
Cost Comparison Quotes

There are 186 quotes

"Lasik costs more money than a pair of glasses, but it doesn't cost more money than 10 pairs of prescription glasses over the course of a decade or two."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Streaming has slowly eroded to the point that many of us now either pay more for streaming services than we did for cable or deal with so many ads that streaming feels more like cable than ever before."
"You could buy 300 Box Cars for the price of one Lamborghini."
"Groceries are usually cheaper... in most European countries than here in the U.S... but regardless of the prices... the amount of weird additives and chemicals... in most Foods you buy here is just alarming."
"Why pay a theater ticket for something that will likely disappoint you when for the same price you can get a month of virtually any of the various streaming sites that will likely have hours of something you like immensely better?"
"Charging at home is going to be way cheaper than gas."
"You're just like, 'What? Fifty dollars more than the others?' What fifty dollars more than the average? You could buy a second pre-constructed deck for less than what you saved. That's how money works!"
"Dollar Shave Club com razors cost less than those flimsy plastic things and the shave doesn't even compare."
"Two million will just afford you three rooms in YouTube land."
"It's not going to be cheap but it's also not expensive compared to how much money you're losing in real estate in your stock right now."
"I would rather this for 38 Grand over the hundred thousand dollar Ferrari this in the 60s like 75 000 I'm gonna sell this for or I'll keep it which outperforms the Ferrari in every single way technology performance looks and sound."
"Eat less meat; it's statistically more expensive than plant proteins."
"I actually love the 7 Series and if I were buying a German option in this segment I would probably get the 7 Series over the Mercedes because it's a lot less expensive."
"But is it truly worth two times the price of either of these TVs?"
"One million transactions on Solana today is $200. One million transactions on Ethereum today would have been $150 million."
"You want me to spend $200,000 to compete in the marketplace?"
"That's crazy, they're out here saying like yes we have the exact same for way less money."
"Opponent's deck has cards that are about the same cost as our entire deck."
"Solar and wind are the cheapest sources of energy, period. This is going to change everything."
"The total cost of ownership of an electric vehicle... is lower today than that for a gas-powered vehicle."
"Invest in your health; it's cheaper than your cold brew habit."
"Steel is real, yeah, but have you seen the price of this aluminum one? Absolute bargain."
"It's definitely less expensive than being down in the keys or anywhere else on the coast."
"EVs are now cheaper than a comparable ICE vehicle."
"Prevention is better than cure yeah, better is then like actually 20 cents a week on tumeric then at $20,000 hospital bed."
"Crowned winner Spotify for when it comes to prices."
"India is 7 to 10 times cheaper than Europe and America."
"It's a heck of a lot cheaper than a comparable Porsche Panamera."
"The total cost of ownership is significantly lower for a Tesla versus other cars with similar sticker prices."
"Cheap linen is more affordable than the type of leather you would need to make good quality leather armor."
"Electric vehicle costs could rival gas powered options in 2023."
"By 2025 it gets to a point where you have to be a not to buy an EV."
"Sure, you can go pay $70 US, $100 Canadian, or you could just be on Game Pass and get them all."
"Therapy is way less expensive than surgery." - Commentator
"This keyboard, the problem is the iPad Pro when outfitted with this keyboard is actually more expensive than the brand new M1 MacBook Air."
"No matter what, you could almost build two or three workstations for the cost of one of these Intel 3175X workstations."
"Years and years ago, a lot more people used to fix things than they do now."
"Keeping a car going was cheaper than keeping horses going."
"Renewable energy is so cheap that it beats fossil fuels."
"You gotta be a king to afford these bridges. 220? That's an entire like house loan, get out of here Nook!"
"It's way cheaper to live your life and to run your business in Texas than California."
"Spec for spec, model for model, the Cybertruck will be cheaper than the competition, period."
"I'm seeing that this car is quite a bit more affordable than some of its other German rivals."
"A comparable Tacoma will actually be nearly $2,000 more expensive when you adjust for all the feature content."
"If you bought this at a nursery it would be many many times that."
"A low premium plan does not offer less coverage than a high premium plan."
"There'll come a time when EVs are cheaper to make than internal combustion engine cars."
"The R is actually also a whopping good value because when you compare it to something like that Audi R8 with the V10 or the Mercedes AMG they are much more expensive for right about the same performance."
"I could have bought the most decked out MacBook Pro laptop fully loaded with every possible option and it would still be cheaper."
"Paying to travel isn't nearly as much fun as it is to travel for free."
"Battery life has definitely improved with this latest build."
"I know that the amount of money that I spent on the lease of this car right now is less than I was spending on gas every single month."
