
Thoughts Quotes

There are 2376 quotes

"Thoughts are real, and one way that we can define thoughts is that thoughts are perceptions that include data from the past, present, or future."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The moment you can see thoughts arise as appearances in consciousness... you're actually no longer identified with the thoughts that would otherwise make you miserable."
"Your thoughts can make you sick, can your thoughts make you well?"
"There is nothing in your life that has the power to make you unhappy until you turn it into a thought, a negative thought, and torture yourself with it."
"Our emotions and our thoughts are not facts."
"The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts."
"The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts."
"Our thoughts literally change the physical shape of our brain."
"Your thoughts are very important. Thoughts really do become things."
"Your thoughts are things, and they are creative in nature."
"We have 60 to 80,000 thoughts per day and studies show that 80% of them are negative and repetitive... You can't control 60 to 80,000 thoughts per day, but you can control the first thought of the day and the last thought of the day."
"Actions create success, thoughts create actions, then the mind creates the thoughts."
"Just because you have a thought or an emotion, it doesn't make it important."
"You are not stuck with the thoughts that you think."
"All thoughts, ideas, emotions, memories, ego... they arise in consciousness, play around in consciousness, and disappear back into consciousness, which I am."
"This person is really thinking about you, to the point where they're dreaming about you."
"Their mind is constantly searching for you in places, constantly trying to manifest you back into their life."
"Mindfulness over your thoughts is one of the keys to all self-improvement work."
"The most important thing that you can apply mindfulness to is your thoughts because your thoughts construct all the meanings in your life."
"You're the first thing I think of when I wake up and the last thing I think of before I go to sleep."
"Whatever thought you are thinking, your body is very busy making it real."
"Imagine all unwanted thoughts dissolving into clouds, creating new opportunities."
"Just because you have a thought has nothing to do with whether or not it's true or whether or not it's helpful."
"Your body is the recycling of earth, water, and air. Your mind is the recycling of everybody else's thoughts."
"Ideas, thoughts, emotions, they are holons; they are part of a whole and a whole in themselves."
"You are creating your next reality. Do you like what you're thinking about?"
"You are not your thoughts. Thoughts pass through you, but you can choose to discard them."
"Thoughts are the language of the brain; feelings are the language of the body."
"Thoughts are like clouds that move through the atmosphere; imagine your mind like the atmosphere and the thoughts are like clouds."
"Your thoughts are your friend, not your enemy. They're like weights in a gym."
"Strong, pure, and happy thoughts build up the body in vigor and grace."
"Your subconscious mind recognizes and acts upon only thoughts which have been well mixed with emotion or feeling."
"If you want to change your life, you need to start by being in control of your thoughts."
"You attract the things you give a great deal of thought to."
"Loneliness isn't created by being alone; it's created by thoughts."
"No thought is harmless; no attitude can be hidden."
"Every thought that you think has generational impact."
"Every thought that you think produces a frequency."
"Your thoughts and intentions can have profound effects on the world around you and the world inside you."
"Our thoughts have something to do with our destiny."
"The law of attraction attracts to you everything you need, according to the nature of your thoughts."
"Pure thoughts, wisely chosen and well placed, are so many durable bricks which will never crumble away and from which a finished and beautiful building, and one which affords comfort and shelter for its possessor, can be rapidly erected."
"Your thoughts are incredibly powerful, and you have incredible power over your thoughts."
"Manifestation is your thoughts. You're constantly thinking; you're constantly manifesting."
"How do our thoughts, if they are ultimately constituted by physical things, manifest in our consciousness as thoughts about things?"
"These lines become your thoughts, and these thoughts generate into your external reality."
"Inside of certainty is the prison of our own thoughts, and outside of that certainty is uncertainty, where infinite possibilities are."
"One of the biggest cons in life is that we believe we are our thoughts. We think thoughts, but we are not our thoughts."
"The law of thought attraction is one name for the law, or rather for one manifestation of it. Your thoughts are real things."
"It's not our thoughts that create our reality, it's really what we feel about ourselves."
"Our thoughts are in the lead, so whatever our thoughts tell us, that's the reality that we see. Essentially, with our minds, we create the world."
"Our thoughts create our reality, and when we have an emotion behind a thought, it's even more powerful and more likely to occur."
"Call it a toilet thought. It's where I do my best thinking anyway."
"The mind, it's our link to consciousness, our thoughts, and as a byproduct, the expression of our soul--that free and unfettered aspect of being human that no one else has jurisdiction over."
"Your thoughts are not just these whimsical things that have no weight and carry no weight in the universe. Your thoughts are things; your thoughts are like the whole weight, and there's a big pool of energy in the universe that if you connect, everyone's actually connected to it."
"Thoughts are things. What you think about, you actually bring about."
"Your habitual thinking and imagery mold, fashion, and create your destiny."
