
Work Environment Quotes

There are 691 quotes

"I'm a huge fan of full-time remote work, but I think those jobs have to look very different than like a standard 2019 job."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I believe in this team; I'm incredibly lucky to work with them."
"The art of leadership is about creating an environment in which people can work at their natural best."
"This wasn't like last time; management was helping me. Management wanted me to leave."
"What's going on today in the work environment is like you used to be single in 2005, and you're back in the dating scene and everything's changed."
"I love working in cafes. I literally love sitting there for a few hours, just super intense work focus on one good task."
"We have created a generation that considers any form of discomfort or inconvenience traumatic, which means that literally all jobs are toxic work environments."
"Managing people well isn't just a formula; it's about creating a work environment that allows others to do their best."
"Because everything in IT requires coffee. Never forget."
"I'm not going to go back to working in an office... I get to work naked or in my underwear or whatever I want to do."
"If conservatives refuse to acknowledge the torment that has become the average person's workday, then we will never win them over."
"Unions in video games would be good and would help out in this extremely brutal and abusive environment."
"The pressure of this place is consuming me; it's eating me alive."
"But what makes those jobs not only tolerable but even desirable is that you can develop a tremendous amount of camaraderie around them."
"We're all really nice and sweet here, very positive, and in general, we're a great team."
"The level of unprofessionalism is far too unprofessional."
"Working the evening shift at a highway gas station is exactly what it's cut out to be."
"It's not in your best interest to work at home if you're just sitting in your pajamas in your bedroom. Is that the work life you want to live?"
"The greatest period, not just because the show was successful. It was just a pleasure going to work every day."
"I've never worked for a better human being who cares about me and my family as people than this man."
"My desk is either a disaster or it's immaculate."
"Remove any potential distractions before you start working."
"Don't keep email or any instant messaging apps open while you work."
"A cleaner tidier workspace is actually going to help us focus."
"I leveled out in terms of buckling down, but creativity and energy are rewarded, not punished."
"Jesus Christ, no wonder Naomi stopped working with them."
"Designating a spot to work from home is essential to feeling a certain way about your work."
"nothing is going to kill people's enthusiasm about returning to the office quicker than showing up and realizing that it's exactly the same as working from home"
"I love the challenge. I love creating an environment where people are surprised at how comfortable they are."
"One of the best things in life, being able to work with a super talented group of people."
"I was lucky to be in an environment where the things I created were always accepted."
"I just want to be friends. It gets lonely mopping these floors on my own." - Selena
"Goliath, what a fantastic boss to follow up the humdrum."
"You guys are the best to work with, definitely the best job I've ever had."
"Nothing really to add. The mutual understanding within our crew is fantastic."
"Your sense of humor and spot on wisecracks make the days bearable."
"Choose culture over money. I really believe it."
"I like a clean working space. It really does help the mind focus."
"A clean workspace makes for a better, more productive environment."
"Creating an environment that is comfortable reliable and fits your workflow perfectly is pretty important."
"What I really like about my job is that there's like a couple hours during the day that I get to kind of be by myself."
"Life is too short to work for people like that."
"Just know that all these new opportunities are going to flood in, especially in the work sense."
"One of the attractions of being on the inside of this is that you don't have to take responsibility."
"Why can't we restore collegiality in this profession?"
"Toxic leaders have the luxury of working hard without being abused."
"I was just afforded the opportunity to have like spaces to do good work."
"It's like you're actually just going into some office and just having to like talk to people and shit."
"Having an inspiring atmosphere improves your ability to focus."
"Having a comfortable place to work was a high priority."
"Freelancing really gives you a lot of flexibility in many areas such as where you work."
"You're only here for the people that are working with you."
"Sometimes how well someone works in a team gets really ignored way too hard."
"A lucky few who get to play at work and make it pay."
"I mean, this is mostly pretty loose and us just being in tune, and frankly, that to me is the difference between the people we like and don't like working with."
"Self-criticism doesn't create an environment that fosters high performance."
"Everyone I work with, I wouldn't work with somebody that I'm not friends with."
"You have to surround yourself with people that want to work, have a good work environment where everyone loves what they do because you have one life, no toxic work environments, and show up and do the work." - Kim Kardashian
"I genuinely don't feel pressure that much at work."
"trying to create that environment that's going to lead to your success is a big thing"
"Music is a good Mage while working on Restless projects."
"Life kind of sucks, spending eight hours a day in an artificially lit building."
"Thinking about the internal environment, treat it like it's fun."
"Life on board can be pretty good, you've got your food taken care of, snacks, lollies, all that kind of naughty stuff."
"It's all about creating an environment where crew can live happily."
"As somebody who cares about the quality of World of Warcraft, that makes my life easier."
"To see what you're working on while you're working on it, that's freedom."
"Their success and compensation will be measured against their ability to create safe, inclusive, and creative work environment."
