
Productivity Tools Quotes

There are 225 quotes

"You could solve this tomorrow. This is cultural as much as it's tool-based."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The cool thing about Notion is that you can create your own personalized spaces."
"Notion isn't just a note-taking tool or to-do list app. It's really a set of building blocks that allows you to create the exact tools you need for the work that you want to do."
"We can just leave this now; it's not particularly fast but it is going to automatically get stuff for us."
"I really hope that I inspired you to spend some time organizing your Google Drive."
"If you're somebody who just does not want to pay for to do list application and you have simple needs, then I think Microsoft To-Do is the absolute best option on the market right now."
"Improving task management with sticky notes."
"VS code does a really, really great job of providing you really powerful IntelliSense that you can use to save yourself a lot of time."
"So this is what I do. Quokka is amazing for just a live scratchpad."
"VS Code has a lot of great built-in shortcuts, but if you have ways that you want to customize that, you can certainly do that too."
"An excellent platform for productivity and learning."
"If you're looking for a note-taking application for work or home projects, especially for school work, this is the perfect note-taking application."
"Never skimp on your GPU if you're actually trying to get good work done."
"Sorting and filtering are great things to use the Macro Recorder for."
"Notes actions now support rich text: Finally!"
"Collaboration: Real-time document editing with others."
"Time is money, and this AI tool can actually save you up to 40% of your time, making you appear more intelligent. And it's free!"
"We're going to be creating a report generator."
"I understand that notion is really overwhelming when you first get it, because there's a lot that you can do with it. And that's what makes it so great."
"Not only are we going to compare some benchmarks in real-world applications, but I want to see what is the difference in the speakers, the webcam, the display, and connectivity."
"Focus modes are something new that can really help with limiting the notifications that you get."
"The Teams mobile app allows me to go out and about and still join meetings, stay on top of chats, or even access files."
"Creating a calendar helps you eliminate decision fatigue."
"Planner allows you to organize tasks for your team."
"It's a really good idea, and then also, so for example, you know, as part of my pitch here, like I'm helping the team use notion to build their second brain."
"Samsung Dex lets power your PC-like environment straight from your phone. It creates flexible, productive workspaces for today's changing workplaces."
"Using the find and replace functionality or the trim, upper, lower, or proper formulas that we have in Excel makes your work a lot easier."
"Git lens: visualize git context around files and lines of code."
"VS code liveshare: collaboration made incredibly easier."
"Better comments: annotate and document code more efficiently."
"It's just a very reliable Workhorse of a note-taking app."
"This is probably the most famous lineup of productivity tools for any like creator out there."
"This table does actually come with some cool stuff that will allow us to search for things with the search bar."
"Search folders make finding those things that you're always searching for very quick and easy."
"Copying text directly out of photos...super handy...big time saver."
"Outlook meeting integration with OneNote...pulls all the information...ready to go."
"The richness of Slack comes when you're working together with others."
"Much of the magic of Slack comes from its ability to integrate with other apps."
"One of the things I like about discovering new apps and new workflows is that when you find the right one that works for you... it becomes almost a tool for thought."
"Notion has the whole project task management system and it has the interconnectivity of all these different databases in the self-referencing resurfacing capability of having one database bring the notes and ideas together in context."
"This is an extension of your brain it's doing what your brain doesn't do bringing ideas and information and resources to light in the right context in the right place is what makes them valuable."
"So there you go, 10 iPhone apps that I use to get way more done for my business and stay ultra-productive."
"Autohotkey helps automate repetitive tasks like typing."
"But as of this month, they've launched their brand new software Blaze, a browser-based application that offers all of the features of Campfire Pro..."
"These no-code automation tools go a long way in making just about anything possible."
"Having the second brain doesn't only help you store information, but also makes it near impossible for you to ever have to encounter the blank page."
"Keyboard shortcuts: Type faster with auto-fill and custom shortcuts."
"Now we have the VS code configured with all the extensions we want, let's review that real quick."
"Just how quick and easy it is to get started with shortcuts and just how powerful they can be."