"Everything is energy. Every thought you have, every word you speak, every emotion you experience creates energy, and energy cannot be destroyed."
"Suffering is created by thoughts. So if you want to lose your suffering, you have to look at your thoughts and understand them more clearly."
"Please listen. Fuck what they think. And I'm making the effort."
"When you create a thought, you create a vibration, and that vibration, as it turns out, creates geometries."
"We literally have the power to channel our free energy in accordance with the frequency of our thoughts."
"You plant a seed, a thought, and it grows. The word is like a seed, and the human mind is so fertile."
"You've really struck this person's fancy... I feel like they're dreaming of you."
"Every thought you think is a thing you have created, and it is alive."
"If you even think about a sexual thought unless you're married to that person, you're technically cheating on them."
"Our thoughts can literally make us or break us. They can lift us up or they can tear us down."
"At least your thought and your emotion must happen the way you want."
"Our thoughts are actually the source of our happiness."
"It is the thoughts you allow yourself to think, the subjects you allow your mind to dwell upon, that make you and your surroundings what they are."
"Your thoughts and your words control the universe by attracting to you the things you speak."
"Use your thoughts to take off not to ground, use your thoughts to move towards success."
"I really wonder if you still think about me the way that I'm still thinking about you."
"Every day millions of thought cross your mind, but if you hold on to some thought, identify with that thought, that forms your karma."
"If you do not learn that you can be aware of your thoughts, then you are trapped in your thoughts and by your thoughts."
"Thoughts are things. There's a biology to a belief."
"Meditate so you know that you are not your thoughts because it is dangerous to believe that everything that you think is what you are."
"Your manifestation ability is also increasing. You're going to notice that you're able to make [ __ ] happen just by thinking of it."
"What are your most common thoughts on a day-to-day basis? 90% of your thoughts today are most likely the same thoughts you had yesterday."
"Every thought that we think, in whatever man sets in motion in mind, will be returned to him, even as he has conceived within himself and brought forth into manifestation."
"Thoughts are electromagnetic signals emitted by the cosmos, downloaded into the brain, and interpreted by the brain, and used by the mind in order to manifest physical reality."
"The greatest discovery of all of human life is that you become what you think about most of the time."
"The enemy isn't just after what you do; the enemy is after what you think."
"You are who you choose to be; your thoughts don't dictate who you are."
"Sleeping is impossible when all I can think about is you."
"Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts."
"Pay attention to fleeting thoughts; investigate where they come from."
"Every single thought you have creates your reality."
"Thoughts become things, so whatever it is you're trying to call in at the moment, it occurs."
"Fix your thoughts on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and admirable."
"We don't have to believe our own thoughts, do we?"
"This person could think of you on a daily basis, they're connecting into your energy very regularly."
"Thoughts operate like magnets... attracting experiences that resonate with their vibrational frequency."
"I'm still shocked every day that my unspoken thoughts and feelings are now a reality."
"I feel like they think about you multiple times a day, and that's all, period."
"The only thing that ever made you unhappy at any moment in your entire life was thoughts. That's it."
"Energy does not discern whether you're thinking a positive or a negative thought, it just reacts to whatever the thought is."
"They think about you a lot; it's not a day you don't cross their mind."
"Last night I was thinking, my favorite animal is a bear."
"Take your own thoughts with a grain of salt because they're just thoughts. They're not actually who you are."
"Is it possible that our thoughts could make us sick? Well, the answer is absolutely yes."
"Thoughts should be things that help us grow, provoke our mind, help us understand reality."
"Remember, thoughts start wars if the gates are not closed."
"Dreaming about what you are always thinking about is from you."
"They think about you sexually, even if you're around them."
"Whatever you have been thinking about, you've been pouring a lot of thought into, you could actually see those things manifesting for you at the end of the month."
"Not all thoughts are yours and you shouldn't listen to them."
"This person's pretty focused on you, they're thinking a lot about you."
"Thoughts are like clouds, if we're outside on a sunny day and clouds come by, we don't judge."
"This is someone that's thinking about you a lot."
"You are currently on their mind like all the time."
"Thoughts are really becoming things for you."
"I feel like this person thinks about you a lot at night when they're going to sleep."
"Your thoughts really do create your reality."
"Thoughts become things, yeah, they become things."
"The freakiest thing for me is that the thoughts are indistinguishable from a living person's. The only difference is they're not live thoughts, they're recordings."
"I feel like all your everything that you think about is manifesting or everything that you think about has the ability to manifest into your reality."
"Whatever you keep repeatedly thinking about and kind of conjuring up in your mind's eyes is actually what's coming to fruition in some way."
"You're responsible for your own thoughts and reactions."
"There's someone from your past that is thinking about you."
"Once a thought is accepted and charged with feeling, the creative power within proceeds to externalize it."
"Media and music play a significant role in shaping our thoughts, emotions, and ultimately our vibrational energy."
"My every passing thought was interesting in some way."
