
Inflammation Reduction Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"We want to exercise at least five days per week... it's immensely beneficial for the production of things like brain-derived neurotrophic factor, for limiting inflammatory cytokines like IL-6, for promoting anti-inflammatory cytokines like IL-10."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Overall, definitely improved health...I feel a lot thinner, a lot more leaner, a lot less inflammation."
"Consume a diet that’s going to reduce inflammation."
"Because all of those really help in addition to your diet to reduce inflammation."
"Hemp seeds offer a more balanced four to one ratio of omega-6 to omega-3, helpful for reducing risk of inflammation in the body."
"My skin looked like this... the redness had gone down... all the inflammation around the breakouts had significantly decreased."
"Cutting down inflammation minimizes the risk of cancer development."
"Vinpocetine is known for increasing cerebral circulation, taming inflammation, and boosting alertness."
"In three days of getting vegetable oils out of your diet, your inflammation markers will go down."
"People that were vitamin D-sufficient had less C-reactive protein in the blood."
"When you sleep well, then your stress responses are better, your total body inflammation is much lower... and as a result, you're going to have less fluid retention around the face."
"Turmeric helps calm inflammation and keeps our hearts healthier."
"If we're not explicitly helping people to reduce the inflammation in their brain we might just be spinning our Wheels here."
"A ketogenic diet is one of the most powerful ways to reduce inflammation, burn fat, and improve brain function."
"Physical activity is a very, very effective way to get rid of acute inflammation."
"Grass-fed and finished beef is likely to have fewer inflammatory properties."
"Aloe vera gel: beneficial for healthy joints and reducing inflammation."
"Guess what else breathing can do? Can very quickly decrease inflammation."
"Oleo kanthal rich extra virgin olive oil is remarkably effective at reducing neural inflammation."
"Meat being the most neutral food, there's less inflammation."
"Cystic acne requires reducing inflammation and gentle exfoliation."
"If you have a new injury like a sprained ankle where there's a lot of swelling, a good way to help reduce the pain and inflammation is through the use of ice."
"Omega threes have a very strong potent anti-inflammatory effect."
"Your food has to be the food that your DNA is looking for, the food has to be the food that your DNA is used to. That is not going to cause inflammation in your body, that's going to give you all the nutrition that you need."
"Low carb diets reduce inflammation in the body."
"Inflammation is implicated in many different disease processes in the body, so one of the things you really want to do especially if you're trying to lose weight is cut the inflammation."
"500 milligrams of curcumin c3 complex is more than sufficient to keep c-reactive protein levels homocysteine levels and the overall systemic inflammation as low as possible."
"Azelaic acid can calm down inflammation in the skin triggered by ultraviolet light, suppressing redness and discoloration."
"Liquid collagen offers over 90% absorption rate, supporting joint health and reducing inflammation."
"Hydrogen gas decreases inflammation and oxidative stress."
"Juice cleansing can also be really helpful in repairing the gut and helping to alleviate inflammation."
"Lowering LDL by increasing HDL can lessen the burden of cholesterol molecules and crystals, reducing inflammation."
"I feel leaner, I definitely know like a lot of my inflammation has died down."
"Making sure that you have a reduction in trans epidermal water loss and a healthy skin barrier is really key in reducing flares of inflammatory skin conditions."
"Sleep and exercise could both also reduce your inflammation."
"There's something incredibly exciting about this idea that there's things that you can do right now that really can reduce your inflammation."
"Fasting legitimately seems to have less inflammation. This is a very good thing and it's quite frankly why you feel so energized and probably feel so clear."
"Regular exercise is very anti-inflammatory."
"Sleep is super anti-inflammatory, at least 8 hours every night, super important."
"There are some basics of health. If we focus on the creation of health in the body, if we focus on reducing inflammation in the body through hopefully lots of lifestyle practices, we can tackle multiple different diseases."
"...it elevates vagal tone, the activation of the vagus nerve and it reduces inflammation."
"Chilled cucumber slices help reduce inflammation, refresh, and hydrate the eyes, while also shrinking capillaries and reducing lymph fluid."
"Exercise, fitness as medicine, glutamate can be burned directly as a fuel in the mitochondria when you're exercising, which is a good thing. It also reduces inflammation, oxidative stress, and glutamate, so this is a good thing."
"DIM is effective at reducing inflammation, a risk factor for heart disease."
"Curcumin works by reducing inflammation in the brain which can impair cognitive function."
"One of the best benefits of exposing your body to the cold is that it leads to a reduction in overall inflammation throughout your entire body."
"When people eliminate inflammatory conditions, their testosterone levels are restored to where they should be."
"Castor oil steps into the spotlight as a natural remedy with properties that can help alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and contribute to an overall sense of relief."
"Papaya contains a potent enzyme known as papain, celebrated for its remarkable anti-inflammatory properties."
"Vitamin C promotes a healthy immune system and is associated with reducing neural inflammation."
"Turmeric extract and the CO2 oil, very, very powerful at naturally reducing inflammation."
"The reason Aanin is thought to be so effective in anti-aging is due to its ability to reduce inflammation and protect against the damage caused by free radicals."
"Meditation results in decreased inflammation."
"People put on a vegan diet have lower inflammation by about a third."
"Intermittent fasting enables all of this inflammation to be reduced, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease."
"Walking is going to help with just decrease that inflammation."
"My overall inflammation went from 1.2 to 0.7, so almost cut in half, which is a really big deal."
"Treatment for sarcoidosis, if it does not resolve automatically, includes steroids and tumor necrosis factor blockers to reduce inflammation and slow down the disease's progress."
"Our gut bacteria... helps to influence, lowers inflammation in our body, helps to boost our healthy protective immune system."
"I think it's awesome, one of the best things that I discovered, helping with reducing the body inflammation."
"Doing things to reduce inflammation is a good idea."
"The main component of castor oil, ricinoleic acid, has been shown to reduce inflammation."
"In simple terms, what earthing does is literally it squinches the fires of inflammation."
"You're gonna see a heavy reduction in inflammation, sinus infections, your immune function will grow incredibly strong."
"Social connection improves health and lowers inflammation levels."
"Analgesics work either by reducing inflammation at the site of the pain or by changing the brain's perception of the pain."
"If you can control your allergies, you can minimize the inflammation and histamine production around your eyes in a really big way."
"Low dose naltrexone works by decreasing inflammation, increasing immunity, and increasing endorphins in our body."
"There's a lot of natural foods that we can use to boost our immune function and to reduce inflammation."
"Anything that we can do to reduce inflammation in our body is going to help in terms of COVID-19."
"It feels like it's very nourished, there are so many healing properties in this product that I can always see my skin really decreasing in inflammation."