
Nutrition Advice Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"One of the most common questions I get are what should I eat for my brain? Well, ironically enough, one of the best things you can do for your brain is to not eat."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I want them to eat a plant-forward diet, but that doesn't mean no meat."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Don't fear fat; the fat you eat won't end up on your hips."
"I'm not going to tell you a diet plan. I'm going to tell you some great things, like coffee is really good for your brain."
"Harvard has got half of what's on your plate should be fruits and vegetables."
"Whatever you do, don't replace any of the dietary fats in your life with sugar and white flour products."
"The best diet is a plant-based, whole food, unrefined, unprocessed diet that's lower in fat, very low in saturated fat, very low in cholesterol, very high in fiber, and very nutrient-dense."
"You should eat whole, unprocessed, unrefined foods and avoid these refined carbohydrates, refined oils, and processed meats."
"The ideal diet is the one that is best adhered to, so that they can stay on the diet as long as possible."
"Stop focusing on quantity or total calories. Start focusing on quality of your calories."
"Get rid of processed food and sugar...when you're eating those processed foods, you're eating empty calories."
"1 gram per pound to a gram and a half is probably more than nearly anyone needs."
"Predominantly it's a low carbohydrate type that is the key."
"Grains, sugar, vegetable oils, and liquid dairy. When those four things help almost any inflammatory arthritis condition, skin condition, or gut condition, start to get immediately better."
"Olive oil better than animal fats absolutely slam dunk, but learning to really minimize even the oils, even the olive oil is probably the best road."
"It was told us to eat more carbs and less fat and no cholesterol and it was based on really bad science."
"So consuming eggs is an excellent idea and the next time you hear some bad news about eggs take a look at the study."
"If you want to understand how to cut down on Ultra processed foods and support your brain with the best foods for your health then you may want to try Zoe's personalized nutrition program."
"Trans fats are undesirable for our body they lead to tons of health issues and if you can avoid those things I suggest avoiding them."
"Fat doesn't make you fat, excess calories do."
"You need to eat fat every day. Fat is essential for optimal health."
"When you're ending fasting, you should taper off—especially toward the end of your eating period."
"Those guidelines and that nutritional advice was the end result of money profiteering and the sugar industry lobbying."
"Eat the vegetable, eat the frozen vegetable, eat the canned vegetable." - Neil deGrasse Tyson
"Make sure you eat enough. Seriously, if you're not eating enough, if you are restricting yourself, you will not gain muscle."
"Clean eating means reducing the amount of processed foods or ingredients that you're consuming."
"Better to eat the whole food... the whole food is always better way to go."
"Net carbs shouldn't exceed 5% of your total calorie load."
"Choose carbs wisely, prioritize sleep, and keep stress down."
"Stop drinking with the meal, start having breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen, tea like a pauper."
"Remember, whole food nutrition is superior to supplementation."
"The first thing you do is you absolutely, positively stay away from simple carbohydrates."
"So no simple carbs, essentially if it's in a package that's probably not good."
"Shop the perimeter... that's where the real food is."
"I like to add one Apple to the mixture and the reason is this is an excellent source of pectin and pectin is a terrific prebiotic meaning that it helps feed the bacteria that create the probiotics."
"Do your research and make the right choice for your body long term by having a more whole food plant-based approach to eating."
"Do not stop eating fruit. It's very, I mean, it's heart-healthy."
"There are healthier sources of iron and protein than meat."
"There is no one with any blood type who needs meat, who needs to be eating cholesterol, who needs animal fat. That's a myth."
"Imagine if you only ate one thing all day, every day. You wouldn’t starve, but you wouldn’t be very healthy, either - even if that thing was broccoli."
"Stop filtering your nutrients through somebody else's body. It's illogical and irrational."
"Whole grain carbohydrates keep us full for a long time like protein does."
"Let's try and balance that out a little bit, get some whole grain carbohydrates in there."
"Just add in more vegetables and fruit and eat less [expletive]. It's over and over the same message here folks, it's simple."
"Absolutely nothing is fattening if you don't overconsume it."
"If you can get your hands on raw unpasteurized milk, it's superior."
"Eat a steak, cook up some spinach, eat some meat, get some iron the natural way."
"Most of your fats should come from olive oil, avocado oil, and natural saturated fats."
"Eat the rainbow people, it's delicious and nutritious."
"But if you get folks to just eat less junk food and put less added fats into their food, all of a sudden they can still have the foods, a little drier for sure, it's not as great but it's still super healthy."
"Eating healthfully so we get our nutrients and don't have to overeat to get them."
