
Emotional Management Quotes

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"Writing things down in a lot of detail does seem to have this quality of both reducing the emotional load of whatever it is that thought is about, as well as diminishing the frequency of those intrusive thoughts over time."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Emotional intelligence is just a different way of being smart. It's being intelligent about emotions."
"When we keep focusing on the pains and fears, we get more pains and fears."
"Don't give your feelings and emotions so much power. Not every emotion is a cue to do something."
"However, other than slip-ups here and there, which is going to happen to everyone in any kind of issues that they deal with in general, what a mature individual does is continue to work on themselves, and they learn how to manage those emotions."
"Become your own source of positive emotions by going into your pain rather than running away from it."
"Forgiveness means to lay it aside, let it alone, don't keep revisiting it, means to cease to feel resentment."
"The moment you start thinking about what these events involved, the temptation to become bitterly angry and passionate is strong, but I try to be dispassionate about it."
"It's always about the intentions behind your actions. It's okay to feel emotions; it's okay to be angry. It's just the way that you deal with that that is what's important."
"Being able to make the decision to say, 'This isn't an appropriate response, therefore I'm going to assume I'm in an emotional flashback right now,' just knowing you're in an emotional flashback can help."
"Make it a priority in your life, take the time out, reduce the emotional flashbacks."
"Life is about relationships, understanding yourself, and being able to control and manage your own emotions."
"The ability to inhibit distressing emotions from the amygdala is an enabler of cognitive capacity because it leaves full attention available for what you're trying to do."
"Emotional intelligence, defined in 1997 by psychologist Peter Salovey and John Mayer -- no, not, not that one-- is the ability to perceive, understand, manage, and use emotions."
"Manage your own emotions. So if you are trying to create change in any kind of situation, you need to be calm, cool, and collected."
"I want you to think about how you can make this as boring as possible because if you make it boring, you won't be a victim of your emotions."
"We only get one emotion at a time. Our job is to really find the right state that we want to be in, the right emotional place, and use that rather than let the brain win."
"Meditation helps you deal with negative emotions and energies consciously, helping you focus on solutions rather than problems."
"I'm not that girl who bottles everything up and cries once a month anymore. You've grown into something truly awesome."
"We're not afraid to show that there are good days, there are bad days."
"You can't walk in your feelings right now; you got to walk in faith."
"Mob develops new ways of using his powers that are completely centered on what he wants, channeling his emotions in a powerful and positive way."
"If you win, celebrate for a day. If you lose, cry for a day, then move on."
"Instead of trying to fix your negative emotion, sit with it."
"In order for you to achieve happiness, you have to be strategically correct, you have to be capable to control emotions, you have to be focused, you have to have perseverance."
"I contain my emotions, which is something I've been working on."
"The half-life of negative emotions is really, really brief... your life becomes completely different when you can get off the ride."
"The only way to deal with destructive emotion, in order to reduce them, is opposite mind, counter very contradictory mind."
"Trust God completely. Don't let your emotions rule your world."
"Keeping your emotions and your stress levels under control is really important to helping you profit long term."
"We only have so much shelf space for these thoughts and feelings and emotions. Why stock it with aggravation towards somebody who burned you?"
"Gray rocking is a response to the constant baiting that happens in a narcissistic relationship."
"Another person's actions is bringing out emotions in you. Guess what? Those emotions belong to you. So it's your job to manage them."
"When you're in a state of relaxed alertness, it's like pushing the off switch on overwhelmed, desperation, and anxiety, and pushing the on switch for confidence, resilience, and control."
"Stay focused. You're going to get where you're supposed to be. You have to get your emotions in check."
"Therapy is a valuable tool to help you understand yourself. It can teach you new ways to deal with your emotions. It can also help you build a life that you want."
"You have to be nice to yourself and respect yourself...and you'll find that every time it comes up again, it's less intense."
"Holding on to, dwelling, or stewing on negative emotions... is sort of akin to sitting in a car stuck in the mud and just revving your engine. All you're doing is wasting your gas and digging yourself further into a hole."
"Inspiration helps us deal with anxiety because when we're feeling inspired, we're able to use that emotion to help navigate the anxious emotions we're having."
"You have to just learn how to sit with those feelings and accept them. See if you can tolerate that feeling; it no longer needs to control you."
"You cannot be led by your emotions in this hour; you have to be led by the Lord."