"You have really tons of co-workers, you get paid really well, and you're going to be working with interesting technology."
"Surround yourself with motivated individuals, it promotes a fun environment."
"People are more productive when they're happy."
"The teamwork that I have experienced on night shifts is just insane."
"Put your phone face down, get it out of sight, out of mind."
"Having nice instrumental background music is just by far one of the biggest things that make work feel a little bit more playful."
"I think it would make a more productive environment if you guys deliver feedback right."
"I'm like, 'I can't work here no more man. It's like, it's in my dreams. It's torture. It's who you are.'"
"Everyone is entitled to a fair and equal work environment."
"We're here to ensure everybody has a very fair, livable wage and can go home to their families and look in the eyes and be proud of where they work."
"Tesla creates an environment where Innovation can happen... very few companies have that."
"That's my ideal working scenario, just sitting in the room next door of a game is getting made that I get to play."
"I get pulled in a hundred different directions each day at the studio."
"I cannot say thank you enough. It's hot, it's dusty, the whole shooting match, you know?"
"You never want to work in a place where you're stifled."
"It's time to move on if you're in a place where people won't work with you or won't respect you."
"Everyone's pulling their weight, it's awesome."
"When you're in this place of business, there is no talking. Your only conversation is moving what's in front of you."
"Men at work, limited only by our uncreativity."
"The only people I trust are comedians. When comics come into shows, we're making your life easier."
"I went to work with her and I met all these really wonderful compassionate people."
"Everyone who worked in this home, old or young, we're all convinced that the place was just undoubtedly haunted."
"I'm just so over this work from home thing—bright pink kitty cat headphones in a zoom meeting!"
"People will work in the environment that you give them, and that's a real great thing about human ingenuity."
"The teamwork and the cooperation and the enthusiasm has definitely gone back to a good place."
"The camaraderie was still there, like it was such a healthy work environment."
"It is an open company and an environment where it is easy to express one's opinion."
"It's crazy how a hundred plus people are all working together with no problems."
"I love having a home office...seriously seriously dreamy."
"You weren't on a team that supported you, loved you, or had the systems. I love that."
"Employers need to provide competitive compensation and work flexibility and invest in employees' professional development."
"I need to feel like a superhero when I'm sitting on my desk for a night."
"It's an exciting environment to work in; everybody's jazzed about it."
"Everybody works in the store, they work as a team."
"The port operators were busy unloading ships."
"Don't tolerate having a trash boss just because they're not an infinite minded player."
"Best places to work consistently outperform the market."
"It's easier to work with excited people than depressed people."
"You've created like 20 jobs yeah people yeah yeah it's pretty crazy nice and this is technically you're on the clock right now I'm on the clock."
"Prepare your work area...getting your work area set up and organized will immensely benefit you."
"Virgin Galactic has made an impressive comeback."
"You're dealing with power tools, you got a generator going, you got all kinds of other noise going on."
"The water break now...settling in okay actually first day's settling in okay."
"This abuse isn't unique to game development. It's much easier to abuse someone over the Internet."
"Open and honest communication...fostering an environment where that is healthy."
"What are they feeling? Are they nervous? Are they a bit sick? It's a really weird feeling when you go on a bit of work. Everyone's hyped up, right? There is a rush to it, also there's a cheekiness to it."
"One of the kindest crews I've ever worked with."
"Now you're working from home more than ever, you want to make sure that you're productive, you're comfortable, and you're not getting any muscle tension."
"Oh he's in a tiny car, oh my god, this is my kind of office!"
"Honestly, like people are the most important. You can have all the ability and skills that you want, right? But the people and the dynamic that it builds and breeds is the most important thing."
"If this is where you're gonna spend the majority of your days."
"If there's anyone who doesn't want to work with John, then John, you do not want to work with that."
"Watching people's desktops, seeing how they work, it's amazing."
"You make money through this creative thing, or you just give off such a creative vibe that people just know they couldn't be in a traditional job, nine to five, coming into an office in a suit and tie."
"You need a uniform, something that is consistent so that you know when you put that on you're in work mode."
"For employees, they are much more productive and happier."
"Michael knows how to give people space to work and create an exciting work environment."
"It's better not to work or live one's life all alone."
"He looks like he would be fun to work with. What actor out of the cast would you want to work with the most?"
"Listen to what the employees are saying and that way games can be made in a better work environment."
"I think people want more than just a paycheck."
"I would love to see my character have to do like an internship or like work in like a Korean office because of her personality and how she like is very she likes to be in control."
"Everyone's happy, and I was working there, just spreading love."
"Detail, details, details. It's all those little details that make up for the perfect picture at the end of the day."
"Some people are going back to work you know some people are going back to school some people are going back into the office you know instead of remote work."
"I think what I really enjoy about it is the environment and the relationships are pretty informal."
"You don't want to make it seem like this effort is unnecessary and dangerous; you want to make it seem like you and your co-workers are forced to take action because this is unsustainable."
