
Health Risks Quotes

There are 1043 quotes

"Disrupting your circadian rhythms is really bad for every system in your body."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"People who sleep less than six hours have a higher mortality, they have lower mood, and they are hungrier."
"Loneliness has been found to be equal to smoking 15 cigarettes a day."
"The feeling of being lonely is as harmful for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes per day."
"If your cells stay oxidatively stressed for long periods of time, there can be serious health consequences."
"It's your cardiovascular health that's at high risk with smoking."
"Every 10% of processed food you eat, your risk of death goes up by 14%."
"Smoking literally killed both my parents... it was the cigarettes that took him out."
"A lack of sleep is associated with a high risk of cardiovascular disease, high risk of diabetes, high risk of stroke, high risk of dementia, and certain forms of cancer."
"Dairy is a troublesome food, not just because of what we found with respect to its ability to increase cancer."
"Loneliness has the same health risk and reduction of lifespan as smoking 15 cigarettes a day."
"Loneliness can be as damaging to health as smoking 15 cigarettes per day."
"Loneliness has been shown to be as much of a risk factor for illness as smoking 15 cigarettes a day."
"Loneliness is worse for you than smoking 15 cigarettes a day."
"If left untreated, PCOS can lead to irregular or absent periods, infertility, unwanted hair growth on our face and body, acne, alopecia, pregnancy complications, and even cancer."
"The expense of that was lack of sleep and for some women, the expense of that is autoimmune problems, Alzheimer's, and Dementia."
"Every 10 percent increase in ultra-processed food consumption has been associated with a 14 percent increased risk in early mortality and a 25 percent increased risk in the development of dementia."
"Once you hit the age of 65, if you fall and you break your hip, there's a 15 to 30 percent chance you will be dead within the next 12 months."
"This does not mean that we should go out and start getting naturally acquired immunity because the infection itself can be deadly."
"Loneliness won't just make you miserable, it will kill you."
"Experts have even labeled loneliness an epidemic because it has been linked to high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, a weakened immune system, anxiety, depression, cognitive decline, Alzheimer's disease, and even death."
"Loneliness is as dangerous for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes per day."
"Loneliness is a risk factor comparable to smoking, obesity, and high blood pressure."
"Loneliness increases the risk for heart disease, stroke, and among older adults, dementia. It can harm mental and physical health as well as social well-being and increase the risk of an early death."
"The magnitude of effect of avoiding the Sun could actually be comparable to smoking, which is really quite astonishing."
"Sugar is driving atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, dementia, and likely cancer as well. One root cause of a multitude of problems."
"Chronic inflammation and hyperinsulinemia are significant risk factors for diseases, including cancer."
"Reports on loneliness compare its health effects to smoking 15 cigarettes every day."
"Not having close female friends is detrimental to your health, as much as smoking or being overweight."
"The chronic, unresolved inflammation that's behind type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, a lot of cases of depression, all kinds of autoimmune diseases, is this sort of chronic unresolved inflammation."
"Poverty is a killer and because of it children needlessly suffer."
"Walking with bare feet puts them at risk of life-threatening infections and disease that could lead to crippling consequences and even death."
"If a cigarette company started running adverts that didn't mention that cigarettes can kill you...everyone would be like 'on your bike mate.'"
"You may experience headaches, nausea, fever, hallucinations, dizziness, mild seizures, temporary changes in vision, reduced or enhanced cognitive ability, limited precognition, memory loss, and muscle cramps."
"Medical errors can have far more dire consequences and they are more common than you might think."
"Sulfur mustard...can form large blisters on exposed skins and in the lungs, often resulting in prolonged illness ending in death."
"Even one seemingly healthy outside visitor could pass along a common bacteria or virus that could literally wipe out the entire tribe."
"Lacking social connection is as dangerous as smoking 15 cigarettes a day."
"Sitting is the new smoking. Sedentary lifestyle is the leading cause of all-cause mortality."
"If you don't get enough sleep, you'll end up stupid, fat, sick, and unhappy."
"Being in too much of a calorie surplus, getting to too high of a body fat percentage, that is also dangerous."
"Chronic sleep deprivation is where you routinely get less sleep than you need for a period of over three months. This can have lasting consequences for your health."
"Vitamin D deficiency is associated with elevated risk, severity, and mortality in various health conditions."
"There's no reason why the body shouldn't be infected with both viruses at the same time and that's a bad combination that's almost certainly associated with a poor prognosis."
"Being superhuman on steroids is part of the game, but the reality is you can't be superhuman forever, and your heart doesn't want to be superhuman."
"Excess body fat is the major killer...because excess body fat is the underlying mechanism increasing risk of death from COVID, cancer, heart attacks."