"The 16-inch $2500 one had the same performance as a specked out 14-inch, which is just, it's crazy."
"It's going to end up being less expensive for most folks that can afford a BMW."
"If you get carried away with options, the Volvo is going to be less expensive."
"It's like one chicken breast is like eight dollars and no frills they're like eight chicken breasts for one dollar."
"The 6900 XT from AMD is currently cheaper than the 3080 12 gigabyte."
"If I walk down the aisle and just buy Kirkland brand instead of Huggies brand I will be walking away actually paying less."
"Is the ten dollar tool just as good as the 263 dollar tool?"
"Bottled water is 2000 times the cost of tap water, and most of the time it's tap water anyway."
"Electric vehicles being almost as inexpensive as gas cars at this point..."
"Ultimately, the Canon ends up being cheaper to own."
"The cost of EVs approaching the cost of ICE vehicles will cause the market to flip."
"The 2024 Eliminator has an MSRP of 6649 bucks and The Eliminator SE will run you $724."
"We will teach you more for free than that expensive white university taught you for $100,000 I guarantee that."
"This feels more expensive than the conspiracy palette did, and that's saying something."
"It's about a hundred thousand dollars cheaper than the Urus."
"To be well under that for something that's similar is uh it's pretty nice."
"Transaction fees for the most part are usually under a dollar compared to Ethereum's 40 to 50, even sometimes a hundred dollars for a transaction."
"Cost living here is 19 percent lower than the national average."
"Seeds are really cheap compared to transplants."
"For the price of a decent sized tiny house, you can have yourself a lightweight 200 plus horsepower fire-breathing leader bike."
"If you prefer you can go to France, queue up with thousands of tourists and pay nine and a half year to see it instead."
"For me if I was gonna spend close to $50,000 could remember this truck here is 40 9800 this truck here is around forty six thousand seven hundred so it's about three grand more to go with the foreigner."
"Sometimes it pays to I want to say shop around or to pay attention to pricing at different places that you go to."
"According to Redfin pretty much throughout the country right now, no matter where you're at it's 25 percent more expensive to buy than it is to rent a home."
"A battery electric vehicle is 14 times cheaper to run ignore all the fing and"
"For less than half the price of the Razer Edge you can get a gaming system that's really not that bad at all."
"I think it's no surprise that Cybertruck is by far the cheapest option."
"This effectively cost quite a lot more than the A4 from last time did, so I'm really going to be looking for that value represented in the model."
"If we take the fuel estimates... apply the service repair maintenance cost... it would cost me over three hundred thousand miles... Audi: $88,145 and the Subaru: $63,209."
"So how much will the new Camry set you back? Well unfortunately, it is going to be a bit more expensive than the 2024 model year."
"The Pathfinder Rock Creek is about 5 to $10,000 less expensive than all of its other direct rivals."
"What did I pay for this Ultra Luxury Cruise? Well, compared to some of the Royal Caribbean ships, it's not as bad as you might think."
"This show is brought to you by Mint Mobile. Think about it, $15 a month versus what you're doing. Do the math, because I can't."
"If you're looking to make a quarter million dollars, a hundred thousand dollars, to pay for something like that to me, it's a hell lot cheaper than going to college."
"But it's less than what you would be paying on the mortgage."
"I think it's cheaper to go to the mall!"
"The dental cost is so much cheaper."
"...you can kind of see that like actually okay it's maybe comparable or a little bit cheaper and you get help at home but you're eating way healthier and you're hitting all these goals that you want in life."
"This dish was 175 baht. Haley's was 185 baht."
"The Leaf is significantly more affordable."
"It's really saving you about another $2,800 that you would be paying on an equivalently priced gasoline vehicle."
"Mid-size trucks are getting more expensive but it's actually cheaper than many full-size trucks if you do some apples-to-apples comparison."
"The electric car is not actually any more expensive than the gas version."
"What a stark difference from the last charging session where we were charged $35 for roughly the same amount of energy."
"Get three different quotes for any work that you are not doing yourself."
"So now we're creeping up on the 130 135 dollar area which is close to like the Blue Yeti for 135 dollars you get so much versatility with this microphone."
"FIU definitely is not going to be as expensive as Syracuse University, but they have a lot of scholarship opportunities."
"Houses are cheaper than condos factoring in what you get for your money."
"Disney's is $30 a person, so much less than Universal and there are way more rides on it here."
"If you want to have the same lifestyle that you currently have in Canada or the United States then it would be about a third roughly about a third of the cost."
