
Cultural Change Quotes

There are 782 quotes

"You could solve this tomorrow. This is cultural as much as it's tool-based."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We need a complete cultural change away from self-absorption to a world where people have more inner strength and are more caring to each other."
"Western civilization used Roman numerals for a very long time... and then at some point, Arabic numerals came along... why does it take people so long? Well, because the old protocol is embedded in everything."
"We submit to the powers that be and we work to change the culture from the inside, one soul at a time."
"The crudity of the online world is bleeding over into the real world."
"If you're a Christian, you don't believe that values are just constantly updating; you believe in a tradition."
"Changing a culture... requires re-educating adults about the values they learned as children and changing the way children are being educated."
"The culture has changed a lot in terms of how it accepts gay people."
"Cultures change all the time; there is no authentic ethnic food."
"The world has changed. What used to strike us most about visiting Japan first was the abundance of Chinese tourists practically everywhere you'd go."
"We apparently haven't had much change in our gene pool in the past 30,000 years, but we've had an enormous difference in the mode of existence of human life."
"We're talking, it's honestly insane. It would be a huge shock to somebody if they were to time travel from 1922 to 2022 and see our world."
"One of the interesting things in America is that even though organized religion has declined, religiosity has to a much lesser extent."
"It might take breaking out of cultural systems; it might take trying something new to actually see some different fruit."
"A lot of people are suffering...not when we just change the culture but when we address the root cause of everything that's happening here."
"We have to... create a tipping point where we can really become healthier as a culture, where it's not the exception, it's the rule."
"We are going through a cultural revolution right now, and the political power will follow that."
"The savior is going to be a new cultural direction. We're going to have to change our relationship with energy."
"Korea is getting so much better. The progress the country is making as a whole and the people that are leading the progress, like idols like Hwasa, they get so much shit but they're bettering the whole country."
"I feel like for a long time, Chinese girls did not know how to make themselves up, and now they know how."
"Children are the future, and we know from the research there's been a dramatic drop, dramatic I mean staggering drop, in the number of people in Western cultures who will say children are important to me."
"This is one of the great unstudied areas at the moment in terms of the kind of political revolution we're going through, the cultural revolution."
"This is not just about police misconduct, it's not just about needing to change the culture of policing, and the training, and the accountability. I think it's a bigger story about this whole history of racial inequality."
"You are headed for magnificence if you'll allow it; you're headed for a consciousness shift that you can see in your culture if you will allow it."
"The South is receding slowly but gradually, the boundaries of the South are shrinking."
"What was fine a couple of years ago is no longer tolerated because it wasn't fine then; it was tolerated."
"Basketball had become golf, and the Mike we all know would've been the last person on Earth who would ever accept that."
"In today's culture, white people need better white role models."
"What always seems to be lost on the traditionalists and the cultural revanchists is that change is the tradition."
"So let me read the relevant parts of the article: 'We found that for many people in Mexico, the piñata has lost its religious significance and is considered by most to be just harmless fun.'"
"There's no plan to deal with it. What she's saying is we're gonna...change the entire culture of the city."
"If you actually want a serious culture shift in America, you have to make it a culture shift; it can't just be a government shift."
"Politics can change a culture and save it from itself."
"I recognize my responsibility to be a voice, an advocate, and a leader for the change in culture that has begun but is nowhere near finished." - Joe Biden
"The death of woke Hollywood is not coming because it's already here and if these hacktivist types want to blame anyone for its downfall they need to only look in the mirror to see who's really to blame."
"People were evolving beyond the basic good vs evil story."
"We could be seeing the beginning of the end of what is the traditional royal family."
"We now live in an era in which the left insists... that we rewrite biology, language, religion, politics, art—all of these things must be rewritten so that we all stay woke."
"Thank you so much for joining me today and I'll see you in the next one. Bye!"
"Demographics are changing. It's not a traditional America anymore."
"I think the covet pandemic is going to change flex culture as we know it entirely."
"One shouldn’t assume that massively extended lifespans results in cultural or philosophical stagnation but it probably does slow down and dampen shifts in those."
"I think the solutions come in three buckets: policy solutions, legal solutions that could be argued in court today even under existing law, and then most importantly there are cultural solutions."
"I wonder if the next generation of workers in Japan will take on the mantle of risk-takers."