"Wildfire smoke can irritate the lungs, cause inflammation, reduce the immune efficiency of the lungs, and make the person more prone to infections and COVID-19."
"High blood pressure is a risk factor for producing both [stroke and atrial fibrillation]."
"It's a dangerous area. You have to be very, very careful, and at high altitude, you tend to end up with hypoxia."
"By the time atmospheric carbon dioxide reaches the levels projected for 2100, huge swathes of the population could die from heart and respiratory failure."
"Serotonin syndrome is basically a conglomeration of signs and symptoms that occur in an individual that's been exposed or has consumed too much serotonin."
"If we make a mistake on this, and allow too much loosening of our economy and of our restrictions, and we suddenly get another massive spike, it is going to be devastating."
"Obesity is a risk factor for cancer with about a 50% increased risk."
"Lowered fertility, neurological and neuropsychiatric effects, cellular DNA damage... these are just a few ways how 5G adversely affects human health."
"The risk of pericarditis and myocarditis is more in COVID-infected people than vaccines."
"Child marriage leads to physical abuse, bodily harm, psychiatric problems, and a high risk of death."
"Pregnancy-related complications are the leading cause of death among adolescent girls in these regions."
"Doctors say the number of people getting sick is disturbing. We have many young boys and girls coming into us; sometimes it's injuries from when the mines collapse; sometimes it's sexually transmitted diseases."
"Whatever danger you're going to put on the side of the vaccine, there's more danger with COVID."
"Modern medicine has brought many marvelous modernizations to the treatment of disease and the prevention of disease, but there is one thing that can be quite dangerous, in fact it can be completely devastating to your health and to your future if you're not aware of it."
"Sleep deprivation is a strong predictor of different types of cancer like colon cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer."
"Sleep deprivation is associated with obesity, increased blood pressure, increased levels of stress, and reduced immune functioning."
"A complete lack of sleep for too long will certainly lead to your early demise."
"A 2011 study from Warwick Medical School found that less than 6 hours of sleep per night gives you a 48 percent greater chance of developing or dying from heart disease."
"This is not a time to be socializing. Socializing could kill someone."
"A significant amount of evidence shows that Ultra processed food is strongly associated with inflammatory diseases like Crohn's disease, metabolic diseases like type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, depression, anxiety, obesity and overweight, and early death."
"Child marriage leads to physical abuse, bodily harms, psychiatric problems, and a high risk of death."
"The burden of proof is on him; the lives and health of young girls everywhere are at stake."
"Scientifically speaking, meat is being linked to disease of all kinds: we cholesterol, or basically heart disease and strokes."
"Multiple prescription drugs taken in combination are toxic to the liver, kidneys, and other organs, especially if they are taken on a regular basis."
"For the first time in human history, violence kills fewer people than accidents. You have a much higher chance of dying because you ate too much junk food than because somebody shot you or blew you up."
"Social isolation has been deemed as serious a health risk as smoking and obesity."
"Puberty blockers... lead to things like osteoporosis early in life, 20s and 30s, for kids that were put on them as children."
"The enemy, I believe, is processed food, and I believe enemy number one is sugar, added sugar."
"Orthorexia is a very real thing. Telling people to eat clean, ban certain foods, villainize foods creates the risk of orthorexia."
"Catching COVID-19 can significantly increase your risk of cardiac arrest and death."
"Prescription drugs are the leading cause of death in America."
"Remember that while the risk to the average American of contracting the coronavirus remains low, the risk to senior citizens with serious underlying chronic health conditions is very significant."
"I'm gonna continue doing this for as long as I can."
"Alcohol consumption has been linked with a variety of adverse health effects."
"PFAS are linked to cancer, oh, and liver problems and thyroid issues."
"Counterfeiters have no regard to health or safety or who they hurt along the way. All they're concerned about is the bottom line."
"Plastic breaks down into smaller pieces, entering the food chain and posing a health threat."
"The biggest culprit for germs is the tray table one test showed that tray tables held over 2,000 colony forming units per square inch meaning that the bacterial and fungal cells on there are able to multiply."
"If your blood sugar levels or your glucose levels are high, you may develop diabetes, and diabetes is the number one cause of kidney failure in the United States."
"High blood pressure or hypertension is the second most common cause for kidney failure in the United States."
"A sad soul can kill you quicker than a germ."
"Alcohol is toxic to the liver, and prolonged abuse can cause liver damage."
"Being lonely is as bad for your health as smoking a pack of 10 cigarettes every single day."
"When you mix sugar with fat and grains, that's a surefire way to get fat, sick, and diabetes."
