
"So, you seem very, very knowledgeable and passionate about Eye Health."
"Both lazy eye and double vision, common in kids, especially lazy eye but it can happen in adults too."
"This is just a video on why you should not rub your eyes. It's a common habitual behavior, but it can be extremely bad for the eyes when it is intense and repetitive, leading to a pathology known as keratoconus."
"... the results are striking. The cornea distorts, and the globe steps back into the eye socket. Those images illustrate well the trauma that is inflicted to the eye during vigorous rubbing."
"So please do not rub your eyes, and I hope you found this informative. Thank you very much."
"Additionally, ensure your diet includes foods rich in vitamin A and vitamin C as they are vital for maintaining optimal eye health."
"Welcome to Salisbury Eye Care and Eyewear. My goal is to arm you with the knowledge you need to take control of your eye health and have the best vision possible."
"The bleeding of the eye is a real medical condition."
"Kale is also super high in lutein, often referred to as the eye vitamin."
"Nuts like hazelnuts, pine nuts, and walnuts will improve your eye health because they contain vitamin E."
"Dark leafy greens contain carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which lower your risk of long-term eye diseases."
"Small fish like anchovies, mackerel, oysters, and wild-caught salmon contain omega-3 fats that protect your eyes from AMD and glaucoma."
"Dark chocolate greater than 72% cacao has polyphenols that will dramatically improve your eye health."
"Berries, particularly raspberries and blackberries, contain polyphenols that benefit your eye health."
"Exercise your eyes; there are great ways to do eye yoga, like palming and eye rolling, to avoid eye strain."
"Macular degeneration is the most common age-related eye illness or disorder."
"Optometrists practice optometry, which involves giving eye exams, writing prescriptions for glasses or contact lenses, identifying abnormalities in the eye, and treating certain diseases of the eye."
"Kale is particularly rich in two essential antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin, which act as a natural pair of sunglasses for your eyes."
"Eggs are a nutritional powerhouse that contributes significantly to maintaining healthy eyes."
"Retinal detachment, it's an urgent, it's an emergent thing, but it's not like a pants on fire, get in immediately type of situation."
"Ginko Biloba ensures that essential nutrients and oxygen reach the ocular tissues, supporting their health and vitality."
"Rosemary helps protect the delicate tissues of the eyes from oxidative stress."
"It is actually effective in reducing ocular complications such as hypotony, epiretinal membrane, and blindness in the better seeing eye."
"When you compare an exam with an ophthalmoscope to what's going on with OCTs, we find out there's a lot that we actually do miss."
"The displacing foods of modern commerce are the primary and proximate cause of AMD."
"Any type of ancestral diet will not only prevent but may treat early and intermediate stages of AMD."
"If you have a patient where you suspect retinitis, an ophthalmology referral is mandatory."
"Carrots make your eyes pretty, so you want to eat carrots."
"20/20 vision essentially means that you can see something from 20 feet away that you should be able to see from 20 feet away."
"On this channel, I make educational videos all about eye health and vision products."
"The choroid is responsible for supplying the nutrition to the retina."
"The most important is the lenticular astigmatism, especially early cataract."
"Welcome to Knock Knock EY with Dr. Glock Flecken, where we talk about all things eyeballs."
"Vitamin A helps to maintain the health of the cornea, the outer window of the eye, and assists with the process of light perception in the retina."
"Vision problems such as a lazy eye may have no warning signs, and your child may not report the problems. That is why it is important at this time to have your child's vision checked."
"The vast majority of corneal dystrophies are congenital and most of them are autosomal dominant."
"Vertaporphin is a medication that has been FDA approved since 2002 for the treatment of certain eye diseases."
"Broccoli is a powerhouse when it comes to protecting against eye diseases."
"Incorporating broccoli into our diet is a wise strategy for maintaining eye health."
"Vitamin A is also called retinol; it's essential for the function of the retina at the back of the eye."
"If you're not an eye doctor and you're seeing any signs of redness, inflammation, or if the patient is reporting a foreign body sensation, these things should really be best evaluated by your neighborhood ophthalmologist."
"Did you know you blink around 20 times every minute? That's over 10 million times a year."