
Tears Quotes

There are 352 quotes

"Our tears contain enzymes that help break down bacteria and bacterial toxins."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I opened her to see her for the first time in person, instant tears."
"There's something wrong with you if you don't cry while reading this book."
"I totally had tears in the back of my eyes."
"I cried a lot more than I was really expecting to in this movie."
"Why do I cry when I'm walking in winter? Your eyes may tear up because the corneal nerves are more sensitive to cold."
"I've never cried from happiness before in my life."
"Seal up your soul with tears, and never blame me."
"They that sow in tears shall reap in joy."
"I'm so happy. I'm like trying to fend back tears."
"I cried happy tears this morning because it has been such a crazy journey getting here."
"I'm like literally crying right now, it's so beautiful."
"But a mermaid has no tears, and therefore she suffers so much more." - Hans Christian Anderson
"The tear drops... they stand for being forever in sorrow."
"she can only laugh and cry and laugh and cry."
"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes."
"Tears are salty. That adds sting to the wounds."
"They were able to pull emotion out of that. Yeah, I even got a little teary-eyed."
"I am so grateful and that's why there are tears."
"Tears sometimes are very helpful and motivating and changing, just don't use it all the time. That's your secret power as women, just to know that."
"...was definitely a happy cry moment."
"I got so overcome with emotion I started to cry."
"Tears require strength and courage because tears mean facing pain."
"Tears are a signal of saying, 'I want to be closer to you or I want you to come closer to me.'"
"And then he felt familiar hands wrap around him, embracing him from behind, tears strained his eyes, and he turned to finally see Eurydice."
"I've laughed, you've cried, you've been on this excellent Journey with us."
"The blood, the sweat, the tears are very, very important and necessary for processes like this."
"Tears of men exist for moments like this."
"He's catching these tears, hallelujah, it's okay, he's catching those tears."
"It's about that time, tears of surrender, that's right, yes, right here on this altar, that's surrender, surrender, you've been running for too long."
"Astrid's tear-filled rejoice is the first"
"I was crying and getting upset because of joy."
"It's so hard to, you know, get it out of my eyes."
"I cry when kids do things, animals obviously."
"This contestant brought me to tears in a good way."
"It's comforting. It makes me kind of start to cry."
"My tears may be falling, but you won't see them on my face."
"The coach was the Eagles coach had tears on the inside and the outside."
"Tears fell freely for the first time in my life. I felt the encumbering weight of my reason."
"It's okay to cry though, it's okay to cry."
"That brought me to tears again, that beautiful moment at the end."
"As soon as he appeared on the screen there were tears and it just got more and more as he started speaking."
"The tears indicative of Despair streaming down your face look a lot like the tears that emerge during our happiest moments."
"When Jun saw him, she couldn't hold back her tears of joy."
"You can turn your tears into smiles."
"I just know how I fear to shed those tears."
"'I don't understand,' I said, feeling a tear roll down my cheek."
"I think indeed we will see some tears from him afterward."
"We shed tears while we were making the finale. I shed so many tears, Anthony was like, 'Are you seriously crying again?'"
"There has been no other movie on this channel that has actually got me to drop tears down my face."
"...your tears are so beautiful in God's eyes."
"Do not weep, not all tears are an evil."
"I wiped my cheek thinking that the sea had splashed me yet again, but I was met with an abundance of tears."
"A story that made me cry like no other."
"Tears are the windshields of the soul."
"Guys, I just did my first one. When I tell you, there's tears in my eyes."
"Well folks, that's all there is to life; just a little laugh, a little tear."
"I've already cried like five times today, yeah, there was already tears, I reckon there's gonna be an ocean cried tomorrow, quite literally."
"Our tears become holy in the form of Ink on a page."
"I think it was probably one of the coolest moments of my life. Like, the most incredible feelings, and I was in tears."
"'I am not sad. I am not weep. Nor all tears are foreign.'"
"The box of tears was just an enchanted box that would always be full of freshly chopped onions."
"There are different kinds of Tears. The righteous cry and the Lord heareth them."
"Tears are language God understands."
"You're going to reap because you're sold in tears."
"I feel devastated, I feel upset, tears are willing a bit."
"These are true tears of oh my goodness I cannot believe that I have found a person like this who loves me and cares for me."
"Tears are a testament to the depth of a relationship or connection."
"I can actually feel the misty-eyed coming, like I'm gonna cry."
"When we see tears, it's not like tissue paper tearing. It's not a thin paper tear. Instead, it's like a thick sidewalk of concrete cracking."