"I don't need to meet a V.C. I work out of my apartment."
"Consider an environment or a role where there's less stress, where there are no resources pulling and draining from you."
"We're just getting other people rich, all we need is a desk and a computer."
"Rethinking how we wanted to work and sustain ourselves remotely."
"Create your productivity workspace... distraction free."
"I just go down there and do my thing and I think that makes it super fun."
"There's some people who... when they clock in and it's like entering the Gates of Hell."
"Toxic work culture expects us to be in front of a screen for hours."
"Write down 30 to 50 people that you work alongside that you care enough about that you want them to be a part of this."
"Unless you're a blue-collar worker, you're a sedentary lifestyle."
"I think for me it makes me a hell of a lot more productive because everyone around me is kind of focused and driven as well."
"Having a home office somewhere you can just focus on work somewhere that is surrounded by things that inspire you and tools that you use to work better is a brilliant way to prime yourself to get yourself in the right mood to be productive."
"Just respect the other person's workflow and let them try to get their idea out."
"They want to work in environments where there's a chance to focus on learning."
"You can't work without music, rule number one of life."
"Good morning, pulling back into the Freedom Factory, do the signs down up front."
"I love when people are happy doing what they're doing."
"I'd rather work there than an office but the insects and Rain are annoying."
"Just having that safety net, just having that level of certainty that if something goes wrong, you can just turn it off, makes it a joy."
"I think the people you work with is more important the place you work or the thing that you work on just based on my own personal experiences."
"I work in cubes, that's just personally how I do it."
"What is this place? What is it that you do here? Merchandising."
"Our setups have changed so much since we started working from home."
"Don't bottle it up, especially when it's around the working environment."
"My strength is just being creative and I thrive in a very creative environment."
"Next time if it's not there, I'm immediately quitting."
"Finding ways to inspire yourself within your working environment."
"The storyline revolves around Mike Smith coming to work the night shift."
"At work, I have professional relationships with my colleagues."
"Crunch was, and this is me speaking here, professional opportunities be damned, factored into the time budget of this franchise for years and years, that is a fact, that is an undeniable fact."
"Being down in a dingy dark basement when you're having to do something."
"I designed this art piece for my office so I can look upon a battered Knight Radiant and not give up when I feel like quitting, which is pretty cool."
"You want to create an environment that they can walk into and say you know what this is not WWE, I'm happy to be here."
"Silence is the best focus atmosphere when you need to ask yourself questions about an image."
"Deep work is looked at as activities performed in an ideal state of distraction-free concentration."
"What do you think is the most rewarding part about working here?"
"That reminds me of something I wanted to tell you, I've been running the census in the lab..."
"The sun card is a quest for being happy in your working environment, it's also a card of success, of clarity and glory."
"Comfort is priority when I'm recording. I respect that you do your best work usually when you're comfortable."
"Everybody wants to go fast, everybody wants to get paid, but it's also important to surround yourself with people you like working with."
"Many employees expressed their satisfaction with the flexibility and the opportunity to work from home."
"One third of our lives is spent at work and so as you progress and grow, your workspace should grow with you."
"Just a little bit more inspiring for yourself when you know that you're working on a good machine."
"It's so hard. There is no, and gloves, I mean, and that's another, yeah, we haven't brought that up but I was going to say that's very personal, yep."
"Robert noted that one unique thing about working at a park as large and diverse as Humboldt Redwoods State Park is that there never seems to be a dull moment."
"Standard is somewhere in the middle and frankly, I would say it's shrinking because of the burnout that all of these people are experiencing."
"There's only six places to work, so nobody's gonna upset the system."
"We're in a high-stress environment and we want to do the best."
"It's a privilege really to be able to go to work every day with your mates."
"I work with the greatest group of people you can imagine."
"I thought it would be pretty cool to have little to no pressure other than making sure that the coffee was ready at 4:00 a.m. for the morning regulars."
"Having management that has temper problems... if they even give you a whiff that they have temper issues in your interview, run."
"It's about meeting others halfway; friendships blossom, colleague relationships workwise should be good."
"I work from three screens at home because I feel that I can work a lot more efficiently."
"Nice spacious office kind of tucked away from everything."
"All the great shops I've worked at are the shops that I felt safe at."
"Once I started this job, I found that the camaraderie between all the deputies is like kind of like a second family."
"It's one of those places where you wake up one morning and you're happy to come to work."
"Having a great place to work and the capabilities of doing the work that you would like to do is very important in your shop."
"Safety first. I've had drill bits break before and things go flying so always wear your glasses."
"It makes me so happy. I love the clients that come in. They're lovely, my regular clients. It's just, it's family, it's home here."
"It's no longer 100% in-office. It's a mixture. It's hybrid."
"I need to leave, I can't work in this environment because I lose my [ __ ]."
"A change of work environment can change your life for the better."
"People tend to do better work if they're having a little bit of fun."