
Burnout Quotes

There are 655 quotes

"What's burning people out is they're now in this state where they're saying I'm spending most of my day talking about work... very little time is left to actually make progress on the work."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I think probably what's been slightly missold is this idea that you're going to have a big passion, something you love, it's going to be monetizable, and you're never going to hate it or burn out."
"The best thing that you can do to get back into Minecraft after being burnt out is just take a break."
"When I start to get burned out, I start to be grateful for the opportunity to even be burned out. I start to say, yeah, this is hard, but it's so much better than what I had before."
"Burnout is way overhyped in society right now, and it's causing people to miss out on Big Picture goals that they have for themselves."
"Placing the responsibility of burnout on the individual is a very subtle scam that's happening society-wide."
"There's a gigantic scam being perpetrated right now, and it involves defining burnout as an individual problem rather than a systemic one."
"Content creation has always been precarious, fraught with uncertainty and burnout."
"Restoring the harm to a profession where there's a great deal of resignations now because we're tired of it, we're tired of being used as pawns, we're tired of the moral injury."
"It's just too much for one person...I just burnt out."
"I didn't know that such a thing as burnout existed. Now I know."
"High expectations coupled with low control; that's burnout."
"The first thing to understand is that like burnout is increasing, and the reason I wanted to talk about it today is because I think a lot of people are actually burnt out and don't even realize it."
"Burnout can absolutely be repaired. You can go from completely burnt out to not burnt out at all in loving life."
"I was a burned-out stock market investor... I realized I could not continue working as hard as I was in my 20s when I was older."
"The secret to not burning out is just to enjoy the stuff that you're doing."
"The number one leading cause of burnout is actually someone trying to do a good job in a system that prevents them from doing so."
"Don't play for a bit if you're burnt out, and then come back for the fun stuff."
"Burnout is not just a buzzword, it's a real experience that many of us go through."
"I'm on the brink of a burnout. When you work in a creative industry, you can't just turn out work continuously without a break."
"Burnt out people don't do good creative stuff in general."
"Over time, the content machine wears you down. You get bored of making the same kind of videos over and over again."
"Burnout was something that happened to weak people... cut to three years later, I was as burned out as anyone could ever be."
"The problem with the school system is they burn people out from learning."
"The only thing that everyone agrees on when it comes to burnout is that rest is the cure."
"So, here's some of my final thoughts. I think burnout is the canary in the coal mine."
"My burnout wasn't because I was tired of producing; it was because I was creating what doesn't fulfill me."
"I would much rather burnout than rust out in my life."
"It's the beginning of a whole new relationship that you're going to have with yourself, and that's going to change everything."
"Sinaps burnout takes the crown on account of just how crucial it is to all our powerful feedback loops."
"It's all awesome but I feel like I'm done... I really need to take a break."
"Among Us really fun um i i agree with the burnout stuff like even today like there's not too much."
"We burned out so hard. We didn't play mafia for like months."
"I give up can cancel me all you want I'm a canceled YouTuber YouTuber canceled I don't care I I cannot continue doing this 24-hour challenge lifestyle is not for me."
"That grind just starts to kill the human spirit and it kills innovation and it kills dreams."
"He was just burned out by the age of 42, he had just burned himself up."
"If you ever get bored of Minecraft, you just need to take a break and come back to it."
"Youtubers should take announced PTOs throughout the year instead of going until they crash and die."
"Nobody talking for like 40 minutes I haven't recorded a video in like literally five weeks so I'm done."
"Feeling less burned out also makes one more productive at work."
"Hero pools is like the last straw that breaks the camel's back with all the travel and home stands going on already."
"I just have to take a break. It started to take a mental toll on me."
"Johnny Rotten said it best: 'It's better to burn out than to fade away.'"
"Is this too much content? Is that way too much for me to be doing? Is it just gonna burn you guys out?"
"I lose my inspiration, I need to take a break."
"I do believe burnout is a real thing, but I don't know if I guess I worry that maybe the article especially after going viral now becomes justification for errand paralysis."
"There are a lot of YouTubers, for example, who burn out specifically because they feel that they've painted themselves into a corner."
"We don't invest in mental health. We really don't. Yo, we walking around enjoying nuts, we burnt out."
"Having an intentional morning routine can help stop burnout in its tracks."
"Sometimes people lose that fire that they had, like, they just run out, you know? Certain stars burn very hot and fast and bright, but then they have a shorter lifespan than other stars."
