
Economic Impact Quotes

There are 3400 quotes

"When we have the cognitive revolution, the sort of cognitive capital revolution, and knowledge work, I think it's going to unlock a trillion-dollar GDP."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The only ones the machines will truly liberate are the rich, whose relationship with these technologies that save money and boost profits is painfully similar to their relationship with human workers themselves."
"Alzheimer's direct cost 305 billion, indirect cost 240 billion right now, and it's climbing up to 1.1 to 3 trillion dollars directed indoor by 2050, which will collapse our system altogether."
"The ultimate people who pay the price are their workers."
"A recent study funded by the Department of Commerce found that GPS has enabled more than $1.4 trillion in economic benefits since 1983."
"Intellectual property law...has been estimated to cost poor countries 60 billion dollars per year."
"The positive impact of immigration extends far beyond the city limits, creating a ripple effect of economic growth and prosperity."
"Due to the macroeconomic downturn and the impact of 3 years of pandemic lockdowns, consumer downgrading in China has spread to the restaurant industry."
"Market values and market thinking begin to reach into almost every sphere of life."
"The economy right now is going through a real shock."
"Ultimately, what this is, folks, it's a sign that the commercial property crash, which I've been talking about over the last 3 to six months, is now finally starting to take hold and impact the banking sector."
"The economic impact is hitting families with full force."
"If you change the world's climate...it will be costly."
"American energy has done more for human flourishing than any other sector. If you take away a country's ability to produce coal, natural gas, oil, you can look at the country of Sri Lanka... they didn't even have gas to cook on little stoves in their homes."
"The one that gives you by far the biggest bang for the economy and for your life is an anti-aging treatment."
"The real concern is the market crashing and the effect on the economy. This will end many more lives than the coronavirus."
"AI could actually decrease inflation, as it will make labor cheaper and we'll be able to produce things at lower prices."
"And while maintaining that capability may come at the cost of tens of billions of euros every single year, so far that seems like a price the French are more than willing to pay."
"A conflict over Taiwan would actually trigger a global economic shock with the potential to completely disrupt the worldwide economy as we know it."
"Medical tourism is a major problem with such a large amount of foreign exchange leaving Nigeria, money that could have been converted to gains for the country if it had a vibrant healthcare system."
"Population aging is like a chronic illness for an economy."
"If the development of a particular type of energy has negative environmental effects, we ought to include the cost of that avoidance or mitigation in the price of the product."
"To slow the spread of COVID-19, many countries have introduced unprecedented measures at significant social and economic cost."
"The increase of knowledge and travel usually is a good thing for economies, it oftentimes signifies an increase of business activity."
"They generate more revenue than the combined revenue of Spotify, Twitter, and Square, and surpass the total GDP of over 80 countries."
"Theoretical physics... appears to be the secret powering our economy. It gave us the worldwide web, the semiconductor, nuclear power, nuclear weapons, communications technology..."
"Rapid advancements in transportation have totally transformed the state of trade, turning merchants into economic juggernauts."
"The interventions that we have had to put in place for this have a very big social and economic impact."
"Retirement is part of the promise of life in the developed world. And if that promise isn't met, it's really going to affect everyone."
"American philanthropy is now $410 billion a year being given away, which is starting to approach the level of nonmilitary discretionary spending by the federal government."
"We understand that high inflation imposes significant hardship, especially on those least able to meet the higher costs of essentials like food, housing, and transportation."
"COVID has literally messed up so many things, like people have been losing their loved ones, people have lost jobs."
"The shareholders win; they get more money which benefits not only themselves but their family and gives them more flexibility, more freedom."
"The real solution lies with parents themselves; it lies in an economy that doesn't drain the parents, that doesn't make them so exhausted at the end of the day that they always just give their children the iPad to ignore them."
"It's sad. It's not even just the restaurant, it's the boutique down the road, it's the person who makes candles, the person who makes homemade bikes being affected by it majorly."
"I'm not sure what a deflationary world does to other aspects of being a human."
"Immigration seems to be a positive impact economically in the United States."