"I think it's a new time. It's a new time for Asian people in America."
"We need a cultural revolution within the gaming developers."
"Rituals of paganism are gone... even pagans who do pagan stuff don't do birthdays with the neo-paganism."
"Despite the cultural attachment to driving, fewer cars on the road will not mean a sacrifice to your quality of life."
"Anti-political correctness is becoming seen...as avant-garde, as counterculture."
"Into the nation's living rooms and kitchens came bright new materials, man-made fabrics, and labor-saving devices."
"You can't change the culture without implying some consequence."
"Changing material things is relatively simple. All you have to do is pull out your checkbook. However, the same is not true of culture or people."
"Can music change the world? Who knows? But it might be able to at least change Hong Kong."
"I always thought America was a beautiful, amazing country. I didn't have to wake up every day and fight for it, you know? Back in the '90s, things were just cool."
"I want to transcend a generation, I want to do something different, I want to change the culture."
"We're in the middle of a cultural Evolution right now. These fights that we're having, this the culture war that we're having, it is a cultural revolution."
"Yesterday showed that Donald Trump and Steve Bannon are clinging to a way of life that was dying 50 years ago."
"People were reading like crazy during the pandemic."
"The change that needs to happen in this country is a cultural change; it will start with the culture and the politicians will follow. It is not the other way around."
"We need some new [__]. We're tired of y'all."
"Cultural shifts are happening faster than ever."
"It's easy to say when something is completely obvious but cultural norms and standards are always changing."
"Appreciation for the classics is dead... not even enjoying the thick beautiful words of Shakespeare."
"As excitement builds for the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, it's impossible to ignore the refreshing newness of this non-traditional British royal pairing."
"Now in a culture that has lost its connection with the Christian faith they take on the form of extraterrestrials."
"Humans could now embark on the happy search for new 'poetries of life' free from religious and other traditional rules."
"The resetting of moral standard in culture is 100% necessary."
"The revolution that we need is a cultural revolution."
"Isn't it crazy though? It's like Nostalgia now when you guys are talking about it as like the new generation like gen Z is like that's like it's like vintage that's like retro for them."
"We have to somehow find our way back as a culture to a place where conversations can be had without hate and without name calling."
"If cartoons came out with progressive stuff there wasn't like a swerving horde of angry white guys online to seethe over it so people just accepted that it was good."
"Change the culture; no violence necessary here."
"In terms of freedom of expression, we were significantly more free at least culturally 20 years ago than we are now."
"We need cultural Reformation globally we need diplomatic Solutions."
"The hope is in Jesus Christ, and that's why we're planting churches, trying to reach people with the gospel, and really change the culture in that sense."
"The apostates stigma has to go, because it isn't just used to hurt us, it's used to hurt anybody who steps away from religious dogma."
"It's not as fun to be raunchy. They don't make raunchy comedies anymore. We'll show boobs at least once during this comedy."
"Every generation has to push back and has to pull but yeah, we're seeing some of the fabric of our culture unravel."
"House Indoril: embracing change through religious transition."
"If you refuse to speak up and defend your rights and stand up for your nation and the constitution, my advice to you is to get, you know, Rosetta Stone Mandarin right now."
"People used to eat Winkles goggles they're not doing it anymore it's such a shame they should be more daring."
"The cultural establishment is crumbling before our eyes."
"De-racializing our political culture ultimately would serve us in the long run."
"I think over the last 50 years we've been told to eat the standard American diet that's not enough time for our DNA to catch up."
"This top 100 list that I used to regard as a list of historical time capsules now looks more and more like evidence of a tumultuous, confusing, changing time."
"Star Wars wasn't this gigantic Disney property; it was like a niche sci-fi or science fantasy story."
"Nothing can be what it was before, all that existed in the past is now offensive simply because it existed in the past."
"I lament what gaming used to be, there was a golden age and we're now heading for the Dark Age of gaming."
"Just like in the comic book world nobody gave a fuck about Black Panther. And then all of a sudden they know a movie is coming and everybody does."
"We are in the midst of the American cultural revolution."
"Ultimately SoundCloud rap changed rap music history."
"So these ideas are still around to this day and it seems that because of the industrial and scientific revolutions and all the factors traditional religion has been in trouble and on the decline."