"People get tired. People get burnt out in general. Feeling overwhelmed. Damn, that's definitely unique."
"Life is so overwhelming and so many people deal with it and some symptoms of burnout include lack of motivation, irritability, fatigue, and even more. I feel like I personally have felt that a million times over."
"Some of you are just too tired and you're burnt out not because you're doing too much, some of you burnt out because you're not doing enough or you may be doing too little of the things that make you come alive."
"It can't be more than five years, even I'm sure you've had burnout at some point man, like at some point you're just like I can't dude, I just need a break from this."
"Burnout isn't just the result of working long hours."
"A lot of YouTubers have been taking breaks lately."
"You're very up to here, you're tired exhausted like yeah right, you're burned out."
"If we don't rest, then we are gonna get burnt out and we're not going to be able to get the things done that we need to get done."
"I'm burnt out, I've talked about this a little bit... But lately, a lot of YouTubers have kind of been speaking out about their experiences as an online content creator..."
"The unlikely cure for Burnout: get a second job."
"Creativity becoming a chore is like the worst death of creativity."
"Don't take too much on, you'll burn yourself out."
"Trying to go from really, really good to perfect burns people out like crazy all the time."
"The toll of the road and the pressure has caught up to me and I've hit a breaking point."
"The absurdity of the current situation is creating as much of the burnout as it is just we also have to add these extra hours."
"I don't know what I'm gonna do... might consider taking a couple weeks off of both channels."
"The reality is, if the game developer and the publisher aren't providing you a brand new experience, you're gonna get burnt out."
"Sometimes you try too hard, but it's like you burn yourself out as well."
"Seth Rollins' theme may have the words 'burn it down' in it, but I guarantee that Seth is almost completely burned out."
"Burnout in White Collar jobs is not just from overwork, but from suppressing one's authentic self."
"I might have been in the YouTube stratosphere so long now that I've just lost it."
"Burnout is emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and decreased sense of accomplishment."
"I felt so burnt out. I just feel like I don't know what to do half the time anymore."
"I'm getting really burn out with this sometimes."
"But towards the end of 2019, Felix was starting to feel burnt out on YouTube again."
"I couldn't do it no more and I was getting appearances."
"I need a break from creating content, I've been burning myself out."
"I don't want this to be another one of these videos where some YouTuber complains and ra raah ra says poor me I'm burned out blah blah blah."
"I'm honestly getting worn out making all these videos."
"Fusion could somehow fail because maybe they burn out."
"The vast majority of the people who are super super successful on social media are burned out that's just like or they're burned out or they're on the edge of burnout."
"Mental exhaustion or burnout is more common than you might think."
"Burnout sucks, but knowing these patterns gives some hints as to what we can do about it."
"That toxic culture and Tech of grinding 24 7 and working 12 16 hour days really isn't worth it."
"I've got nothing left in the tank dude, I'm officially over it."
"I've been doing this [ __ ] like non-stop for four years pretty much it's been a long time since I've been like an actual vacation so I'm gonna take one."
"Finally, I came to a point where I just couldn't do it anymore."
"Burnout is the end stage. It's the dialysis of chronic disease, which is moral injury, death by a thousand paper cuts."
"So many YouTubers are taking breaks... it's crazy, crazy, crazy."
"It's actually scary that trying to do a lot of things at once, it does weigh down on you. Get some rest, Mashima, before you feel that burnout."
"I truly wanted to treat myself like a robot and work all day every day and just finish it. I had already learned that doing so leads to the spin out and subsequent burnout."
"The feature creep began to creep: there were wins, many wins, functioning code but also losses. Burnout had taken the reins of the main villain."
"We are on the edge... completely burnt out... our homes are destroyed... we have no jobs..."
"Mayo Clinic defines burnout as a state of physical or emotional exhaustion that also involves a sense of reduced accomplishment and a loss of personal identity."
"Burnout is not solely related to work because attitudes in relationships and family life can compound with high expectations at work."
"Decision-making during burnout is near impossible due to executive function impairment."
"I think I just really burned myself out the last couple months of 2023 and I kind of just hit a wall."
"The very basis for Han's burnout society, burnout fits Han's logic of psychopolitics of a 'yes' and 'like' culture."
"I've learned through the act of burning out what are the signs of burnout and how far you should push yourself."
"We can't just be at a hundred percent all the time because we burn out much faster."
"It's perfectly valid to feel burnt out."
"Sometimes we feel burnt out not because we're doing too much, but because we're doing too little of the things that light us up, the things that we value."