"These are new frequencies that have been never tested for their long-term biological and health effects."
"I think the laypersons, the public or lawmakers, would be prone to underestimating the dangers of this president, because most people are used to seeing individuals who are healthy." - DR. BANDY LEE
"Elevated D-dimer is associated with increased risk for multi organ failure and death."
"There are very real mental and physical health risks to making your food world so small."
"I'm not afraid of that at all. If I thought for one second that having an LDL of 250 was going to make me die prematurely, do you think I'd be doing that?"
"A lack of sleep is deadly in a survival situation."
"Infections can kill you, but also the response if it's overblown can kill you as well."
"One of the most dangerous aspects of modern life is seed oils or vegetable oils."
"There's also known risks to getting COVID-19, influenza, pertussis."
"Giving an antidepressant to a bipolar disorder patient will make them manic."
"Whenever you're altering the hormones in your body there are risks that you need to consider... decide is this really worth it."
"Eating a junk food-only diet will end up killing you in one way or another."
"Continuous public inhalation of toxic materials can lead to cancer."
"Sepsis is the body's response to severe infection... you can end up with damaged organs in sepsis, that's why it's really quite bad news."
"That's repetitive concussions you know and that's one of the worst things about boxing."
"Processed Meats are on the same list with cigarettes."
"Sugar is very, very bad for you. Sugar is a poison, sugar is not natural."
"You can starve to death at any weight. You know, you can seriously put yourself in danger fasting and restricting and all of that, even if you are morbidly obese."
"No matter how pretty the dress is if I know that this person is basically killing themselves on a daily by not eating by doing drugs so they don't eat in order to fit into the dress that dress is automatically horrible."
"The concern is if it's more easily transmitted between mammal hosts could it be could it jump into humans and could there be mutations that facilitate transmission."
"Insulin resistance can lead to type 2 diabetes, PCOS, heart disease, and other serious conditions."
"Chronic inflammation greatly increases risks of cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disease, and cancer."
"Inadequate and poor quality sleep will increase the chances of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes."
"Meals are meant to nourish, but they can also be defiled and lead to demise."
"No question drugs and alcohol are not good for your brain."
"Extremely dangerous and life-threatening behaviors can occur with RBD."
"Buying organic is a waste of money? No. They contribute to cancer, autism, ADHD behaviors, and chronic diseases."
"Vaccines are in fact more dangerous than the diseases themselves."
"The disaster might play a role in genetic diseases or abnormalities found in future generations."
"Some of the biggest COVID-19 risk factors are obesity, heart disease, asthma, and other chronic illness."
"Cheese in a can contains sodium phosphate, which can be harmful."
"Coal tar dyes in food may contain heavy metals and cause health issues."
"Mad honey poisoning can cause weakness, dizziness, and nausea."
"Abortion bans just make abortions less safe."
"When you're taking them off medication, boom. The seizures may come."
"Recent lawsuits have brought to light the potential health risks associated with its use."
"Fasting is especially detrimental to sodium levels during the onset of a water fast."
"Chronic stress, sympathetic overdrive, busy schedules, and always being on the go is literally robbing us of our vitality."
"Low-fat diets have led to skyrocketing insulin levels and metabolic issues."
"The secret formula for obesity... is S.O.S - sugar, oil, and salt."
"You're breathing in this foul putrid disgusting air that you don't want to breathe."
"Nuclear fallout and radioactive contamination are serious stuff and should not be taken lightly."
"If you're doing 10-hour gaming days, you're on a fast track to destroying your life."
"It's entirely possible they may be ineffective or even harmful."
"I think even with non-mRNA vaccines, if you were going to get three shots in one year, do you start risking having an immune reaction to prior variants?"
"And to preserve her beauty, Queen Elizabeth was accidentally poisoning herself."
"We're worrying about the cumulative Adverse Events."
"Exogenous sugar in the diet is almost certainly problematic."
"Even if you like chrome, you probably would not be psyched to live near or have your kids' school near a chromium smelter or some other facility."
"Infections prey on the unsuspecting... everyone is just one slip up away."
"Replace refined grains with trans fats, you're probably worse off. Replace with saturated fat, risk is not improved. Replaced with unsaturated fats or whole carbohydrates or protein, risk comes down."
"Not only have I chosen to remain fat and happy instead of thin and miserable, but I also don't care if she puts me at high risk of heart disease and diabetes."
"Fried food isn't specifically the problem, it's the type of oil and the fact that we reuse it over and over, making it more and more oxidized and rancid."
"You wouldn't end up with... that would cause people cellular damage."
"This is serious and we're talking about people's lives."