"Even though each bankruptcy of a small business is going to have less effect than the bankruptcy of a major company, they are collectively larger and more important."
"Eric Yuan is worth $16 billion now because of Zoom Communications. He has a tremendous impact on America. He's paying a lot of tax, he's creating a lot of jobs, he's really helping the American economy."
"Poorly educated, sickly, and undernourished economic participants make for a very bad labor force."
"Free markets have stopped people from starving. Only eight percent of people now live below the U.N. line for absolute poverty."
"Inflation now is a hidden tax; it's a silent tax. It affects the people who don't understand money and it disproportionately affects the poor and the financially uneducated."
"Experts believe that for such a vast country as China, tourism's role in driving economic growth is limited."
"To lose the Francis Scott Key Bridge and also have this harbor or this port so dramatically impacted will have a dramatic impact on the Baltimore region today."
"The global pandemic undid almost a decade's worth of improvement in reducing global extreme poverty levels, a reversal of the most productive decade ever for reducing global poverty."
"Congress needs to act on immigration. This is not a Democrat or Republican issue, this is about an American economy issue."
"Gene Mulvihill's contributions to the economic development of Sussex County are unquestionable."
"We can actually add somewhere between four and six percent to the GDP just by closing the wealth gap."
"The new ban is a very bad economic signal for Russia, giving Ukraine and the West a bit of a bright spot."
"People's expectations about inflation actually have a real effect on inflation."
"We're seeing that feed through... that there was a four percent contraction in GDP."
"According to the CDC, smoking kills approximately 480,000 Americans every year. Additionally, the United States spends at least $300 billion every single year on smoking-related illness."
"We know that extended periods of unemployment can mean lasting harm to workers and to the productive capacity of the economy."
"The Inter Oceanic Corridor... could be a game-changer for shipping and global trade, potentially shaking up the Panama Canal's long-held dominance."
"Inflation is a tax, so instead of sending your money to the government, you send your purchasing power."
"Global economic losses from climate change could reach $23 trillion, three or four times the scale of the 2008 financial crisis."
"This commercial real estate depression... is reshaping the landscape of urban centers across the country."
"The impact of the economic world will be larger, longer-lasting, quantitatively higher, and maybe even higher from a humanitarian perspective than the shooting war."
"We can say without a doubt that Maduro has destroyed the economy there. Maduro has imprisoned, beaten, killed journalists."
"If you have good investor protection, it lowers the cost of capital."
"The 2020 pandemic made some people incredibly wealthy and it made other people incredibly broke just like that."
"The McKinsey study... confirmed that these AI tools are going to increase our economic output."
"This is not just about politics; this is about the threatening impact that this places on New York City, on entrepreneurs, on real estate investors, on just business owners in general."
"So much new construction and jobs are created for each game, and if you can do it right, your city could get a beautiful, glamorous little makeover."
"Great civilizations collapse when the economy serves not to elevate but to denigrate the population."
"Countries that use sports and entertainment to stabilize, improve their economy, and put their people out of poverty, which in turn reduces criminality."
"There isn't anything more important to someone economically, practically, socially, biologically than their reputation because their reputation is a marker of their deserved standing in the social community."
"Foreign policy is not something abroad. If we did not handle the Ukraine issue right, each one of you would be paying so much Rupees more for the petrol that you fill in every day."
"What you want to look for now is good investments that are being hurt not because their investment is on the verge of bankruptcy but because the economy is pushing the price of good investments down."
"Assaults on sovereignty destabilize, assaults on sovereignty impoverish, assaults on sovereignty enslave."
"The effectiveness of these raids would vary greatly over the course of the war, but by the war's end, they had had a shattering effect on key elements of the German war economy."
"Every industry impacted, with 42% of job losses expected to become permanent."
"The benefits of globalization... lifted unprecedented numbers of people out of poverty."
"Unfortunately for the global economy, what's going on in China isn't going to be contained to the Chinese economy."
"This is all really bad news for the Chinese property sector but that means it's also bad news for the Chinese economy."