"Easily create lists with Emmet's multiplication."
"Emmet provides shortcuts for common CSS properties."
"You're an Evernote guy... Evernote's awesome isn't it? Yes, Evernote is awesome. But Evernote is not a great personal note-taking app."
"So much of the productivity conversation online today is about the tools. But I've found that it's less about the tool and more about how you use it."
"Collaboration is a new feature... multiple people will be able to work on the same document at the same time."
"This compass of mine made me into a much more productive person."
"GitHub Copilot really removes tedious parts of software engineering."
"Simplify your web development workflow with ZAMP."
"Google Sheets is free spreadsheet software that you can use to get insights from your data."
"Seamlessly schedule Zoom calls within Google Calendar."
"Extend Google Calendar's capabilities with scheduling software."
"Scheduling software: the efficient way to set up appointments."
"The clipboard history feature... lets you see everything you've copied and you can go back and paste something old."
"Espanso is a text expander app... You can define these very short key snippets that when you type they automatically expand into that longer snippet of text."
"Google Calendar integrations: more organized, more productive, less stress."
"Google Calendar + other apps = productivity powerhouse."
"Notion has made enough improvements... that it is now my favorite note taking application."
"AutoFill can really save you a lot of time with just these little micro decisions, these little micro checks to see whether or not you're putting in the right information."
"Definitely the best add-on package is Elementor Pro."
"Bring your couch and desk to VR for productivity."
"Pair your keyboard for a virtual workplace environment."
"Once you're ready to begin a project all you have to do is click and drag that project down to the active area into the in-progress area just like that."
"Buttons now allow us to actually create default tasks inside of new projects that we create inside of Notion."
"These are buttons that give us a single centralized place where we can create brand new tasks, new notes, new projects, new areas or resources inside of the second brain."
"Notion is a fantastic tool that helps you take notes, manage tasks, set goals, create complex relational databases, and formulas."
"Unlock the power of Excel to streamline your data analysis workflow."
"Kanban is a tool for Kaizen. It's a means for us to make things better. It's the tool for Kaizen, it's not just an inventory control tool."
"Templates are a great way to reuse spreadsheets that you've spent a lot of time formatting and that you need to use for certain tasks."
"That's a tremendous value for anyone who's looking to do productivity."
"Focus modes is extremely important... I use it every single day multiple times a day."
"If you do not use ZipRecruiter, you're kind of stupid."
"I think notebooks are great for ideas. I think like a well-managed to-do list is a software product that you need to adopt." - Michael Seibel
"Male tag is a Chrome extension that allows you to track your emails in real time for free."
"Notion to me, Notion is like my digital planner... I really can't live without it."
"Additionally, we have a fantastic pen on here which is great for handwritten notes if you're in a meeting, if you're just in class, whatever it might be."
"Live Text in Notes and Reminders: Scan text with ease."
"Pivot tables: where data manipulation meets simplicity."
"Highlighting the whole row, conditional formatting, and in 2007 and 10 they have a bunch of amazing built-in features."
"Those are my 10 big mistakes that I see beginners making in their Notion workspace."
"Gemini turns it into a searchable format. How cool is this? It found the checkered shirt I'm looking for right and some other great options in no time."
"As you can see it's integrated directly into my Google Chat so I don't have to context switch while I'm figuring all the stuff out."
"Notion is a program that allows you to pretty much do whatever you need with whatever you have."
"The MX series is still one of the best productivity mice that you can buy."
"I would recommend the iPad Pro 11 with the smart keyboard and the Apple Pencil. I think that's an amazing combo."
"These tools make it so that you're gonna save time and money."
"Reminders app: Finally, a to-do list app that syncs across all devices. It's a game-changer for organization."
"If you're a heavy-duty multitasker, looks like the MacBook Pro has most of your needs met."
"It's a great thing that Excel allows you to save the modifications you've made to a chart so that maybe one day you can apply it on another data set."
"Annotate on the screen... highlight, annotate, erase... save web note for future reference..."
