
Environmental Health Quotes

There are 198 quotes

"Cold, dry air does seem to increase our susceptibility to viral and bacterial infections."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A quarter of the world's deaths are from preventable environmental causes."
"We live much longer, we're much less poor, so there are many fewer poor people. Air pollution, for instance, indoor, has gone down dramatically."
"Clean, abundant energy can free us from the chains of scarcity and environmental degradation, allowing us to heal the wounds inflicted on our planet and create a sustainable future for all life."
"Allergies are the canaries in the coal mine of climate change effects on our biology."
"Hopefully, we can minimize our exposure to [trichloroethylene] moving forward."
"Sanitation: Properly disposing of all solid waste and unhealthy human waste is crucial in protecting the health of soldiers and the local environment."
"A strong economy is vital to maintaining a healthy environment."
"Researchers found a 50% higher risk of Alzheimer's in areas with high aluminum levels in water."
"Cleanse your body, get the waters clean and clear, but most of all, love yourself enough to take time out to do this process."
"We don't need to live in a world where pesticides are used indiscriminately."
"For no other reason than human health, why not stop it?"
"You can't feed the population with perac Ure with small scale farming which is of course untrue you can actually vastly improve the productivity of the land around you."
"Endocrine disrupting chemicals: a growing concern."
"It's not actually, the Great Barrier Reef is thriving."
"Even if you like chrome, you probably would not be psyched to live near or have your kids' school near a chromium smelter or some other facility."
"Optimal human health requires optimal animal and ecosystem health."
"Avoid the dirty dozen foods with the highest amount of pesticides."
"The worst case scenario is fresh air and clean water."
"More people die every year from breathing than smoking cigarettes."
"I call them the three P's: plastics, parabens, and pollution."
"We want to clean the water so that folks can recover and our love the levels and everyone's blood can start to go down and the risk of health effects will diminish and eventually go away."
"Pollution is a major cause of death, full stop."
"The thyroid is like the canary in the coal mine, sensitive to environmental toxins like mercury."
"If we can raise awareness for potential chemical exposures and pesticides... all the more awareness we can advocate for ourselves."
"Overcoming micronutrient deficiencies, eliminating exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals, and natural regulation of stress hormones are key to naturally boosting testosterone levels."
"If you want to live on a planet that is like, you know, has clean air, water, and soil, alright, let's set carbon emissions aside for a second 'cause there's a lot of controversy on that, but like everyone wants clean air, water, and soil, right?"
"If you can trade off something more toxic for something less toxic it's worth it."
"The human body can defend itself very well against most environmental insults... see the body's own detox system."
"This is about water... we want to completely eliminate all lead service lines and pipes. There's 10 million Americans today who get their water through lead pipes even though we know that the safe level of lead in water is zero."
"The health of the planet and our health is one health."
"I think that this is a very, very popular idea that appeals to our sense of who doesn't want a healthy planet, who doesn't want happy healthy animals, who doesn't want a healthy body."
"If we take the necessary steps to start to realign our energy and transportation systems, clean up the air, we will see an immediate drop not just in coronavirus like pandemics but in the annual flu season."
"Unhealthy air quality levels persist across the US, making it the summer of smoke and haze."
"My wish is they have to cancel the coal so that we can breathe Italian air. They must cancel the coal because it's killing us."
"Healthcare begins at prevention, in our homes, streets, and communities."
"Anything you do other than getting 2,000 cars a day from greasy slimy fatty dead decaying flesh is likely to insult in some kind of systemic improvement."
"Let's get rid of air pollution and make their lives better."
"It's healthier, absolutely. It's healthier for the climate, it creates more jobs here, it keeps more money in people's pocket."
"The water coming out of American taps has got glyphosate in it, it's got drugs in it, it's got fluoride in it, chlorine in it, it's a bunch of chemicals."
"Nuclear would eliminate the majority of pollution-related fatality in the US."
"Can we strike a balance between the comforts of modern life and the health of the planet?"
"In a perfect world, we have a healthy environment... lower stress... lower exposure to toxins. I want that world 100%. We don't live in that world."
"The quicker we wake up, the less damage is going to be done and hopefully we can actually thrive on a healthy planet."
"Smoke is the primary concern with tests concentrated on styrene, Benzene, and other toxins."
"Mirror's Edge's image has transformed from controversial experiment to cult classic."
"The number one cause of death in the world is air pollution."
"Costco confirmed they will no longer be carrying roundup or any glyphosate-based herbicides in their stores."