"September 15, 2008, is the day Lehman Brothers went bankrupt. It was not deemed too big to fail, and instead, it failed and contributed to the implosion of financial markets that deepened the recession of 2008."
"The consequences of a debt ratings downgrade extend far beyond mere numbers and figures; they shape perceptions, influence investor behavior, and have the potential to reshape the global economic landscape."
"The overall summary of today's video is that the increase in the price of oil is bad news for the global economy."
"I'm worried that six months from now, our economy is still hit hard, and we have pockets of social unrest."
"AI will be the greatest source of wealth creation in human history."
"It is unusual for these corporations to use their Terms of Service to issue bans to otherwise hurt their bottom line in a way that they don't want to."
"Climate change is very real, climate change's economic effects are enormous, and it is advisable for JPMorgan Chase basically to get out of financing the fossil fuel industry."
"Our humility defeat in the hands of our enemies is forced to open our markets."
"Achieving gender equality could unlock $12 trillion."
"We're buying businesses to own for 20 or 30 years. We buy them in whole, we buy them in part, they're called stocks when we buy them in part, and we think the 20 and 30-year outlook has not changed by the coronavirus."
"The 2008 recession also contributed to the rise of food trucks, with customers looking for cheaper food and restaurant owners looking for less risky overhead."
"The pandemic caused a severe recession with an unprecedented drop in GDP during the first national lockdown in 2020."
"You put $1,000 in the hands of the average American who's just trying to make ends meet, and it's maximal impact."
"The economic costs of climate change are widespread and difficult to predict, making its effects especially dangerous for energy price trends."
"Fossil fuels are expensive. The price of extracting, refining, and transporting fossil fuels represents a significant portion of the household budget for billions of people around the world."
"This war is costing us a horrific amount in casualties and in finance, and what benefits is it bringing us? We're under sanctions from the West, we are gaining very, very little; we're actually gaining nothing from this war."
"100 million people are estimated to have been thrown into poverty worldwide by the economic dislocation caused by the lockdown."
"Every single penny that went into the space shuttle program...was spent right here on Earth, creating jobs, growing our economy."
"States with abortion bans risk losing their economic edge...according to The New York Times."
"The supply chain disruption has imposed new frictions because the upheaval on the seas is slowing delivery, limiting sales, and having significant downstream effects."
"Most of the money that he is now spending is not going to impact how Americans live."
"Prices in Hainan, including those for hotels and food, skyrocketed during this period."
"It's a massive cut, sixty, seventy percent. Nobody's seen anything like this for a long time."
"High fructose corn syrup is evil. But it's not evil because it's metabolically evil. It's evil because it's economically evil."
"The holidays are real even if they are also serving other economic purposes."
"Each expensive missile used on a fake target represents a massive drain on resources for the Russian war machine."
"Investments in infrastructure would be great for the economy."
"We waste an obscene amount of money on car culture and sprawling suburbia."
"When you give people money, they spend the money, which helps boost small business and government revenues."
"The big pain is in not dealing with inflation and allowing it to become entrenched in the economy."
"Investing in SNAP actually had a seven to one payback ratio; every dollar you put into the program gave seven dollars in taxes later."
"Politics gets angrier and more difficult when people's lives get poorer and their hopes begin to fade."
"Serious and for all of you asking when things will get back to normal, here is the truth: The only way to get our lives back, to get our economy back on track, is to beat the virus."
"Tourism not only helps to bring in money but also helps to influence and modernize."
"It's up to all of us, it's up to everyone, to support our local businesses during these difficult times."
"The rise of the working class wages and the lowering of the transportation fare made the trolleys and subways more accessible than ever."
"The technology industry is crashing and as a result, any city that was basing its housing demand and economic growth off tech expansion in the last couple years is gonna get hit really hard."
"The housing crisis in America cascaded the markets around the globe into a free fall."
"The quality of our world, not just the quality of our economies, that is at stake."
"The games industry... last year generated something like 130 billion dollars in revenue."
"Having that kind of activity absolutely destroyed the middle class, the working class, and I think this was deliberate."
"Monetary policy drives liquidity into the financial system, but fiscal policy drives liquidity into the hands of people."