"Alright, that was a quick look at how you can start taking advantage of tasks in Microsoft Teams."
"From an entertainment standpoint, a tablet is so much better than using a laptop for like video editing and like the main day-to-day work."
"So you can put your calendar, your reminders, all of these things together on a home page or on multiple home pages, craft them how you want, and all of a sudden you're saving a little bit of time by not having to dip into each of those apps."
"The terminal is a lifesaver, increases your productivity workflow."
"They've got tons of great tools to make your life easier... it's gonna be a blast, guys."
"I highly recommend it just sitting there on the table on your laptop or on your phone or whatever as a rules reference."
"Synergy allows you to share a single mouse and keyboard between multiple computers."
"If you require all criteria then you can use the SUMPRODUCT function."
"We all can work together on an excel spreadsheet and this works with word this works with powerpoint..."
"The addition of workspaces makes rigging, recording, and live streaming easier."
"If you want to save yourself hours, you've got to get AmazeOwl."
"The 7900 is pretty interesting actually for anyone who heavily utilizes multi-threaded applications not just gaming not that exciting there that's normal but for things like the production workloads we do workstation tasks it gets interesting"
"This combination of a nice lightweight high-quality keyboard with the iPad is an unbeatable combination."
"The problem with productivity lies in perfectionism. But the simplicity of an index card really changes that."
"It is incredibly useful, and combined with the database feature, it makes Notion one of the most powerful productivity apps out there."
"Even with the aid of stimulants such as caffeine, medication, and electronic devices."
"We also have a new list that's added by default called completed."
"You can insert anything into it... image, camera picture, scan, PDFs, voice recordings, drawings, or text boxes."
"Trello is a great task managing application that works very well on the Apple watch."
"Notion is like a blank canvas with all the tools you need to set up your own productivity system that can literally do anything."
"It's what tells us what we're doing, and where we have to be, it's what makes Google Calendar valuable to us."
"Scan text feature added in Notes and Reminders for easier organization."
"You need to tell people that there are features in there that no one else has and that they can use to make their work more productive."
"Steve VR beta lets you arrange desktop windows inside your virtual world."
"Siri on the Mac: Search through files, photos, and more."
"Have you ever wanted to take a screenshot and then annotate it by writing on it? You can easily do that with the S pen using the screen write feature."
"Calendly has literally saved me 20 minutes of my life."
"The AirPods have quickly become an indispensable part of my workflow."
"This autofill handle is just a lifesaver, a time-saver for sure."
"Keyboard shortcuts in Teams: Boosting productivity with shortcuts."
"Vim is one of those ones I do consider really important."
"Learning these commands are essential because it just speeds up productivity and you get a lot more work done."
"I can actually format my emails like I would on a desktop. That is absolutely amazing!"
"I think it's really important, I think if you use a mouse you're really limiting yourself."
"Study Quest: a gamified experience that helps you organize your life and build a study system to reliably score higher."
"The Galaxy Z Fold series supports the S Pen, navigate, create notes, smart select, and translate."
"That's a key handler when I press ctrl shift b, I insert dot build."
"These plugins have been a game changer for me. There's plugins to Arch the text without having to use Illustrator, skew the text from left to right and up and down, and just a ton of other useful stuff."
"How to edit a button if it's broken. It's really nice that Notion fixed this recently."
"Co-pilot: a good start for simplifying tasks and boosting productivity."
"They have improved and changed the way I work forever."
"It's worth getting into and trying out and starting to maybe move away from tools that you're used to."
"If you're used to using OneNote, think Loop is kind of the next iteration of that."
"Tools that enable us to do the things we're already doing, but more efficiently."
"...the thing that separates Acaflow from other productivity softwares in my mind is just how flexible it is."
"We use Miro a lot for a lot of our things, especially on the product and design side of the team."
"Google Sheets really is a very powerful software whether it be Google Sheets or even Excel."
"So what I try to get across here is just a couple more tools that help you do what you already do in a slightly more structured way."
"Check that out if you are interested in using Notion as a complete all-in-one productivity tool for task management, note management, and whole life organization."
