
Light Quotes

There are 6138 quotes

"Light plays a powerful role in our mental health, physical health, and performance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Light, dopamine, hormones have a very close-knit relationship, so much so that your light-viewing behavior can actually have a direct effect on hormone levels and fertility."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This is a really important study because it's long been known that in longer days or in bright light environments, we tolerate emotional and physical pain better."
"The tendency of human beings is always to grow towards the light, to get out of the cold, yucky, dark, gloomy stuff."
"The light of consciousness is the light of the lights."
"The presence of the divine feminine at the center of everything there is light and I am that light."
"I witness the darkness and call on the light with my prayer."
"Your purpose is to be the light and shine the light in the most darkest places and the most brightest places."
"All the darkness in the world cannot overcome the power of one light, one person who believes in you."
"Seek ye ever the oneness eternal, seek ever the light of the goal."
"We die in the dark so that you can live in the light."
"Every time any of us respond with love and align with our true nature as connected, unified beings, it turns up the light."
"Each hour has its color, but color exists only where there is light."
"You have a light that can heal others, and this is so important."
"By taking a very large area of incoming light and concentrating it into a smaller area, assuming you can keep it even and undistorted, you can let the eye see things normally too dim to make out."
"Newton made this remarkable discovery... that plain white light can be split up into a rainbow."
"Quantum mechanics you're always stuck by the fact that the energy of a light wave comes in these discrete packets."
"Where light exists, it is pure, blazing, fierce, but light exists almost nowhere; and the darkness is immortal."
"Maxwell concluded that light is an electromagnetic wave."
"The two most common words used as a descriptor in a near-death experience...is light and love."
"Spread your light. You have the light inside of you; it's meant to be shared."
"Joy is the currency. Joy is the thing we just want as best we can to be a slice of light."
"It's close to night, but the candles are burning to light your way home."
"In the darkest room, you put a little light, automatically, and naturally dispels the darkness."
"Without light, you would not be able to create moods, play around with tones. As a photographer, you have to capture that one moment that is magic."
"All the darkness is being brought to the surface by this influx of light, it's being brought to the surface so that we can recognize it, bless it, thank it, release it, let it go."
"It's so dark right now that the Christian should be looking around asking the question, 'Lord, where do you want to shine the light?' because this is a victorious moment right now."
"Know that you're loved and spread light and goodness."
"Everything comes from light; it goes back to Him as light when it's praised."
"If you wanted to ask how much information is there in the universe, then again, it's actually very useful that information is sort of encoded on regions that are seen by light rays."
"For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light."
"In the end, light emerged victorious, not by might, but by benevolence."
"So they dance by the light of the moon, the moon, the moon; they dance by the light of the moon."
"I'm thinking of you this very moment. Your love fills me with light. I love you."
"Different types of light sources produce different colors of light."
"Luminiferous Aether was a mysterious substance that was long believed to be the means through which light was transmitted through the universe."
"Shine your light on them, even if they don't know it's your light."
"Living in the light is not optional when you choose the light."
"Not all the darkness of the world can put out the light of a single candle."
"Scientists discover how to turn light into matter after 80-year quest."
"Light came. It surrounded me, it embraced me, it seemed to be comforting me."
"We have light and I want a fresh start with you."
"Here, I'd like to begin with the very fundamental idea of what light is."
"When we say photography is all about light - we aren’t kidding. Light is all there is whether you are carefully crafting it or snapping a selfie."
"Circular polarization is another type of polarization, where the actual angle of polarization rotates smoothly as this light ray enters your eye."
"Light is facing everything. Then what do you say about Allah, who is the light of might?"
"The candle is not facing any particular direction; light is facing everything."
"This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all."
"If light can be waves and particles, then can particles be waves?"
"God's love is unfathomable and there is no darkness in union with him because our God is light and our God is love."
"More blue light meant lots of young hot stars that live the shortest lives were present in a galaxy."
"My life was in darkness, but I found light through perseverance."
"Once there was only dark. If you ask me, the Light's winnin."
"The light shines in darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."
"Call on the light to flood out the darkness."
"It feels so good to be in the light like this."
"The light responded to conviction. If you had faith within yourself, within the cause that you're fighting for, then the light would respond."
"I think all the lights will come on and we'll be able to see where we're going, very much less spooky."
"For the first time in European architecture, the aesthetics of light were shaping a building."
"So happy to see Edward get a little bit of light in his life."
"It's like a ray of light coming in the house now."
"Every thought that you think in your skull leaves your skull as a form of a light wave."
"Worry, fear, and angst are no match for your light."
