
Susceptibility Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"Cold, dry air does seem to increase our susceptibility to viral and bacterial infections."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"They don't preordain or determine you to be depressed. They raise a susceptibility."
"There is a proportion of the population that seems to be less susceptible to infection than others."
"It's not surprising to me that these people are very easily drawn to a conspiracy theory."
"Those who stand for nothing fall for anything."
"Because we are, I think... as humans, we are so susceptible to storytelling."
"No matter how smart you are, you are always susceptible."
"I think it's something that's fascinating for a lot of us who watch this, that aren't susceptible to that, and we look as outsiders and just cannot fathom how people so many people get wrapped up in something."
"Representation in and of itself as life's highest virtue is extremely susceptible to all different types of programming."
"Just because you believe you're not susceptible to advertising, it doesn't make you not susceptible."
"We all fall for it, no matter how good we are at critical thinking."
"Girls are much more susceptible to contagion. Girls on the left breathe, they marinate in this victimhood culture."
"People are really, really, really just ready to accept whatever deception comes their way."
"The more you mature, the more you're susceptible to greed."
"You're more receptive to being scared just when it's late."
"We need to understand that we live in a country of 325-odd million people, some of them are going to be susceptible to certain types of messaging."
"If it enters my system consider me dust, paper."
"There is someone out there that can break anything."
"There's always been and continues to be this strain of America that is susceptible to these insurrectionist groups."
"Americans were no less susceptible than we are to health fads."
"How many of you get influenced by influencers? Well, I'm definitely prone to this."
"This indifference to contradiction, this exploitation of susceptibility was a very important test in 2014-2015 for what was going to happen to the United States of America."
"We know that the group that has been most susceptible to the Mana claimed has been the white working class."
"that clickbait works nine out of 10 times on me i love the gone wrong and i'm just so intrigued"
"...the Tiffy radiator which was fed by this scoop made it very vulnerable."
"If we are not yielded to the Holy Spirit, we are susceptible to the influence of Satan."
"If either me or you get a cold I get it in the neck every time."
"Of course, there’s only two ways to destroy the symbiote: fire, and sound."
"You know, using that example, it seems that at the risk of oversimplifying, there are at least two variables at play. There's the individual's susceptibility, and then there's the event or events which, again, can be acute, chronic, or experienced by others that you witness."
"I think it's definitely a mindset and if you accept that it's certain way you can fall into it way deeper extent."
"There is no one on the planet that is not susceptible to being distracted."
"Everybody has some susceptibility to being fed incorrect information."
"Such individuals are easily manipulated by the sword."
"Some specific genetic factors may make people more likely to develop an addiction to alcohol and other substances."
"We have a three year old who is in school and we are just getting sick constantly."
"Human can have either C or Y at this position, and if you have Y, you're predisposed to more severe infections."
"So when we go on an airline, we definitely make ourselves more susceptible, not only because there's lack of humidity, or lack of oxygen, so we're more prone to it."
"Even the best people, even people who are hugely successful, can fall victim to this."
"You have to inherit the genes that make you susceptible to type 2 diabetes."
"Women were susceptible to the COVID virus due to lack of sunshine."
"Reproductive cells are more susceptible to it than other parts of the body."
"Young people especially young men are the easiest to radicalize"
"Good people can do bad... intelligent people can still fall for cults or ideologies."
"For an easy mark like myself, uh, you know, that's it's not too tough to grab me. Just do the right things, play the right chords man, and I'll [__] react in a Pavlovian fashion."
"Children learn faster than adults and have more mirror neurons, making them more susceptible to addictive behaviors."
"Sleep deprivation can increase susceptibility to false memories."
"We all get influenced, right? We all get influenced."
"We're all marks in one way or another."
"When you retrieve a memory from your long-term memory, it is susceptible to being manipulated."
"It's easy to say how could someone get wound up in this but then I have to quickly remember how easily I was sucked into this type of thing."
"Identification of a pathogen of any nature and its susceptibility to antibiotics, antiviral, antifungal is important."
"Every recurrent, unusual, or severe infection has to occur in a susceptible patient because the majority of patients do not have those."
"You're more susceptible to health illnesses when you work night shift."
"Anybody is susceptible to falling into an environment like this."
"The genetic component of addiction is at least forty to sixty percent."
"You're really susceptible to propaganda if your prefrontal cortex isn't working."
"It's just like, yes, it's just opening yourself up to be utilized and be influenced easier by them."
"We tend to be agreeable, conscientious, compassionate, open-minded, open-hearted—all the traits that generally make people good at therapy also make us really susceptible to this ideology."
"If you have stupid people, if you have ignorant people, they are going to be susceptible to demagogy."
"Since it's a new pathogen, people of all ages are susceptible; no one is immune."
"20% of the population carries gene sequences that create susceptibility and can lead to long-term consequences."
"All populations are susceptible, no matter what gender, age, race, or skin color."
"Overcrowded plants are stressed plants, and stressed plants are more susceptible to insects and diseases."
"Most people are very susceptible to these things because they just don't understand science."
"Why do stories work? Humans are just susceptible to stories."
"...we can be carried away so easily by ideas, we're so susceptible to ideas from one side coming and grabbing us."
"Could an interaction that you have with spirits in one place then cause you to be more susceptible to them in another place?"
"The higher your susceptibility, the lower your immunity or your ability to ward off a disease."
"Plants are susceptible to viruses, bacteria, protists, and fungi much as animals are."
"Quantum systems are much more susceptible to noise than classical systems."
"An increased susceptibility to the love extended by others as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend it."
"The flu virus makes [people] more susceptible to things like pneumonia from Streptococcus pneumoniae."
"Roots get suffocated, it causes damage, and now they are more susceptible to the pathogens that actually cause the rot."
"The more a person rejects truth, the more their mind becomes opened up to artificial substitutes."
"Adverse childhood experiences make a person more susceptible to adult diseases, regardless of coping behaviors like smoking or substance abuse."
"Any form of government is liable and susceptible to corruption."