"Even I sometimes face hobby burnouts. It is a real thing, and it can be a difficult pit to climb out of."
"Acknowledge when you feel burnt out and allow yourself the chance to bounce back."
"Creator burnout is huge, we've seen a lot of creators in the space just overdo it."
"It's great to acknowledge that that is a feeling in motherhood, right? Like we get burnt out."
"Modern life is tough, it's really stressful, people are feeling frantic, they're burning out."
"Sometimes to be burned out can be the doorway into life's greatest lessons."
"I'm burning myself out for an industry that doesn't even care about me."
"The production on this show was so rushed and they did so many episodes in such a short amount of time that by the end pretty much everybody was burnt out."
"I think there's a very big difference between treating burnout and avoiding burnout."
"The Vita Activa degenerates into hyperactivity and culminates in the burnout not only of the psyche but of the whole planet."
"In life, people don't burn out because of what they do, people burn out because life makes them forget why they do it."
"Burnout syndrome occurs when the ego overheats, following from too much of the same. It represents the massification of the positive."
"The achievement subject exploits itself until it burns out, developing auto-aggression that often escalates into self-destruction."
"A huge cause of burnout for people is not living a life in accordance with their values."
"I can't do this for another 20 years, let alone another year at this rate, honestly."
"You need to have the whole weekend through to revision, because you're going to burn out."
"Your future self is actually trying to prevent you from feeling completely burnt out anxious burdened and all of these battles. They want to prevent this."
"She'd been an aggressively overworked production assistant and part-time waitress who'd finally been convinced to take some time off by her concerned friends and family."
"The antidote to burnout is staying anchored in the present moment, in the here and now, in the person in front of you."
"...excessive food focus can eventually result in burnout and is probably also just not a very pleasant way to live."
"Hustle culture is here to take everything that you have and leave you dry when you're done and burnt out. It cares about its bottom line, not you."
"A lot of nurses are wanting to leave the industry altogether because of burnout because of fatigue because of just being in this space for too long."
"Helping and fixing is exhausting and people get burnt out."
"If you're feeling burnout, it's important to consider why you're feeling burnout."
"...the actual work which is what in turn ends up like burning people out and you know having people go into these existential crisises of like do I actually enjoy what I do do I want to do something different and all of that."
"Remember, 'No one's denying this is difficult, burnout is a really real thing.'"
"...what happens when you hotshot too long you burn out."
"Burnout is not cured by finding a dream job."
"I just never had the thought that you could be burnt out from doing something that you love."
"Understanding yourself and your patterns, your needs, the way you tend to do things is so important because you can basically try to avoid burnouts as much as possible if you know how you operate."
"They drove Rick into burnout, then fired him."
"She'd heard the expression burning the candle at both ends but she was pretty sure she was also melting in the middle."
"I'm saying close it down I'm saying WWE could benefit from a little offseason or a little break right and I'm just speaking as far as a fan creatively we're all burnt out we're all sick and tired of this [ __ ] we don't want to see this in its current state"
"Some of you guys are just feeling super stressed and burned out right now."
"It's just not fun for me anymore. It's another reason to get stressed out and annoyed, and I'm not about that life."
"You should try to make art as much as you can, but you shouldn't do it in a way that burns you out."
"...kept working all throughout my younger years and the long story short of it is I just had no idea what kind of health issues were accumulating the levels of stress and you know people use the word burnout and I until you're in it and."
"And the final one is misalignment to burnout. Now, this is the trickiest one because this is like a thing that creeps on us over time when the things that we are doing are not aligned with what we actually want to be doing."
"Hard work equals money, and that is one of the most dangerous energy patterns you can have because it can burn you out."
"Literally, a burnout right? I was on fire in the first minute."
"I think my burnout was like I was desperately trying to compartmentalize and brush under the rug that things were not going as well."
"People don't burn out because of what they do people burn out because life makes them forget why they do it."
"I knew working the hours I did would at some point start taking a toll on me, but why now?"
"I retired and went away because I needed to, I was burned out."
"I think we can all relate to feeling burnt out nowadays."
"The more you earn in the gig economy, the more you burn. You'll burn yourself out, burn your car out, and it's just going to be a burnout."
"Eventually you are going to burn out unless you find a way to do it that can accommodate a lifestyle that you are proud to live and not just another replication of an office job you hate."
"One of the biggest helpers to reduce burnout is relationships. Relationships, relationships, relationships."
"Almost anybody can enjoy it. A couple of years ago I was face to face with some serious burnout here on the channel."