"You had kids, you had boys and girls playing cricket and watching it, painting their face. It was fantastic. That's gone."
"They don't like how people are thinking and how they're acting and the things that they're doing so we need you to change them."
"The truth matters, period. I fought my entire life to change the whole notion of the law and cultural sexual around the coast around sexual assault."
"To me, Xanax is basically the descendant of volume and volume is really just this 1950s nervous housewife drug."
"The greatest taboo of all is teetering on the edge of acceptability."
"There's a fear of the toppling of the white anglo patriarchy in the U.S., everybody who is afraid of white men no longer being the ones who are in charge are going to be afraid."
"NFTs will be a common lexicon like mp3 started off funny."
"Our jobs going away, our culture being hollowed out, wars that don't make any sense."
"Part of our work is to respect these medicines and then to change the culture enough that people doing them can be respected and held... not everybody needs to do them, not everybody should or wants to."
"I hope hopefully we can change that, we've seen a lot of different people like Donald Glover, Jordan Peele, Issa Rae."
"There's going to be a massive cultural shift."
"You can't try and change the culture without actually getting the boot off of people's throats. So, that is my mission."
"Blockbuster is pretty much a punchline these days, it's often considered to be a relic of an archaic..."
"The collective loss of the Christian faith in the West contributes to the embrace of leftist ideals."
"Meaningful cultural change can't and won't happen when only half of the population works towards change."
"This greatly diminished tribal and ethnic solidarity and replaced both concepts with a sense of shared interest."
"Change the culture, change the people's way of thinking."
"Kissinger represents a moment when American society opens up to cosmopolitan figures."
"Over time, people stopped being afraid of bathing and drinking water, as cleanliness became the norm."
"Korea today is very different than how it used to be... Korea technically still has an imperial royal family but they have no power and no formal title."
"Do we really need these [award] shows anymore? It's almost like a...talent shows or the festivals for comedy...we don't need a new faces anymore."
"It's been a culture shift it's been a political shift um the fact that you had so many obviously a majority of the house voting for the women's health protection act i mean it's this the tide has turned."
"It's a rude awakening, it's a different world."
"We gotta keep going with this, you know, I wanna see more country bands change their names."
"Unlikely as it may seem these two middle-aged men are at the vanguard of a Muslim marriage revolution."
"I think modern women are... missing the gentlemanly expectations of old."
"The shift that we are on the precipice of experiencing as a culture, as a species, is more significant than any shift we have ever experienced, ever experienced."
"I think if men spread the red pill message, we can change the dynamic of how things are now."
"What an opportunity to actually invent the sustainable human and the sustainable culture."
"But I want more optimism. I want us to believe that we can change the culture, and you, out of anybody, one of the pioneers of even having these conversations in this format, you should know that you can change it."
"We both need to be accountable and if we don't like the culture then we both got to change it together."
"It's inspiring, it's let me know that I can do that as well."
"It's a fun movie, it's a great movie. And it also happens to be something that can maybe change our culture for the better."
"The only thing that will actually change this is a quite literally cultural revolution."
"The way to change culture isn't to stay apolitical, the way to change culture is to take sides."
"Is it insane to push towards a society where everyone feels comfortable in their own bodies?"
"We celebrate alleged victimhood and oppression; it's a bizarre reversal of how societies used to run themselves."
"They want to ban Halloween candy in the name of saving the earth."
"Did you ever think that you'd longed for the good old days when all we had to fight about was the definition of marriage?"
"We've got to it's an opportunity to change the culture."
"Give this man the time that he Richie deserves to go in and change an entire culture."
"Starting around 1997, television presented viewers with a radically new idea -- that homosexuality wasn’t a crisis, or even something to be tolerated, but something that was embraced, sought out, and celebrated."
"If you send that message early and often enough, I think over time you will see or can see at least some cultural changes."
"You're about to change the whole culture here, I know the players is excited like damn we got AB around."
"What David did was something that moved the culture to change."
"Poetry was so much bigger in the past than it is now."
"Kennedy's death marked the loss of innocence."
"Maybe just maybe as superheroes stories inevitably sally off to the glue factory we saddle up shoulder our sick shooter and revive the genre that effectively invented pop culture."
"We'll get back to that soon... but now it's Catholic thanks to the Roman Empire."