"The virus seems to be unmasking the toxicity of our environment."
"By stopping human activity, we took the cyanide out of the air."
"We constantly fight against air pollution, but do we fight against soul pollution?"
"Let's not let burn pits become the next Agent Orange."
"It's all small things, they add up especially over 10 20 years it adds up and it even begins in the womb."
"The interdependence between human health and planetary health has never been more clear."
"Most of it you can't control the toxins in your environment as much as we like but you can limit them."
"There's concerns about the effects of plastics on circulating estrogen levels."
"Shark populations signify how healthy our oceans are. I love that. It's cool."
"Ecosystem health is not just about soil. It's the whole ecosystem."
"We're not going to take these cancer-causing agents in our water; we're going to protect our children even if you don't."
"Behavioral change will be important in delivering greater progress on air pollution."
"Ditch the pill if you care about the environment."
"A strong growing economy and a healthy environment because I believe that we can pursue both at the same time."
"It is critical that we effectively take action on this issue and improve the health of our oceans."
"Covid19 is tied to restoring the health of the environment."
"Pollution is a big thing worldwide, with around seven million deaths globally per year related to pollution."
"Deforestation is causing zoonotic diseases to spread."
"I've decided the code of nature. Defecating will only be allowed at least 100 feet from the village."
"Roundup kills our microbiome, breaks tight junctions, and disrupts serotonin and melatonin production."
"Your choices are more important than ever: your food, how you keep your apartment, HEPA filters, and non-toxic cleaning agents."
"Being in a place where there's a high concentration of air pollution might actually be creating this inflammatory insult to the brain."
"Our immune systems are being decimated, our biological structures are being changed."
"For health and climate reasons, you have to greatly reduce, not entirely eliminate."
"Microplastics make their way into our bodies and water, causing birth defects, cancer, diabetes, infertility, neurodevelopmental disorders, and more."
"The exposome is the term for the sum total of all the toxic exposures that we get in our environment."
"Your goal should be to be around a healthy environment."
"Public water systems are the number one source of toxins."
"This is one of the greatest environmental health and safety issues of our time."
"Our environment also has to be healthy in order for us to have this overall mental health."
"Asthma, ADHD, Alzheimer's, all these things are connected back to the chemical particles that they are spraying in our upper atmosphere."
"It's possible the idea peripheral carriers that we've talked about and you mentioned interestingly you mentioned airborne particles like pollution right."
"If you live in the city big city you have more chance to develop some sort of dementia."
"Airflow is important. Fresh air in, hot air out. That exchange has to keep happening."
"In all of the scenarios I am glad to say that such worlds are likely to be much more ecologically sound and much less bleak."
"What could be a greater priority than being able to walk out your door and taking a breath of air without sucking up heavy metals?" -
"We have at our disposal already some technologies... to make the planet more healthy."
"Science has shown us what this stuff does to us and it is these corporations that are pushing the externalities onto us to make profits."
"The kids who grow up in the slums around the plant and drink the water have the same cancer risk as people who were actually gassed on the night of the disaster."
"Time out of the environment... I left the active mold environment in mid-April 2022."
"Don't think you're crazy if you go in and you sense a weird dark energy in the building. It could be mycotoxins."
"It's time for us to reciprocate and to create a world where trichloroethylene, where paraquat, and these other environmental toxins aren't around so that we can all drink cleaner water, eat cleaner food, and breathe cleaner air."
"At the final analysis, our health depends on the forest's health."
"tracking and measuring microplastics in our environment could turn out to be vital for the health of the world"
"But even with Lois's amazing efforts to clean up the toxic waste it had a devastating effect on the community."
"I think farmers and ranchers are going to be in the driver's seat for driving ecological health."
"The lifeline of human health extends from the pulse to the planet."
"We eat organic because we think these pesticides and environmental chemicals are important not just for us but also for the Farm Workers."
"Air pollution is just like that if you live with it for years and years and years you won't notice that your lungs are being eaten alive."
"The air here is completely safe for humans; that is slightly shocking but definitely welcomed good news."
"Air quality is a measure or a system where they can decide how good the air is on a particular day."
"This crap is not real food; it poisons the earth, the air, and the seas; it poisons our cultures; it poisons our health."
"If the water is polluted, mudpuppies can't survive. So if mud puppies are present, you know it's a healthy ecosystem."
"There is no life without a biosphere in good shape."
"Drinking water derived from the summit of Fairfield mountain, no additives or chemicals."
"There is no human health and happiness without health and happiness of the planet."