"Bitcoin causes government to shrink over time dramatically."
"According to the Institute for Fiscal Studies, the wages of people in their 30s are about 7 percent lower than there should be based on growth rates before the 2008 financial crisis."
"Everyone's dealing with economic issues right now since COVID."
"The massive influx of Ukrainian refugees has boosted Poland's labor supply, contributing to its economy outperforming the rest of Europe."
"A sudden medical expense could spell disaster for someone's finances."
"Housing has always and will always be key to us as humans."
"This is going to be so costly that it's going to cause leaders to rethink."
"The cost of living goes down and his standard of living goes up."
"The mineral wealth of Congo, a marvel and a curse."
"An elderly inmate costs around $70,000 a year to lock up, two to three times more than younger offenders."
"By 1940, 85 percent of U.S. screw manufacturers had a license for the design and the company grossed more than 1.3 million adjusted dollars."
"The assumption is they're going to get another job, that may very well be true, but it also may very well be true that if you're a small business owner who piled all your savings into starting a restaurant, and that restaurant just went away forever, that is a life that has been wrecked."
"RBS had assets of in excess of two trillion pounds and the relentless ambition of its boss, Fred Goodwin, who drove it to the top."
"The amount of money they're creating out of nothing is just incredible, 1.2 trillion in the last ten years."
"The cost of inaction is high and growing. The time for decisive action is now."
"Shock waves from this very fluid situation are still in the process of rippling through the tech ecosystem."
"The current monetary system allows the banking sector to extract wealth from the economy whilst providing nothing productive in return."
"As the money supply grows, more money is available which can be invested in productive avenues; however, it can also be used to gamble and drive up asset prices."
"By the way the banking crisis drove more than a hundred million people back into poverty."
"International students are a valuable asset to this country; they are bright young individuals that enrich our communities and bring significant social, cultural, and economic benefits."
"You want to do it gradually so you don't destroy the livelihoods of these farmers who've been doing it for generations."
"The ways this will impact our economy and jobs is going to be crazy and interesting."
"This economic growth not only led to an increase in prosperity in the country but also created some massive mega corporations that dominate individual industries in South Korea."
"If you're not mastering AI, you'll be left behind. Companies who effectively master AI will steal $1.2 trillion per year from those who don't."
"Afghan women are not one-dimensional; they are an economic powerhouse."
"Publicly funding schools using government-subsidized money, and then those people getting better jobs and having better outcomes, hopefully nets you more tax received so that you can fund your government better."
"The energy industry is the industry that powers every other industry. To the extent energy is cheap, plentiful, and reliable, human beings thrive. To the extent energy is unaffordable, scarce, or unreliable, human beings suffer."
"The industry had hit $42 billion in revenue the previous year, but thanks to the video game crash of 1983, revenue wouldn’t hit the same amount again until 1993."
"Our cost of climate crisis is only getting worse no matter how much my colleagues try to ignore it."
"If you produce it with pollution and you don't cut back the pollution, that's less expensive. Society bears the price."
"If we don't see that 120 billion dollar aid package go to restaurants, we will see an extinction event of about 65 to 70% of restaurants that just won't make it."
"It's a cultural catastrophe. It's an economic catastrophe."
"The stock market is funny style right now. A lot of stuff is going on because of this coronavirus thing."
"Bank runs, even though they start with legitimate fears, the real damage is often done by the psychological stampede in response to the fears."
"Some of the world's largest companies have been built on providing services through the internet."
"The cost of storm damage has gone up because more things that cost money that we then need to replace are put in the storm's path."
"Inflation is the most regressive of all taxes. Nothing changes in our life, but a family of four living from paycheck to paycheck has to start asking the questions: Do I go with meat, or do I go with a substitute?"
"Stocks fell sharply on Monday as the number of coronavirus cases outside China surged, stoking fears of a prolonged global economic slowdown."
"The depth of the contraction may be quite significant, and exit trajectory drawn out in time because the supply shocks triggered by sanctions are unlikely to fade quickly."
"The technological and economic efficiency of the equipment produced will be less than current ones; ecological standards will also fall as emissions and waste grow."