"When you learn to use willingness, you can take all that energy that you were wasting fighting your emotions and you can channel it toward the life that you want."
"Don't let a bad five minutes ruin your whole day."
"You gotta get a handle on your fears and insecurities"
"Even for me, it can still be difficult to set aside my personal feelings on the topic."
"Once you feel a little twinge, you're like, 'Oh [__], whatever feeling I have now is not gonna last.'"
"You might just have to try a little harder to keep it in check."
"Watching mukbangs if you have issues with food is kind of like making a hobby out of visually absorbing yourself in those problems, all in one."
"Listen to arguments, read more facts, be less emotional, think about it."
"Hate is a luxury that you cannot afford if you're truly going after the highest success."
"You become a better magic player by playing mad. Don't be afraid to lose, actually you can learn a lot from losing if you can handle it emotionally and psychologically."
"Don't meet their energy, don't give them the energy they're giving you."
"We're getting rid of it. You've got to get quick on those things, don't just let it live in you, don't breathe life into it, especially don't speak to it."
"It's hard, it's hard, it's easy to have the negativity bias of Doom."
"Being mad at people and angry is literally just hurting yourself."
"Give me the grace to work through the emotion of this."
"Give not into sorrow, give not into anger, offer only the cuteness of Pichu."
"When things come up, clear them and release them right then and there."
"Teaching people how to balance their thoughts and feelings... because the longer you're conscious of that energy, the more you're drawing your future to you."
"Instead of dwelling on the bad, remember only the good times."
"It's what you do with those feelings that makes the decision about who you are as a human being."
"Feelings are neither good nor bad. What matters is what you do with those feelings."
"You can only control you, you can only control how you feel."
"The source of your emotions is your heart, so clearing your heart of all emotions is the key to achieving self-balance."
"Life is a lot about cycles. Sometimes it's about holding on and sometimes it's about letting go."
"You literally just have to redirect your thoughts to something that feels better than the original negative thought."
"If you use this five-step process and you really focus on your approach to the market you're going to remove all emotions."
"Everybody has a dark side... confront it and make it work for you... any success I've had in life is because I managed to use those dark emotions in my work and channeled them."
"Late in life, it's tough to deal with emotions and affection."
"It's very easy to become consumed and overwhelmed by intense emotions like fear and anger confusion and hopelessness."
"Only let the things that you can actually change affect you."
"We try to calm people down, we educate, make them focus on the long term."
"Someone else's opinion shouldn't make you angry, especially when it's not very good."
"Why bother being mad, right? If you can't change anything, and the people in charge now aren't the same people who were in charge then, right?"
"The question I get asked most often is, how do you not get angry with some of these people, especially the ones who are sort of spewing hate?"
"Don't let compliments get to your head and don't let criticism get to your heart."
"I don't like drama I don't like negativity bad vibes out good vibes in."
"Right now, guilt is not useful; dehumanization is."
"The biggest one is to learn how to not take things personally."
"You don't have to have a relationship that is loving in order to stop feeling jealous towards other people."
"Practical skills that will let you step away from the drama, the struggle, the fight with your feelings, and move toward a life of peace and meaning and freaking joy right?"
"It's not about totally erasing the pain from it, it's about learning to maximize and wring out the good that we can and deal with the rest."
"I'm actually speaking sense, just relax. Let your emotions run away. I'm talking sense here."
"Guilt is a useless emotion. It detracts and makes you wallow. What motivates you is a principled understanding that you could be doing better."
"It's time for you to tap into your masculine energy put your feelings in your pocket put your purse on your shoulder and say fuck it."
"Men like Tyson that can truly compartmentalize their emotions... tend to be more successful."
"You just stay positive. Sometimes you laugh, you really want to sit down, get mad, shed a tear, and throw a punch and you're like, 'Man, I'm just going to laugh this off, you know?'"
"One tip that I will give you and that Audrey and I have gotten really good over the years at is you don't go to bed angry."
"Don't make permanent decisions based on temporary emotions."
"We don't procrastinate for the reasons we think we do. It's not hard work that you're avoiding when you procrastinate; it's negative emotions, unpleasant feelings."
"Emotions are hard to control as is, and they cause us to do things that we regret later on in all facets of life."
"If your day sucks, you fake it, 'Hi, how you doing?' Because when you smile, everything changes."
"The difficult stuff is actually figuring out why you're doing this, what you're doing with it, how you can manage the emotional and spiritual side of playing the YouTube game."