"We are breathing asbestos fibers, and I want to know how much and who's at risk."
"Sea lamprey control is an investment into the health of the environment."
"Sustainable agriculture... just how important cows are to the microbiome of the earth."
"They keep our waterways clean because they eat a lot of insects."
"They're going to be really good at water filtration as well."
"We are creating a future of American energy independence, and yet our air and water are the cleanest they've ever been by far."
"...we work with cities to be able to clean up cities and make sure that we are safely managing the waste that is generated."
"Regenerative ag will be the big step to clean up the communities."
"Filtering your air and water is going to help protect you."
"Clean food, air, and water are critical to human health."
"Healthy mangroves are a good sign for a city."
"If you experience a lot of fatigue and weakness, morning stiffness, you wake up and you have joint pain, that can be related to mold toxicity in your home."
"They make an environment really healthy as well as being beautiful and adding beauty and bringing that joy."
"We can only be free if the earth is healthy, if the earth is safe, if the earth is clean."
"For every ton of CO2 that you don't emit, you also don't emit those dangerous pollutants, so that the health benefit for every ton of CO2 that you avoid emitting is $200."
"Our river is only as healthy as our springs, and so if we are going to restore the St. Johns River, we have to restore the more than 100 springs that provide more than 30 percent of its flow."
"It seems as though the water quality has improved."
"The healthier the soil, the healthier the grass, the healthier the cows, the healthier the people."
"It's documented 30 years without synthetic chemicals; that's why we have boatloads of birds and boatloads of bees."
"We have to take care of the microbes."
"Parkinson's is potentially a preventable disease if we would sanitize our environment."
"They're also what's known as an indicator species."
"We need safe clean water and air."
"The environmental factors that affect our health outcomes are what we are calling the environmental determinants of health."
"The wild Atlantic salmon is not only an indicator species for the health of our rivers but also an indicator of the physical and emotional health of our nation."
"The foundational basis of public health is how we manage humans interacting with the environment."
"The health of the soil, the health of plants, and our health is one continuum."
"The shark's presence was a good sign for how much cleaner the waters of the harbor had become."
"It's really important to pay attention to metal poisoning and metal contamination such as lead and cadmium."
"Having clean air is very important."
"We now live in a toxic world, over 260 toxic poisons found just in the umbilical cord of pregnant women here in the United States of America."
"Healthy soil is the foundation of the food system."
"Our environmental wellness... it's whatever setting or location that we do spend a lot of time in."
"Naturally occurring diversity is something that we look at as ecologists because that gives us an indication as to the health and the stability of the environment."
"The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act... was basically to protect human health and the natural environment by reducing or eliminating the generation of hazardous waste."
"Hydrogen fuel cells being zero emission - they improve air quality by reducing greenhouse gas emissions."
"Pollution kills people slowly but at a higher rate than accidents and other things."
"Keeping animals, wildlife, and the natural environment safe and clean."
"We're trying to transition from one system that's really large and damaging to another that's much more nimble and healthy."
"Lead levels in Benton Harbor's drinking water have dropped to below the federal action level for the first time since 2018."
"If you look at nuclear accidents, they're actually not really that threatening compared to how many people globally die from pollution each year."
"Natural selection results in biodiversity... the more biodiversity you have, the healthier the planet."
"Healthy humans need healthy environments."
"We can use agriculture and these methods to regenerate rather than degrade."
"Maintaining healthy soil is our goal."
"The presence or absence of an indicator species can demonstrate the character and cleanliness of an ecosystem."
"Let's lower the emissions; that's better for everyone, everyone's gonna be healthier."
"The quality of life will improve. Cleaner air, cleaner water, more people employed, a greater energy independence, greater security between nations."
"It's such a pleasure to work in this field, it's one of those things where we can understand this cause and effect health and then basically make it so that as a society, we're healthier as a result of better water."
"Our goal is a healthy and beautiful natural environment which we can all enjoy and which we can be proud to pass on to the next generation."
"The Lake Okeechobee runoffs do not affect them up here, so they still have seagrass beds, they have everything that's supposed to hold bait which in turn holds fish."
"Let's just do without arsenic in the water, shall we?"
"Given the amount of pollution and damage caused by the world's reliance on fossil fuels, it's important to invest in energy sources that are healthier."
"We really need to all be familiar with the term obesogen, understand where they come from, and understand how to advocate both for ourselves and on a systems level to minimize the exposure."
"It's very very important that we look at the healthy functioning of these systems because they support us."
"Good air quality is satisfactory; air pollution poses little or no risk."