"Insufficient sleep is linked to Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, depression, suicidality, anxiety."
"Poor diet is pretty much the leading cause of illness and early death."
"Trans fats are undesirable for our body they lead to tons of health issues and if you can avoid those things I suggest avoiding them."
"Trans fat never helps you, that is the basic source of heart attacks and strokes."
"What you love could kill you like a heart physician who dies from a heart attack."
"Not controversial. It's completely irresponsible to advocate people eat high amounts of animal products."
"Being overweight is not just a problem for heart attack stroke risk. It's a problem for your entire health. Cancer risk, sleep, happiness, everything suffers."
"Sugar is the only molecule on the planet where you just can't do moderation. Unfortunately, sugar is the only thing on the planet where we cannot do moderation with it."
"Artificial sweeteners can be as addictive as recreational drugs."
"Diet sodas cause skin rashes, nerve disorders, and memory loss."
"More than half the United States has an increased risk of heart disease death due to their added sugar consumption."
"We're all at risk of getting sick but let's be clear we are not all equal risk of getting sick."
"Trans fats: the devil incarnate, okay, consumable poison made in the lab."
"If you become irradiated, then you are just as dangerous."
"Dolly's premature aging and health problems raised questions about the safety and ethics of cloning."
"Misdiagnoses contribute to making medical errors one of the leading causes of death."
"The bracelets were found to contain dangerous levels of lead."
"Unfortunately, it also comes with a slew of adverse effects including death."
"You're a higher risk even if you exercise. The message needs to get to the public."
"Gas stoves can lead to carbon monoxide levels three to six times higher than electric ranges."
"Every inappropriate use of antibiotics in agriculture is potentially a death warrant for a future patient."
"We cram thousands of animals in cramped, filthy sheds—arguably a perfect storm environment for the emergence and spread of super strains of influenza."
"Overcrowding pigs allows for large infectious loads to transfer, increasing the likelihood of extremely rare mutations."
"Heat-related events kill more people in the United States than any other weather event."
"Poor sleepers are 55 percent more likely to become obese."
"Clenbuterol is one of the most agonizing experiences I've ever put on... You're strapping into an experience where you feel like you're about to have a heart attack for six, seven, eight hours of just misery."
"What else could be very significant to pick up as an abnormality is pathological q waves."
"They're not benign. We really need to make an effort to eradicate, eliminate, and limit our consumption of sugar."
"Sugar is a drug. Fructose is metabolized the same way as alcohol in our liver. It's one of the worst drugs known to man."
"Imagine this: kidney stones passing through your plumbing can be really painful and might even cause infections or blockages, potentially harming your kidneys."
"Every year a staggering number of lives are claimed by the inadvertent consumption of these toxic substances."
"Beware of the potentially harmful toxins lurking in raw honey, such as botulin toxin."
"It's much worse if you can spread the disease before you even know that you have it."
"This could lead to a massive uptick in cases as people are gathering indoors."
"Loneliness isn't only a mental health concern; social isolation can be as dangerous as smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day."
"I don't see how you look at those numbers and conclude anything less than thousands of people will pass away."
"One night of tequila shots isn’t going to cause your liver to explode, but having a shot of whiskey with every meal and for a snack would do some serious damage."
"Low level chronic toxicity is something that's just off the medical radar."
"In short, too much inflammation can lead to organ failure and even death. So flight should be a death sentence."
"If we all go back to work and we all get sick, the economy is gonna take a second punch when it can't withstand it."
"Are we unwittingly cultivating a daily routine that significantly heightens the health risks?"
"The story of Salmonella bacteria proves that proper food handling is extremely crucial."
"Two-thirds of all people entering into an emergency room with a heart attack have either pre-diabetes or diabetes."
"Kids are not immune to developing complications and pathology in their fat tissue."
"The most popular weed killer on the planet causes a rare form of cancer."
"Do steroids improve recovery? Yes, but also no."
"Most people who survive the initial event would be fine. Life would be tough, and things like infections and diseases would be the most dangerous to the average person."
"I was smoking like two packs a day. I wasn't just gonna get cancer, I was asking for cancer."
"So yes, under this legal statute, that would still be illegal until there is a clear threat to the mother's life."
"Side effects of ACE inhibitors and ARBs... angioedema."
"New York suggests patients with the CCP virus could be at risk of developing kidney failure."
"Once you become a specimen it's hard to lose that you want to be that specimen and that's when the dangers can happen you might resort to dangerous dieting habits or even use pd so be careful."
"Imagine getting sick and every time you get sick, you could potentially [__] die."
"Pollution is a major cause of death, full stop."
"The totality of these studies provides compelling evidence of the dangers of seed oils."