"Last year I faced some pretty severe burnout."
"You want to slow down, you work yourself to death."
"It's okay to take whatever is going on in your life, if you need to slow down before you burn out, it's okay to stop and slow down and take a break."
"Seriously, burnout. Sometimes you just need to take a break from the road and slow down."
"Maintaining a healthy balance between serving others and prioritizing self-care is crucial to avoid burnout."
"You know I'm saying like everybody need everything from me and I do it how much how much did you drain yourself though excuse me how much did you drain of yourself a lot my cup was empty by the time I finally got on live and said I'm gonna retire I was empty."
"People don't burn out. They lose their purpose."
"Poor time management can be the difference between you thriving and just getting completely burnt out."
"When you identify with a desire there is burnout. Burnout is a clue to you that you're doing it from the wrong place which forces you back to work on yourself. It's just a cue, it's information."
"I appreciate it, I think it's great advice on book reading burnout."
"Sometimes burnout is not about doing too much, sometimes we're burnt out 'cause we're doing too little of the things that light us up."
"You can say something that's a bit controversial or a bit mean for a bit of attention now, but that just means you're going to burn out."
"Whenever I'm feeling burnt out, I really prioritize self-care. So I give myself permission just to rest and take time for myself. And I choose to focus on the self-care habits that make me feel my best and make me feel re-energized and rejuvenated."
"Every artist has a window that they make their great music, right? And the more music you put out, the closer you're getting to the end of that run. That's the thing that concerns me, is like, don't burn out, don't put out so much music that you burn yourself out early."
"I'm so burnt out. I try so hard to be a good son and do the right thing, and it hurts me."
"Someone here who's been working really hard, their flame's just gone out."
"When I reach a tipping point, when I felt I couldn't keep going at this pace, forget it, I need to take a break."
"All I ever do is give anymore when I just can't keep giving."
"I want to acknowledge... those other pieces of tech that frustrate a lot of people and lead to burnout."
"It's really important to take breaks because you don't want to burn yourself out."
"I see programmer after programmer after programmer burn out, get angry, lose their marriage, lose their health, and you don't have to be a statistic."
"For many of you, you're completely exhausted."
"Do not be burnt out. Reignite the spark in your life. That's what you need to do with BetterHelp."
"We do not want to end up in the burnout Zone where forcing ourselves to act leads to collapse."
"...it's like for me when I'm having the burnout experiences that is my advice that helps me just get through that day just a little bit more..."
"...I think both of our stories you slowly burn out it's almost like a frog in boiling water you don't really realize it's happening and then some horrible decision gets made and then it snaps you out of it..."
"I spend a very large amount of my energy making sure I don't burn out."
"Part of the magic of this song is its haunting ability to hit right at the heart of burnout and frustration, something that most of us can relate to at least at some point in our lives."
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, especially when it comes to creative burnout."
"Avoiding burnout is recognizing it and having the strength to back off and take it slower."
"If you are burnt out, that's okay. You are not any less of a nurse."
"They cheat themselves with these dopamine hits eventually that's part of what burnout is."
"That burnout round was aptly named because these things don't burn like fire, not doing it right."
"I'm probably going to just take a break from live streaming for the moment because it was starting to feel like something that was a task that I didn't love."
"If you're experiencing any type of workplace burnout, seriously consider fleeing your toxic workplace."
"If you enjoyed that, I think you are really going to enjoy this conversation about the seven signs that you may be on the road to burnout and what you can do about it."
"Good burnout there. First of our $100 passes."
"The Daily Grind is a major source of burnout."
"One of my fears from heights is, you know, I won't see burnout coming because now I'm living my purpose, now I am so passionate."
"It is shitty, man, to go out there and make a lot of money and if you're 50, 60 years old and you still got to grind it every day, get up in the morning with this big ass shotgun back in your head talking about get your ass up. It's the worst feeling."
"You shouldn't overwork yourself or you'll end up burning yourself out," he advised Aela.
"But even those who love planning everything are still liable to get planning burnout."
"Recovering from burnout is a process that takes time and actual effort."
"Learning how to manage that [burnout] is part of the job."
"Prioritize your burnout because if you burn out completely, nothing's gonna happen."
"I needed that recovery day and it's, it was good guys, burnout is real."
"Burnout is real, especially if you work for yourself and you have nobody to tell you when to stop working."
"I've been feeling extremely burnt out constantly having to read new things."
"I was burned out because I had been doing this vile job for too long."