"Adding a protein and fat to any carbohydrate-rich meal is going to have a number of favorable effects."
"You've got to eat the whole food. Eat the olive, eat the coconut, but not the oil."
"The more ways you could include fresh fruits and vegetables, the healthier you will be."
"Every day in this country, well-intentioned highly qualified health care authorities look at their patients and say you need to increase your milk consumption."
"You get enough to survive from your diet but if you want to thrive and optimize your health right you ain't getting this in a diet."
"so to put matters in a very simple way I would much rather someone eat 4 000 calories a day and this is simple but and burn 4 000 calories a day then eat 1500 calories a day and burn 1500 calories per day."
"Just eat more plants, focus on putting more plants on your plate."
"Manipulate carbs and fats for optimal fat loss."
"It's always better to eat whole foods rather than processed foods." - Dr. Michael Greger
"A healthy breakfast is the most important thing. Make sure that I do not pack it with sugar or anything white substance like white bread, flour, pasta. I have completely stopped."
"In nutrition, it is very rare to deal with absolutes. This is always good for you no matter what. This is always bad for you no matter what."
"PB&J is fine, but let's get our nuts in for the day."
"To gain weight and bulk up, you need to be in a caloric surplus."
"You remove all the different processed foods out, get rid of all the junk foods... It's that simple."
"Remember to eat the rainbow at each meal for optimal health."
"Make sure that you're packing in those proteins for the day."
"Low calorie dense foods are the solution, foods that have a lot of volume but not a lot of calories."
"Fruit does not make people fat. Taking what you're currently eating and adding fruit on top would likely increase your calories and you would likely gain weight."
"It's not the ratio that matters as much as keeping the total amount of omega-6s down."
"So you actually want the fattier ground beef. You don't want super lean, you want the fat because it helps you stay in ketosis and it helps you stay full."
"A diet based on healthy vegetables and fruits and whole grains and beans is the fuel your body works on."
"Always have wholemeal toast not white because... all the goodness."
"Olive oil, avocado oil... those are fine to eat..."
"We should not be fearing protein... we should be prioritizing it..."
"It’s very important to, you know, balance the types of fat you’re eating."
"Change your lifestyle and eat enough calories so you're full every single day."
"'Make sure you're getting adequate protein every single day.'"
"Choose plants, choose nuts, choose occasional fatty fish."
"For 99% of people trying to decide what's for dinner focusing Less on isolated nutrients and focusing more on what the overall dietary pattern looks like is the way to go."
"...protein ultimately comes from plants um the World Health Organization recommends an average intake of 0.66 grams per kilogram of body weight okay..."
"Eat more protein. Every single person on the planet should just eat much protein."
"Now all things considered, you can't go wrong eating foods high in complex carbohydrates."
"Just get back to basics. One of the best things you can do is eat real food."
"I just want your plate to have more vegetables than fruit, and you can do it."
"Your body needs food like a car needs fuel, so don't be a slo-mo, eat a good breakfast every day."
"The eat more guidelines are the only ones that refer to foods - grains, vegetables, fruits. The eat less guidelines, in contrast, talk about nutrients or food chemicals."
"The recommended intake of protein is roughly 0.7 grams per kilogram of body weight."
"You don't need 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight."
"You don't need to carb load, trust me, you have plenty of energy reserves on your body."
"I recommend whole food, not processed food."
"Don't skip breakfast and make sure you have a nutritionally dense breakfast because it's the first meal of the day and it's the most important meal of the day."
"You got to eat dark leafy greens, bro. Go to the grocery store, stop eating that chicken on the corner."
"If you consume less calories than you're using, you're going to lose weight. If you consume more calories than you're losing, you're going to gain weight. It's just as simple as that."
"Choose MyPlate not only tells you how much you should be getting from each food group, but also gives you advice on what to choose within the food groups."
"A healthy balanced diet is about the correct proportions of each food group."
"You have to eat more if you're too lean, eat less if you're too fat, and if you're where you should be, keep doing what you're doing; it's simple."
"Coffee is not a meal in the morning. And a garden salad is not a meal midday."
"Healthy eating really is high fat because every cell in the body has to be made of protein, fat, and carbohydrate."
"Any language about diet nutrition that's in absolutes is going to be wrong 99% of the time."
"I hope that you are able to apply some of this to your nutrition so you can smash your aesthetic and your performance goals."
"Make sure that you have some source of protein at every single meal."
"That burn is your muscles breaking, eat some protein after this video, they're going to rebuild, you're going to be stronger."
"The main message of keto is that there's really only one thing you have to do right: don't eat sugar and starch."