"They dream about you a lot, daydreaming fills their thoughts."
"If thoughts were prosecutable, we'd all be screwed."
"You can only attract and assimilate thought forces which are of your own quality."
"What we think about we attract to ourselves."
"We're literally creating spheres of existence with our thoughts, feelings, and emotions."
"Worlds are created from our thoughts and our feelings and our emotions."
"We are projecting thoughts out into our auric field, unaware yet impactful."
"Energy is never created and energy can never be destroyed and so your thoughts become an energy signature that you create out of your own experience." - Anonymous
"Those are my thoughts on the Anders Bering Breivik case."
"Your thoughts carry with them great weight and great opportunity."
"I'm thinking things I've never thought before... is that so bad?"
"Your thoughts have a magnetic force to draw you, attract what you think."
"Emotions are physical and believe it or not, thoughts are physical too."
"What you feel deeply is far more important than what you are thinking."
"Thoughts will just pop up in your mind and you can't control them."
"Create your reality with the thoughts you think."
"Be mindful of your thoughts, for they create your reality."
"This person keeps thinking about you and what they want to say."
"Whatever you are thinking, you are manifesting, and we are creators."
"What you think you are, what you think you become. Careful what you think about."
"I have sensual feelings for you and I can't stop thinking about you, the allure, your charm, your charisma."
"The mind is so powerful, we have so many thoughts throughout our day."
"Hopefully this kind of filled you in with my thoughts."
"My inner monologue is just a little chaotic."
"The most dangerous thing in the world is a repetitive thought."
"How many original thoughts actually exist... it's basically none."
"We create our own reality with the thoughts we think and the words we speak."
"You don't realize you're basically doing the same thing as programming a computer. You're programming the universe to respond to what you're thinking."
"Start becoming aware that you also have a part to play in whether or not you are thinking negative thoughts or thoughts which are serving you."
"You really do become like your thoughts really do become things."
"Your thoughts and your words are very important."
"You're the last thing they think about before they fall asleep. Damn, you got you living rent-free in this person's mind."
"Magician card: thoughts become things, manifest what you desire."
"Just know that whether they're gonna admit it or not, they're thinking about you too."
"The most beautiful thoughts are always besides the darkest."
"The thoughts that we think shape our reality."
"You're like, 'Because I was like, I'm 15, I guess I shouldn't care about my thoughts.'"
"Be very careful what you think about, be very optimistic."
"The thoughts you put your attention to are the ones that become real."
"The power of intention has a lot to do with your thoughts."
"Never believe every stupid little thought that comes in your head. It's not the thoughts you have, it's the thoughts you attach to."
"You're in control of your thoughts and ideas."
"They think about you a lot more than you know."
"Positive thoughts held for longer amounts of time create manifestation."
"They're really happy when you enter their mind."
"Your thoughts are the most powerful magnetic force in the universe."
"The more you raise your vibration, the more power your thoughts and your heart has."
"What you think about, you truly do bring about."
"You're on my mind the most. It's like they can't shake it."
"You manifest what you think, and you manifest what you speak. You also manifest what you write."
"These thoughts are as wild as you let them be... I've got a pretty wild imagination so."
"Whatever you're creating or thinking in your mind is what is being created."
"They enjoy thinking about you in general, it gives them the warm fuzzies inside."
"This person thinks a lot about you, they're energetically charged and connected to you."
"The thoughts that you think control the vibration you're in and that dictates what you attract."
"You may say their name by accident when you're just talking—that's how you know the person is thinking about you."
"These are just a new kind of living breed of thoughts and emotions on display."
"Putting plans in motion, thoughts become things."
"Every time I go to bed at night, I have to think about that."
"The mind doesn't care about your happiness. It cares about your survival. Those thoughts, they're constantly focused on your survival."
"You are not your brain. You are not your thoughts. Yes, it just runs, that part of that's not you."
"Your thoughts have a massive effect on your reality."
"Control your actions and your thoughts are dictating your future."
"I tried, but I cannot escape the thought of you. You are always on my mind every second, every minute, every day."
"Every thought you're spewing into the universe has creative potential."
"Manifestation starts in your head. Believe in the power of your thoughts to shape your reality."
"What you radiate outward in your thoughts, feelings, mental pictures, and words, you attract into your life and affairs."
"The cogs are turning, they're thinking about you at night."
"Thoughts are the electrical charge in the quantum field and feelings are the magnetic charge."
"Every tiny little minuscule thought matters."
"I can't stop thinking about you, it's maddening."
"You are still the first and last thing on my mind every day."
"I feel like I need to put them somewhere now typically I just put these in my notes and I just have like random trains of thought."
"Your person is constantly thinking about you, like, constantly."
"Pay attention to your thoughts because they're guiding you."
"We do create our reality through our thoughts and through our vibration."
"Be careful what you think and what you say because that is creating a reality."