"Tears of joy streamed down my face and I broke out cried. I cried harder than I had in several years, maybe in my whole life."
"Naruto wipes tears from his eyes and reveals a one-tomoe Sharingan, the joy of knowing that he's not a monster and will have people around him always allows him to unlock the one-tomoe Sharingan."
"Tears are transportation, sometimes God uses tears to get you to the next level."
"He couldn't help himself and started crying."
"Murphy's eyes teared up, his change was significant."
"Even if I cry, at this point it's happy tears."
"Y'all I could have cried in tears of joy."
"It felt very sentimental and emotional; we definitely cried multiple times."
"Tears of joy, that is so true. I cry every other day, I feel like."
"Then even an outburst of tears is no release."
"Each and every single thought of you brought tears to his eyes. He wanted you to understand that he would cry out his emotions to the world if it meant seeing a smile on your lips, to hear you laugh, even if he wasn't the cause of it."
"Those who sow into tears will reap in joy."
"When people cry, it's usually for good reasons."
"She felt tears spring into her eyes."
"Tears began welling up in my eyes."
"I wasn't going to cry but it's so beautiful."
"These are happy tears they really are."
"I like to cry at the ocean because only there do my tears seem small."
"He broke down and cried, flowing tears of joy from accomplishing the impossible."
"Tears filled her eyes. Jordan was back. Alexandra knew in her heart that he'd survived even if no one else believed her."
"I could feel tears streaming down my face."
"In their gentle descent, these tears brought forth the first men and women, a testament to the power of divine emotion in the beginning of human existence."
"I actually could cry. I'm so happy."
"The little people that are working the tear ducts."
"There is no way you're going to lose time to a sickness, time to a relationship, there's no way you're going to cry tears that God will not pay you back for everything that you've been through."
"It makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time."
"Streams of water cascaded down Taylor's hair and face, masking the tears that mixed with the rain."
"Tears welled up in my eyes as I faced him."
"I shed a tear and he makes one change so his dad gets caught on security camera and proves he was at the store and didn't kill his wife."
"The last 50 pages were phenomenal, I did shed a tear or two."
"I feel like a little god just cry for all the smoke."
"The moment brings both Sprig and Luz to tears."
"I had tears rolling down my cheeks."
"I heard this kid's voice and I got tears in my eyes."
"I started crying, man. I started crying right away."
"Oh my God, if anyone's wondering why I got tears in my eyes right now, that was epic."
"I want you to understand that you will not survive this world without using those tear ducts he gave you."
"I dropped a tear, I did. I dropped the tear."
"The tears I cry will always be tears of joy because we always had so many precious memories together."
"Tears are seeds. There is a harvest."
"You're gonna laugh, you're gonna cry, you're gonna everything in between."
"I'm so sorry because I'm only, I'm trying to have tears."
"It took my breath away and it brought me to actual tears."
"Astrid smiled really deeply as tears shined at the bottom of her eyes."
"Well, thank you so much because this was such a special throwback moment like this. I didn't cry. So that's good."
"Going into the comments on the original fim fiction upload or any reading or adaptation of the story on YouTube you get people talking about how this made them shed a tear."
"...you know, research shows that there's a difference, friends, you put under a microscope and there's a difference between your happy tears and your sad tears in the microscope..."
"Nothing else but I'm about to cry."
"More tears started to sneak their way down my face."
"Hold on to that hope. Tears clean the windows of your soul."
"I work so hard for this [ __ ] that I work blessed wearing tears for this [ __ ]."
"It's hard not to cry, um, I'm—I'm very happy, amazing stuff for dreams, really, you know, T your last one, yeah, and you heard the public, fantastic. I'm a bit of a knot now, be honest with you."
"I loved loved loved this thing this is I think if you imagine the best possible Avengers endgame movie this surpasses like every expectation I personally cried I think six or seven times I know somewhere between five and seven yeah not just like an on Saturday reunion."
"I was so moved emotionally by this novel, I cried a lot reading this novel especially towards the end."
"My eyes, I'm gonna be honest on this one, I had to mop that one up."
"She almost burst into tears from happiness."
"When you can recognize that it's normal, tears then flow."
"The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam sees that necklace, tears start streaming down his face immediately on contact."
"No tears. I don't think I could bear that. Would it make it easier for you to know that I shall be in tears while I'm alone?"
"I cried because I was just so happy."
"It was just, he was crying. Tears, I mean just falling out of his eyes."
"A few people laughed, a few people cried, most were silent."