"The strength of darkness is the absence of light, and the weakness of darkness is the appearance of light."
"Let there be light, light, light, and there was light."
"The light will win, we just have to walk through it."
"It's crazy to think that the ancient light which we are detecting from this galaxy now could have come from pristine matter fresh from the big bang."
"When we talk about light and all this, no matter what happens at the end of the day and what we're all facing, you can use your light to burn like beacons against the darkness."
"It only takes a little bit of light to banish the darkness."
"May we be a light in the darkness, shining forth God's love, mercy, and grace to a world in desperate need."
"Healing is an act of defiance when it comes to narcissistic abuse."
"It's cute. It's fun. It's light. It's breezy. I like it."
"We're the light of the world, let there be light."
"Even if it is Paris, you see the light from them. You see it. They're still TBD, though. To be determined. Paris, Paris, guys."
"Light from the earliest days of the universe has been traveling to us for billions of years."
"Sonic's speed is truly imperceptible when you turn on a light, you don't see the beam move across the room, it's instantaneous."
"Light has this amazing ability to dispel darkness, and that's not just a metaphor, it's a scientific fact."
"Light is not only a physical element to these people, it is also a mental and spiritual element."
"One of my favorite places to observe all this light and shadow play is at the threshold of an area where the light from outside is just being obscured."
"We always knew we wanted a lot of light, but until the building started going up, I don't think any of us really had an idea of how magnificent it was gonna be."
"Darkness cannot thrive in the midst of light; you can be in a dark room and it won't stay dark very long if you turn a light on."
"Layering lighter, the key to building depth."
"Humans need light, so I was literally, I need to see this."
"You are made of light, a light so powerful that can dissolve shadows in an instant."
"Shadows sculpt light; they give it its boundaries and its shape."
"The light shall return to me, these words the spirit tree once said."
"The message of Hanukkah is a message of light."
"It's a time to focus on the light, on the goodness, not anything that has a dark tint at all to it spiritually."
"The biggest indicator of beauty for me is when I can see light in someone's eyes."
"You are the light, you are the inspiration, you are everything here."
"Overcoming the darkness with the light - you guys can overcome."
"It brings in so much light and just makes the most beautiful picture out of the scenery that's outside."
"No matter how much we are commanded to expose the powers of Darkness, we have to always reveal the light of the Messiah."
"Generate the light; this is around frequencies, your prayers, your visualizations. Darkness and generating the light is very real."
"This glowstone dust being able to imbue blocks with light like this allows you to both build safely and have whatever block you want in this location."
"The light, it's always been there. It will guide you."
"You are transforming darkness with a capital D."
"She is a light in complete and total darkness, and she always will."
"Every opportunity represents the scratch, every opportunity represents the light."
"There's always going to be the darkness that needs the light... Darkness is not the absence of light."
"This is the time in your life when your light shines very strongly."
"A little light can reveal some remarkable clues."
"The only thing darkness needs to heal is light, it just needs to be seen."
"What happens in the light always comes through."
"If the eye is single, the body is full of light."
"Shatter the darkness with the light we have in the Lord."
"Through the darkness we can see the rays of light... at the end of that tunnel we see light."
"The light, a flood of pure blinding radiance annihilating shadow and color and life itself."
"Stay light, follow the light. We stay light, we follow the light."
"I know that December 25th is the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus... I think it's fitting that we celebrate the birth of Jesus who brings light to the earth at this time of the year when... things are so very very dark."
"As a warrior of light you use no weapon but what may be called the armor of light, the sword of truth, and a wide-open heart chakra."
"This light was released the moment the Universe had cooled down a little, and has been traveling for almost 13.8 billion years to reach us."
"Light in combination with power will grow the collaboration."
"We will outshine them. We will bring that light into the fields of darkness."
"You are the light, you are the candle in the night."
"The darkness flees when you shine for Jesus Christ."
"You were darkness, now you are light. Like, you were darkness. Now you are light."
"No weapon is faster than a laser's beam of light traveling at 186,000 miles per second."
"Jesus is the one true light that reveals everything in the darkness."
"The greatest answer to darkness is more light."
"The universe is talking to us not only with visible light, but with other forms of light."
"Milwaukee definitely has the brightest light."
"The light illuminating from it makes me feel as though people are brought closer because of it." - Narayuki
"Their weapons are the light that pierced through the dark."
"Thank you so much for not only showing the light but for being the light."
"The only difference is that this light right here."
"You have a light within you, a solution to somebody's problem."
"Love is the only thing that is of the light."
"Your soul exists in blackness, it creates light."