"Uncertainty... has significant ramifications for not only health but for economic certainty and predictability, which is the lifeblood of successful world economies."
"The only way to get our lives back, to get our economy back, is to beat the virus."
"If the companies don't continue to exist, none of this is gonna matter."
"What we are gambling is potential future economic loss from which we could recover against a certainty of loss of life."
"Nintendo, especially right now, is extremely successful. The Switch is printing them money."
"Immigrants... made paid over 300 billion all in on taxes in one of the last years, 2014."
"Housing, rent payments rose 25%, median mortgage payments up 85%, and very importantly, wage growth has trailed inflation consistently."
"The discovery of the North Field, the largest natural gas field in the world, catapulted little Qatar into the number three position in the world for natural gas reserves."
"I can respect the left's position because I think these loans are predatory, targeting 18-year-olds who are now struggling to have families because they're laden with debt."
"Rising energy costs are no joke. We've seen a 50 to 100 percent increase in energy costs over the last 12 months."
"The difference between cancel culture and regular court is not just we are going to criticize what you said; it is we're going to go to all of the ways that you make your money and make your living and earn your bread, and we are going to attempt to deprive you of those things because we disagree with the thing that you just said."
"If he can make the economy boom, fix our border crisis... make Americans love their country again, all the tweets are going to fall away."
"Global GDP will grow by $15.7 trillion by 2030 thanks to AI."
"The agreement will govern nearly 1.2 trillion in trade, which makes it the biggest trade deal in United States history."
"This is going to save companies that are incredible companies but they're gonna need some help because of what happened a month ago."
"It's painful when people lose their jobs. You're talking about livelihoods, jobs, human beings. It's painful when these things happen."
"The wealthiest generation in history is starting to retire and die."
"Cryptocurrency executive order sent bitcoin prices surging 13 almost instantaneously."
"Some of the revenue from legalizing and taxing marijuana will certainly go into research, go into treatment, go into support for people struggling with challenges."
"Socialism has never worked anywhere in the world that's ever been tried."
"Money moving from the hands of a generation with a high propensity to hoard and save wealth to a generation with a high propensity to spend it is going to cause some kind of boom."
"It's disaster as well for the German car industry."
"I called this a great transfer of wealth because between February and April 2020 the stock market has lost trillions of dollars worth of value and wealth essentially overnight."
"Is this what it was all for? Because not everyone is going to get their money."
"A collapse of Russia could disrupt the flow of oil and natural gas to China, potentially leading to shortages and higher prices."
"Literally a money printer, an automatic money printer."
"The reaction cost more than 6,000 American lives in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and more than 3 trillion in U.S. treasure."
"Put money into their hands and it actually makes it so that people are better able to protect themselves."
"When you invest in something like renewable sources of energy it becomes good for the bottom line."
"The Russians cannot sustain this kind of warfare and these kinds of harsh economic sanctions for much longer."
"It's really important to consider the opportunity cost of people not being able to work."
"The idea that the world's poorest people should be restricted to using the world's most expensive and inefficient forms of electrical generation is the most morally repugnant aspect of the global warming campaign."
"America First agenda means energy independence and the thousands of tens of thousands of jobs here in the U.S. that go with that."
"Artificial intelligence is the engine of prosperity and wealth."
"Break up those alliance structures and suddenly everyone is paying a lot more to achieve the same results."
"Decrim is kind of the worst of all worlds because it does nothing for the economic problems that people are facing."
"If cyber War were to really kick off it'd be worse than you realize Cyber attack continues to plague Montana pharmacies hackers behind the change Healthcare ransomware received a $22 million payment."
"Cryptocurrencies can ultimately be successful only if they're successful currencies."
"Now fortunately the crypto Market is rising because in my opinion otherwise this would lead to a bank run at binance Finance could be getting really lucky here."
"The absence of federal paid leave policies has enormous social costs and economic costs to our society."
"I think there is much more downside to a surge of inflation than upside."
"Empowering women has a big economic ripple effect."
"This price cap will benefit directly emerging and developing economies."