"...if you want to optimize your time, Cadence blocks or something like Stackable could really speed up the process."
"You now have the power of co-editing or co-authoring, where you and another person can be inside of an Excel spreadsheet, a Word document, a PowerPoint presentation at the same time making changes."
"Even as we are both making changes at the same time in the spreadsheet, Microsoft 365 is keeping track of those version changes as we go."
"ORMs are a great tool that enhance our productivity and save us from writing the same data access code over and over again."
"I absolutely love it. It's completely changed the way that I take my notes, that I organize everything to do with my university life, and I couldn't say more positive things about it."
"It enables you to visualize work how you want to by easily switching between views."
"Now we can put together incredible productivity tools with amazing data dashboards that allow city planners, for example, with no data science expertise, to be incredibly productive."
"Let's add a text field where we can type the name of a task and a button that we can click to actually add a new task to our list."
"If you know how to leverage it, Notion is a brilliant tool to build a customized organization system for your life and work."
"I think Notion is actually way better for implementing PARA than Evernote."
"Unlock the true power of Airtable."
"Going Mouseless with Vim, Tmux, and hotkeys."
"The biggest advantage of power-ups is that you can really handpick what works best for your unique workflow."
"It gave me an opportunity to look back over the last 12 months at some of the tools, applications, and software that have changed the way in which I work."
"With Excel 365, things are made a lot easier."
"The more you study, the more fun you can have with Excel."
"We gradually refine our tasks and our work, and tools for thought lend themselves to that in a way that task apps simply don't."
"I absolutely love all the features of Notion and want to make the most of them."
"It's autocomplete, it's getting the next line, it's doing documentation."
"Power Query is such a powerful tool for many people editing data."
"Hopefully now you have a good idea of the basics of org mode and a few tips that can get you going."
"I've been using something called TMUXinator."
"I think this will work a lot better. You know, a lot more makes sense now about Notion than when I first started."
"I really wanted to beef up or amp up my Notion skills."
"This corkboard view looks very interesting and I think this is what I was most excited about."
"Using the Mail Merge feature to automatically create letters, envelopes, and labels from an Excel spreadsheet."
"Monday.com and agile work really well together, whether you're a software development team or a sales or marketing team."
"It combines the best practices from whiteboards and classic documents."
"Obsidian has quickly become my favorite note-taking application ever, and I would be absolutely lost without it because it is basically my second brain."
"Enable workspaces... it allows you to have multiple workspaces for all your windows."
"Having the right tools, knowing the right tricks, those can all help make your day a little bit more streamlined."
"Monday.com is an amazing tool, an amazing place to achieve that."
"70% of people who do have that Microsoft 365 co-pilot will choose it over a free lunch."
"With IntelliJ and Kite, you can write code so much faster."
"Git is already hard enough, but these extensions make it a joy to use."
"People mostly rely on the tools provided by their IDE bundled into their IDE."
"Using AHK, all I have to do is to select the needed line of the script and press a single key, and like a charm, it creates this subtitle clip."
"Don't sleep on Samsung Notes; awesome built-in functionality, you get the pen included for free."
"We have built several dictionary, translation, and note-taking applications for over 800 million users."
"While the default layout and appearance of SAS Enterprise Guide is designed to help any user be productive, it is worth taking the time to explore the ways that you can customize the environment."
"You have that option with a tool called categories, and it can be very helpful for organizing your email."
"Duet AI in Workspace gives every user a writing helper, a spreadsheet expert, a project manager, a note-taker for meetings, and a creative visual designer."
"We're just starting to kind of open the doors to working collaboratively as teams in Notion."
"This is actually looking at the latest version of a template I've built called Manifest OS which is relaunching in a couple of weeks."
"The wrong tools just bog us down in busy work; the right tools empower us."
"There's a lot of things you could do here with the S Pen and the S Note, those are the perfect combination."
"After your must-do items for the day are done, you should then be armed with the tools you need to choose what's the next best thing for me to work on right now."