"Even at the end, the ending phone call where he was talking to his baby, there I got a bit teary."
"This is the only interview I can remember ever having done, which brought me to tears several times during the, just listening to her story."
"The story of Judas moved even grown men to tears."
"Toyama woke up with tears in his eyes."
"I'll be okay," she managed to say, her eyes glistening with tears.
"I look for certain things. I look for does it make me laugh and does it make me cry. I want a full emotional Journey."
"I nearly teared up. It was beautiful."
"I started to cry, the tears and a total presence of mine abruptly and overwhelmingly supplanting the former numbness."
"We should learn to think of tears as liquid prayers. They really can be. So, we really can be in communion with God, even in the midst of our agony, that our tears are something like liquid prayers."
"I cried so much I felt like my bed was swimming."
"The effect on the audience was absolutely amazing as people were moved to tears."
"Mrs. Merriweather's large brown eyes always filled with tears when she considered the oppressed."
"These novels absolutely moved me to tears."
"People are saying they got tears in their eyes, that they got chills."
"I just couldn't stop crying. I was bawling like a baby. I just felt so grateful."
"I'm a crybaby. I cry for every emotion."
"Store your onions in the refrigerator, then when you cut them, there will be no crying."
"Tears are arbitrary and constructive criticism is always welcome."
"He is, somewhere," he whispered, tears streaming down his cheeks.
"The sheer joy in his wife's heart caused tears to well up in her eyes."
"Seeing my sister cry shattered my heart into a million pieces."
"Good night, sweet dreams, and have a little cry."
"My heart dropped. I was so excited. I was in tears. It was incredible."
"We finally made it, tears running down my face."
"The taste of tears differs. The tears of joy and sadness taste sweet, the tears of frustration and anger taste salty."
"I want to live my life without shedding anything other than the sweet tears of joy."
"How wonderful to have the consolation of tears when nothing is wrong."
"Goodbye, Malachi," Ruth called, tears coursing silently down her cheeks.
"Luis looked at me with tears in his eyes."
"i haven't cried this much in a movie in a minute"
"Remembering the limp, the cold limp body of a lifeless child brought me to tears as I wrote an essay about a gruesome pediatric code."
"I burst into tears, I can't take it anymore. The doctor says it might be cancer and I'm not feeling well."
"My tears aren't from grief and despair anymore; they're usually from gratitude and joy."
"I felt relieved and tears started to flow."
"I just know that people have cried at the end of this."
"I cried for so many things. I cried for the fact that I could not see how I was going to come back."
"Each tear you shed waters the soil of your soul, nurturing growth you've yet to see."
"...those tears require tremendous courage to express."
"Trauma recovery requires tears. It's grieving, facing a new world full of losses."
"This is such a good video I have tears, tears of joy coming out of my eyes."
"An emotional being and I smile with tears in my eyes."
"It touched me in an incredible way, it made me cry."
"I hear crying. Constant crying. Makes me feel sad."
"It was the most exciting moment ever, I was jumping up and down, tears coming down my eyes."
"Yeah, it's really exciting, and to see him happy, I see him crying but with tears of happiness."
"...one thing before we close on their wedding day I did also tear up in this moment."
"And if you wanna cry, cry. They're happy tears."
"Do you cry while cutting the onions? Sometimes, I just do it fast."
"I was in tears. It was a very moving moment."
"Every tear that you cry is worth it in the end."
"That was a cute little moment and I'm crying, ah!"
"I could feel tears falling down my face. I never had been so terrified in my life."
"Have you ever cried because you're so happy?"
"Real tears came out of my eyes because I cared about somebody. It wasn't awesome, like, I don't want to—I'm gonna cry because I see her with him."
"White Rabbit's tears can soften even the hardest of hearts."
"I just burst into tears. I was so moved. Like, this is my name. It's something like this."
"Cutting onions make you cry? Yeah, 'cause I don't wear contacts anymore."
"Tears in his eyes as he looked at her."
"Sometimes we laugh like today, sometimes we cry."
"I'm not crying because I'm sad, I'm crying because I am just so happy."
"Tears are watering the seeds of your evolution."
"Tears never stopped flying from her eye sockets."
"...tears and uh and a smile, you know, there's nothing wrong with it."
"Every teardrop is caught by angels. Not one teardrop's lost. One teardrop covers a whole page of your book in heaven. Angels get your tears."
"I might actually cry. Like, I'm not even kidding."
"Just the melody and the lyrics kind of make me tear up a little bit."
"I cried this morning...this has been quite the journey."
"Tears are a strange sight upon Barsoom."