
Breathing Technique Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"A growing amount of data that being a nasal breather is better than being a mouth breather."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I'm going to actually give you a secret weapon to instantly reduce stress, and we all do this without realizing it. It's called the physiologic sigh."
"A physiologic sigh is just that, but you're leaning into the mechanism. You take a double breath in: a deep breath in through the nose and a sharp inhale through the mouth at the very top, then let that out with a sigh."
"Lay down and feel the transition from right to left nostril."
"Big breath in, exhale to switch sides, stretching out your whole right side body."
"Just breathe and stay centered in the present moment with your breath."
"Just work with the breath, reach forward with your fingers and then over and out."
"Remember to keep the face soft and the mind calm and the breath and the flow."
"Vocalized exhalation... was able to increase grip strength by 25 percent."
"Slowly in through the nose and then slowly out and keep those even I find that works for sleeping."
"You want to get a lot of oxygen in there kind of helps it out but I gotta say I didn't have a Magna Steyr and I think I did okay."
"Remember, when you're lifting with weights, you want to exhale during the exertion part."
"Good, breathe it up, bring your feet in close together."
"Breathing for me that's a double inhale one exhale two."
"Exhale down, sucking that bellybutton into your spine."
"I like to lengthen the exhales as a way to soften and surrender into this posture."
"Breathing slowly can be a great de-stress tool."
"Consider not what you do but how you do it, anchoring through the left heel and inhale."
"Keep those lungs open; should never be holding your breath."
"In yoga, we use a breath technique called Ujjayi, which is that slight restriction of the muscles at the back of your throat so you can really slow your inhalations and exhalations down."
"Remember to breathe deeply using the breath as a tool to soften into each stretch and release any tension you may be holding."
"Purse lip breathing technique... breathe in from your nose and then breathe out from your mouth as if you're whistling."
"It takes about four to six weeks and then you automatically start breathing with your diaphragm."
"Breathe in for a count of four, hold for three, and exhale for a count of eight."
"The physiological sigh is something that we do spontaneously, but when you're feeling stressed you can do a double inhale."
"deep breathing is going to cut it here right that deep diaphragmatic breathing is going to reduce all of that fight-or-flight stuff that's happening and it will help some of the crampy feelings in your gut go away"
"Breathe so you can move quicker and longer without stopping."
"The Wim Hof breathing technique has been shown to drastically enhance nitric oxide production."
"In order to get the optimum amount of oxygen, you should be breathing slowly, you should be breathing low, you should be breathing through your nose."
"Box breathing is one of the fastest ways to regulate and bring yourself into a parasympathetic state."
"...breathing coherent breathing activates those systems..."
"The one that I have gotten consistently the most positive feedback about is a simple breathing technique."
"Breathing through it, gently begin to rock the forehead from side to side, massaging the temples."
"Physiological sighs you can do anytime you want. When you're stressed, if somebody says take a deep breath, actually it's two deep inhales through the nose followed by a long exhale."
"I learned this breathing technique from the psychic lady in Brooklyn."
"I recommend a 2x breath. Inhale through the nose for 2, exhale out of your mouth for 4."
"And as you inhale from your pelvic floor all the way up to the crown of your head."
"And then you're gonna inhale to lower down, so I'm going to exhale and lift."
"Let your breath get really loud and find a constant rhythm for your inhales and your exhales."
"We want to really utilize all of those little lungs that we all have."
"This is the most powerful anti-anxiety measure I've ever come across."
"Being able to get air in your waistline, so 360, lateral expansion, vertical, posterior expansion, that's a really good first step."
"Big backwards arm swings in three two one let's go start your breathing now."
"Breathing less to breathe right is the number one tip."
"Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath."
"Box breathing is a type of breathing you do where you breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, breathe out for 4 seconds, and then hold for 4 seconds."
"Square belly breathing can be really helpful because it triggers the relaxation response."
"Breathing less air can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, bringing the body into relaxation."
"Breathing: orchestral players have to breathe."
"When you breathe in, you're breathing into your belly, then chest; that's a full yogic breath."
"Breathe in and out of your nose, slow and controlled, focusing on body awareness and proper technique."
"Steady gaze with the eyes, long smooth breaths."
"Breathe smooth, gentle, and controlled."
"Long slow breaths are the name of the game in qigong flow."
"Find a rhythm with your boxing combinations, find a rhythm with your breathing."
"Inhale, expand; exhale, pull gently in and up."
"When we did the right breathing, you actually calmed your nervous system down."
"The more you breathe through these stretches, the more you're going to oxygenate the muscles that are about to work."
"Breathing in through the nose for about four counts, expanding the ribs really wide, filling up the belly with air, and then slowly exhaling for four counts."