"Light is everywhere; it allows us to interpret the world around us and is a crucial requirement for life on Earth."
"Think about getting a more lighter toned furniture... it instantly brightens it up."
"Through difficulty you can find connection with people who give such a light to your life."
"The light floods the terrace level, the mid-level, and the upper level."
"Light will conquer all dark, and when you have that, nothing can go wrong."
"You are the light of the world, and that is reverent and sacred."
"Every color is just different wavelengths of light."
"You represent light, positive healing energy here."
"Light is almost like a nutrient. It's as important as protein, macros, exercise, as sleep."
"It's this one brief image that actually encapsulates what happened with that Allah will complete its light his light."
"All the whites kind of play the role of the sunshine."
"Angels are just angles of light physical reality is created by light."
"We are the angels or angles of light everything in physical reality is nothing more than a picture everything is sound."
"Love and light are the only tools we have that will bring love and light to this planet."
"The event horizon defines what light cannot escape outward."
"God's name is implanted in your heart, your heart turns into a generator of light."
"The example of His light is like a niche within which is a lamp."
"Child of God, as long as you believe in the King of Kings, there's a light upon your life; you have become a light in this world."
"I bring light into the darkness, haha."
"If you're new to acrylic painting or drawing, even when you want to create depth, you essentially need to wrap light around your subject."
"You are a wondrous being of light, there is nothing to change or fix."
"We have to polarize very aggressively towards service to others, towards light, towards the one."
"The mental body is an object of great beauty, the delicacy and rapid motion of its particles giving it an aspect of living iridescent light."
"Keep working hard, keep doing what you're doing, especially if you are moving in light."
"The famous Aegean light dominates this extraordinary villa."
"You can draw strength from within, from your own light."
"You can transform it into light, you can transform it into love."
"You bring a light wherever you go, you bring an upward light movement."
"This is the passing of the Baton of light that brings to a close a very good period."
"Thank you for being who you are, thank you for carrying the light, thank you for rising above."
"I love these windows. The lighting in here is going to be so immaculate."
"Behind your darkness, I'll be your light."
"You are all about light, you are shining your light, you are glowing up, showing up, you are the light."
"Look for the light, there's almost always good."
"We are children of the day, not the darkness, children of the light, not the night."
"Their heart's hanging on to a sense of familiarity that they had with you because I feel like you resemble light."
"Within this fragmented and estranged city, there is still a light known as family that shines for him."
"Suddenly everything around him became calm, and a warm soft light replaced the darkness of the dungeon."
"She said that the closer it got they could see that it wasn't a lantern but a ball of light floating three feet off the ground."
"The light is coming by facing the shadow."
"We are the children of light from a kingdom of light, born to create and co-create the future."
"If the speed of light is equal to the speed of the electromagnetic disturbance, then light itself must be an electromagnetic disturbance."
"Shine that light, shine that light, shine that light."
"You are the world's light of hope."
"The ship that is the church is guided by the light of God."
"The green light does a much better job at removing the red ink, but really this isn't much of a surprise since red and green are on opposite sides of the color wheel."
"...we are just naturally drawn towards the light, and our soul is much closer to the light than we are..."
"Stay focused on the light, knowing that it will guide you forward."
"Not a drop of sunshine is ever wasted not a drop of your light has ever ever ever gone to waste."
"When you radiate the light, the whole world changes."
"You are the light; you radiate pure goodness just by being you."
"Together we are unstoppable; we are the light."
"The light field sensor captures 11 million of these light rays."
"Turbo is great, super buttery, not too heavy in flavor."
"Like a ray of light returning to the sun."
"It's one of the greatest skills a photographer can teach himself: to recognize and learn to recreate good light."
"Light is your number one security tool, you need to have good flashlights."
"I'm the Flash. I'm made of light."
"You're an Earth Angel with a massive type of light that people are attracted to."
"You're heavily protected; a protective light is surrounding you, you are safe."
"I pray that when I walk out these doors, anyone I encounter, that they see God's light through me."
"We don't have a darkness problem, but a lack of light."
"We're experiencing delight, right? This is a situation for you that is filled with light."
"In the beginning there was only one, a single black infinitude so cold and dark for so very long that even the burning light was imperceptible."
"Golden healer quartz is considered a master healer... think of it as golden healing light."
"Labradorite is the stone of new beginnings... it brings light to the dark."
"Their faces were shining like the sun; their eyes too were like a burning light."
"Born in the darkness, who brings the light."
"Life is spiritual; you disarm darkness when you have light."
"Share your light in this profound way with others who will need it as a kind of guide."
"I'm obsessed with how it glistens in lower light."