"Fear and anxiety shouldn't control your actions."
"So take this next 24 hours, get the frustration out of your system. But at the end of the day, get over it, vote for Biden and Harris."
"If you don't conquer your feelings, your feelings are going to conquer you."
"You can call on anything you believe in. Dear God, may anger not be the end of me. Dear God, may my emotions not ruin my career, my achievements, or every opportunity before me."
"I hope you are not demonstrating resentments."
"Avoid high emotional energy conversations; every element of the conversation should be an invitation to continue further, never an obligation."
"First you stop the outward reaction then you learn to control the inner reaction."
"We need to have a very calm response emotionally."
"Pray for your enemies, it's hard to stay mad at somebody you're fervently praying for."
"There's a fear of saying something out of anger instead of compassion, and that is what your dreams are also trying to tell you."
"People are always gonna hurt us. We're always gonna get burned a little bit by people's actions. But it's about how we handle it within ourselves."
"It takes more energy to actually be upset or to allow yourself to sit in anger or sadness than it does for you to simply just be and be able to receive the gifts from the Divine."
"The foundation of addiction is like, 'I don't like the way that I feel right now, so I'm trying to change it as quick as possible.'"
"Recognize that these emotions that you're experiencing... they're not that painful, they're not that damaging to your life. So don't play into them."
"Our emotions serve us... they do not control us."
"This video is going to have a really large impact on any anger that you would have had in the future... it can really prevent you from getting angry."
"If you're somebody who is able to hold on to yourself and you're able to sift through the emotional stuff and you just look at the facts then a narcissist is going to have a very difficult time dealing with you."
"We stay calm, we stay cool, we stay collected."
"One of the few analysts out there that also sticks to the data sticks to the data leaves all the all the all the other stuff to the side and I think does a good job a great job managing emotions."
"Keep moving forward... do not get sucked down into an emotional whirlpool."
"Even if you don't allow people to know exactly how you feel at the end of the day, you sleep with you, you look at you early in the morning, you know when your emotions all over the place."
"Anger doesn't pay rent. It's got to go. It's got to be evicted."
"Patience is definitely needed for this connection."
"Instead of being mad, just don't give them your money."
"I feel like clearly it is bothering them behind the scenes, it would bother anyone but he can't show the weakness."
"Use your self-parenting skills to slowly change your experience of meta emotions over time."
"It's not what's happening, it's how we respond."
"The point is what do you do with it? Do you allow yourself to give into that moment and become overwhelmed by it?"
"I've learned to keep certain things emotionally a little more private... I like keeping things as positive as possible."
"It's understood, like, I understand the frustrations and the question is what do you do with those frustrations?"
"Fast your insecurity, doubts, shame, guilt, jealousy, and comparison."
"Just to live well and don't let it get to you. Don't be dragged down. That's what they want."
"If you can't control people, then control your reaction to them."
"You are in control of your emotions, your mind, your body, of everything. You have complete control over how you allow a situation to affect you."
"Victory in life... victory over our thoughts... victory in our emotions."
"Do not let it spoil your mood or distract you."
"Acting with restraint rather than anger leads to good decisions."
"The power of your mind can transform sorrow into joy, defeat into victory, stress into peace."
"You're gonna start forcing yourself to be happy."
"Real estate investing: a great tool to build wealth."
"It's never wrong to take profits, even if it's 1%... Trust your plan, not your emotions."
"Truly great horror gameplay knows how to maintain these feelings for long spans of time."
"Gray rocking is like driving on a spare tire; it's not meant for a long-term drive."
"There's a reason that this thing has stood up to the test of time."
"What happens in life when things go wrong? We get upset, we get angry, we create all this tension inside of us. It is not necessary."
"It's about not feeling this need to solve every single problem ever."
"Let the person get mad at you in the moment."
"I'm really trying to not put any negative emotions in me."
"I try not to take anything too personally. Occasionally I get mean emails."
"Sometimes there is nothing different that you could have done. Holding on to the anger is like this other sword here. Are you gonna let it go or are you gonna push that in and suffer?"
"The first thing I have learned is to be ok with uncomfortable feelings, emotions, to just ride it out."
"Find humor in the situation. Like those times you're like, 'I'm gonna have to laugh right now or I'm gonna start crying.'"
"You have to take responsibility for your emotional state. You gotta take personal responsibility for how you feel."