"always remember that water is probably going to be your least expensive item juice milk soda those are all a lot more expensive per ounce than just cool clear clean water"
"It's over 50 more than the equivalent petrol car to buy."
"You try to outfit an orange tractor or a green tractor with all the things that this tractor has on it, and you're going to be $25,000 more."
"It's not cheaper to eat at McDonald's than to cook at home."
"If you think Tokyo is expensive, we're going to show you just how far $10 gets you."
"One is about 70% cheaper than the other."
"The ratio of the cost of a pen to the cost of a pencil is seven to three."
"It is not as expensive; accommodation is very affordable compared to places like Toronto, British Columbia, and even Alberta."
"For the price of a Birkin, you could get a car and a Teddy Blake."
"Maintenance on an electric vehicle is next to zero, and maintenance on an ICE vehicle is significant."
"It's pretty cheap when you compare it to traveling in Canada or the United States."
"I check out to see if there is a cheaper place that I can live in than here."
"Let's see what 30 pounds gets us at the most expensive supermarket in the UK."
"Spend more time in cheaper places like Portugal or Greece versus an expensive place like Norway or Sweden."
"It can tell you how much that would cost in your own data center, in Amazon Web Services, or a VMware cloud provider."
"It's actually cheaper for us to have this house than it was for us to rent in California."
"You have to look at price, $130 maybe, GoPros $399. That's a big difference."
"I'd rather pay five or six hundred bucks for a watch one time rather than 30 bucks forever."
"Potatoes on average were 1.26 cents a pound, but buy them cut and ready to pop into the oven and you'll fork out around three dollars eleven cents a pound."
"Why paying cash would have been more expensive than financing."
"Motorcycles are cheaper than cars upfront."
"The absolute main difference is the price, you cannot beat this $9.99 price."
"It's so much cheaper than the likes of the Honda CRF 300."
"We don't want to tell you guys like specific and stuff, let's just say that we paid six months' rent, and it's the same amount as our one month mortgage in the US."
"The average cost for homeschooling is $546 per year per child compared to an average of $7,000 a year per child for the government."
"The price of both these is really going to be about the same."
"Around 2030 we're expecting to kind of be on the same cost level as fixed bottom."
"I love how cheap food is in Romania."
"Some people pay a lot more money for a lot worse."
"Why would I buy a $770 elite's tactical vest when I can buy something of similar concept from Zara for less than a tenth of the price?"
"Two hundred thousand in California buys you a camper van in the middle of the desert, while two hundred thousand in Mississippi buys you a four-bedroom house on a lake with a circular driveway."
"If you're just curious to know what it costs from a DIY standpoint and from a professional build standpoint, then this is absolutely the video for you."
"This often works out cheaper than renting in the same area."
"Bestie, girl math is not paying $900 for something fifteen cents of a banana can give you."
"It's been fantastic, it's not quite the same as the Pro 1000, but again it is a printer that costs five times as much."
"Which would you prefer, the $32 place or the $15 place?"
"The tunnel is more expensive than on a ferry."
"We may be a year or two away from a place where new electric cars are comparable in cost to new fossil powered cars."
"Your toothbrush and toothpaste cost actually less than a bottle of sunscreen."
"Would you rather pay more for dirty energy or would you rather pay less for clean energy?"
"It's considerably cheaper than a Google Pixel watch, Samsung Galaxy, etc., but is it actually worth that cash?"
"They're clearly brother and sister, except the sister is cheaper, and she looks prettier, honestly."
"I was stunned at how inexpensive it was, in fact, how inexpensive everything was compared to the United States."
"No more Starbucks coffee for me; it's just obsessed with the McDonald's iced coffee, extra cream, and let me tell you, the best part, it's not as expensive as Starbucks."
"There's nowhere a Toyota Tacoma can go that I can't go, and I'm a third of the cost."
"Buying is actually almost 50% more expensive than renting."
"It's ridiculous to be able to make that happen, weird thing is that the meat that we offer in the farm store is actually still lower priced than the meat that you can buy at the grocery store."
"Let us know what you guys think, it's not really worth the extra 200 to 300 dollars that you would spend on the Airpods versus the Sony's."
"A little bundle of organic greens can cost you $4, $5; potatoes you can get for $1 for 5 pounds."
"This is actually less expensive than if we stayed in Toronto."
"It's expensive, even when compared to Apple's equivalent MacBook Pro."
"These were way cheaper than Little Bites, so I'm excited to see if the kids will like those."
"It is quite insane once you sit down and think about what the price difference is between DIY and buy."
"It's really just important to know that because Eva NYC is sold over the counter at Target, you can get it on Amazon, and it is definitely a fraction, it is less than half the cost of Amika."