"Every single time I put that regulator in my mouth and stick my head beneath the water and realise that I'm breathing underwater, it's just such a cool thing to be able to do."
"Inhale for about a count of four, then just pause at the top there, and then exhale for a count of six."
"As you breathe in, just allow your abdomen to rise, and then as you breathe out, allow your abdomen to lower."
"Learning how to brace your core and breathe at the same time is something you should learn how to do."
"Nasal breathing alone is a fantastic way to force intercostals and diaphragm to really get on board."
"This technique gets your lungs tons of oxygen, helping you focus and relieve stress."
"Don't forget to breathe. Exhale as you push up, inhale as you bring it back down."
"Keep breathing, don't hold your breath. It's not good, your muscles need the oxygen."
"Belly breathing... not just for body armor but also for energy conservation."
"To relax an anxious state, use a simple technique like this tried-and-true stress reliever: stop and take a deep breath."
"In order to inhale properly, our stomach muscles must relax."
"When you do this process of box breathing... it's a very sophisticated but simple multi-leveled practice."
"Feel the breath move into your back ribs, feel the backs of the shoulders open."
"Directing your breath into the front and back of your lungs, feel your ribs move laterally with each breath."
"Place the tip of the tongue on the roof of the mouth to really find that deep resonant breath."
"As you exhale, you'll feel that happen in reverse: your chest is going to release down toward the floor, rib cage will relax, and your low belly will release all of its air as you empty out at the very bottom."
"Continue breathing this way, focusing on belly, ribs, chest, and then releasing chest, ribs, belly."
"Take a deep breath, inhale deeply to your nose, exhale deeply through your mouth."
"Breathe deeply and open your thighs against the theraband so you feel the resistance."
"Breathe deeply and then swing your legs round to the other side."
"When playing a saxophone, we use our diaphragm, which is a dome-shaped muscle, to expel air from our lungs."
"We're inhaling to expand all the way around, exhaling to bring everything in and up."
"As we engage Ujjayi breath, our yogi breath, by constricting the air in the back of the throat, we start to create that gentle sound of the ocean."
"Think about closing space between your thigh and abdomen, deep full abdominal breaths."
"Letting them go and resting your attention back on your breath."
"When you allow your exhales to be a little bit longer than your inhales, it tampers down that part of your nervous system that's ramped up and causes you to feel anxiety."
"Purse breathing will help you slow your breathing if you're feeling a little overwhelmed when you're exercising."
"Anytime you feel like you need to control that breathing during our exercises, we're going to ask that you do that purse lip breathing."
"The process is very simple: you just need to suspend yourself in the water at a certain depth for some time and breathe in the oxygen while noxious gases just escape through your lungs."
"Activate your pelvic floor, tip of the tongue on the roof of the mouth behind your two front teeth, and start to really breathe with resonance, with power, and with sound."
"Find your center line, deep breaths, almost there, keep breathing."
"Connect to your steady breathing here, maybe start your Ujjayi Pranayama."
"Deep your nose out to your mouth, get that oxygen in."
"Inhale both arms up with a full breath, look up at your hands, exhale fold forward, lower your head."
"Limberness in the spine, still breathing in the nose, out the nose, keep a focus on that breath."
"Maintain this light abdominal engagement and breathe toward your ribs and your chest."
"To consciously breathe slows everything down."
"These short clean breaths that she's doing are incredible."
"The first two-thirds of the breath should come from the abdomen... only in the last third should you see the chest begin to move."
"When you do the 4-7-8 breath to trigger a relaxation response inside yourself, you take control."
"See if you can slow down your exhalation, two or three more rounds of breath like this."
"In three-part breathing, we do exactly that: our breath comes in in three parts and it leaves our body in three parts."
"On your exhale, lower your chest first, your ribs draw in, and your low belly softens."
"Pelvic floors should be lifting on the exhale."
"Connect to your breath, slow steady breathing in and out through your nose."
"Take out the pauses from the breath... make the breath really smooth, really easy."
"Remember, we're going to exhale on the exertion; we're not hyperextending through our back but we're connecting with those glutes, squeezing at the top, connecting with the core."
"Breathing every third stroke keeps your stroke balanced and efficient."
"Focus on your out-breath, and you start to feel nervous, you know you're doing something really... you say focus on your out-breath."
"We need to make sure that the breath is conscious, slow, and steady."
"What a way to find the left upper outer corner of your lung, sweet yoga breaths."
"Breathe like about five breaths this way, nice and in through your nose, out through your mouth."
"Hold your breath, go through, breathe out the other side because you know you've achieved it."
"Second punch is a good way to focus on keeping that rhythmic breathing."
"This breathing technique, alternate nostril breathing, is great for creating balance and harmony within."