"It's not about not being nervous and delivering, it's about being nervous and delivering."
"Forgiveness is the ability to no longer have an emotional reaction positive or negative to an event that was executed to you or that you observed."
"I need to allow myself to be sad, not just momentarily, to let the emotion come and go, but to acknowledge it fully so I can grow from it."
"You have to deal with things, you can't let things harbor within you and fester."
"Lean into your own emotions so you don't get so chaotic in your life."
"Sometimes we just need to channel it out like Apollo and have something to make us feel better."
"Have some strategies that shake off any morbid feelings."
"A man who is a master of himself can end a sorrow as quickly as he can invent a pleasure."
"No feeling is final. You just keep plugging away."
"Maintain your emotional independence and happiness. There's massive potential for success here."
"The community is only as hurt as we allow ourselves to be."
"You can't let your emotions dictate your gameplay."
"Instead what's needed is a sound intellectual framework for making decisions, combined with an ability to keep emotions from ruining it."
"I wouldn't run from this. Don't run from this or try to avoid it. Just take it slow, take things slow."
"You can wake up and control the way you're thinking and feeling."
"Begin to control our atmosphere with the joy of the Lord."
"Once you get up out of your feelings and say okay, now what do I need to do to move on?"
"Don't get too carried away by the Doom and Gloom."
"You have to allow yourself to see it though. You have to allow yourself to see it. You're going to have to let go of your anger. Don't get addicted to your anger. Don't get addicted to a grudge."
"Do the opposite of what your emotion is telling you and you will make a lot of money."
"But imagine your emotions being over your principles. That's crazy. That's like a horse riding a human being. No, a man is supposed to ride a horse, but man is supposed to ride his emotions."
"To move forward physically or to bring in the manifestations that you want into the physical world you have to get more comfortable with the emotional world."
"What the universe wants you to do is figure out how to flip your own happiness switch that's what it is."
"Once you shield your energy and stop taking on that negativity from your surroundings, it's going to become a lot easier to hear your inner guidance."
"Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you." - Ephesians 4:31
"It's okay to get your hopes up, just don't do anything irresponsible."
"Meditation helps me observe and write about emotional disturbances without amplifying them."
"Whatever anger and frustration you're feeling it'll pass."
"Change is something that's out of your control... the more you resist it, the more pain you feel about it."
"Step one, take deep breaths. Step two, repeat what I like about this person, what do they remind me of, why am I even in this conversation in the first place."
"What do you do when you feel like you're sinking? Interrupt the pattern."
"Your emotions cannot have any part any type of monetary or financial negotiations and it's going to lead them to embarrass themselves."
"When we're faced with the decision and when someone's asking us something maybe kind of important sometimes we just need a moment to calm ourselves..."
"Let go of the bad stuff, we can fill our hearts with good things."
"If you don't have a trading plan, you're going to fall for every emotion that comes up in the market."
"Reflect on what went well and what did not. Determine what you need to work on adjusting emotionally and mentally when dealing with your finances."
"Quit wallowing, quit suffering, enough. Life is too short."
"What you do with a man who you got to chase but you're not ready to be done with yet? You put them on mute."
"He talks about what it took to be the underdog... he felt like he was the underdog like I was."
"Emotions are running high... remember that you're good enough."
"Sometimes it's okay not to be happy, but not in this game. You have to be happy."
"There's a lot that can be said about writing it out but not sending."
"Feel yourself taking the pain or whatever the pain is and condensing it into a face like a little pebble and then the pebble into the ocean."
"It's not feeling bad for how you feel, it's not allowing that negative feeling to have a negative effect in your life."
"Fear is not a bad emotion if you don't panic."
"I can't change how I feel... But what I can do is ask what am I going to do about it."
"Y'all niggas deal with emotions like bitches."
"You should try not to engage if you are emotionally unstable."
"Trading brings out and amplifies a lot of our emotions and insecurities. You need techniques to relax and maintain composure."
"What are the facts, what are the emotions, and how do we move our brains to The Logical thinking to refute irrational beliefs that aren't validated by facts?"
"We don't have to let anger and unforgiveness destroy our happiness and relationships."
"Fear is what kept my ancestors alive, but I do not need to feel as anxious as fearful."
"Depression, frustration, sadness, these are passing clouds. They come, they go."
"If you treat your emotions and thoughts as if you're a passive observer, you're more likely to be able to live with them."