
Intellectual Discussion Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"We should think a lot more about thinking. We should talk more about it. We should model it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; and small minds discuss people."
"Forty years ago, you had the televised debate on the Dutch TV with Michel Foucault, probably the most influential contemporary French intellectual."
"Yalta European Strategy decided to ignite these conversations for three main reasons: first, mankind is now in the center of big crises and big threats; second, we believe that mankind needs an action plan; and number three, we need a global conversation, global brainstorming on such an action plan with participation of the best thinkers on the planet."
"A dilemma was presented to Kant by French philosopher, Benjamin Constant."
"Rogan creates a unique intellectual liminal zone."
"Let's discuss the theories and then you can decide for yourself."
"Great minds talk about ideas...weak minds talk about people."
"As Brett and Heather Weinstein talk about in their book... we've been completely ignorant to what's called the precautionary principle."
"Worlds colliding: debating the future of left-wing politics with Noam Chomsky."
"If you're ever bored, I recently had a conversation with a randy objectivist by the name of Yaron Brook. It was at least by my standard a fairly good conversation by which I mean I feel like I made him look like an idiot."
"Generally I like the fact that there is a wider discussion surrounding the notion of criticism itself rather than just people presenting their opinions on film."
"A PhD doesn't give magical powers, academia's hampered by markers."
"Topics like this deserve development and a sense of nuance."
"A disagreement is ultimately not anywhere near as important as the logic by which you arrive at it."
"Arguments will rise and fall on their own Merit it doesn't matter who said them okay with that that's the end of this one."
"The highest manifestation of planning... the human condition doesn't get any higher than this conversation."
"If there's debates going on by highly intelligent people on both sides of the argument there's clearly some nuance in what's going on here it's not just a point-and-click kind of answer."
"I love these cerebral critical thinking type of discussions... pushing the culture forward."
"Instead of calling them names, I would rather have an intellectual conversation about it."
"It's not hateful to discuss ideas. It's not hateful to discuss differences. It's not hateful to critique your own country."
"As a Canadian, I'm fascinated with America, and I wanted to offer American thought leaders an opportunity to share their thoughts in a deep dive format where we can explore their ideas together."
"This is a real window when we can get beyond the propaganda and actually have a discussion of ideas."
"The worst people to talk with, the most interesting people talk, people that have strong convictions that match the amount of research and work they've done to arrive at a position. Those are the most interesting people to talk to."
"There were two big, somewhat overlapping debates going on in philosophy."
"I think Dr. Peterson makes a really good point."
"The scholars, they did a great job, great topics."
"I think at the very least it is an interesting theory."
"House is going to be a high IQ conversation, let's get into it, let's go."
"Thank you for joining us, that was a rather enlightening discussion."
"Average people talk about events and circumstances. Above average people talk about ideas."
"If you have enjoyed what I think has been a feast of discussion... please share it with others."
"Jordan Peterson's great, have you watched him? Have you seen maps of meaning? It's incredible."
"I really enjoyed this discussion. Especially the Buddhism part."
"I think all of it is a really interesting discussion."
"The purpose of critiquing art is just to have discussions and try to tease out deeper meaning and truth and find out how it works of art reflect and intersect with our reality."
"If you actually want to do the topic Justice and talk about it like an adult and see the nuance and the complexity of the issue, there are some real questions to be figured out."
"This has been wonderful, amazing. One of the most interesting discussions I've ever had with anyone."
"The purpose of intellectual discussion is promoting truth for yourself and others. If your view can't survive when you treat the opposing views fairly, then that pretty much means your view is wrong."
"I thought both speakers were the opponents both raised good questions and made good points," comments John Ferguson in Calgary, Canada, about a discussion on a difficult passage in the Bible.
"And I thank everything especially our guests Jacques Derrida, Jean Baudrillard, and Alain Gresh to have lent themselves to this improvisation on such a serious discussion."
"It's the kind of discussion what I imagine like when two engineers are talking about some really interesting topic."
"Why can't we just have a smart intellectual conversation and then find some kind of common ground where we relate to the other?"
"I adore the book club chat, everybody is so smart and thoughtful."
"...we need to discuss big issues so that our conversations aren't dominated by little minds."
"AI Salon is really a place where we come together to discuss big questions."
"We encourage you to practice critical thinking and discernment with everything we discuss."
"Talking about those things and thinking about those things while that may be intellectually stimulating is also a way of normalizing."
"We're gonna have some great discussions today."
"It's a fascinating conversation, one that will last forever."
"The discussions we've had so far have all been at a level of intellectual, logical, and coherent perspective."
"Welcome to 'I'm Here for the Food,' where we discuss topics that feed your mind, your spirit, and your soul."
"I do very much enjoy a contentious discussion where I can see both sides struggling with some issue."
"We were just having a discussion of Einstein's theory of relativity."
"This was definitely enlightening; we should have more of these discussions."
"Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, and little minds discuss people."
"It's always a pleasure to talk to an intellectual like Webby."
"Thanks to all for the commentary, inspiring to hear great minds discuss."
"This conversation with Matthew Milliner... was so interesting, and I hope you find it interesting as well."