"Rockstars stopped being cool. Dave Grohl is basically the standard bearer for rock music nowadays."
"We're asking you to take that energy and use it not to destroy our neighborhoods but to destroy the historic culture."
"The America we've grown up in, the America we've known and believed in, is gone."
"Diana's legacy has to be the way that she changed the monarchy."
"Why is it the stories we tell children today have to be so much shallower than the stories we told children a century ago?"
"I wanted to win every week and change I guess the way that we play and change the culture."
"We're talking about moving the cultural goal post."
"Peter the Great would become noted for his westernization of Russia."
"In one of his more, let’s say unconventional moments, Peter even enacted a beard tax to encourage Russians to cut their beards because the clean shaven look was in vogue in Western Europe."
"We are talking about a cultural and economic shift."
"We are living maybe in the last death throes of something that even slightly resembles an ancestral mating system."
"I love how the many many years ago the art used to dictate the industry and now I think it's turning around."
"We're going to change the music on the temple mount. Change the music!"
"What if somehow Christianity didn't stop rising? What if Japan had largely become Christian?"
"A prime example of a good idea turned to crap."
"Try and move past it, try and do something that makes them think. It's harder, it takes longer, but that's how you change a culture."
"The very fact that this conversation is happening is itself a sign of where things are going."
"All great change in America starts at the dinner table." - Ronald Reagan
"Star Wars is one of the staples of pop culture. It kind of changed everything."
"Where will the genderbending prince charming be in another hundred years time"
"It ain't gonna be the celebrities it ain't gonna be the athletes and ain't gonna be the rappers they too high right now they too they too busy to rap it about killing each other is gonna be intelligent black people that's what it's going to be."
"When the axial revolution is coming to Greece, you get the emergence of democracy."
"What they want to do is change yours, your behavior, my behavior, get us to change our ideology, get us to change what we know historically and culturally to be truth and get us to embrace a lie."
"We need some more alternatives to this gangster rap."
"It's only going to get worse, they're trying to destroy everything we used to love."
"It just seems this attack upon marriage, biblical marriage, and the family, it's amazing how quickly this has happened."
"The attack on the nuclear family makes good things seem undesirable."
"The days of watching Grease with everybody looking 30 but in high school are kind of over now."
"Submission is an art that our generation, our culture, our society is losing."
"This is the end of the old Hollywood scandalous Tale of Mr Bumpy Johnson."
"Even 808s and heartbreaks... it changed music."
"Destroy a country's culture, dilute that culture and make criminals' rights more important than victims' rights."
"Teaching modern women like myself how to be more traditional."
"We need a real cultural revolution, like we had in the 60s."
"We need your help if we're going to tear down the high places, give God a reason to show America mercy and rebuild a culture of life in America."
"We acknowledge that this cultural influx is bad, it's corrosive, it's not working and we want something different."
"Human connection, what is going to really change our culture."
"We didn't have all these cool spicy tortilla chips when I was a kid."
"We need to change the culture and realize us as individuals have the power to be part of the change we want to see."
"Let's Revel in the beauty of being part of a revolution, a cultural Financial technological Revolution."
"I just think that the artists have to change their art. They have to change what they're talking about."
"It feels like a loss... I kind of miss this lost art."
"India is modernizing in a very interesting way."
"I'm outing myself as old, I don't think the kids say steez anymore."
"We're witnessing a shift in culture, making once impossible things possible."
"If music was only ever the popular people from the 60s or the 70s or the 80s and then everyone else just wasn't good enough or the times didn't change or there weren't fresh perspectives, it would just be a snooze fest."
"It's just interesting how it's just the whole dynamic has changed."
"Let's change that about Memorial Day, shall we?"
"Once we do that and we hold lawmakers accountable we change the culture and we change the laws in this country we will save lives."
"You're not allowed to have the Boy Scouts. You're just destroying those sorts of things."
"Cancel culture is a very specific thing that's actually happening."
"A snapshot at a changing world, a shift in cultural dynamics that is on display in these final moments."
"Biggie could say things back in the '90s, how has that been erased from the culture?"
"We have to change the way we address some of these problems in our culture."
"Magic and sorcery has been normalized in society today."
"Even in the Pokemon world like somehow the chunky Pikachu design faded away over time."
"Culture is in a process of deconstructing... the basic constructs of male and female."